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Things other PAXs do

RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
So, I've been poking around on some of the other PAX boards and seeing their prep for their 2016 PAXs and they are making more things than just challenge coins.

They make Forum badges

They make Steins

And buttons!

I'm not sure if we'd have enough time to do any of this (at least not the first two...maybe the third...) before our PAX...but it's something to keep in mind for next year!



  • MartossMartoss Registered User regular
    Sign me up for all the buttons! I only dipped my toe into it last year, but by the third day button collecting was starting to become an addiction. Becoming a "button dealer" seems like the next logical step.

  • macrogeekmacrogeek Registered User regular
    The steins were problematic because they break easily and one person basically had to spend their whole pax distributing them in the lobby of the Westin.

    Buttoneering is also popular at Prime/West and new in the last 3 years at East.

  • IrsoolIrsool Registered User regular
    I'd be into Buttoneering if it were to become a thing!

  • macrogeekmacrogeek Registered User regular
    Looks like they did it last year. There are entries on the site:

  • LerlertHerbLerlertHerb MerdwerstRegistered User regular
    Badges have only been produced by @Kropotkin as far as I'm aware. He makes the designing process a community activity, however, he absorbs the entire cost as well. As he hasn't attended South(he's a UK forumer) South has not had them.

  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    Badges have only been produced by @Kropotkin as far as I'm aware. He makes the designing process a community activity, however, he absorbs the entire cost as well. As he hasn't attended South(he's a UK forumer) South has not had them.

    That is indeed true. Also only PAX East and Prime get Forum badges at present, but that may change on the assumption that those that attend PAX South and PAX Aus can take on the mantle of making and distributing the forum badges.


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