
Obama made a move on Gun Control



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    PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 My amazement is at maximum capacity. Registered User regular
    Melding wrote: »
    Melding wrote: »
    Also, i am willing to volunteer to be Queen of Canada. However, I want 60k a year, the ability to knight people and gift land, I get to pick my own heir in any manner i choose, and in return i will appear at all government events, only second guess the governor general public once every five years at most, and not push my own political agendas, even if i really want it.

    Also, sex scandals are on the table.

    Oh, i also promise to not get us into any wars with the french. France, Quebec, and so on. Let's see an England monarch promise that.

    It's a fair deal.

    Important detail: What would your crown design be?

    Shit, uh, damn it i hadn't thought this far, i was too busy not starting a war with the french.

    Can i just keep the same design we have on stuff now?

    I will have to get back to you on this one.

    I figured Elizabeth's regular crown but with dragon designs on it. Gemstones on the dragons optional.

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    MeldingMelding Registered User regular
    Melding wrote: »
    Melding wrote: »
    Also, i am willing to volunteer to be Queen of Canada. However, I want 60k a year, the ability to knight people and gift land, I get to pick my own heir in any manner i choose, and in return i will appear at all government events, only second guess the governor general public once every five years at most, and not push my own political agendas, even if i really want it.

    Also, sex scandals are on the table.

    Oh, i also promise to not get us into any wars with the french. France, Quebec, and so on. Let's see an England monarch promise that.

    It's a fair deal.

    Important detail: What would your crown design be?

    Shit, uh, damn it i hadn't thought this far, i was too busy not starting a war with the french.

    Can i just keep the same design we have on stuff now?

    I will have to get back to you on this one.

    I figured Elizabeth's regular crown but with dragon designs on it. Gemstones on the dragons optional.

    Dragons are done. What about a hydra? No one uses a hydra. or a chimera. to show the multiple ethnicities of canada coming together to create the ultimate monster Nation.

    also, made of titanium, to show the world that we are unbreakable, within reason.

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    SolarSolar Registered User regular
    Honestly I wouldn't swear allegiance to the British monarch

    And I don't mean that as in, if I were Canadian or whatever

    wouldn't do it as me, now, a UKian

    especially as I bet she's a Tory

    like she doesn't vote but if she did we all know who it'd be for

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    OmnipotentBagelOmnipotentBagel floof Registered User regular
    Melding wrote: »
    Melding wrote: »
    Melding wrote: »
    Also, i am willing to volunteer to be Queen of Canada. However, I want 60k a year, the ability to knight people and gift land, I get to pick my own heir in any manner i choose, and in return i will appear at all government events, only second guess the governor general public once every five years at most, and not push my own political agendas, even if i really want it.

    Also, sex scandals are on the table.

    Oh, i also promise to not get us into any wars with the french. France, Quebec, and so on. Let's see an England monarch promise that.

    It's a fair deal.

    Important detail: What would your crown design be?

    Shit, uh, damn it i hadn't thought this far, i was too busy not starting a war with the french.

    Can i just keep the same design we have on stuff now?

    I will have to get back to you on this one.

    I figured Elizabeth's regular crown but with dragon designs on it. Gemstones on the dragons optional.

    Dragons are done. What about a hydra? No one uses a hydra. or a chimera. to show the multiple ethnicities of canada coming together to create the ultimate monster Nation.

    also, made of titanium, to show the world that we are unbreakable, within reason.

    Hail hydra?


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    EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    Green lantern, eh?

    "Where's your mask?"
    "It'll be CG'd in post. Just act like I've got one."

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    MysstMysst King Monkey of Hedonism IslandRegistered User regular
    I like that you threw Char out there first, man. shows your priorities

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    DouglasDangerDouglasDanger PennsylvaniaRegistered User regular
    I should get contacts, so I can wear a mask

    Glasses are a pain sometimes

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    EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    Mysst wrote: »
    I like that you threw Char out there first, man. shows your priorities

    His name was 3 times as fast as the other names.

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    MeldingMelding Registered User regular
    Melding wrote: »
    Melding wrote: »
    Melding wrote: »
    Also, i am willing to volunteer to be Queen of Canada. However, I want 60k a year, the ability to knight people and gift land, I get to pick my own heir in any manner i choose, and in return i will appear at all government events, only second guess the governor general public once every five years at most, and not push my own political agendas, even if i really want it.

    Also, sex scandals are on the table.

    Oh, i also promise to not get us into any wars with the french. France, Quebec, and so on. Let's see an England monarch promise that.

    It's a fair deal.

    Important detail: What would your crown design be?

    Shit, uh, damn it i hadn't thought this far, i was too busy not starting a war with the french.

    Can i just keep the same design we have on stuff now?

    I will have to get back to you on this one.

    I figured Elizabeth's regular crown but with dragon designs on it. Gemstones on the dragons optional.

    Dragons are done. What about a hydra? No one uses a hydra. or a chimera. to show the multiple ethnicities of canada coming together to create the ultimate monster Nation.

    also, made of titanium, to show the world that we are unbreakable, within reason.

    Hail hydra?

    that's more of a skull and tentacles, i mean an actual hydra.

    get one of those mutant snakes with the multiple heads as a mascot until protests demand it be released or something and then i'mma buy a buncha dogs.

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    DouglasDangerDouglasDanger PennsylvaniaRegistered User regular
    The crown should obviously be cocks dicks LOL

    Or just the shit emoji

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    GundiGundi Serious Bismuth Registered User regular
    Maple leaves?

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    MeldingMelding Registered User regular
    The crown should obviously be cocks dicks LOL

    Or just the shit emoji

    this isn't queen of SE++, this is Queen of Canada.

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    DouglasDangerDouglasDanger PennsylvaniaRegistered User regular
    edited January 2016
    Melding wrote: »
    The crown should obviously be cocks dicks LOL

    Or just the shit emoji

    this isn't queen of SE++, this is Queen of Canada.

    Maples leaves
    But like a call of duty pot leaf
    It's made of veiny cocks

    DouglasDanger on
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    MeldingMelding Registered User regular
    Listen, if you want to run for queen of Canada with a maple leaf as yoru heraldry go right ahead, but i'm going forward with the classic Chimera, maybe a chimera with a hockey stick and missing a few teeth i haven't decided yet.

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    SimBenSimBen Hodor? Hodor Hodor.Registered User regular
    Melding wrote: »
    Melding wrote: »
    Also, i am willing to volunteer to be Queen of Canada. However, I want 60k a year, the ability to knight people and gift land, I get to pick my own heir in any manner i choose, and in return i will appear at all government events, only second guess the governor general public once every five years at most, and not push my own political agendas, even if i really want it.

    Also, sex scandals are on the table.

    Oh, i also promise to not get us into any wars with the french. France, Quebec, and so on. Let's see an England monarch promise that.

    It's a fair deal.

    Important detail: What would your crown design be?

    Shit, uh, damn it i hadn't thought this far, i was too busy not starting a war with the french.

    Can i just keep the same design we have on stuff now?

    I will have to get back to you on this one.

    Look I kinda want to go to war against you now, not sure if it's gonna work out.

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    SimBenSimBen Hodor? Hodor Hodor.Registered User regular
    The moment people start wearing potato bags to protest Muslim women, its time to start cosplaying Char Aznable, the phantom of the Opera, Batman, Mr. Terrific, Green Lantern, and any other mask you can think of.

    Throttle according to how dickish to protesters are.

    In this particular case the protestors would see that as support. Rolling your eyes is really the most you can do.

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    SimBenSimBen Hodor? Hodor Hodor.Registered User regular
    Solar wrote: »
    Honestly I wouldn't swear allegiance to the British monarch

    And I don't mean that as in, if I were Canadian or whatever

    wouldn't do it as me, now, a UKian

    especially as I bet she's a Tory

    like she doesn't vote but if she did we all know who it'd be for

    Really, the Queen doesn't vote? As a matter of courtesy or like, constitutionally?

    I never really stopped to think about it.

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    GundiGundi Serious Bismuth Registered User regular
    Hey it could be worse. You could live in the US.

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    MeldingMelding Registered User regular
    SimBen wrote: »
    Melding wrote: »
    Melding wrote: »
    Also, i am willing to volunteer to be Queen of Canada. However, I want 60k a year, the ability to knight people and gift land, I get to pick my own heir in any manner i choose, and in return i will appear at all government events, only second guess the governor general public once every five years at most, and not push my own political agendas, even if i really want it.

    Also, sex scandals are on the table.

    Oh, i also promise to not get us into any wars with the french. France, Quebec, and so on. Let's see an England monarch promise that.

    It's a fair deal.

    Important detail: What would your crown design be?

    Shit, uh, damn it i hadn't thought this far, i was too busy not starting a war with the french.

    Can i just keep the same design we have on stuff now?

    I will have to get back to you on this one.

    Look I kinda want to go to war against you now, not sure if it's gonna work out.

    Technically, that's you starting the war with me so my statement is still true.

    I also did not promise not the further antagonize threats of war.

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    GundiGundi Serious Bismuth Registered User regular
    edited January 2016
    Oh speaking of shitty US stuff: in my state because of the state's government's increased funding of charter schools at the cost of the public education system, it's both caused a number of schools in the poorer counties to close while at the same time allowing for a return of defacto segregration thanks to tons of all-white, christian, fails-to-meet-even-North-Carolina's-laughable-education-standards, charter schools.

    Basically government funding of charter schools are the worst, and the state legislature continues to insist on supporting them even after a scathing report saying that the overwhelming majority of them totally failed to meet the core curriculum. And it's not like our core curriculum is great, and it's not like almost any of the local school systems are great... so be found wanting even against their standards really says something.

    Gundi on
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    Dead LegendDead Legend Registered User regular
    man I can't wait to get into education

    diablo III - beardsnbeer#1508 Mechwarrior Online - Rusty Bock
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    ZonugalZonugal (He/Him) The Holiday Armadillo I'm Santa's representative for all the southern states. And Mexico!Registered User regular
    Education is literally a snake pit.

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    JarsJars Registered User regular
    so the black kids don't get to go to school, and the white kids do get to go but their schools are shitty?

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    GundiGundi Serious Bismuth Registered User regular
    edited January 2016
    Black kids get to go crowded, understaffed, underfunded schools; white (and rich) kids get to go to schools that teach creationism.

    Edit: To be fair there are also a lot of all black charter schools.(Less than the all-white ones but still a sizable number.) But regardless either way they aren't very good and aren't well integrated.

    Gundi on
  • Options
    Metzger MeisterMetzger Meister It Gets Worse before it gets any better.Registered User regular
    Ultimately I really would like to become an educator as well. Wanna teach high-school or junior high theater classes!

    Haha, wait how silly, those won't be a thing soon.

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    Caulk Bite 6Caulk Bite 6 One of the multitude of Dans infesting this place Registered User regular

    I had a street vendor kebab when I was in NYC.

    It was about 67% char, by weight.

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    joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular
    I should get contacts, so I can wear a mask

    Glasses are a pain sometimes

    I like how when Spider Man gets bitten and gains all the powers of a spider, his vision gets better so he doesn't have to wear glasses anymore

    Spiders have awful vision!

    Peter Parker would have needed some goddamn eye surgery after that if they weren't just handwaving things so he could look cool in his costume

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    EnlongEnlong Registered User regular
    You start talking about spider realism, and that's a road that ends with Peter spewing webs out his butt. Let's not.

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    joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular
    Enlong wrote: »
    You start talking about spider realism, and that's a road that ends with Peter spewing webs out his butt. Let's not.

    Obligatory Venture Bros. mention

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    Caulk Bite 6Caulk Bite 6 One of the multitude of Dans infesting this place Registered User regular
    Enlong wrote: »
    You start talking about spider realism, and that's a road that ends with Peter spewing webs out his butt. Let's not.

    It's not always a bad thing

  • Options
    Dead LegendDead Legend Registered User regular
    Ultimately I really would like to become an educator as well. Wanna teach high-school or junior high theater classes!

    Haha, wait how silly, those won't be a thing soon.

    I literally just started my alternative certification for teaching.

    If I'd taken like two more classes in grad school I'd be certified

    diablo III - beardsnbeer#1508 Mechwarrior Online - Rusty Bock
  • Options
    Metzger MeisterMetzger Meister It Gets Worse before it gets any better.Registered User regular
    I should get contacts, so I can wear a mask

    Glasses are a pain sometimes

    I like how when Spider Man gets bitten and gains all the powers of a spider, his vision gets better so he doesn't have to wear glasses anymore

    Spiders have awful vision!

    Peter Parker would have needed some goddamn eye surgery after that if they weren't just handwaving things so he could look cool in his costume

    yeah but spiders have, like, a bunch of eyeballs, so when you condense that down into just two regular eyeballs it, like, makes them better?

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    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    Everything I've heard about the Queen indicates she's actually kind of rad.

    At the very least, she's willing to give the Saudi King a whole bunch of shit.

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    OptyOpty Registered User regular
    Gundi wrote: »
    Black kids get to go crowded, understaffed, underfunded schools; white (and rich) kids get to go to schools that teach creationism.

    Edit: To be fair there are also a lot of all black charter schools.(Less than the all-white ones but still a sizable number.) But regardless either way they aren't very good and aren't well integrated.

    The funny thing is all of the "save our charter schools" ads I've seen on TV focus entirely on those black schools to try and make the argument racially tinged rather than it being about their school's funding being blatantly unconstitutional to the point it shouldn't have been approved in the first place.

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    Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited January 2016
    Melding wrote: »
    Melding wrote: »
    Melding wrote: »
    Also, i am willing to volunteer to be Queen of Canada. However, I want 60k a year, the ability to knight people and gift land, I get to pick my own heir in any manner i choose, and in return i will appear at all government events, only second guess the governor general public once every five years at most, and not push my own political agendas, even if i really want it.

    Also, sex scandals are on the table.

    Oh, i also promise to not get us into any wars with the french. France, Quebec, and so on. Let's see an England monarch promise that.

    It's a fair deal.

    Important detail: What would your crown design be?

    Shit, uh, damn it i hadn't thought this far, i was too busy not starting a war with the french.

    Can i just keep the same design we have on stuff now?

    I will have to get back to you on this one.

    I figured Elizabeth's regular crown but with dragon designs on it. Gemstones on the dragons optional.

    Dragons are done. What about a hydra? No one uses a hydra. or a chimera. to show the multiple ethnicities of canada coming together to create the ultimate monster Nation.

    also, made of titanium, to show the world that we are unbreakable, within reason.

    What about Echidna, the mother of all monsters?

    Munkus Beaver on
    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
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    JunpeiJunpei Registered User regular
    Solar wrote: »
    Honestly I wouldn't swear allegiance to the British monarch

    And I don't mean that as in, if I were Canadian or whatever

    wouldn't do it as me, now, a UKian

    especially as I bet she's a Tory

    like she doesn't vote but if she did we all know who it'd be for

    Yup, UKIP.

  • Options
    MeldingMelding Registered User regular
    Melding wrote: »
    Melding wrote: »
    Melding wrote: »
    Also, i am willing to volunteer to be Queen of Canada. However, I want 60k a year, the ability to knight people and gift land, I get to pick my own heir in any manner i choose, and in return i will appear at all government events, only second guess the governor general public once every five years at most, and not push my own political agendas, even if i really want it.

    Also, sex scandals are on the table.

    Oh, i also promise to not get us into any wars with the french. France, Quebec, and so on. Let's see an England monarch promise that.

    It's a fair deal.

    Important detail: What would your crown design be?

    Shit, uh, damn it i hadn't thought this far, i was too busy not starting a war with the french.

    Can i just keep the same design we have on stuff now?

    I will have to get back to you on this one.

    I figured Elizabeth's regular crown but with dragon designs on it. Gemstones on the dragons optional.

    Dragons are done. What about a hydra? No one uses a hydra. or a chimera. to show the multiple ethnicities of canada coming together to create the ultimate monster Nation.

    also, made of titanium, to show the world that we are unbreakable, within reason.

    What about Echidna, the mother of all monsters?

    i don't intend to lead a nation of monsters. and by lead i mean get paid to make public appearances and live in government own buildings having no real effect on policy.

    also there doesn't seem to be any surviving depictions of her so that would make it hard.

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    SolarSolar Registered User regular
    SimBen wrote: »
    Solar wrote: »
    Honestly I wouldn't swear allegiance to the British monarch

    And I don't mean that as in, if I were Canadian or whatever

    wouldn't do it as me, now, a UKian

    especially as I bet she's a Tory

    like she doesn't vote but if she did we all know who it'd be for

    Really, the Queen doesn't vote? As a matter of courtesy or like, constitutionally?

    I never really stopped to think about it.

    She can, I think

    but she doesn't

    She can't go into the House of Commons, though. Not allowed by law. That's why when she does her speech to parliament they all have to crowd into the Lords.

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    HobnailHobnail Registered User regular
    If the Queen did enter the House of Commons which would combust, her or the chamber

    Broke as fuck and the bills past due, all amounts assist and are kindly received.

This discussion has been closed.