How do I get started trading?
Hello everyone. Im brand new to collecting. I went to a panel at Pax South 2016 so I could check out Pinny Arcade and I got sucked in. I'm looking for some tips on trading. I'm not really interested in being a hardcore collector and getting everything; I'd like to get the pins from games/shows that I love and pins that look really cool.
I really don't want to trade the first pins I got because I really like them, they're a little sentimental because they're my first ones (but I guess I could if I had to). So it seems like I either need to buy a bunch of random pins just so I'm able to trade, or only buying the ones I like on ebay or something.
I'm such a noob. Please save me
Direct link for the video is here:
At each PAX you should find a Pinny Arcade panel which will helpfully tell you about that PAX's pins, how to get them, how to get started with collecting, how to trade, what to trade, what to collect and where to purchase. Asking questions on this very forum is a great start too - and our community resource hub found here:
should also really help. If you have any specific questions, after you've checked those out, come on back and ask and I'm sure we can help.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
Psssssttt... Hey @fishfishmonkeyhat, link the Aus panel. 8-)
"Damn fine pins!"
Pinny Pals Lanyard
1) What's your budget?
$10? $100? $1,000? This question is crucial. It's a hobby, so no one should go into debt for it.
2) How many PAX(en) do you plan on attending each year? When is the next PAX you'll be going to?
3) How patient are you?
Can you ignore that overpriced pin on Ebay even though you really really want it but don't want to spend $40 on a Kitty Kemper? Or do you throw in your credit card info so fast that you break your num pad?
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
1) I've probably spent $100 or a little more so far. I don't plan to spend much more, besides buying sets at the next Pax. I realize I should probably have bought one or 2 extra sets for trading in Jan.
2) I only plan on attending south.
3) I would like to say that I'm patient, but I did already jump at an adventure time set + catbug bundle because I love it so much. So I can't really say for sure. I'm trying to stay strong.
+1! Maintain that passion, collect what you love
"Damn fine pins!"