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South 2017 [Badges] On Sale Now!

zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod


  • PurpleSkyPurpleSky Registered User regular
    So PAX Sat is sold out already even though the tweet just went out at 3:02 (central time)? Or did my tweet text come late?

  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    I am in a waiting queue...when I first clicked the link, it said that both 3-day and Saturday were sold out...I am hoping that is a carry over from last year

  • PurpleSkyPurpleSky Registered User regular
    RILMS wrote: »
    I am in a waiting queue...when I first clicked the link, it said that both 3-day and Saturday were sold out...I am hoping that is a carry over from last year

    Yeah I'm confused. I sure hope this is the reason.

  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    Yeah, I got a 3-Day no problem :)

  • emarecksaykayemarecksaykay Registered User regular
    Easy. Gotta love South having a shorter queue and plenty of hotel rooms.

    -mrxak, OMEGANAUT '09
    (You just say the letters)
  • NormanPrideNormanPride Registered User regular
    I got 3 day passes supposedly, even though it said they were sold out. Weird.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    I also got a 3-Day. Must have been a temporary display glitch.

  • emarecksaykayemarecksaykay Registered User regular
    They definitely sold 3-day passes. I got one no problem. I was also probably one of the very first in line due to being at my computer with twitter open right when the tickets went on sale. I actually went to book a hotel room first while waiting in the ticket queue, and when I was done very rapidly booking that I saw I had already been let in for the tickets.

    -mrxak, OMEGANAUT '09
    (You just say the letters)
  • ahstoddardahstoddard President-kidnapping Ninja Houston-ishRegistered User regular
    PurpleSky wrote: »
    So PAX Sat is sold out already even though the tweet just went out at 3:02 (central time)? Or did my tweet text come late?

    They put the link up to purchase before the status bar was updated. I saw the same thing when I brought up the page. Once I was through the queue, I got my 3 Day passes no problem.

  • Josh5890Josh5890 ChicagoRegistered User regular
    Got four 3 day passes!

    This space for rent
  • CodextehFishCodextehFish Vancouver, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Yay! Looking forward to going again! Three days get

    Prime: '10, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15
    West: '16, '17
    East: '14, '15, '16, '17
    South: '15, '16, '17, '18
  • OpSteelOpSteel neighbor of the village pindiot Fort Worth TEXASRegistered User regular
    Stuck in a meeting when they went on sale. Still was able to get three day tickets. Now to book a room and I'm set.

  • IncreaseBlueIncreaseBlue Registered User regular
    edited May 2016
    I really want to buy a three-day but if West badges go on sale any time within the next few weeks, my budget is screwed > <

    Grats to folks getting their badges and hotels without a hitch though!

    IncreaseBlue on
  • StinkyTurdStinkyTurd Registered User regular
    Got my 3day and my courtyard by Marriott riverwalk reservation I am set.

  • BrackardBrackard Registered User regular
    3 Day passes purchased, ready to go!


  • BadCrumpanyBadCrumpany Registered User regular
    That's an awesome stat that really shows how far it has come. I can't wait to experience PAX South next year in the new portion of the building. Stylish!

  • RARuskRARusk Registered User regular
    Got my 3-day pass but I don't have to worry about hotel rooms since I live about twenty minutes from downtown. And I'm also anxious to see the new part of the center - I should be able to get a good look at it either during San Japan or the Alamo City Comic-Con.

  • ZythonZython Registered User regular
    Sweet. Got my 3-Day pass. This is gonna be my first PAX. So glad they finally have a PAX in Texas.

    Now to book a hotel room and a flight.

    Switch: SW-3245-5421-8042 | 3DS Friend Code: 4854-6465-0299 | PSN: Zaithon
    Steam: pazython
  • angelicstubbornessangelicstubborness Registered User regular
    How many 3 day passes per household are you allowed to buy?

  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    PLEASE NOTE: In order to keep things fair, we currently have badge limits in place. You are allowed to purchase up to 6 badges of each type, per household. If we determine that you are ordering under different names and multiple addresses, all of your orders will be cancelled immediately.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • angelicstubbornessangelicstubborness Registered User regular
    So two of the three day pass is fine?

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    So two of the three day pass is fine?

  • xThanatoSxxThanatoSx Registered User regular
    2x 3 day passes purchased.

    My wife and I are looking forward to our 3rd PAX :D

  • shimwoodshimwood Registered User regular
    I got two badges for myself and a friend. Hopefully my other friends get paid soon so they can join us. Texas de Brazil won't know what hit 'em!

  • MurfMurf Registered User regular
    Just got the one 3-day,. But my first Pax, should be fun :) Figured I'd bring my rig for the room in the late hours. No laptop, don't mind lugging the tower and monitor though.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    You might just want to spring for a BYOC badge. That way you hang with a bunch of folks instead of being alone in a hotel room. Although it does shut down at midnight. I've never participated, so anybody who know better or who has does it at South would have better info.

  • shimwoodshimwood Registered User regular
    Unless he knows of some super-secret hotel with awesome Internet that would allow him to play with his friends back home. I'm actually bringing a switch and encouraging my friends to bring their laptops so we can do some LAN gaming in our hotel rooms.

  • StinkyTurdStinkyTurd Registered User regular
    shimwood wrote: »
    I got two badges for myself and a friend. Hopefully my other friends get paid soon so they can join us. Texas de Brazil won't know what hit 'em!

    Oh good there's interest for that again this year :)

  • shimwoodshimwood Registered User regular
    StinkyTurd wrote: »
    shimwood wrote: »
    I got two badges for myself and a friend. Hopefully my other friends get paid soon so they can join us. Texas de Brazil won't know what hit 'em!

    Oh good there's interest for that again this year :)

    I think the "show" they put on for us really sealed the deal.

  • nbs2nbs2 Registered User regular
    So, about the mandatory Expedited Shipping this year. Consider me not a fan.

    If I was international, I could have saved a few bucks and gotten Will Call.

  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    So, everything is still green for passes...

  • shimwoodshimwood Registered User regular
    RILMS wrote: »
    So, everything is still green for passes...

    No one wants to go now that Khoo is gone :P

  • The AviatrixThe Aviatrix Registered User regular
    Capacity is likely greatly increased this year as the new expansion was not utilized last year.

    Remember the tweet which said the first 3 hours this year sold as much as the first 3 days last year?
    I wouldn't be worried about whether things are green or not :D

    It just means more people that are on the fence or find out late can go! (I don't know how many people I spoke last year found out about it within a month of the event and decided to check it out. That means more new blood!)

  • shimwoodshimwood Registered User regular
    edited July 2016
    That means more new blood!

    The Blood God will be pleased!

    shimwood on
  • Rowena JacksonRowena Jackson Registered User new member
    I got mine. However I cant make it due to moms passing. :I Is there way I can sell it back or like get a legit way to sale them to someone. I dont mine discounting selling back. It just sucks to have them go to waste or(if I sale em) They dont get to the person in time.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    You can contact but the official policy is no refunds. You can give them to a third party though if you wish, but you cannot post to sell or trade them on these forums.

  • Rowena JacksonRowena Jackson Registered User new member
    Oi. Okay. I understand.

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    3-Day badges are now low.

  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    3-Day badges are now sold out!

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