I am in a waiting queue...when I first clicked the link, it said that both 3-day and Saturday were sold out...I am hoping that is a carry over from last year
I am in a waiting queue...when I first clicked the link, it said that both 3-day and Saturday were sold out...I am hoping that is a carry over from last year
Yeah I'm confused. I sure hope this is the reason.
They definitely sold 3-day passes. I got one no problem. I was also probably one of the very first in line due to being at my computer with twitter open right when the tickets went on sale. I actually went to book a hotel room first while waiting in the ticket queue, and when I was done very rapidly booking that I saw I had already been let in for the tickets.
So PAX Sat is sold out already even though the tweet just went out at 3:02 (central time)? Or did my tweet text come late?
They put the link up to purchase before the status bar was updated. I saw the same thing when I brought up the page. Once I was through the queue, I got my 3 Day passes no problem.
That's an awesome stat that really shows how far it has come. I can't wait to experience PAX South next year in the new portion of the building. Stylish!
Got my 3-day pass but I don't have to worry about hotel rooms since I live about twenty minutes from downtown. And I'm also anxious to see the new part of the center - I should be able to get a good look at it either during San Japan or the Alamo City Comic-Con.
PLEASE NOTE: In order to keep things fair, we currently have badge limits in place. You are allowed to purchase up to 6 badges of each type, per household. If we determine that you are ordering under different names and multiple addresses, all of your orders will be cancelled immediately.
Just got the one 3-day,. But my first Pax, should be fun Figured I'd bring my rig for the room in the late hours. No laptop, don't mind lugging the tower and monitor though.
You might just want to spring for a BYOC badge. That way you hang with a bunch of folks instead of being alone in a hotel room. Although it does shut down at midnight. I've never participated, so anybody who know better or who has does it at South would have better info.
Unless he knows of some super-secret hotel with awesome Internet that would allow him to play with his friends back home. I'm actually bringing a switch and encouraging my friends to bring their laptops so we can do some LAN gaming in our hotel rooms.
Capacity is likely greatly increased this year as the new expansion was not utilized last year.
Remember the tweet which said the first 3 hours this year sold as much as the first 3 days last year?
I wouldn't be worried about whether things are green or not
It just means more people that are on the fence or find out late can go! (I don't know how many people I spoke last year found out about it within a month of the event and decided to check it out. That means more new blood!)
I got mine. However I cant make it due to moms passing. :I Is there way I can sell it back or like get a legit way to sale them to someone. I dont mine discounting selling back. It just sucks to have them go to waste or(if I sale em) They dont get to the person in time.
You can contact pax_questions@paxsite.com but the official policy is no refunds. You can give them to a third party though if you wish, but you cannot post to sell or trade them on these forums.
Yeah I'm confused. I sure hope this is the reason.
(You just say the letters)
(You just say the letters)
They put the link up to purchase before the status bar was updated. I saw the same thing when I brought up the page. Once I was through the queue, I got my 3 Day passes no problem.
Prime: '10, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15
West: '16, '17
East: '14, '15, '16, '17
South: '15, '16, '17, '18
Grats to folks getting their badges and hotels without a hitch though!
Now to book a hotel room and a flight.
Steam: pazython
My wife and I are looking forward to our 3rd PAX
Oh good there's interest for that again this year
I think the "show" they put on for us really sealed the deal.
If I was international, I could have saved a few bucks and gotten Will Call.
No one wants to go now that Khoo is gone :P
Remember the tweet which said the first 3 hours this year sold as much as the first 3 days last year?
I wouldn't be worried about whether things are green or not
It just means more people that are on the fence or find out late can go! (I don't know how many people I spoke last year found out about it within a month of the event and decided to check it out. That means more new blood!)
The Blood God will be pleased!