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[PAX Thursday] The Triwizard Drinking Tournament 2: $4048.83 raised! Ravenclaw Wins!



  • faroffpugfaroffpug Registered User regular
    DarkNutKD wrote: »
    Just got my group of around 8 or so to join in on the Slytherin OotP side. Are there any rules about wearing alternate cosplay? I know one of my friends wanted to go in his Dark Jedi costume during the pub crawl.

    Be sure to join our facebook page for updates and info~

    Bullet Club Head Girl 2015
    Slytherin OotP Head of House 2016
    3 years at PAX West
    Overwatch trash meme
  • The_ReflectionThe_Reflection Registered User regular
    Def just bought a Gryffindor DE bottle opener

  • valdorvaldor Registered User regular
    I will for sure be buying a bottle opener, though I might have to wait until I get paid since I just spent my money on some more auction items.

    3 time TWDT attendee. One year as House Head Boy and Now Head of House for Slytherin DE.
    4 Year Pax West Attendee
  • robertrencerobertrence Registered User regular
    So the time has come when I realize, I'm not that crafty. And I should raid my personal supplies for charity. Can anyone tell me from the photo below if there would be any interest in donating large sums of cash to charity to procure the following items?


    PAX Prime to do list: Tickets: [X] Hotel: [X] Flight: [X] HQ: [X] Nachos: [] Cookies: []
    PAX South to do list: Tickets: [X] Hotel: [X] Flight: [X] HQ: [X] BBQ: [] Cookies: []

  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    We're 100% full! I <3 you all!

    Gryffindor DE does have open leadership positions if you'd like to volunteer!

  • DarkNutKDDarkNutKD Registered User regular
    faroffpug wrote: »
    DarkNutKD wrote: »
    Just got my group of around 8 or so to join in on the Slytherin OotP side. Are there any rules about wearing alternate cosplay? I know one of my friends wanted to go in his Dark Jedi costume during the pub crawl.

    Be sure to join our facebook page for updates and info~

    Almost had to cancel due to flight time change, but got a change in flights so now I'll have plenty of time to enjoy the pub crawl. Just requested to join the group, thanks for the invite!

  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    edited July 2016
    EDIT: Aaaaaaaand we're sold out again!

    TOGSolid on
  • valdorvaldor Registered User regular
    Sweet. With a month to go, I hope we are all ready. Slytherin DE has some sweet items up for auction. I really look forward to the night.

    3 time TWDT attendee. One year as House Head Boy and Now Head of House for Slytherin DE.
    4 Year Pax West Attendee
  • Agent RazAgent Raz Registered User regular
    I had an idea for an auction item that I would like to run past the good people of the pub crawl. I have a PAX Monday badge that I won't be able to use, and it occurred to me it might be worth putting on the block for charity. HOWEVER, it also occurred to me that badges and the selling thereof is an all around touchy subject, what with the scalpers and assorted shenanigans. So! Does the charity aspect offset the inherent problems of badge selling? And is a Monday badge a good auction item in the first place?

  • valdorvaldor Registered User regular
    @TOGSolid You might need to weigh in on this, but personally I don't see a problem as long as the money is still going to charity and not being pocketed by anyone.

    3 time TWDT attendee. One year as House Head Boy and Now Head of House for Slytherin DE.
    4 Year Pax West Attendee
  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    valdor wrote: »
    @TOGSolid You might need to weigh in on this, but personally I don't see a problem as long as the money is still going to charity and not being pocketed by anyone.
    I personally don't see an issue with this as long as it's 100% all to charity but yeah, in the grander scheme of things I don't see this as a good idea. Badges, as mentioned already, are a very touchy subject and one I don't wanna get anywhere near. Also, anyone coming to the crawl will already have their badge situation and plans settled so I don't feel like it'll be all that great of an auction item.

    Thank you though! It's generous and awesome, I just feel like it's straying into some very odd territory for now.

  • Agent RazAgent Raz Registered User regular
    TOGSolid wrote: »
    valdor wrote: »
    @TOGSolid You might need to weigh in on this, but personally I don't see a problem as long as the money is still going to charity and not being pocketed by anyone.
    I personally don't see an issue with this as long as it's 100% all to charity but yeah, in the grander scheme of things I don't see this as a good idea. Badges, as mentioned already, are a very touchy subject and one I don't wanna get anywhere near. Also, anyone coming to the crawl will already have their badge situation and plans settled so I don't feel like it'll be all that great of an auction item.

    Thank you though! It's generous and awesome, I just feel like it's straying into some very odd territory for now.

    No worries, that's why I wanted to get others to weigh in. I'm glad to have cleared it up well beforehand and not halfway through the crawl, several sheets to the wind!

  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    In case anyone is looking, a Gryffindor OotP was released and is now available!

  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    Gryffindor DE still needs a House Elf!

  • WalterFWalterF seattleRegistered User regular
    edited August 2016
    Is it too late to sign up for this?

    Edit: I got the second to last ticket. WOOT!

    WalterF on
  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    edited August 2016

    Geeks Who Drink will be hosting a Harry Potter themed pub quiz on August 27th! The Unicorn will be one of the venues so go show off how awesome the TWDT crowd is at one of our own home bars!

    TOGSolid on
  • CKingCKing Registered User regular
    Defense Against the Dark Arts shirt while aligned with Gryffindor Death Eaters? Yay? Nay?

  • The_ReflectionThe_Reflection Registered User regular
    I'm cool with it

  • Registered User regular
    I'm guessing it's too late to register?

  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    As the thread title states, the only open spot is for House Elf of Gryffindor Death Eaters.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • Crispy262Crispy262 HuffleDRUNK @Hogwarts Castle BasementRegistered User regular
    I'm guessing it's too late to register?
    Stay tuned to this thread as well as the @PAXTriwizard twitter account for openings as we get closer to the date. There are often times cancellations as people finalize their PAX itineraries.

    Along those same lines, please be sure to cancel your tickets if you know you will be unable to make the crawl. This gives folks that missed out a chance to attend. :biggrin:

    Retired [E]
    HUFFLEPUFF 2011-18

  • 3vilwench 3vilwench Registered User new member
    3vilwench wrote: »
    3vilwench wrote: »
    Display your loyalty to House and Faction!

    As a newcomer to the annual pre-PAX charity pub crawl known as the Triwizard Drinking Tournament, I was inspired by the t-shirts created by @ikelewis, and decided to create House & Faction themed buttons and bottle openers to help support the fundraising efforts.

    Pin sets include one 2.25" House/Faction Badge pin and three 1" pins - "Accio Alcohol" to help with the drinking challenges, "Aguamenti" to refill your water cup at each stop, and "TWDT 2016" to prove you were there (even if you can't remember it).

    Bottle Openers are 2.25" in diameter and include a key ring; attach it to your keys, or even better - string a lanyard through it!

    100% of profits from the sale of these buttons will go to Child's Play*.

    With special thanks to @TOGSolid for giving me permission to use the House Badge images and the go-ahead to make the buttons, and to @ikelewis for approving my blatant theft of the "Accio Alcohol" phrase.

    You can purchase via my Etsy shop here;

    *For the sake of full disclosure, I'm still working out exactly what the final costs will be, but I'm confident the profit will be at LEAST $5.00 per pin set and $2.50 per bottle opener. I'll update with specific numbers once I know what they are.

    Ok, update on the cost/profit;
    Pin sets will cost $.78 + .28 in Etsy fees = $1.06 = $6.94 profit per set.
    Bottle openers cost $.89 + .14 in Etsy fees = $1.03 = $2.97 profit each.

    I've asked @TOGSolid about allocating fundraising "points" for the sale of buttons, and while I was tempted to go with the option of awarding all the points to my own team, I decided the best thing to do is award points based on house sales (i.e. if you buy a Gryffindor set, Gryffindor gets credit for the money raised) - after all, as much as I want to win, it IS supposed to be about the charity, right? So buy loads of buttons and support your House, Faction, and Charity!

    Just a head's up for anyone interested in TWDT buttons - since I'm making them myself, I'll be taking them off Etsy next Thursday. Otherwise I'm afraid I may not have time to fill orders AND get ready to go to PAX. So if you were planning on ordering, now's a good time to do it! ;)

    I may bring some sets to auction off at the event, if I have time to put them together. But fair warning, I'll be keeping credit for money raised during the Tournament for Ravenclaw Order of the Phoenix. :p

  • valdorvaldor Registered User regular
    A Slytherin DE ticket has opened up

    3 time TWDT attendee. One year as House Head Boy and Now Head of House for Slytherin DE.
    4 Year Pax West Attendee
  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    Ravenclaw DE needs a Head Boy/Girl

  • Registered User regular
    valdor wrote: »
    A Slytherin DE ticket has opened up

    thanks @valdor I grabbed it.

  • The_ReflectionThe_Reflection Registered User regular
    two things

    1) I still need a house elf for Gryffindor DE's. Job is to basically be not super drunk and help out. Perfect role for someone who didn't get a ticket but wants to come on the crawl for the fun of it. Message me for more details.

    2) Last year when we did the Mad Max thing as a leader of The Bullet Club we created a wrestling themed shot called The RKO. Dark rum, Kahlua, and orange liqueur. I'm renaming it The Dark Mark this year and suggest all DE teams give it a try. It's surprisingly delicious. I swear. You OotP teams should come up with your own good guy drink.

  • SutibunRiSutibunRi Montreal, Quebec, CanadaRegistered User regular
    It would seem there are a couple Slytherin DE tickets available..
    Come to the dark side, we have cookies know where to find the Cookie Brigade.

  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    2) Last year when we did the Mad Max thing as a leader of The Bullet Club we created a wrestling themed shot called The RKO. Dark rum, Kahlua, and orange liqueur. I'm renaming it The Dark Mark this year and suggest all DE teams give it a try. It's surprisingly delicious. I swear. You OotP teams should come up with your own good guy drink.

    I don't remember this shot at all. I'll take that as proof of how fucking awesome I am at this pub crawl.
    SutibunRi wrote: »
    It would seem there are a couple Slytherin DE tickets available..
    Come to the dark side, we have cookies know where to find the Cookie Brigade.

    You don't find the Cookie Brigade, the Cookie Brigade finds you
    Unless you know where their home base is, like I do
    And they don't work the crawl, although that would be a good moneymaking opportunity as there are certainly lines to get into the bars

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    whypick1 wrote: »
    2) Last year when we did the Mad Max thing as a leader of The Bullet Club we created a wrestling themed shot called The RKO. Dark rum, Kahlua, and orange liqueur. I'm renaming it The Dark Mark this year and suggest all DE teams give it a try. It's surprisingly delicious. I swear. You OotP teams should come up with your own good guy drink.

    I don't remember this shot at all.

    Mission accomplished

  • altmannaltmann Registered User regular
    I don't remember anything after Barca at all... I just woke up to selfies with rando people I must have taken while magically stumbling home.

    Imperator of the Gigahorse Jockeys.

    "Oh what a day, what a LOVELY DAY!"

  • UnfetteredUnfettered Registered User regular
    SutibunRi wrote: »
    It would seem there are a couple Slytherin DE tickets available..
    Come to the dark side, we have cookies know where to find the Cookie Brigade.

    Yeah, they're all in Hufflepuff DE!



    Hufflepuff DE - HoH - Huffledrunk 4 Lyf!

    RIP: uncomfortably hot tire vest

    u want destiny raid? We be raidin'! XBL: Unfettered
  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    edited August 2016
    The crawl routes for ALL HOUSES have been updated. The new owners of Grim's apparently hates making money and charity and wants sick kids in hospitals to suffer. Thankfully the Garage has stepped up and is covering us at the last minute!

    TOGSolid on
  • TheAggroCraigTheAggroCraig Ultimate Lucky Douchebag MassachusettsRegistered User regular
    TOGSolid wrote: »
    The crawl routes for ALL HOUSES have been updated. The new owners of Grim's apparently hates making money and charity and wants sick kids in hospitals to suffer. Thankfully the Garage has stepped up and is covering us at the last minute!

    Just FYI both Slytherin's final bar still says Grim's.

  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
    edited August 2016

    TOGSolid wrote: »
    The crawl routes for ALL HOUSES have been updated. The new owners of Grim's apparently hates making money and charity and wants sick kids in hospitals to suffer. Thankfully the Garage has stepped up and is covering us at the last minute!

    Just FYI both Slytherin's final bar still says Grim's.



    TOGSolid on
  • n3rdlinkn3rdlink Detroit, MIRegistered User regular
    edited August 2016
    Just bought my group of 3 Gryffindor T-shirts im hoping they make it to Seattle in time.

    I might have missed it but is there a spot/person to contact for donations? I have a Dumblebore wand i got from Harry Potter world i was thinking of donating if it could raise a little bit of money.

    ***found our third ticket. all set! see you all next week!

    n3rdlink on
  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular

    PM'd you

  • valdorvaldor Registered User regular
    Getting HYPED!!!!! Only a week left. Slytherin DE, lets show everyone that the House is great and take home the cup again this year. Ravenclaw wont know what hit them! :twisted:

    3 time TWDT attendee. One year as House Head Boy and Now Head of House for Slytherin DE.
    4 Year Pax West Attendee
  • dm_magicdm_magic Registered User regular
  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
  • WalterFWalterF seattleRegistered User regular
    edited August 2016
    Last year when we did the Mad Max thing as a leader of The Bullet Club we created a wrestling themed shot called The RKO. Dark rum, Kahlua, and orange liqueur. I'm renaming it The Dark Mark this year and suggest all DE teams give it a try. It's surprisingly delicious. I swear. You OotP teams should come up with your own good guy drink.

    For OotP

    Snape's Tears:
    1 oz. Gin
    1/2 oz. Grapefruit Juice

    Served in a tall shot glass with a salted rim. (Basically a Salty Dog in shot form.)

    What do you think?

    WalterF on
This discussion has been closed.