The application should have stated that you should expect a response by the end of July.
I saw that too but I'm hoping to hear back sooner than that so I have more than a month to get everything in order. Things like my costume, how I plan to get up there, where I'm staying. You know, the important things.
whypick1PAX [E] Info Booth Manager~2' from an LCDRegistered Userregular
edited July 2016
TBF, you should have those at least mostly finalized before even submitting the app. It is one of the questions after all.
TBF, you should have those at least mostly finalized before even submitting the app. It is one of the questions after all.
Right, but also to be fair, I am of extremely limited finical resources and I'm not going to windmill slap money onto those things if I don't know for sure that I'm going.
Yeah, it's not because anyone expects you to throw down money you would have to spend for nothing, I think it's that they hope people applying to be an enforcer aren't using that as their means to enter the show. But hey, I'm not involved in that process, so who knows?
whypick1PAX [E] Info Booth Manager~2' from an LCDRegistered Userregular
New Enforcers are being added as we speak, so if you applied expect to see something in your inbox soon if you have not already gotten it.
And, no I didn't get an email confirmation either.
Yep, that's what I remember seeing.
I saw that too but I'm hoping to hear back sooner than that so I have more than a month to get everything in order. Things like my costume, how I plan to get up there, where I'm staying. You know, the important things.
Right, but also to be fair, I am of extremely limited finical resources and I'm not going to windmill slap money onto those things if I don't know for sure that I'm going.