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We are aware of an issue where The PA Hub is not functioning. Please use The Penny Arcade Hubbub in the interim.
Regarding the broken threads, please read this post.

Text button icons aren't showing up sometimes?

klemmingklemming Registered User regular
It's only happening every now and then, but this is what I sometimes see as a toolbar:
The buttons all still work, and refreshing seems to fix it, so it's not a big deal.

Nobody remembers the singer. The song remains.


  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    Foof. Anyone else?

  • BowenBowen Sup? Registered User regular
    Once in a blue moon for me. Same OS and browser.

  • DarkPrimusDarkPrimus Registered User regular
    edited 2016 27
    Sometimes for me on Win7 and Chrome. No real rhyme or reason.

    DarkPrimus on
  • ShimshaiShimshai Flush with Success! Isle of EmeraldRegistered User regular
    I've had these occasionally over the past week or so, it only seemed to happen if I was opening a lot of bookmarked threads all at once.
    Windows 10/Chrome too.

    Steam/Origin: Shimshai

  • Tommy2HandsTommy2Hands what is this where am i Registered User regular
    Having this issue on mobile lately. Some threads just don't give me the option to use text tools for whatever reason. Running Safari on whatever the latest iOS is

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