
US Presidential Elections: an exclusive look at the Trump intervention



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    TomantaTomanta Registered User regular
    I can't imagine the hiring process of a Trump campaign manager. No one competent should want the job. "Hello, yes, we have this train and it's about to collide with a giant brick wall and become a wreck comparable to the Titanic, if the Titanic ALSO had the Hindenburg inside. Would you be interested in sitting up front as the conductor?"

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    RichyRichy Registered User regular
    CNN clip of Trump: "I'm not running against Crooked Hillary. I'm running against the Crooked Media."
    CNN anchor: "Well, I hope we win the presidency!"

    I LOL'd.

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    Doctor DetroitDoctor Detroit Not a doctor Tree townRegistered User regular
    Elki wrote: »
    Elki wrote: »
    Talka wrote: »
    knitdan wrote: »
    How is that in any way related to the election?

    It's gossip column stuff and every time you people quote it I have to see it again.

    His kids (except Tiffany) are the only chief aides we're pretty sure he listens to, and Ivanka is the least batshit of the three of them. Her leaving the campaign means that things might get more unstable.

    It's not that Trump's daughter is on vacation (who cares), it's that Trump's daughter is on vacation taking pictures with Putin's girlfriend.

    I'm not a fan of gossip column stuff, but that counts as relevant in an election where Trump's ties to Russia have been questioned repeatedly.

    Putin's girlfriend according to Us Weekly. Would you believe a negative story about Clinton sourced to Us Weekly?

    Deng and Putin's been something reported on for a while now.

    No, it is not. It is something that has been regurgitated for a while, with virtually every subsequent story being based on the Us story. That is a quite generous definition of reporting.

    "Wendy Deng, who many people say is dating Vladimir Putin..."

    And hey, that kind of reporting was good enough to get the Iraq War started... :P

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    RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    The main reason you don't attack the media is that of all your potential opponents, they're the one most likely to fight back.

    Hillary knows this, which is why I think she's adopted the only winning move. She engages with them only as and when necessary.

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    DiannaoChongDiannaoChong Registered User regular
    edited August 2016
    chrisnl wrote: »
    There's no way he's going to seriously suggest "searching social media" as part of a test for entry into the country, right?



    I really think its only a matter of time (eg less than 20 years) before America has a similar social network to China where citizens have and maintain "patriotic points" based on positive/negative support for the government(and who they personally associate with). It's gamification of 1984. With restrictions and 'bonuses' based on that score. Like a SSN being used as an ID number when it shouldnt, its only a matter of time before this gets factored into things like credit score, good luck getting a house if you keep linking things talking about US govt institutional racism, etc. People will eat that shit up, getting points to prove their patriotism for all to see like a XBL leaderboard in this current climate?

    DiannaoChong on
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    notdroidnotdroid Registered User regular
    About those Trump "Election Observers":
    The second half of the monologue was dedicated to the “troubling” development in Trump’s claim that the election will be rigged in Hillary Clinton’s favor.

    Oliver signed up to become a volunteer "Trump Election Observer,” receiving an automated email from the Trump campaign vowing "to do everything we are legally allowed to do to stop crooked Hillary from rigging this election.”

    "Which is troubling because I’m not sure if Donald Trump knows what he’s legally allowed to do!” Oliver said.

    Well, that's not worrying at all.

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    MugsleyMugsley DelawareRegistered User regular
    Donald Trump is single handedly making John Oliver's career. It's like the LWT crew doesn't even have to try anymore, and I have no problem with that.

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    CouscousCouscous Registered User regular
    But the 70-year-old white self-described billionaire has not just walled himself off from African-American voters where they live. He has also turned down repeated invitations to address gatherings of black leaders, ignored African-American conservatives in states he needs to win and made numerous inflammatory comments about minorities.
    Now that is what I call quality trolling.

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    AbsalonAbsalon Lands of Always WinterRegistered User regular
    edited August 2016
    Absalon on
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    NinjeffNinjeff Registered User regular
    chrisnl wrote: »
    There's no way he's going to seriously suggest "searching social media" as part of a test for entry into the country, right?



    I really think its only a matter of time (eg less than 20 years) before America has a similar social network to China where citizens have and maintain "patriotic points" based on positive/negative support for the government(and who they personally associate with). It's gamification of 1984. With restrictions and 'bonuses' based on that score. Like a SSN being used as an ID number when it shouldnt, its only a matter of time before this gets factored into things like credit score, good luck getting a house if you keep linking things talking about US govt institutional racism, etc. People will eat that shit up, getting points to prove their patriotism for all to see like a XBL leaderboard in this current climate?

    I cant tell if this is sarcasm.....

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    DaedalusDaedalus Registered User regular
    chrisnl wrote: »
    There's no way he's going to seriously suggest "searching social media" as part of a test for entry into the country, right?



    I really think its only a matter of time (eg less than 20 years) before America has a similar social network to China where citizens have and maintain "patriotic points" based on positive/negative support for the government(and who they personally associate with). It's gamification of 1984. With restrictions and 'bonuses' based on that score. Like a SSN being used as an ID number when it shouldnt, its only a matter of time before this gets factored into things like credit score, good luck getting a house if you keep linking things talking about US govt institutional racism, etc. People will eat that shit up, getting points to prove their patriotism for all to see like a XBL leaderboard in this current climate?

    The way America works, there would be two separate scoring systems, and you would find it equally impossible to get a job or rent an apartment if you were a liberal in rural Utah or if you were a conservative in Brooklyn. (There are tech startups already on the way to implementing something like this, because of course there are).

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    PantsBPantsB Fake Thomas Jefferson Registered User regular
    edited August 2016


    NBC and Cook Political Report each came out with new battleground maps today. NBC has 288 Clinton, 76 tossup, 174 Trump. Cook has 272, 76 tossup (but not the same states) 190 Trump. Its starting to tip away from a close race in the media narrative, and we need that for a landslide (to take the House and to repudiate Trump)

    PantsB on
    QEDMF xbl: PantsB G+
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    RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    Couscous wrote: »
    But the 70-year-old white self-described billionaire has not just walled himself off from African-American voters where they live. He has also turned down repeated invitations to address gatherings of black leaders, ignored African-American conservatives in states he needs to win and made numerous inflammatory comments about minorities.
    Now that is what I call quality trolling.

    Some people say Trump has no solid evidence of his net worth

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    cB557cB557 voOOP Registered User regular
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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    If that includes a hilarious attempt to suck up to feminists and gay rights leaders can we rewrite that as "Trump seeks to deport Republican Party?"

    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    monikermoniker Registered User regular
    Mill wrote: »
    The Ender wrote: »
    Mill wrote: »
    I think reasonable people will be able to get some nice evidence for the following from this election.

    -Even if better education isn't not a foolproof cure against demagoguery. I think it does raise the bar, given how poorly does with college educated individuals. I love to see the studies on this angle. Why is it that people that aren't well educate find assholes like Trump to be a compelling candidate for a leadership position. Are they more easily conditioned to believe such behavior is desirable in a leader? Or do you they lack the ability and/or pieces of information to work out how Trump's shiftiness as a human being wouldn't translate into great things for the US, but rather into a catastrophe. I know there is the gender gap, but I suspect that is mostly a nurture thing and I think the macho thing needs to die in a fucking fire.

    -Those that are the most vocal about religious morality are the last ones that should be allowed anywhere near authority, given how they quickly ignore all the points that aren't about treating "sinners" like shit. I put sinners in quotation marks because as far as I can tell, this group has no fucking idea and/or interest in understand what qualifies someone as a sinner. Some of them are just shitty bigots, looking for an excuse to justify their bigotry.

    I would like to remind you that Ben Carson is (was?) a completely legitimate neurosurgeon, and he was by all accounts quite good at his job.

    Brilliance & education are, by their nature, specialized to areas of specific expertise. How much you learned while getting your Masters / PhD probably tells me very little about how much you've learned about history / politics (and even for those who tout degrees specific to political science or history, again, they are specific to certain areas of expertise).

    Much as with religious identity, I suspect that the far stronger predictor for where a given person lies on the political spectrum is what political identity their parents have / had and where they grew up vs how well educated they are.

    This is why I said education isn't a cure all, but given that recent polls are showing Clinton edging out Trump on the college educated. This is a demographic that use to go Republican. I would certainly like to know if there is a exact point that is driving this that could be utilized to transition the US electorate into something less willing to put up with people like Trump. Assuming they count associates degrees, this could be fairly easy to narrow down because at least in the US, associates degrees and bachelors degrees all have a common core block of courses that are required. The question is could that be narrowed down further to create something more accessible that could be added to technical programs or to better tune the high school curriculum. Or is the difference something that is outside of a college education? I certainly think this difference seems to be driven by some preference that doesn't favor outright assholes being in power.

    Sure you're going to get a percent of the population that is just fucking crazy. You're also going to get a percent that might not be crazy, but is hell bent on picking shitty leaders for shitty reasons. The question is, can we use some of the current trends to find ways to reduce that percent. I'm not going to be deluded and believe we can make it zero, but I certainly would be happy if we could reduce that percent down enough, that it no longer has the influence to allow people like Trump to become candidates.

    The US electorate isn't the only one trying to put far-right authoritarian assholes in charge.

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    monikermoniker Registered User regular
    cB557 wrote: »

    If it's worth reading maybe you should link to the story instead of posting a picture of microfiche to your Twitter?

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    RMS OceanicRMS Oceanic Registered User regular
    cB557 wrote: »

    This is like a variant of Crying Wolf where nobody believes you because you successfully convinced them that the establishments with evidence of wolves are themselves wolves.

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    AtomikaAtomika Live fast and get fucked or whatever Registered User regular
    cB557 wrote: »
    https://twitter.com/olive darcy/status/764909726278836225

    Man, I don't really care. Sucks for him. But Right-Wing Radio has long been the main artery through which the conservative agenda's bilious stupidity has been pumped. The entire reason right-wing media exists is to promote its shitty ideology, which has been empirically shown time and again to be anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-tolerance, and anti-reality. The GOP's legitimacy has completely been predicated for the last 20 years on convincing people of things that are simply not true, so the idea that all credible media and information is now verboten shouldn't be a shock -- you've been saying it for the past two decades!

    This is throwing a match on a gasoline-soaked pile of kindling, watching it burn down the forest, and going, "Wow, I was just trying to get warm."

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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    cB557 wrote: »

    SOOOOOO close to a major self revelation there.

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    DiannaoChongDiannaoChong Registered User regular
    Preacher wrote: »
    moniker wrote: »
    This seems so spectacularly bad right now. Why isn't the GOP pulling him and putting in someone else?

    They can't.

    They are apparently having a meeting with his campaign (but not him) about healing the rift between the RNC and Trump's not existent campaign. The important thing of course is that Trump is not there, so its fucking worthless.


    I wish I could see the bellyaching that happens there

    I'm sure there's more salt than the Bonneville Flats

    The campaign's turn to talk arrives "you've seen him, what the fuck do you want us to do about it?"

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    GoodKingJayIIIGoodKingJayIII They wanna get my gold on the ceilingRegistered User regular
    edited August 2016
    cB557 wrote: »

    I respect him acknowledging this and even asking the question (seriously, I hope) "how did I contribute to this?"

    But honestly... how did they not see this coming? The conservative media has gotten crazier and crazier over the past 15 years. Rush Limbaugh has somehow become a WORSE human being. It's a just a channel for conspiracy sludge and and a twisted ouroboros that both creates AND affirms that sludge.

    And the insistence on "liberal media bias." Ok, sure. I will happily agree with you that the news media is, in general, biased. But you can't just say "well it all tilts liberal" when in fact one of the largest and most lucrative news networks in the world looks and sounds like the New York Post.

    GoodKingJayIII on
    Battletag: Threeve#1501; PSN: Threeve703; Steam: 3eeve
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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    I do hope Trump truly targets New York like a god damn moron. Siena has it at 57 to... 27.

    I know the national general election results will disprove the Crazification Factor, but still.

    That's basically in line with a national race that's not particularly close, Obama won by 27 and 28 in his two campaigns. Kerry by 18, Gore by 25. One of the few states that gave Obama a higher margin in 2012 than 2008.

    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    Atomika wrote: »
    cB557 wrote: »
    https://twitter.com/olive darcy/status/764909726278836225

    Man, I don't really care. Sucks for him. But Right-Wing Radio has long been the main artery through which the conservative agenda's bilious stupidity has been pumped. The entire reason right-wing media exists is to promote its shitty ideology, which has been empirically shown time and again to be anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-tolerance, and anti-reality. The GOP's legitimacy has completely been predicated for the last 20 years on convincing people of things that are simply not true, so the idea that all credible media and information is now verboten shouldn't be a shock -- you've been saying it for the past two decades!

    This is throwing a match on a gasoline-soaked pile of kindling, watching it burn down the forest, and going, "Wow, I was just trying to get warm."

    Isn't Right Wing Radio dying? I'm sure I heard that somewhere, something to do with Clear channel.

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    zepherinzepherin Russian warship, go fuck yourself Registered User regular
    So I looked at the stock of Trump Hotel Casinos.

    And I look at the anatomy of a pump and dump scam.

    That looks pretty similar.

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    CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    The Ender wrote: »
    Gator wrote: »
    reVerse wrote: »
    In a normal situation you could argue that Ivanka is just being very politically savvy and making friends in the right places, but because of the ties the Trumps and their high level staff have to Putin it comes off as yet another suspicious draw on the conspiracy camel's back.

    The real news here is Ivanka is taking a vacation less than three months before the election

    She's throwing the towel already

    ...I'm extremely skeptical of that story, partly because the source is garbo & the headline is the worst sort of rag-snatching trash, partly for this exact reason:

    I just can't see Ivanka ditching her father's campaign like that. It's clear enough to me that she loves her dad a lot - enough, even, to put up with things like him grabbing at her ass in public, or being embarrassed after having been instructed to read a plagiarized speech. And... now she just bails to hang out with a burnt-out media mogul? Coincidentally, one that progressives itching for some dirt would love to bang on about, even above the already raucous circus show?

    Sorry, but that smells awful funny to me.

    Small correction here, Ivanka's speech wasn't plagiarized, that was Melania's speech.

    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
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    joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular
    zepherin wrote: »
    So I looked at the stock of Trump Hotel Casinos.

    And I look at the anatomy of a pump and dump scam.

    That looks pretty similar.

    I hereby suggest we name all new Trump scams the "Trump and Dump".

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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Cambiata wrote: »
    The Ender wrote: »
    Gator wrote: »
    reVerse wrote: »
    In a normal situation you could argue that Ivanka is just being very politically savvy and making friends in the right places, but because of the ties the Trumps and their high level staff have to Putin it comes off as yet another suspicious draw on the conspiracy camel's back.

    The real news here is Ivanka is taking a vacation less than three months before the election

    She's throwing the towel already

    ...I'm extremely skeptical of that story, partly because the source is garbo & the headline is the worst sort of rag-snatching trash, partly for this exact reason:

    I just can't see Ivanka ditching her father's campaign like that. It's clear enough to me that she loves her dad a lot - enough, even, to put up with things like him grabbing at her ass in public, or being embarrassed after having been instructed to read a plagiarized speech. And... now she just bails to hang out with a burnt-out media mogul? Coincidentally, one that progressives itching for some dirt would love to bang on about, even above the already raucous circus show?

    Sorry, but that smells awful funny to me.

    Small correction here, Ivanka's speech wasn't plagiarized, that was Melania's speech.

    Ivanka's was the one where she sounded like she was running in a Democratic primary for Congress.

    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular
    edited August 2016
    Hillary hitting Trump on the economic front:

    Also, the military:

    I love how all these ads are sourced.

    joshofalltrades on
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    psyck0psyck0 Registered User regular
    Scooter wrote: »
    Gator wrote: »
    reVerse wrote: »
    In a normal situation you could argue that Ivanka is just being very politically savvy and making friends in the right places, but because of the ties the Trumps and their high level staff have to Putin it comes off as yet another suspicious draw on the conspiracy camel's back.

    The real news here is Ivanka is taking a vacation less than three months before the election

    She's throwing the towel already

    That's what I was going to post. Who the hell, as a major play in a presidential election campaign, vacations in August?

    When they have a 4 month old kid that they apparently need a break from?

    Seems like they learned their dad's parenting techniques, at least.

    That's not very fair to new parents. I frequently feel like I could use a vacation from my 4 month old.

    Play Smash Bros 3DS with me! 4399-1034-5444
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    Harry DresdenHarry Dresden Registered User regular
    Ivanaka's tried so hard this cycle. It's a miracle she served as long as she did in her father's campaign.

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    GoodKingJayIIIGoodKingJayIII They wanna get my gold on the ceilingRegistered User regular
    It's sort of weird exploring some of the conservative twitter feeds.

    Many of them do hate Trump, but they hate Hillary more. So they have to reconcile what is happening to the GOP as Clinton simultaneously rises in the polls. One theory I'm seeing a lot is that Trump is a Clinton plant in the Republican Party. This is based on photos of Trump and the Clintons from the 90s, and I guess the idea that Trump's absurd comments coincide with allegedly scandalous reveals about Clinton.

    I used to work with a guy who believed in a lot of conspiracy theory stuff. When I told him I was going to law school, I got a lecture about the American Judiciary being a cover-up for the Cult of Saturn. I'm not even exaggerating a little bit.

    You cannot talk to people who have constructed these realities in their mind. Every fact pointing the opposite direction is in fact proof that what they believe is true.

    Battletag: Threeve#1501; PSN: Threeve703; Steam: 3eeve
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    Jealous DevaJealous Deva Registered User regular
    Atomika wrote: »
    cB557 wrote: »
    https://twitter.com/olive darcy/status/764909726278836225

    Man, I don't really care. Sucks for him. But Right-Wing Radio has long been the main artery through which the conservative agenda's bilious stupidity has been pumped. The entire reason right-wing media exists is to promote its shitty ideology, which has been empirically shown time and again to be anti-intellectual, anti-science, anti-tolerance, and anti-reality. The GOP's legitimacy has completely been predicated for the last 20 years on convincing people of things that are simply not true, so the idea that all credible media and information is now verboten shouldn't be a shock -- you've been saying it for the past two decades!

    This is throwing a match on a gasoline-soaked pile of kindling, watching it burn down the forest, and going, "Wow, I was just trying to get warm."

    Conservatives: Lets create an entire class of people who we can convince that objective reality doesn't exist, that statements based on emotion don't need justification with facts, that feelings make truth, that the established institutions people rely on are corrupt and need to be torn down, and that experts are all biased liars. Then they will sweep us into power forever!

    20 years later:

    Conservative 1: So I have some good news and some bad news. So the good news is that we managed to create the class of people we planned out 20 years ago.

    Conservative 2: oh great, so we win forever now?

    Conservative 1: no, they won't vote for us. They said we were an established institution that needs to be torn down, that they don't trust our experts, and they have a bad feeling about us that they can't objectively justify, but that comes from their emotions.

    Conservative 2: Fuck.

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    zepherinzepherin Russian warship, go fuck yourself Registered User regular
    Ivanaka's tried so hard this cycle. It's a miracle she served as long as she did in her father's campaign.
    I'm pleased Ivanka Trump isn't running. If she were able to make it through the primary she would have been able to give Hilldawg a run for her money. Being a successful business owner (unlike her father), an eloquent speaker (unlike her father), able to show restraint and message discipline (unlike her father). Isn't creepy towards progeny of the opposite sex (yuck).

    Ivanka Trump running with someone like Kasich could have spelled trouble for the Dems. As it is. Hillary just quotes the source of Trumps crazy and responds with what we are all thinking. The Democrats are like, ok, call off the investigators, Trump is saying shit so crazy we couldn't possibly find juicier skeletons that what he is giving us.

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    EddyEddy Gengar the Bittersweet Registered User regular
    el em eff ayyyy oh at paul manafort

    he looks like a cartoonish evil villain a la shooter mcgavin and as it turns out fucking obviously was

    "and the morning stars I have seen
    and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
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    MugsleyMugsley DelawareRegistered User regular
    I want to know what more of the Conservative commentators really think because Rush Limbaugh certainly hasn't backed away from Trump. I mean, that's pretty much what we expected anyway, but this guy is implying that more of the Conservative media is trying to distance themselves than it appears really is doing it.

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    AbsoluteZeroAbsoluteZero The new film by Quentin Koopantino Registered User regular
    You know it never bothers me all that much when republicans whine that journalists have a liberal bias. The sad fact is reality tends to have liberal bias these days, and if you are a journalist and you are doing your job honestly, your reporting is going to follow suit. So I see a bunch of babies crying that journalists aren't regurgitating their fabrications, and I can't feel all that bad about it, I feel good about it really.

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    EddyEddy Gengar the Bittersweet Registered User regular
    Couscous wrote: »
    Trump is having a war on terror speech soon.

    Trump is also expected to propose creating a new, ideological test for admission to the country that would assess a candidate's stances on issues like religious freedom, gender equality and gay rights. Through questionnaires, searching social media, interviewing friends and family or other means, applicants would be vetted to see whether they support American values like tolerance and pluralism.

    The candidate is also expected to call in the speech for declaring in explicit terms that, like during the Cold War, the nation is in an ideological conflict with radical Islam.
    People who would not pass that test and whose supporters would mostly fail should not throw likely poorly thought out immigration tests or something.

    A litmus test on plurality and freedom and liberal autonomy and etc is the most fucking ironic thing possible

    straight out of the reject pile of the onion

    "and the morning stars I have seen
    and the gengars who are guiding me" -- W.S. Merwin
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    nexuscrawlernexuscrawler Registered User regular
    He'll immediately followup said speech by getting in a twitter flame war with an orphanage

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    AbsalonAbsalon Lands of Always WinterRegistered User regular
    edited August 2016
    Absalon on
This discussion has been closed.