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What do you do in your off time while at PAX South?

LynbmwLynbmw Registered User regular
edited October 2016 in PAX South
Hey guys,

I was just thinking recently about how in my off time from PAX South in San Antonio, it gets kind of boring. I see some sit around and play coop games together, card games, nap in the corners and so on but there's gotta be more than that. What do you and your friends do as a tradition there or at other PAX shows? I was trying to think of fun or funny things to do like odd things, maybe buy air furniture and create our own living room to play games in the convention hall, or maybe there's a cool cafe nearby. Not sure of any cafes to check out or anything like that.

Lynbmw on


  • Desert LeviathanDesert Leviathan Registered User regular
    My main non-convention distraction is food. The area around the convention center is absolutely saturated with great restaurants, whether you go down the riverwalk or wander a few blocks to one of the food truck areas. I have a real hard time at PAX South not having BBQ Ribs for every meal.

    And we're also within very convenient distance of The Alamo, which is the #1 reason tourists usually go to San Antonio.

    Realizing lately that I don't really trust or respect basically any of the moderators here. So, good luck with life, friends! Hit me up on Twitter @DesertLeviathan
  • StinkyTurdStinkyTurd Registered User regular
    My main non-convention distraction is food. The area around the convention center is absolutely saturated with great restaurants, whether you go down the riverwalk or wander a few blocks to one of the food truck areas. I have a real hard time at PAX South not having BBQ Ribs for every meal.

    And we're also within very convenient distance of The Alamo, which is the #1 reason tourists usually go to San Antonio.

    If your interested in a Brazilian steakhouse I'll probably start my texas de Brazil thread soon that was damn fun last year.

  • UnimatrixZeroUnimatrixZero Cult Leader / Cosplay Photographer El Paso, TXRegistered User regular
    edited October 2016
    Evenings are for liquor and contemplation.

    Nah, we usually get food as a group. We have a 3 AM Whataburger ritual on Saturday night, depending on what's going on.
    Last Sunday, I opted to check out the Alamo. This year I'm gonna try to get there early thursday so we can make the less than an hour drive to hit up Battleship Texas.

    UnimatrixZero on
  • RILMSRILMS North BayRegistered User regular
    Evenings are for liquor and contemplation.
    This year I'm gonna try to get there early thursday so we can make the less than an hour drive to hit up Battleship Texas.

    Isn't Battleship Texas in Houston? That's about a 3h drive...

  • LordFizzlebeefLordFizzlebeef Registered User regular
    I generally have very little off time. I usually go in with a list of must-see panels, and some tournaments that don't conflict with panels (also focusing on tournaments that would be super chill. My 2 favorites of last year were Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes, which I'd never played before, and Super Mariokart, which I haven't played in like 15-20 years), and that usually just barely enough time for 1 big huge meal, somewhere around dinner time. Usually on the Riverwalk.

    I also spent a good deal of time last year playing paper-cutout prototype games in the freeplay area helping test mechanics and bounce ideas.

    Hopefully this year they have something similar to the Gearbox community day zone thing. I was really missing that from the first year.

  • UnimatrixZeroUnimatrixZero Cult Leader / Cosplay Photographer El Paso, TXRegistered User regular
    RILMS wrote: »
    Evenings are for liquor and contemplation.
    This year I'm gonna try to get there early thursday so we can make the less than an hour drive to hit up Battleship Texas.

    Isn't Battleship Texas in Houston? That's about a 3h drive...

    Crap, you're right. I'm not sure why I thought it was closer. Still might make the drive if we fly in early enough.

  • LynbmwLynbmw Registered User regular
    I tried hitting up some panels last time and missed every one of the ones I wanted. They filled extremely fast but I desperately needed food.

    I haven't found any good restaurants nearby that isn't several blocks away and. It just two stars but I suppose I need to just take a walk and explore some. That's how I also miss panels and other things like contests or comps. My small group's plans are all over the place where we don't all like the same things. Then there will be a random block of nothing going on. Traditions are always fun though but I can't come up with anything. I told my friend we should find some uncommon games to play. She found a Vietnamese card game that's popular. I live nearby and have been to the Alamo several times but it's neat that every visit is a little different.

  • LynbmwLynbmw Registered User regular
    Austin has the Bullock museum if you want to see that one which is neat and closer than the east side of Houston. There's Pinballz too for a fun break and different museums all in the surrounding areas.

  • japesterjapester Registered User regular
    Lynbmw wrote: »
    I was trying to think of fun or funny things to do like odd things, maybe buy air furniture and create our own living room to play games in the convention hall, or maybe there's a cool cafe nearby. Not sure of any cafes to check out or anything like that.

    Just my personal suggestion, but way too many people are trying real hard to be "different" or "odd". Especially if it takes up a bunch of room (like a faux living room). Best to just hang out and socialize or play games. That's the whole point of PAX, right? Tabletop gaming was jamming nonstop last year from open to close every day, and pickup games were really easy to find (finding table space was another matter...). So that's what I did.

    I'm not aware of any interesting cafes downtown, but something could have cropped up recently. The whole Riverwalk area is full of interesting little sights if you are willing to take a stroll.

    If you need something free and rather awesome in the evenings, take a left out of the convention center down Market Street and go a few blocks to the San Fernando Cathedral. They are horrible about updating their website, but they've been doing an amazing light show on the cathedral each night. I don't know if it is still going on, but I assume so.

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    This will be my first South, so I'm interested in meeting new people, seeing some sights like the Alamo, Riverwalk, etc...eating great food like some Texas BBQ and having some drinks, and of course playing a bunch of new games.

    So if your looking for something to do or people to hang with post that you're taking a side trip to wherever "who wants to join?" usually works.

  • prolixvolubleprolixvoluble Registered User new member
    edited December 2016
    I try to check out the local game stores when I travel. Found Knight Watch Games last year and loved it. There are a few more places in SA too, but KWG was very memorable. Enjoyed dinner at Thur rotating restaurant at the tower of americas too.

    prolixvoluble on
  • punziepunzie Cookie Pimp Registered User regular
    I may be biased, but personally, I suggest volunteering some time to cookie brigade. You have an instant group of friends and giving out cookies is a great way to meet other pax folks out there: ppl tend to like you after you give them a cookie ;)

  • PennyPtonPennyPton Registered User regular
  • mig0mig0 Registered User regular
    I decided to extend my trip beyond the 3 days of Pax, planning on seeing some of the sights. I didn't get a chance to really riverwalk much, I know the restaurants and bars around are mediocre to be charitable but there's still something about relaxing by the river with a drink at least. Food... Rosarios is down S Alamo St and you'll pass a food truck bar a few blocks south of the convention center.

  • chibiachikachibiachika Registered User regular
    I've been looking forward to checking out food in the area. I'd like to check out some of the local pizza places, as well as see if I can get Texas style chili (As odd as that may sound, Cincinnati has it's own style that is the only style I've had.). I may wander up to the Alamo, my friends always want a souvenir but they aren't into the stuff I am. Other than that, I'm not sure.

    If anyone is interested, and I could access a kitchen, maybe I could bring some Cincinnati chili to share? Dunno where I'd get a kitchen though.

  • The AviatrixThe Aviatrix Registered User regular
    After PAX hours last year, my group enjoyed the bar at Hotel Indigo and maybe playing a few small tabletop games. It was really chill and delicious with a wonderful bartender. It's a bit out of the way though, not many other attendees were around. Unfortunately, this year it's in the opposite direction of our hotel, so we'll have to find something new probably. But I do recommend it if you want a laid back and relatively quiet atmosphere for your alcohol intake.
    (My group tends to split up during the day, so meeting up in the evening is very valuable intel about things other people may want to see and hanging out is invaluable since we live all over these days.)

  • br0ken_shad0wbr0ken_shad0w Registered User new member
    My go-to place is RikRic Otaku Cafe which is a chill place to watch anime and play arcade fighting games. However you do need a car to get there since it's quite a distance away form the convention.

  • HTownMastodonHTownMastodon Registered User regular
    Yeah I'm looking for some things to do outside the con when I can. I haven't been to San Antonio since 09 so I'm curious what new stuff is there. Plus meeting new people is already good

  • tgd254tgd254 Registered User new member
    hi guys do any of yall know where and what day the twitch party is??

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    tgd254 wrote: »
    hi guys do any of yall know where and what day the twitch party is??
    if anyone finds out, it will probably be posted here:

  • mayapplemayapple TennesseeRegistered User regular
    Byoc! It's the best time break up at the best kept secret at pax. Secure veg space with other people and scheduled games and cool things. It's never let me down. I don't know how someone can get "bored" at pax. Make sure you are trying new things and finding either a pane or tourneys or walking up to strangers at table top. (I do that a lot too)


  • StinkyTurdStinkyTurd Registered User regular
    mayapple wrote: »
    Byoc! It's the best time break up at the best kept secret at pax. Secure veg space with other people and scheduled games and cool things. It's never let me down. I don't know how someone can get "bored" at pax. Make sure you are trying new things and finding either a pane or tourneys or walking up to strangers at table top. (I do that a lot too)
    Wish i could do the byoc but i'd rather not bring my tower and monitor on a greyhound 2 ways lol.

  • japesterjapester Registered User regular
    mayapple wrote: »
    I don't know how someone can get "bored" at pax. Make sure you are trying new things and finding either a pane or tourneys or walking up to strangers at table top. (I do that a lot too)

    ^This. A thousand times this.

    I've attended conventions about more specific things. And when the programming dies down, you have to find something to do. But PAX is about games in all their forms. You are surrounded by tens of thousands of people who all want to play games. And even if that gets overwhelming, we are all carrying at least one (usually two or three) very powerful pocket computers that let us play even MOAR games (solor or wifi with others). Aside from eating, sleeping, and personal hygiene, nothing else should be "down time". LOL

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Eh, there's lots of reasons someone might be bored or overwhelmed or anything else at PAX. While there is lots and lots to do, that doesn't mean those things line up with what an individual wants to do when they wake up in the morning. For me, I can get bored if all my friends are busy doing stuff I don't feel like doing. After so many PAXes, being social is a huge part of why I still go.

    As an aside, a great resource for being overwhelmed is the AFK room. It and its staff are very helpful.

  • mayapplemayapple TennesseeRegistered User regular
    Most of my pax is social too. We saw the Alamo last year and did some other touristy stuff. We also go off the beaten path for dinners. Like its a goal to find some place to eat that's somewhere different in the city that's critically acclaimed. (We like food though)

    I was more saying sometimes people get into a expo floor rut. I have friends who I don't believe truly engage all of pax and say the same things. They don't "explore" it. Challenge yourself to find something new to you about pax this year.


  • WhiteLlamaWhiteLlama Registered User regular
    This will be my first PAX, but I'm certainly open to meeting anyone and doing whatever. Just look for the guy with my logo on my chest and come say hi.
  • tgd254tgd254 Registered User new member
    WhiteLlama wrote: »
    This will be my first PAX, but I'm certainly open to meeting anyone and doing whatever. Just look for the guy with my logo on my chest and come say hi.
    me to im hoping to grow my twitch and youtube channel and make some good new fans...does anyone know if the twitch party is friday or sat??

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