Pre Pax Thursday 3rd November meetup for drinks.. note this is not official in any way, just a repeat performance.
(We did this last year, the year before and the year before...)
Transport at Federation Square
When: 7PM, Thursday 3rd November 2016
Heres a map
#paxbeer so you can find us as the night progresses.
7:00 - 8:30 - Transport (Fed Square)
9:00 - Probably bartronica again.
All welcome, post here and let us know if you are coming!
Last years
It has a bar downstairs, but I mainly mention it for the boardgames if you want to start Tabletop Free Playing at PAX early.
As I don't drink this will be where I'm headed Thursday.
Talking with other PAX people has to be the best thing about PAX, so I'd encourage everyone to go to one of these if they can.
As a newb to Tabletop for the most part, this interests me, what level are the games that are played?
Pinny Pals Lanyard
So, the Magic players appear to take up most of the ground level, but then there'll likely be thursday pre-PAX games on the second level or at the bar beneath.
Or alternatively, the games are whatever people want to play and that they have brought or that are in the store's library.
So I'm pretty sure I played Codenames, that multiplayer Pictionary race game by the same designer and Heroes of Waterdeep there last year.
Come see me at PAX - I will be teaching boardgames in the Tabletop area - I have SOOOO many things I could show you
....also boardgames
Hahaha sounds like fun @Questor I'll have to get people added on the PAX app so i can find you all on the days.
I'm not sure if I'm going to be here as Media or a standard pass - If it's the latter, I'm sure that'll mean I get to partake in drinkage far more! Looking forward to it.
What games usually get played? New to tabletop but very interested.
If newcomers are welcome I would love to check it out
I dunno if I'll make it this year, today was fun setting up 237 PCs in PAX :biggrin:
picture test, same place as last year