Nintendo Switch has just been announced and it seems it will be releasing in March, when in March not so sure so what do you think? Before, after, or during PAX weekend? If its before will you be getting it and bringing it along? If it's during will you go out to get it or wait? After, well, that's not so tough but will it impact how much you spend at PAX?
I know I'm pretty excited and I haven't bought a Nintendo system since an old clunky DS.
Trade me pins, yo:
March 4th would be really cool I feel because well, I would LOVE to interact with people who have gotten it and everyone kind of explore it together and really test it.
Same, I might get it but I've been getting hooked on PC more and more
Good idea
3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
That being said, the Zelda demos at E3 were both ridiculously long, and if they plan on bringing the same thing (with less space available), RIP anyone who wants to play it without waiting in line all day.
Regardless, two things are evident:
1. I'm not a religious man, but if this thing comes out on the 10th when most of us are already congregated into Boston the night before I am saying a prayer for the poor souls working at GameStop that midnight.
2. The Nintendo booth is going to be absurd. Let's be realistic. Unless you completely bail on PAX (which, yes, they did two years ago), you have absolutely nothing to show but that Zelda game I hear about and this Switchamajig. ...Although there was that one year when all they had was the DSi XL and Photo Dojo because they were going into E3 with a dozen unannounced projects (3DS, Kid Icarus, GoldenEye, Metroid, etc).
Still though, in the immortal words of Bart Scott: "CAN'T WAIT!"
They've done variations on that booth design the last few years, but changed out the demo games and updated the handhelds...added a row of WiiU stations.
Considering this is a "Preview Tour" and it extends up until March 18th at the latest, it's probably safe to assume that we actually won't see the Switch released for purchase until after then
Still too early to expect this in Console Freeplay I assume.
And Breath of the Wild will be available at launch!
In-store? Or online?
I wanted to preorder at Amazon but they took forever to open it up. 3am on east coast. Had to sleep as I work at 6am
Walmart had theirs up last night too.
Some Links (no Zeldas)
Best Buy -
Target -
Walmart -
Amazon -
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Then I went to work and see they have a trade in bonus ($175 total) with the xbox one console when preordering the switch.
I have my original day one edition Xbox one just box up, because I pick up 2 new Xbox One S.
Hopefully they will still do the $175 credit toward the Switch when I go after work.
XBL/PSN: MiFengXia Twitter: @MiFengXia 3DS: 2423-3603-7854 Steam: Kythos