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Nintendo Switch (NX)

OakpunkOakpunk Boston, MARegistered User regular
Nintendo Switch has just been announced and it seems it will be releasing in March, when in March not so sure so what do you think? Before, after, or during PAX weekend? If its before will you be getting it and bringing it along? If it's during will you go out to get it or wait? After, well, that's not so tough but will it impact how much you spend at PAX?

I know I'm pretty excited and I haven't bought a Nintendo system since an old clunky DS.



  • LazorzLazorz Tokyo, JPRegistered User regular
  • VermillionDeVermillionDe Registered User regular
    Whew, that's less than a week before PAX. Which depending on how hard it is to get your hands on the new device there could be a mad dash for it at PAX. Depending on if Nintendo has a booth there this year (which in this case, I expect it will).

  • robirexrobirex BostonRegistered User regular
    Wow it looks pretty cool. If it comes out before PAX I'm getting and bringing it to PAX. I probably wouldn't miss any part of PAX to go get it though. Here's to hoping they have an awesome lineup on launch day and Nintendo has it at PAX.

  • OakpunkOakpunk Boston, MARegistered User regular
    I know I'm intending on getting one (if I can is another story). I hope its as good as that trailer made it seem, I expect a few bugs though for sure but that comes with any new console.

    March 4th would be really cool I feel because well, I would LOVE to interact with people who have gotten it and everyone kind of explore it together and really test it.

  • SinoSambaSinoSamba CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    Mad dash to Nintendo's booth if they bring the Switch to East - they could take half the Expo hall and it would still be full. I wonder if the Switch will keep StreetPass as a feature. Love those little games.

    3DS FC: 3239-2323-6239
  • Jigglypuff510Jigglypuff510 Registered User regular
    Doubt it will be in freeplay, PA would have to get a lot of consoles Day 1 and it would be a mess managaing it

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    If it is at East, I will be spending some time in the Expo hall with it for sure

  • jdixon1972jdixon1972 Registered User regular
    I definitely want it, but I want to know the price first. If it's under the $300 mark, I may get it, but it would effect my PAX spending money.

  • Jigglypuff510Jigglypuff510 Registered User regular
    jdixon1972 wrote: »
    I definitely want it, but I want to know the price first. If it's under the $300 mark, I may get it, but it would effect my PAX spending money.

    Same, I might get it but I've been getting hooked on PC more and more

  • SolanalesSolanales CMYKMatter Registered User regular
    I think I'm going to hold off on it until post PAX but the list of partners on it is what made me interested. Dark Souls possibly? HNNG

  • Doctor GuttsDoctor Gutts Registered User regular
    Having this in the hotel for PAX would be incredible. We can only hope!

  • robirexrobirex BostonRegistered User regular
    Having this in the hotel for PAX would be incredible. We can only hope!

    Good idea

  • nevermore13nevermore13 Registered User regular
    If its released i would expect it at East. Definitely would hope to get some hands on time to see if i want to buy one!

  • gigabraingigabrain Some guy...yknow New HampshireRegistered User regular
    If they are at East, there's a part of me that hopes they AREN'T on the expo floor but in a room upstairs like Bioware and Kickstarter have been in the last few years. A bigger room for sure if they can get it, but a floor booth would completely pack that area of the expo.


    3DS Friend Code: 3926-5491-9247
  • Consti2tionConsti2tion Registered User regular
    If it releases before the event, ill be getting it pre pax and bringing it with me to my hotel. It would cut into my pax funds but im putting it on Pre-order asap.

  • VermillionDeVermillionDe Registered User regular
    Hmm, I really want to see what the release list of games looks like for this. Particularly that close to PAX. If it's got some gems out of the gate then I'm there. If I'm iffy on the games I'll wait to post-pax.

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    I've been looking forward to this new system, but I will hold off until after PAX, UNLESS Nintendo's booth is selling an exclusive PAX bundle...which I doubt. So in short, this will be an after PAX purchase for me.

  • deestardeestar [E]nforcer PAXEast Vermont Registered User regular
    I can honestly say that this is the first console from Nintendo I've looked forward to since the GameCube. That being said I am waiting to see what the launch titles are .. I know some are hinted at in the trailer but I want to see the definitive list before doing something like a pre-order

  • nomisronomisro Brooklyn, NY, USARegistered User regular
    It looks like a Wii U upgrade but I would definitely be getting it for Zelda: Botw and the new Mario game. :D

  • VGguy49VGguy49 Registered User regular
    Considering Nintendo only plans on selling 2 million units next March, its looking like either Switch might not even be available by PAX, or it is going to be pretty hard to get at launch (unless you can preorder).

    Wishes he could change his username
  • NFGNFG NintendoFanGirl Registered User regular
    It's probably safe to say that even if the Switch ends up being late-March, Nintendo will be bringing at LEAST Zelda demos to PAX East.

    That being said, the Zelda demos at E3 were both ridiculously long, and if they plan on bringing the same thing (with less space available), RIP anyone who wants to play it without waiting in line all day.

  • MephistoN7MephistoN7 Sexual Tyrannosaurus Keene, NHRegistered User regular
    If it releases on the 4th, then I'll bring it along with me. If it releases on the 10th, and I have an online preorder, I'll have it shipped to the hotel (yes, that is a thing).

    Regardless, two things are evident:

    1. I'm not a religious man, but if this thing comes out on the 10th when most of us are already congregated into Boston the night before I am saying a prayer for the poor souls working at GameStop that midnight.
    2. The Nintendo booth is going to be absurd. Let's be realistic. Unless you completely bail on PAX (which, yes, they did two years ago), you have absolutely nothing to show but that Zelda game I hear about and this Switchamajig. ...Although there was that one year when all they had was the DSi XL and Photo Dojo because they were going into E3 with a dozen unannounced projects (3DS, Kid Icarus, GoldenEye, Metroid, etc).

    Still though, in the immortal words of Bart Scott: "CAN'T WAIT!"


  • macrogeekmacrogeek Registered User regular
    When the 3DS was new Nintendo didn't do a super big booth. They had a bunch of multi sided kiosks and had I think 3 demo units per pillar. The line was over an hour long and would get capped if it went outside the booth. I would expect the Switch booth to be similar IF they attend.
    They've done variations on that booth design the last few years, but changed out the demo games and updated the handhelds...added a row of WiiU stations.

  • craiolacraiola MARegistered User regular
    edited December 2016
    Nintendo just announced they are bringing the Switch to South and East

    craiola on
  • Rapid99Rapid99 Swedesboro, NJRegistered User regular
    craiola wrote: »
    Nintendo just announced they are bringing the Switch to South and East

    Considering this is a "Preview Tour" and it extends up until March 18th at the latest, it's probably safe to assume that we actually won't see the Switch released for purchase until after then :(

  • NFGNFG NintendoFanGirl Registered User regular
    Just since I haven't seen anyone else mention it - Switch launch details will likely all be released on January 12 through Nintendo's video channels, they're doing a big press conference leading up to the first weekend of the Switch demo event in NYC/worldwide. We'll almost certainly get our launch date, possibly for Zelda BOTW as well. All my fingers and toes crossed that it isn't literally during PAX.

  • SinoSambaSinoSamba CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    OK, blizzard or not, will be camping the entrance to the Boston Convention center come Fri early morning to be at the front of the expo floor line.

    3DS FC: 3239-2323-6239
  • Canderson1989Canderson1989 Registered User regular
    Just announced that the Nintendo Switch will launch on March 3.
    Still too early to expect this in Console Freeplay I assume.

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    Just announced that the Nintendo Switch will launch on March 3.
    Still too early to expect this in Console Freeplay I assume.

    And Breath of the Wild will be available at launch!

  • SinoSambaSinoSamba CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    Was able to get a preorder at BB, one less person to crowd the Nintendo booth :)

    3DS FC: 3239-2323-6239
  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    SinoSamba wrote: »
    Was able to get a preorder at BB, one less person to crowd the Nintendo booth :)

    In-store? Or online?

  • SepiothSepioth Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited January 2017
    Got my pre-order at Target. I believe best buy is sold out.

    I wanted to preorder at Amazon but they took forever to open it up. 3am on east coast. Had to sleep as I work at 6am

    Walmart had theirs up last night too.

    Some Links (no Zeldas)
    Best Buy -

    Target -

    Walmart -

    Amazon -

    Sepioth on
  • Canderson1989Canderson1989 Registered User regular
    edited January 2017
    I decided to hold off for now. The $299 price is too much for me personally. The sweet spot was $250. Also, the launch titles are severely weak. I'll most likely pick it up around the holidays, when Super Mario Odyssey launches.

    Canderson1989 on
  • Streetlight345Streetlight345 Seekonk, MARegistered User regular
    Was able to snag a Switch preorder on Amazon and a SE BotW on Gamestop. Thinking about bringing it to PAX East if there is a multiplayer game I really want, otherwise I might just leave it at home. Anyone know what it is like trying to hook up a system to a hotel tv (staying at the Westin)? Do they have hdmi ports and if so, is it frowned upon to hook up?

    PAX East 2019!
    Badges [X] Hotel [X] Time off request [X]
  • craiolacraiola MARegistered User regular
    Well the beauty of the switch is that you don't need to hook it up if it's not available. I missed the amazon pre orders bc they went up at 3:00 AM, but I did manage to get mine in for the neon console and the SE BotW on Gamestop.

  • acaraba2acaraba2 Tampa, FLRegistered User regular
    edited January 2017
    acaraba2 on


  • craiolacraiola MARegistered User regular
    thanks for the heads up! Cancelled my BotW preorder at gamestop and got it at best buy with the GCU :)

  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular
    I missed the Amazon pre-orders, as its not showing up now.

  • acaraba2acaraba2 Tampa, FLRegistered User regular
    I preorder my switch just after gamestop open this morning in store.
    Then I went to work and see they have a trade in bonus ($175 total) with the xbox one console when preordering the switch.
    I have my original day one edition Xbox one just box up, because I pick up 2 new Xbox One S.
    Hopefully they will still do the $175 credit toward the Switch when I go after work.


  • KythosKythos Mister. Registered User regular
    Had to preorder the console through GS and the SE through BB.

    PAX East 2017: Badge [X] Lodging [X] Plane Tickets [X] Time Off [X]

    XBL/PSN: MiFengXia Twitter: @MiFengXia 3DS: 2423-3603-7854 Steam: Kythos
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