I figured I would post a thread for people to collaborate on which games they were going to be bringing and what games are going to be run. This is for my own purposes as well as for others. Since Im planning on bringing alot of games but like to have random/different people join my games. Also all you other people can look here and see what is going to be in the tabletop room. (If this topic survives at least.)
Ok, so heres my list of games.
I will most likely be playing these the most:
Arkham Horror (Lovecraftian Horror Board Game)
Munchkin (D&D Backstabbing Card Game)
Dungeons & Dragons ver. 3.5 (No experience required)
I will also have these in case things get slow and I want a change of pace:
Descent (Dungeon Crawling Board Game)
Cleopatra and the Society of Architects (Strategy board game)
ZOMBIES!!! (Survival/Horror kind of Board Game)
And I think I have a couple more, that I cant remember off the top of my head. Please contribute to the list so we can see what sort of games we have to look forward to!
Sorry, that list sounded so familiar I had to ask.
If I find the time during all the other PAX shiznit, I might try to run a Qin: The Warring States campaign.
And here is the text from some of the cards:
3 Dragon Ante
D&D (of course)
Last year I missed all the shows and the speakers, as I got stuck in the table top area. This year I plan to make my self go see a show and at least one speaker, though I know once again it will be hard for me to pull myself away from the table top area. Man there is just too much going on at PAX that I want to do.
Basically, there are a certain number of townspeople and werewolves. And every turn the werewolves decide in secret a townsperson to kill and the townspeople decide on someone to lynch because they think they are a werewolf. The trick is, the werewolves get to act like townspeople while they are deciding who to lynch for being a werewolf.
Its a blast and I cant wait to get a full game going!
I believe that game comes in many variations. The one I played was exactly as described, but I've heard a version discussed with "spies" instead of werewolves (strangely enough the ones discussing it were in their 50-60's.) Either way, it's about one notch below actual LARP and is a terribly fun party/social game. I would love to get in on some of that action during the weekend.
Just be prepared to miss out on some other things if you decide to play those. Unless the tabletop area is 24 hours again then you can play late night. But then you'd have to choose between that and sealab.
Thats one of the best things about PAX. There is so much to do that you can do your favorite thing for 72 hours straight. And then if that gets old you can do your second favorite thing for a few hours as a break.
I know Im going for the tabletop gaming, a couple panels and to watch some tournies (I cant compete. I thought I could last year and the year before... but I was way wrong.)
Anyhoo, my table will always be open to new people joining. I have a couple games that you can join in even in the middle of. I should bring a sign or something... so people will be able to spot me if they want to join. Would it be too much if I made signs that showed what game we were playing and how much time each one would take and if there were openings at the table? Or is that a good idea? Im not too sure at this moment. Ive been awake too long as it is.
However, I am down for just about anything, I am a gaming fanatic and not afraid to try new and dirty things.
Last PAX I brought a copy of Sac Noir/Bandu/That Weird Ass Tower Building Game Whatever It's Called as a way to draw interested passers-by into playing or watching, and once I'd got enough folks gathered, I'd bring out the Settlers of Catan and play the six-player road-building fest I really wanted in the first place.
The key to keep in mind is that while you may get people to play one or two games you bring, you'll also be just as likely to want to play a game someone else has brought. Try and theme the games you bring, and that way you'll learn who likes to play the type of games you like. For example, if you get a group to play Risk, then move on to Axis & Allies, then Fortress America, expect most everyone to wander off when you pull out Apples to Apples or Fluxx, and vice versa.
Also, keep to standard games. I'd like to try my hand at a game along the lines of the Worldwar books by Harry Turtledove where aliens invade during WWII using the Axis & Allies board with Fortress America pieces as the invading Race, but I wouldn't want to inflict a half-assed playtest on players without their full consent. I still get the willies thinking of the guy who tried to add Magic to Settlers of Catan at a game con and had blocked out TEN HOURS to try and get it to work...
I'm bringing my magic and naruto decks. so there.
I'd love a big-@$$ game of Zombies!!!
Oh yeah! Zombies, I also have zombies. But just the original set, but I think its more of a 2 o'clock in the morning game, when you cant keep your eyes focused on anything and your brain is a little addled type of game.
Last year though there were a couple of games of zombies going on. So Im sure it wont be too hard to find if you want to play. Because really, who doesnt love killing zombies and escaping a city infested with the undead, leaving your friends behind?
Oh gods you have Changeling and Demon. Expect a tackle-hug from me if you bring those books out in public. I am such a Changeling fan, and lucky enough to have found some of the books on eBay and in local used book stores, but Demon left us with my boyfriend's psycho ex and I never got to finish reading it.
Uh, that is, "Hi, wanna be friends?"
Actually they are my books, so yeah... how YOU doin? :winky:
Clearly there needs to be an enormous WW geekout, with piles and piles of shiny, colorful d10s. Perhaps I will make signs for it, or just wear a badge that says "I love oWoD, ask me how!"
Geekouts ftw!
Gah there needs to be more time at pax. between events, sealab, and gaming, I think I am going to have to cut out eating and sleeping to make enough time.
Not to mention bathroom time, I'm afraid I may die the same way Tycho's namesake did.
Were you the guy playing with Rank and I last year? I remember we used some ruined town setup from a Warhammer game or something. Good times.
Oooou I wanna play legos too... Can I can I?
I promise not to try and frame you for murder this year HotSake. :P
Yeah, I wanna play too. I promise not to try and have nearly everyone kill eachother... maybe
...Elizabeth? Yew HOOOOOR! ;-)
Also, see you at Sealab.
I sooooo hope he runs another larp-thing like that again this year, it was so damn fun.
And I better see you at sealab! it's where all the cool kids are gonna be