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PAX Unplugged 2017 - what we know so far

zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod

What: PAX Unplugged will be an exciting analog-focused extension of our already existing portfolio of PAX events. We've found that the Tabletop parts of PAX have grown and grown to the point where we said, "You know what? Let's make a show that's just that."

Where: Pennsylvania Convention Center in Philadelphia, PA

When: November 17-19, 2017

Who: Me? You?

Where do I stay?

How do I find out more? Subscribe to the email list on the unplugged website, and stay tuned here!



  • YamiNoSenshiYamiNoSenshi A point called Z In the complex planeRegistered User regular
    edited April 2017
    Looks like passes go on sale May 3rd! $60 for the three day, $25 for single day, and $10 for kids Sunday admission.

    YamiNoSenshi on
  • jdwjdw Registered User regular
    Will Unplugged be Philly only? Or, are there plans to rotate locations?

    Also, someone needs to add Unplugged to the Signature Generator! :biggrin:

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    jdw wrote: »
    Will Unplugged be Philly only? Or, are there plans to rotate locations?

    Also, someone needs to add Unplugged to the Signature Generator! :biggrin:
    I believe they have a multi-year deal with Philadelphia. No clue on details, though.

  • Arithon32Arithon32 Member of the Pinquisition Registered User regular
    Does anyone know if there is a limit to the number of badges you can buy, and if so, do children passes count towards it?


  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    edited May 2017
    If it's like other shows, you will be limited to 4 full sets of badges. Not sure if kids' passes count towards that (since that's a new thing), but if I had to guess I'd lean towards "no".

    PLEASE NOTE: In order to keep things fair, we currently have badge limits in place. You are allowed to purchase up to 6 Badges of each type, per household. If we determine that you are ordering under different names or multiple addresses, all of your orders will be cancelled immediately.

    whypick1 on
    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • robirexrobirex BostonRegistered User regular
    Do we know anything else about the event? Even general panel info, if they will be using sign ups, if there are other fees around the event? I know there is some speculation around the internet, but just curious if anything has come out yet.

  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    Based only on other PAXes:

    *Schedules won't be released until a couple weeks before the show
    *Signups for tournaments will be day-of (although I would not be surprised if there are more tourneys that span multiple days)
    *There will be no other entry fees outside of things like sealed pack tournaments.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    edited May 2017
    Interesting note re kid passes and proof of age though
    'Children 5 and under are free with a paid adult. Kids 6-12 must purchase a Ticket to attend PAX Unplugged. Sunday Kids Day Tickets are only valid for children 6-12, while supplies last and must be accompanied by a ticket holding adult. Please be prepared to show proof of age onsite. Strollers are not permitted on the Expo Hall at any time.'

    ishtra on
    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • KoopahTroopahKoopahTroopah The koopas, the troopas. Philadelphia, PARegistered User regular
    I'm curious how an Omegathon will work with board games. :biggrin:

  • ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
    Diplomacy. We'll find out the winner in 6 months.

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    We have had Board games in Omegathon rounds before, so that isn't too much of a stretch.

    Re: Panels. Submissions are open now. For anyone new to PAX, our panels are chosen from the best submissions from the community. So we rely on you all to submit and create great panels to help make PAX wonderful.

  • ItaraItara Registered User regular
    I know that its early, and this is the 1st unplugged, but one of my favorite things about east is the Pokecrawl, are there any whispers of something like that happening for this?

  • Nathan SykesNathan Sykes Supreme Overlord United States of AmericaRegistered User regular
    Beker wrote: »
    We have had Board games in Omegathon rounds before, so that isn't too much of a stretch.

    Re: Panels. Submissions are open now. For anyone new to PAX, our panels are chosen from the best submissions from the community. So we rely on you all to submit and create great panels to help make PAX wonderful.

    Oh goodie, a PA staff. Maybe you can answer my question: When will Unplugged get a real website? The landing page is cute, but we want details like there would be on the actual website ;-;

  • EL_Limon_CubanoEL_Limon_Cubano Boston, MARegistered User regular
    Beker wrote: »
    We have had Board games in Omegathon rounds before, so that isn't too much of a stretch.

    Re: Panels. Submissions are open now. For anyone new to PAX, our panels are chosen from the best submissions from the community. So we rely on you all to submit and create great panels to help make PAX wonderful.

    Oh goodie, a PA staff. Maybe you can answer my question: When will Unplugged get a real website? The landing page is cute, but we want details like there would be on the actual website ;-;

    Yeah. I wondered the same thing. It's a sub-domain like all other PAX's but the look and feel is very simple. I assume they will transition once they get more info on the con as well. So far I assume all they know is where and when. They still might not have any other details and will transition the page once they get that info.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I am sure the site will be transitioned once there is more content to showcase.

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    edited May 2017
    Oh goodie, a PA staff. Maybe you can answer my question: When will Unplugged get a real website? The landing page is cute, but we want details like there would be on the actual website ;-;

    It is currently in process. The extra PAX requires a re-design of the site itself and while we are at it, fixing some things behind the scenes that have needed some work for a while. Perhaps you noticed an indication that our designers are super busy, so it will not be soon(tm), but we are doing our best to get it rolled out before the PAX season starts. That being said, when new information is available, we will post it on the landing page and Twitter. We won't let the lack of a proper site keep you from getting info. As far as the generally standard "static" stuff for PAX, Safety and Security stuff, most of the FAQ's, etc, none of that will be significantly different from other PAXen, so you can use those as a reference in the meantime.

    If you have specific questions, feel free to ask, happy to answer if I can.

    Beker on
  • SchmulkiSchmulki Registered User regular
    Beker wrote: »
    free to ask, happy to answer if I can.

    Can we get any info from a REALLY high level what to expect at PAX Unplugged? Is there going to be a large showfloor like other PAX's? Is there a "type" of tabletop gaming that is going to get more focus than others (RPG, minis, ccgs, board, etc)? Will there be concerts? Is there going to be a lot of organized gaming or is it going to focus more on open gaming?

    Like....not specifics, I know none of that is nailed down, but even just a really high level kind of thing would be really cool to hear.

  • Nathan SykesNathan Sykes Supreme Overlord United States of AmericaRegistered User regular
    Schmulki wrote: »
    Beker wrote: »
    free to ask, happy to answer if I can.

    Can we get any info from a REALLY high level what to expect at PAX Unplugged? Is there going to be a large showfloor like other PAX's? Is there a "type" of tabletop gaming that is going to get more focus than others (RPG, minis, ccgs, board, etc)? Will there be concerts? Is there going to be a lot of organized gaming or is it going to focus more on open gaming?

    Like....not specifics, I know none of that is nailed down, but even just a really high level kind of thing would be really cool to hear.

    lol nope

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Schmulki wrote: »
    Beker wrote: »
    free to ask, happy to answer if I can.
    Can we get any info from a REALLY high level what to expect at PAX Unplugged? Is there going to be a large showfloor like other PAX's? Is there a "type" of tabletop gaming that is going to get more focus than others (RPG, minis, ccgs, board, etc)? Will there be concerts? Is there going to be a lot of organized gaming or is it going to focus more on open gaming?
    Like....not specifics, I know none of that is nailed down, but even just a really high level kind of thing would be really cool to hear.
    lol nope
    As you might have noticed, this is a forum and not a chatroom. I'm sure beker will get back to this thread when he has time :)

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    PAX Unplugged will be an exciting analog-focused extension of our already existing portfolio of PAX events. We've found that the Tabletop parts of PAX have grown and grown to the point where we said, "You know what? Let's make a show that's just that."

    It will be a PAX, without the Video Games. There will be panels, there will be both Table Top freeplay and tournaments, same as other PAXen. As far as organized gaming vs how much open gaming? I would guess more of each then any other PAXen. It will be exciting to see what happens when PAX TT has room to breath and grow. Tournaments will be pretty much the same mix as other PAXen as far as type of tabletop. Freeplay is obviously open for people to play what they want.

    What the exhibitors focus on or which ones decide to come I would not pretend to be able to tell you. We will all have to wait and see. I can say there will be exhibitors and they will be in a showfloor or hall of some kind. It will likely be quieter and less flashy then a regular PAX expo hall but still full of wonderful things to check out. There will not be concerts but there will be a main theater with big panels\performances. There will be lines (no word yet on Line Entertainment, that depends on Enforcing staff levels)

    Far as in-depth details, you will have a long time to wait for that, most stuff will be released along the usual timeframe relative to the PAX dates. Although being a new show we might sneak you some tidbits early once they are finalized.

    When the first East happened we (and others) worried that the "PAX atmosphere" would not be able to be re-created. It was. When we did the first Aus, we worried that the "PAX Feeling" would not be able to jump the waters. It did. We would be lying if we said there was no worry on our parts that this will be a proper "PAX", there will always be a small worry, but its still us gamers, talking about, looking at, cosplaying as and playing games. Like the other PAXen, you all buy tickets on faith that it will be a great show and you will have fun. But we've learned the secret, we just provide the roof, you all make it a fun PAX. Welcome Home.

    Hopefully thats the kind of high-level info you were looking for.

  • EL_Limon_CubanoEL_Limon_Cubano Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited May 2017
    Hello Beker,

    Just a few questions from me when you have time off your I bet busy schedule with all that is coming up.
    Beker wrote: »
    It will be a PAX, without the Video Games.
    So I will take as none whatsoever. Granted it is a Tabletop PAX but is there a thought to maybe having the possibility to include a small dosage of video gaming? Sort, of how other PAX are mostly Video Gaming and then a small part table top. To maybe include some hot video game items only? Or maybe a small indie corner or something. Granted, I don't work for PAX nor do I have any inside info on the thought process and/or planning of this like you and the staff do. I just feel that it is best to sort of reverse the other PAX's rather than a total phase out of that aspect.

    Also, another question I had is how much of the convention has been rented out for this and what is the off the top expected attendance?

    Have ticket sales this first week met, exceeded or came short of expectations?

    The Philly Convention already has dates for PAX Unplugged 2018 on their Events site. Is this a mistake or is that the planned time for next year?

    I think those are all my questions for now. Sure we will get more details as the weeks and moths pass. I am sure this is going to be great and you and the rest of the staff will put something awesome for everyone :)


    zerzhul on
  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    edited May 2017
    Hello Beker,
    Just a few questions from me when you have time off your I bet busy schedule with all that is coming up.

    We think we can make a successful PAX with just table top stuff. We have talked about allowing electronic stuff that is grounded in a table top game. Magic the Gathering on the PC for example. No word on how that decision went. Like any PAX, its a living thing, and could evolve after we get one under the belt. Opening the door to some general video games would mean we would likely then have all the other freeplay and tournaments as well. And how would we choose among all the possible video game exhibitors which ones get to come to Unplugged? Video games dominate the other 4 PAXen, i'm excited to see how this one grows and evolves culture wise without that focus.

    We rarely talk about convention center space and never talk about ticket numbers you silly goose. However well ticket sales are going will have no impact on what the show is like, even shows that don't sell out are imo, wonderful. I guarantee you it won't be empty, and we won't fill it beyond capacity.

    I've no idea about the 2018 date there, my recommendation is never trust a PAX date 100% until we have announced it.

    Maybe I should clarify my position with PA just for FYI. I run the VR Freeplay department at PAX. Any questions about PAX that do not have to do with VR I may not know the answer to. If its something I can tell you I figure out the answer and then share, so no problem there. But if its something I can't share (like ticket counts or 2018 dates) I just don't bother asking, better not to know.

    Beker on
  • EL_Limon_CubanoEL_Limon_Cubano Boston, MARegistered User regular
    edited May 2017
    Beker wrote: »
    Hello Beker,
    Just a few questions from me when you have time off your I bet busy schedule with all that is coming up.

    We think we can make a successful PAX with just table top stuff. We have talked about allowing electronic stuff that is grounded in a table top game. Magic the Gathering on the PC for example. No word on how that decision went. Like any PAX, its a living thing, and could evolve after we get one under the belt. Opening the door to some general video games would mean we would likely then have all the other freeplay and tournaments as well. And how would we choose among all the possible video game exhibitors which ones get to come to Unplugged? Video games dominate the other 4 PAXen, i'm excited to see how this one grows and evolves culture wise without that focus.

    We rarely talk about convention center space and never talk about ticket numbers you silly goose. However well ticket sales are going will have no impact on what the show is like, even shows that don't sell out are imo, wonderful. I guarantee you it won't be empty, and we won't fill it beyond capacity.

    I've no idea about the 2018 date there, my recommendation is never trust a PAX date 100% until we have announced it.

    Maybe I should clarify my position with PA just for FYI. I run the VR Freeplay department at PAX. Any questions about PAX that do not have to do with VR I may not know the answer to. If its something I can tell you I figure out the answer and then share, so no problem there. But if its something I can't share (like ticket counts or 2018 dates) I just don't bother asking, better not to know.

    Thank you Beker. I'm sure Unplugged will be great. Heck, I've been tracking to buy tickets and bought the moment I got a chance from work day 1.

    I understand some info can't be shared. Just thought I would ask away. Only bad questions are the ones not asked, granted they are not dumb :) I was just trying to see what the response has been to the convention from the public. But, we will see in Nov.

    Again thanks for being available here on the forums.

    EL_Limon_Cubano on
  • rgd122rgd122 Registered User new member
    No concerts is mildly disappointing. I was hoping for at least one night.

  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    rgd122 wrote: »
    No concerts is mildly disappointing. I was hoping for at least one night.
    haha even if they at least did something acoustic ... like, unplugged haha

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • TopherRocksTopherRocks Rockstar Beard Grower Kent, OH or Long Island, NYRegistered User regular
    ishtra wrote: »
    rgd122 wrote: »
    No concerts is mildly disappointing. I was hoping for at least one night.
    haha even if they at least did something acoustic ... like, unplugged haha

    I would love this so much.

  • robirexrobirex BostonRegistered User regular
    ishtra wrote: »
    rgd122 wrote: »
    No concerts is mildly disappointing. I was hoping for at least one night.
    haha even if they at least did something acoustic ... like, unplugged haha

    I hope someone brings their guitar even if PAX doesn't have something formal. That would be very cool.

  • jdwjdw Registered User regular
    Acoustic instruments only concerts in the Unplugged tradition!

  • SchmulkiSchmulki Registered User regular
    Beker wrote: »
    PAX Unplugged will be an exciting analog-focused extension of our already existing portfolio of PAX events. We've found that the Tabletop parts of PAX have grown and grown to the point where we said, "You know what? Let's make a show that's just that."

    It will be a PAX, without the Video Games. There will be panels, there will be both Table Top freeplay and tournaments, same as other PAXen. As far as organized gaming vs how much open gaming? I would guess more of each then any other PAXen. It will be exciting to see what happens when PAX TT has room to breath and grow. Tournaments will be pretty much the same mix as other PAXen as far as type of tabletop. Freeplay is obviously open for people to play what they want.

    What the exhibitors focus on or which ones decide to come I would not pretend to be able to tell you. We will all have to wait and see. I can say there will be exhibitors and they will be in a showfloor or hall of some kind. It will likely be quieter and less flashy then a regular PAX expo hall but still full of wonderful things to check out. There will not be concerts but there will be a main theater with big panels\performances. There will be lines (no word yet on Line Entertainment, that depends on Enforcing staff levels)

    Far as in-depth details, you will have a long time to wait for that, most stuff will be released along the usual timeframe relative to the PAX dates. Although being a new show we might sneak you some tidbits early once they are finalized.

    When the first East happened we (and others) worried that the "PAX atmosphere" would not be able to be re-created. It was. When we did the first Aus, we worried that the "PAX Feeling" would not be able to jump the waters. It did. We would be lying if we said there was no worry on our parts that this will be a proper "PAX", there will always be a small worry, but its still us gamers, talking about, looking at, cosplaying as and playing games. Like the other PAXen, you all buy tickets on faith that it will be a great show and you will have fun. But we've learned the secret, we just provide the roof, you all make it a fun PAX. Welcome Home.

    Hopefully thats the kind of high-level info you were looking for.

    Awesome, that's exactly the kind of thing I was hoping for. I know we're WAY too early to know specifics, but that helps a lot. I was at the first East and the buzz in the air was just amazing, everyone was so excited. I expect that to be the same here :)

    I'm a bit sad for the lack of concerts. If this goes as well as I expect it to, any chance of that being added in the future? I love the concerts every year at East and would be excited to have the same here in Philly. To tie that a bit more into tabletop gaming, one of the things (which you probably know) that happens at East is people sitting outside of the concert hall in groups playing card games and the like while listening/watching the concerts. We would always do that for the bands we weren't as interested in seeing and then pack up and move into the actual concert hall for the ones we want to be up-close and personal for :)

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    Schmulki wrote: »
    I'm a bit sad for the lack of concerts. If this goes as well as I expect it to, any chance of that being added in the future?

    Assuming this PAX goes well without concerts, I don't think we would then add them in. We know people like their evening chill activities, we are going to try some different things this PAX instead of concerts. I hope you give them a fair shot and then let us know afterwards what you think.

  • SchmulkiSchmulki Registered User regular
    I look forward to seeing what you guys have to offer, but will definitely be a bit sad to not have even one night of concerts as that's a PAX staple.

  • matth06matth06 Registered User regular
    Will there be an auction?

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    matth06 wrote: »
    Will there be an auction?

    I am not aware of any auctions that happen at PAX, unless you mean the Child's Play Live Auction Panel that happens at PAX Aus. We have no plans to bring that to un-plugged at this time.

  • matth06matth06 Registered User regular
    I meant boardgame auctions like Gen-Con has and Origins used to have. It's a great event.

  • ArcSynArcSyn Registered User regular
    Could probably set up a math trade on bgg for anyone on site.

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    matth06 wrote: »
    I meant boardgame auctions like Gen-Con has and Origins used to have. It's a great event.

    No plans for that at this time.

  • GundabadGundabad PAX East & Unplugged Tabletop Manager NJRegistered User regular
    ArcSyn wrote: »
    Could probably set up a math trade on bgg for anyone on site.
    A community-run math trade would definitely be the best way to go about this.

    I don't see PAX running an official auction or trade anytime soon. But one of the best features of PAX is how community is given leeway to pull cool things together (e.g., giant hallway Johan Sebastian Joust games, Cookie Brigade, etc.). Make it happen!

    If someone does step up and organize this, I could at least give some pointers on what area in convention center is best to hold your trade gathering.

  • SchmulkiSchmulki Registered User regular
    I'd definitely be down for a math trade, I hope that hapepns.

  • ThatNerdyKevThatNerdyKev Director of Awesome Philly (ish)Registered User new member
    As a local Philadelphian (well, I'm in the 'burbs, but close enough), I'm super excited for PAX Unplugged! I do have a question that may or may not have been answered elsewhere on the Internet (couldn't find anything)—hopefully Beker has some sort of answer :biggrin:

    When do people who submitted panel ideas hear back if they are accepted or not? I'm sure there are A LOT to go through, but was just wondering if there was any kind of ETA? I'm already preparing just in case, but don't want to lock too much down without knowing!

    Thanks! Can't wait for this!

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    When do people who submitted panel ideas hear back if they are accepted or not? I'm sure there are A LOT to go through, but was just wondering if there was any kind of ETA? I'm already preparing just in case, but don't want to lock too much down without knowing!

    Not sure we have any kind of ETA. I suspect they might be working on panels in the order of the PAXen, so there are 2 others before Unplugged. New things could always mix things up though. Sorry.

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