Humm... Conan Exiles... yah, I spent some time playing it and there are the bones of a good game there. But some of the choices the devs are making are hard to understand. Particularly the slavery and racism (despite what character creation would have you believe your default penis size isn't 50% larger if you have black skin).
I had never even heard of Conan Exiles before but the trailer looks great even for somebody generally burnt out and somewhat skeptical of MMOs these days. If it actually lives up to the hype and you can go from "barely alive bag of meat and bones" to "ruthless, god summoning conqueror" it should be a lot of fun.
i'll be damned if my tax dollars are going to pay for free pants-handouts for some shifty layabout who can't provide for themselves enough to holster their own downstairs shame-tackle.
I had never even heard of Conan Exiles before but the trailer looks great even for somebody generally burnt out and somewhat skeptical of MMOs these days. If it actually lives up to the hype and you can go from "barely alive bag of meat and bones" to "ruthless, god summoning conqueror" it should be a lot of fun.
It's an MMO? I thought it was just a regular multiplayer game. You can run private servers.
I had never even heard of Conan Exiles before but the trailer looks great even for somebody generally burnt out and somewhat skeptical of MMOs these days. If it actually lives up to the hype and you can go from "barely alive bag of meat and bones" to "ruthless, god summoning conqueror" it should be a lot of fun.
It's an MMO? I thought it was just a regular multiplayer game. You can run private servers.
It's a survival arena type thing built from the Age of Conan MMO remnants, I think.
The narrative I've seen relating to Conan Exiles is pretty much it's Boob and Penis Slider: The Game - Infinite Early Access Edition.
What else is there to this game?
Your fixation on countering the black skin penis size stereotype is also kind of amusing. Like... you had to have written over 500 words devoted to that topic in that piece. If you could not change the size of your penis as nature intended, perhaps that argument would have more girth to it? It's just... does it really even matter?
“I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
Including that stereotype is a shitty, racist joke and there's no reason for it to be included in the game.
Not really sure why there's a reason to include penis slider in the game period, tbh...
But, if in addition to the penis being larger by default, the black characters were also framed as being more sexually ravenous the argument that its inclusion is racist would carry more weight. Or perhaps evidence that non-black males in the society in this game are more prone to kill and/or desire to castrate or otherwise emasculate the black equivalent characters to protect their women. Do the female NPCs have a preference based off this preconception? There are layers to that particular stereotype and such that that his writing doesn't address, and those are what actually drive its usage from being "racist" depiction or not.
It's the difference between a black character knowingly nodding that he's got a big package, and that character knowingly nodding that he's got a big package and is also the only character with a crippling sex addiction. Because that's the point when it starts to slide into the negative territory. Having a big penis by default doesn't necessarily mean they're running a Mandingo simulator. Is there any evidence of that in the game?
All he does in his writing is state "this is false, and here's a chart that says so. Also, it's racist." So IDK. Based off what I've seen and what he wrote, the complaint runs shallow.
tastydonuts on
“I used to draw, hard to admit that I used to draw...”
MHWilds ID: JF9LL8L3
great, now I have "bandicoot genitals" in my search history and need eye bleach. don't do it.
Can't be any worse than echidna, surely...?
It's a survival arena type thing built from the Age of Conan MMO remnants, I think.
The Spectre of Continuty haunts his pants.
Mostly I think it's a solid survival game with some questionable design decisions.
What else is there to this game?
Your fixation on countering the black skin penis size stereotype is also kind of amusing. Like... you had to have written over 500 words devoted to that topic in that piece. If you could not change the size of your penis as nature intended, perhaps that argument would have more girth to it? It's just... does it really even matter?
Not really sure why there's a reason to include penis slider in the game period, tbh...
But, if in addition to the penis being larger by default, the black characters were also framed as being more sexually ravenous the argument that its inclusion is racist would carry more weight. Or perhaps evidence that non-black males in the society in this game are more prone to kill and/or desire to castrate or otherwise emasculate the black equivalent characters to protect their women. Do the female NPCs have a preference based off this preconception? There are layers to that particular stereotype and such that that his writing doesn't address, and those are what actually drive its usage from being "racist" depiction or not.
It's the difference between a black character knowingly nodding that he's got a big package, and that character knowingly nodding that he's got a big package and is also the only character with a crippling sex addiction. Because that's the point when it starts to slide into the negative territory. Having a big penis by default doesn't necessarily mean they're running a Mandingo simulator. Is there any evidence of that in the game?
All he does in his writing is state "this is false, and here's a chart that says so. Also, it's racist." So IDK. Based off what I've seen and what he wrote, the complaint runs shallow.