In a lush, post-apocalyptic world where nature has reclaimed the ruins of a forgotten civilization, pockets of humanity live on in primitive hunter-gatherer tribes. Their dominion over the new wilderness has been usurped by the Machines – fearsome mechanical creatures of unknown origin that roam the land in packs and threaten all who encroach upon their territory. As Aloy, a human hunter and archer, you must journey into the sprawling landscape to discover its history, do battle with all manner of beasts, expand your arsenal through crafting, and interact with a diverse cast of characters.Welcome… to Jurassic Par- shit, no. I meant to say,
Welcome… to the jaw-droppingly gorgeous world of:
The new project (and new IP!) from Guerrilla Games, former developers of Killzone and absolute technical wizards, Horizon releases on
Tuesday, February 28 and by all accounts is looking like a brilliantly realized story-driven action-RPG and a must-play introduction to Sony’s newest franchise-to-be. It features 40+ hours of hunting, crafting, leveling, questing, climbing, riding, trap-setting, arrow-slinging, collecting, and dialogue-tree-ing; it has towers to climb and encampments to scout out and attack; it has (what reviewers have said is) a deep narrative that pulls you in and actually pays off; and it’s coated in polish and smooth as silk.
I thought it was absurd that we didn’t have a thread for this, because I know my fellow PS4 owners must be as excited as I am, so feel free to share screenshots and videos and stories about your travels and strategies once we all dive in on Tuesday. According to reviews, this game is going to be something special.
Here are a few of 'em:
- Polygon gives it a 9.5
- Giant Bomb gives it a 5/5
- Jim Sterling gives it a 9.5
- IGN gives it a 93
- GameSpot gives it a 9/10
You get the idea. It's gonna be good. I'm stoked. Discuss!
I'm really excited about this. I'll be playing it on Tuesday!
March 3 (the Friday after the release of this) is Switch Day (Zelda day). I will play my new Switch and Zelda for 3 weeks. Then Mass Effect Andromeda comes out. And I am prepared to lose weeks/months of my life to that game and its multiplayer. And then if I'm still alive after all of that couch-sitting video game playing, I have Persona 5 in early April.
As awesome as Horizon looks, the timing couldn't be worse. It's launching within 1-2 month proximity of three of my most beloved franchises of all time. I see this game, and I want to play it. It looks brilliant. Absolutely stunning. But a new IP that I have no investment in just cannot compete with the back-to-back-to-back onslaught of Zelda into Mass Effect into Persona.
So stoked about this though, going to have to put down Nioh and Yakuza 0 and then try to beat this before Mass Effect.
Steam: abunchofdaftpunk | PSN: noautomobilesgo | Lastfm: sjchszeppelin | Backloggery: colincummings | 3DS FC: 1392-6019-0219 |
I am gonna pre-load next week and then try and play as much as I can before BotW drops. They say the campaign can be be done in about 25 hours if you focus specifically on it, so I am half tempted to do it all in the 3 days before the switch hits.
In fact I am almost certain this is what I will end up doing.
Might be more of a collector's item since this is a first game and it reviewed real well.
Quests?! I had no idea this was a thing. Kinda bare bones since the only thing they really need/want you to do is watch trailers, but it'd be cool if they fleshed that out for other games.
Edit: Also, I keep alt+tabbing back to the window where the trailers are playing and seeing things that make me want to avert my gaze. Don't show me mid-game cinematics! Don't show me big impressive sights!
Thankfully, I don't buy systems until they've got 3-5 games I really want to play, so the Switch is completely out for me. And after Mass Effect 3, I needed to be sold on Mass Effect Andromeda but Bioware/EA's terrible marketing has failed to do that. I'll still play it but it won't be for a few months after launch.
I pre-ordered the Limited Edition (steelbook, art book + DLC stuff) a couple of weeks ago. I'm lucky I didn't wait till the last minute to pre-order like I usually do, as it seemed to be taken down from the EB NZ website a few days later.
Horizon looks awesome, though.
Today was the first day of Spring Training, so I figured it was seasonally appropriate that another thread would have a Mets logo attached to it.
thing is, persona is only 2 weeks after mass effect, so that would make getting even a single playthrough and some multiplayer done in time a tall order.
Horizon:Zero Dawn I have plenty of time for though since I sold my wiiu a while back, and I have no intention of getting a switch as long as metroid continues to not exist. Zelda, as good as it's supposed to be, is out of sight and out of mind.
Have you checked your library (under Purchased Games)?
The digital preload is now live, as in it was automatically added to my PS4 game list and downloaded without me asking, which I'm somewhat pleasantly ambivalent about.
And then I can get ME:A when it launches and not feel too broken up about it.
I cancelled my Switch/Zelda combo as well. It was a rough band aid to rip, but it felt like the right move in light of all the great games coming out for devices I already own.
I woke up to this notification, as well. I'm sad the CE Guide Book won't get here for awhile, but I was mostly wanting it for extra lore/world building and 2nd playthrough stuff.
I guess I should consider myself lucky that I never got bit by the Nintendo/Zelda bug. The only one I've been able to stand for more than an hour is the NES game. ME: Andro though... Dat MP is going to pull me away from H:ZD for sure.
Regardless, I'm looking forward to taking off Wednesday to relax and out and play the crap outta this.
As for Horizon, I really want to play it but im keeping my switch order, so i might get it anyway, play till friday, then come back to it...after all zelda can be played on the go.
Anyone heard if Horizon has better graphics if you have a pro?
What I've mostly heard talked about was that its "smoother" framerate wise. IGN has a video comparison if you'd like to see visually... And Eurogamer has an article about the PS4 Pro performance that again parrots the line, "opts for smoother performance".
Even then, reviews have made it sound like the PS4 version is still damn gorgeous and, again, still damn stable frame-rate wise.
Because some people think that's kind of uncomfortable behavior and would rather their copy just go for retail to whoever is lucky enough to get it.
You're thinking of the performance option they added in the day one patch. It's the wrong thing to emphasize. It doesn't do much. Both the base and Pro versions already ran at an extremely stable 30 FPS. You lose out on a higher rendering resolution for next to no gains.
Visuals between the Pro and base modes are pretty similar. The former will largely get you a cleaner, sharper image due to its higher resolution (super sampling is supported for 1080p displays). It does have better anisotropic filtering and slightly better textures, as well.
I keep praying a PC port gets announced, but Google just spits back results indicating that no, a PC port isn't happening, get on with my life, etc.
A man can dream.
There aren't a lot of exclusives that really draw me in, but this one is proving to be an exception.
I love Nintendo games, just not enough to buy a whole system exclusively for them anymore.
Pretty stoked about Horizon. Going to have to try not to stay up too late tonight. Have to get up so early in the morning.
Critical Failures - Havenhold Campaign • August St. Cloud (Human Ranger)
PSN : Bolthorn