I had missing robot lions as a kid. Not till you get all 5 do you have Voltron. Naw the one toy I wanted but never got was baby Firefly from Gen 1 mlp. That sucker ain't ever coming out. I would have to buy used versions.
HeatwaveCome, now, and walk the path of explosions with me!Registered Userregular
When I was a kid I made the remaining Voltron limbs out of paper and sticky tape.
It was awful.
I was so happy when we had finally tracked down the rest of the lions at various flea markets.
Sadly the black lion broke one day and the whole thing got thrown out.
But now I have the Soul of Chogokin version and it is the best thing ever~!
But now I have the Soul of Chogokin version and it is the best thing ever~!
Oh nice! It looks great in the pictures. How is it?
It's pretty damn great. Very nice, shiny and decent articulation.
It has a secret extra elbow joint to give it a full 90 degree bend. The torso can be extended to give it a longer torso and has slight ab crunch.
The only issue I have with mine is the sword can become untabbed inside the hand lions mouths.
If anyone ends up getting one, I recommend pushing in the shoulder tabs on the Black Lion all the way to actually lock the connector. I see so many people complain, even you tube reviewers, make this mistake.
I remember in the 80's they sold Voltron in three packages, one had the black lion, one had the green and yellow, and the other had the red and blue. I got the package with the green and yellow. I found out a friend had the black, and the red/blue. We got together and made the full Voltron. And then he ran around with it for awhile, then took his three lions and went home. I felt extra ripped off.
Andy JoeWe claim the land for the highlord!The AdirondacksRegistered Userregular
I remember Mike talking about this in the last DLC podcast show.
My mom once got me five of the Constructicons for X-mas. To be fair, she did realize the other combiners I owned had five bots, so she picked up five different bots for Devastator and assumed it was good.
I remember I was a kid I wanted the power rangers megazord toy that is formed of five zords and a dragonzord, but I couldn't afford it.
It was depressing to look up the current price of that exact toy and discover that I still can't.
To be fair, I don't believe the legacy toyline is still in production.
So whatever's still up for grabs is going to continue getting more and more expensive.
Still kicking myself for not getting in on that when the getting was good.
There's probably an equally good or better version that I could buy, but I've realised that finding out all about the modern world of Power Rangers toys is probably not something I should do
Bandai is releasing a die cast ultra-articulated version of the Dino Megazord this month. As I was never able to get the original toy as a kid, you can bet your sweet ass I've already pre-ordered mine.
C-3PO and not R2D2
Bumblebee and not Optimus
It was awful.
I was so happy when we had finally tracked down the rest of the lions at various flea markets.
Sadly the black lion broke one day and the whole thing got thrown out.
But now I have the Soul of Chogokin version and it is the best thing ever~!
Steam / Origin & Wii U: Heatwave111 / FC: 4227-1965-3206 / Battle.net: Heatwave#11356
It has a secret extra elbow joint to give it a full 90 degree bend. The torso can be extended to give it a longer torso and has slight ab crunch.
The only issue I have with mine is the sword can become untabbed inside the hand lions mouths.
If anyone ends up getting one, I recommend pushing in the shoulder tabs on the Black Lion all the way to actually lock the connector. I see so many people complain, even you tube reviewers, make this mistake.
Steam / Origin & Wii U: Heatwave111 / FC: 4227-1965-3206 / Battle.net: Heatwave#11356
"... all you got him is *a* grisly assemblage of ..."
So why's the Black Lion gotta be the N? ;-)
I had the exact same thought but decided maybe it was just me.
My mom once got me five of the Constructicons for X-mas. To be fair, she did realize the other combiners I owned had five bots, so she picked up five different bots for Devastator and assumed it was good.
I was scarred for life.
Indeed, when they redid the Aerialbots a year or so ago they replaced one of the limbs with one.
Just to be clear, you're only renting it.
It was depressing to look up the current price of that exact toy and discover that I still can't.
Cue to scene of Tube on his deathbed, dropping a snowglobe and whispering, "Megazord."
To be fair, I don't believe the legacy toyline is still in production.
So whatever's still up for grabs is going to continue getting more and more expensive.
Still kicking myself for not getting in on that when the getting was good.
There's probably an equally good or better version that I could buy, but I've realised that finding out all about the modern world of Power Rangers toys is probably not something I should do