Hello Everyone! I've been attending Pax for quite some time now, for so long in fact that I need some help. This year I will be taking my neighbor's 13 year old daughter to Pax West! This will not only be her first Pax, but her first con in general. Any suggestions or tips for her? She is really excited.
If you plan to wait in lines for games, and there will be big lines, something to entertain her to pass the time helps.
Looking at your badges this isn't your first rodeo, so I figure my tips are all old hat...
"Brilliant! Oh wait, if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with little bags of nuts."
It created a love of socks because it was so amazing. And now I try to buy socks at any con I go to in celebration of the amazing feeling of putting on a new pair of socks half way through the day. And naturally, it feels better if the socks were just purchased.
And it's a souvenir.