Britain has spoken! And said we don't really like anything on the menu, can I have fish and chips instead? Yes, it's election time. Again. The exit poll last night surprised many.
David Cameron's reign as most hubristic Prime Minister in history was a short one, as Theresa May's decision to call an early election backfired in spectacular fashion. Jezza had a decent night.
Not Prime Minister, but he's won himself a supersize jar of jam and all the well-deserved gloating he can manage.
The leftwing press is chortling away quite merrily. The rightwing press is angry and confused.
In a late development Theresa May's constituency was invaded by X_TBaGZZ_UR_MoM_X just before she reached Ornstein and Smough. She fought him off, but had to go back to the bonfire to regain her spent estus flasks.
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*Introduces Bill of Attainder*
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I think you mean Lord William of Attainder
The upper classes don't like it when you're informal
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
Here our Billy could you legislatively declare thon boy guilty a f
Actually more sensible policies than either Labour of the Tories!
Which is better
Are people celebrating him just because he's the face of knocking the Conservatives out of power, or are they celebrating the man himself?
Honestly, that's kind of how I read the reactions to the Comey hearing yesterday.
He was utterly useless during the referendum and equally bad throughout his opposition. He stepped up his game quite a bit during the election run up, but it's still for the best that there's no Labour majority.
We're happy because May was certain she could grow her majority and then drive the country off a social and economic cliff and she failed catastrophically.
I definitely get that second part. It's just funny to me that Corbyn is the one in all the memes and whatnot.
Then again, Echo makes a good point about Comey.
I have no memory of anyone knocking Corbyn, least of all myself.
I haven't come around on him as a potential PM particularly, but his manifesto had a lot of very good stuff in it, as opposed to the Tory manifesto, which was entirely blank. He's proved a lot of sceptics wrong and shown that you can do well (but not quite win) even with his baggage.
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Can we stop them if they continue the David Davis angle of threatening to pull out if the EU don't show proper deference?
Rest in peace.
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Like when your accumulator fails because you backed Liverpool
The sweeter victory.
Fewer high profile Tory scalps than I'd like, but the ones we did get are pleasingly ironic.
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I say we're counting Thursday and Friday as one unending great day.
1) Jezza did better then expected, sure. 2) This only holds if Cobyn has the required discipline to run a country long term properly, when his misadventures running the Labour party have been a disaster. 3) Cobyn wasn't elected PM as far as I know.
This is a small victory, the war for Labour's soul is not over.
Honestly, though, I have no idea how things will pan out now. The Tories will govern with a wafer thin majority given to them by a bunch of swivel-eyed nutters from Norn Iron. A few by-elections here and there and we'll have another election. We might anyway, and the Tories might even turn up for this one.
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Take the L.
Happy January 20th!
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