Honestly with each year, the panels interest me less and less. I used to have panels I wanted to attend all day and I had to choose, play games or go to panels and I never got to go to every panel I wanted.
Now I struggle to even find more then 6 panels I want to see over the entire weekend.
All I see that I want are the IGN panels, The secret Nintendo Panel, The Life is Strange Panel, What's Good Games, and PAX Rumble.
And Maybe the gameshow night stuff, but I'll miss that if Square does another Grimecraft concert at the Hard Rock Friday as a Life is Strange Before the Storm Launch Party. Fingers crossed that happens since the last two partys for Deus Ex and Lara Croft Go were amazing.
Or maybe they are doing something bigger Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary wise, or both. Who knows.
Edit: And of course the IGN and Giant Bomb Panels overlap.
Honestly with each year, the panels interest me less and less. I used to have panels I wanted to attend all day and I had to choose, play games or go to panels and I never got to go to every panel I wanted.
Now I struggle to even find more then 6 panels I want to see over the entire weekend.
All I see that I want are the IGN panels, The secret Nintendo Panel, The Life is Strange Panel, What's Good Games, and PAX Rumble.
And Maybe the gameshow night stuff, but I'll miss that if Square does another Grimecraft concert at the Hard Rock Friday as a Life is Strange Before the Storm Launch Party. Fingers crossed that happens since the last two partys for Deus Ex and Lara Croft Go were amazing.
Or maybe they are doing something bigger Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary wise, or both. Who knows.
For me, I usually have to really dive into the panels and descriptions before anything pops out at me. For instance, I didn't realize Koji Igarashi was gonna be at the Crowdfunding for Indies panel, and I'm genuinely interested in what he has to say.
But yeah, some panels are hit or miss but thank goodness PAX offers other things to do
Cartoon Network game panel (I really want to meet Ian Jones-Quartey!)
Nintendo Panel
PAX Rumble V (the highlight of my PAX every year!)
Greg Miller's cancer panel
Hemming and Health: 2 of my PAX friends are on this panel! (I might not be able to make this one ;_;)
And maybe the IGN panel
I just saw there is a Nintendo panel, which I've never seen on previous Paxes. Gonna line up super early for that one. Also any panel that goes over story telling in games.
Regarding stuff I'm not interested: I get it that streaming is big deal, but there is a bit too many of these panels this year. And call me old fashioned, but I prefer to watch my Let's plays/game videos done by people who are more level headed and let the game shine through, not w/ this "Twitch personalities" injecting shenanigans as they play and mostly using the game as prop.
I'm also waiting on the map to be up to see if they have the Pokemon Center again :P I think I will splurge for the large Snorlax this year.
It's not live yet. They said they are adding the finishing touches so it should be updated later today.
Weird, my app shows this year's schedule and map. It was a fresh download, not an update.
Wow, just checked the Google store, you are right. The Pax West app is the 2017 version. Thanks for noticing
For me, the ios app shows the images of the 2017 app, but when you open it there is not update yet. So maybe they have only pushed the android update so far. If anyone wants to post the maps it would be appreciated.
*edit: ios just updated for me. Got them maps!
An evening with Patrick Rothfuss (always fantastic)
Telltale Annual PAX Crowd Play - Audience's Choice! (Hoping for GoG) - Hard choice between this and saturday night concerts)
You Have Died of Dysentery: Meaningful Gaming in Education
Game Shows - never been but want to check them out.
DIY: The Intersection Between Crafting and Game Development
The New Game Theory: How to Analyze Video Game Stories
Life is Strange (assuming I make time to play before pax)
Romance in Games.
Crafting meaningful relationships.
Robotics and Puppetry
Really intrigued by the Nintendo panel, as I don't remember them ever doing one before. I don't normally attend panels at all (can't recall ever going to one in the 8 years I've been paxing) so it will be interesting to see what all the fuss is about.
"Try, try again. Then quit. There's no use being a damned fool about it."
Really intrigued by the Nintendo panel, as I don't remember them ever doing one before. I don't normally attend panels at all (can't recall ever going to one in the 8 years I've been paxing) so it will be interesting to see what all the fuss is about.
They've done panels before at other conventions (specifically WonderCon). That one was more focused on the development for Hyrule Warriors Legends.
OMG, what if it's a Nintendo Direct, live at PAX!!
I suspect they had to pull it to update it with some changes given recent events involving one of participants.
(Not the thread or site to discuss said events)
sedirox on
whypick1PAX [E] Info Booth Manager~2' from an LCDRegistered Userregular
Either way, so far the only two panels I know I am going to is the Nintendo one (gotta get there SO EARLY) and the TRG one. Will probably go to a game dev panel or two.
Okay, I was comparing this years and last years Guidebook and didnt notice any multiple of the same vendor. However, why is it after Yacht Club theres more exhibitors which should be above Y?
Okay, I was comparing this years and last years Guidebook and didnt notice any multiple of the same vendor. However, why is it after Yacht Club theres more exhibitors which should be above Y?
It looks like the ones after Yacht Club are specifically vendors.
Man, I want to know what that Nintendo panel is about!
Same! I am so excited for that, but I am going to have to get up so early. X3 What time do you (and everyone else here) intend to start lining up? I am thinking 7AM, but I wonder if that will be too early or not early enough...
I know they don't let you start lining up for panels until 2 hours before but I might get there earlier to make sure I have a spot lol. That one will be capped fast!
I know they don't let you start lining up for panels until 2 hours before but I might get there earlier to make sure I have a spot lol. That one will be capped fast!
Oh I didn't know that, thanks. But yeah I definitely intend to be in the area before 8 so I can try to get a spot... that is like the panel I am MOST excited for so I really want to get in. X3 And I bet it will be limited too... you know, since Nintendo loves limited availability. X3 J/K
I know they don't let you start lining up for panels until 2 hours before but I might get there earlier to make sure I have a spot lol. That one will be capped fast!
Oh I didn't know that, thanks. But yeah I definitely intend to be in the area before 8 so I can try to get a spot... that is like the panel I am MOST excited for so I really want to get in. X3 And I bet it will be limited too... you know, since Nintendo loves limited availability. X3 J/K
Same here honestly! Yeah limited and Nintendo go hand in hand!
I know they don't let you start lining up for panels until 2 hours before but I might get there earlier to make sure I have a spot lol. That one will be capped fast!
Oh I didn't know that, thanks. But yeah I definitely intend to be in the area before 8 so I can try to get a spot... that is like the panel I am MOST excited for so I really want to get in. X3 And I bet it will be limited too... you know, since Nintendo loves limited availability. X3 J/K
Same here honestly! Yeah limited and Nintendo go hand in hand!
They are the first panel of that day, unless the hotel shoo us out, we can probably line up early. Planning for being there ~8am, hope that's early enough. People staying on the Hyatt can just sleep on the line :P
Now I struggle to even find more then 6 panels I want to see over the entire weekend.
All I see that I want are the IGN panels, The secret Nintendo Panel, The Life is Strange Panel, What's Good Games, and PAX Rumble.
And Maybe the gameshow night stuff, but I'll miss that if Square does another Grimecraft concert at the Hard Rock Friday as a Life is Strange Before the Storm Launch Party. Fingers crossed that happens since the last two partys for Deus Ex and Lara Croft Go were amazing.
Or maybe they are doing something bigger Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary wise, or both. Who knows.
Edit: And of course the IGN and Giant Bomb Panels overlap.
For me, I usually have to really dive into the panels and descriptions before anything pops out at me. For instance, I didn't realize Koji Igarashi was gonna be at the Crowdfunding for Indies panel, and I'm genuinely interested in what he has to say.
But yeah, some panels are hit or miss but thank goodness PAX offers other things to do
Nintendo Panel
PAX Rumble V (the highlight of my PAX every year!)
Greg Miller's cancer panel
Hemming and Health: 2 of my PAX friends are on this panel! (I might not be able to make this one ;_;)
And maybe the IGN panel
Regarding stuff I'm not interested: I get it that streaming is big deal, but there is a bit too many of these panels this year. And call me old fashioned, but I prefer to watch my Let's plays/game videos done by people who are more level headed and let the game shine through, not w/ this "Twitch personalities" injecting shenanigans as they play and mostly using the game as prop.
I'm also waiting on the map to be up to see if they have the Pokemon Center again :P I think I will splurge for the large Snorlax this year.
It's not live yet. They said they are adding the finishing touches so it should be updated later today.
Weird, my app shows this year's schedule and map. It was a fresh download, not an update.
Maybe you're just lucky!
Wow, just checked the Google store, you are right. The Pax West app is the 2017 version. Thanks for noticing
For me, the ios app shows the images of the 2017 app, but when you open it there is not update yet. So maybe they have only pushed the android update so far. If anyone wants to post the maps it would be appreciated.
*edit: ios just updated for me. Got them maps!
Telltale Annual PAX Crowd Play - Audience's Choice! (Hoping for GoG) - Hard choice between this and saturday night concerts)
You Have Died of Dysentery: Meaningful Gaming in Education
Game Shows - never been but want to check them out.
DIY: The Intersection Between Crafting and Game Development
The New Game Theory: How to Analyze Video Game Stories
Life is Strange (assuming I make time to play before pax)
Romance in Games.
Crafting meaningful relationships.
Robotics and Puppetry
404ing it
Late Night Dub Fight
Acq. Inc. (Which'll make my Sunday eve a case of Sophie's Choice),
PAX Rumble
10 Years of The Witcher
What's this about a secret Nintendo panel?
PSN: L00nyEclip
Steam: Loony Eclipse
Twitter: @Loonyeclipse
They've done panels before at other conventions (specifically WonderCon). That one was more focused on the development for Hyrule Warriors Legends.
OMG, what if it's a Nintendo Direct, live at PAX!!
Secret in the sense that there's no description for it in Guidebook or the Pax site, but it's happening Sat. at 10 a.m. in the Hydra Theater.
I suspect they had to pull it to update it with some changes given recent events involving one of participants.
(Not the thread or site to discuss said events)
What the heck is this? It sounds freakin' awesome! I don't remember anything similar in past years, but I have a terrible memory. Anyone know more about this?
Either way, so far the only two panels I know I am going to is the Nintendo one (gotta get there SO EARLY) and the TRG one. Will probably go to a game dev panel or two.
Exhibitors are listed multiple times because they have multiple booths. If you click on wax. One it is a different booth number.
Okay, I was comparing this years and last years Guidebook and didnt notice any multiple of the same vendor. However, why is it after Yacht Club theres more exhibitors which should be above Y?
It looks like the ones after Yacht Club are specifically vendors.
Same! I am so excited for that, but I am going to have to get up so early. X3 What time do you (and everyone else here) intend to start lining up? I am thinking 7AM, but I wonder if that will be too early or not early enough...
Oh I didn't know that, thanks. But yeah I definitely intend to be in the area before 8 so I can try to get a spot... that is like the panel I am MOST excited for so I really want to get in. X3 And I bet it will be limited too... you know, since Nintendo loves limited availability. X3 J/K
Same here honestly! Yeah limited and Nintendo go hand in hand!
And I anxiously await the announcement of the fourth player for Acq Inc., I hope my feeling is correct.
They are the first panel of that day, unless the hotel shoo us out, we can probably line up early. Planning for being there ~8am, hope that's early enough. People staying on the Hyatt can just sleep on the line :P