
Marvel! Makes kids comic with Arms Company, forgets Iron Man's origin story.



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    StraightziStraightzi Here we may reign secure, and in my choice, To reign is worth ambition though in HellRegistered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    Straightzi wrote: »
    Huh, it still looks like a headsock to me, but I'm on my phone right now.

    I'm fine with the trench, but the sculpted body armor and the knee high metal boots have always struck me as wrong for him

    Just give him a hot pink t-shirt and some sensible shoes
    I'm cool with that but I like casualwear superheroes

    Yeah, they're super my jam too, so a lot of my redesign preferences trend that way

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    DelduwathDelduwath Registered User regular
    Keith wrote: »
    Fencingsax wrote: »
    Dr Strange links very little with any other movie

    That's a weird catch-22 where I a) don't care about Dr. Strange and 2) don't care about MCU continuity so I don't know when I'll end up watching that movie
    I don't think this is really a catch-22, I think this is just, like, a good reason for you to not watch the Dr. Strange movie.

    As a parallel, "I don't like cereal and also I'm lactose-intolerant" isn't a catch-22, it's just a perfectly sensible reason to not eat a bowl of cereal.

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    Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    I wish Rogue could get a new love interest
    Hasn't she had a few?

    Like it has been at least 5-10 years since she and Gambit were a thing

    I know she and Magneto were together for a while

    she and Magneto were never really "together", they did have a thing though

    and he was kind of her first love interest in comics, they had a thing way back in the 80s before she even met Gambit

    but she's only had two love interests the whole time she's been in comics

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    Garlic BreadGarlic Bread i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a Registered User, Disagreeable regular
    Delduwath wrote: »
    Keith wrote: »
    Fencingsax wrote: »
    Dr Strange links very little with any other movie

    That's a weird catch-22 where I a) don't care about Dr. Strange and 2) don't care about MCU continuity so I don't know when I'll end up watching that movie
    I don't think this is really a catch-22, I think this is just, like, a good reason for you to not watch the Dr. Strange movie.

    As a parallel, "I don't like cereal and also I'm lactose-intolerant" isn't a catch-22, it's just a perfectly sensible reason to not eat a bowl of cereal.

    You're right, it's more of a streetlight manifesto

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    Theodore FlooseveltTheodore Floosevelt proud parent of eight beautiful girls and shalmelo dorne (which is currently being ruled by a woman (awesome role model for my daughters)) #dornedadRegistered User regular
    Keith wrote: »
    Delduwath wrote: »
    Keith wrote: »
    Fencingsax wrote: »
    Dr Strange links very little with any other movie

    That's a weird catch-22 where I a) don't care about Dr. Strange and 2) don't care about MCU continuity so I don't know when I'll end up watching that movie
    I don't think this is really a catch-22, I think this is just, like, a good reason for you to not watch the Dr. Strange movie.

    As a parallel, "I don't like cereal and also I'm lactose-intolerant" isn't a catch-22, it's just a perfectly sensible reason to not eat a bowl of cereal.

    You're right, it's more of a streetlight manifesto

    you know I still haven't read catch-22, but I keep meaning to pick it up pick it up pick it up

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    Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular

    I like this

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    DedwrekkaDedwrekka Metal Hell adjacentRegistered User regular
    Fencingsax wrote: »
    I like how Gambit still has his 90s costume.

    I get the feeling that it's the only clothes he owns

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    Kevin CristKevin Crist I make the devil hit his knees and say the 'our father'Registered User regular
    Steam: YOU FACE JARAXXUS| Twitch.tv: CainLoveless
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    Doctor DetroitDoctor Detroit Not a doctor Tree townRegistered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    A Kris Anka cover is a good start

    At first I thought “Why is Gambit punching Rogue?”

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    BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    Oh cool Bendis dragged the whole Avengers #200 bullshit with Carol and her horrible rape son/father back up as a punchline explaining why she doesnt like kids

    Isn't that the second or third time he's brought it up?

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    DedwrekkaDedwrekka Metal Hell adjacentRegistered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    Oh cool Bendis dragged the whole Avengers #200 bullshit with Carol and her horrible rape son/father back up as a punchline explaining why she doesnt like kids

    Isn't that the second or third time he's brought it up?

    Jesus fucking christ. There's a reason they wiped her memory!

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    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    Oh cool Bendis dragged the whole Avengers #200 bullshit with Carol and her horrible rape son/father back up as a punchline explaining why she doesnt like kids

    Isn't that the second or third time he's brought it up?

    He already used it as a joke for these exact characters!

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    Mr. GMr. G Registered User regular

    Evan Narcisse’s long-secret Marvel project appears to be a prequel to Coates’ Black Panther

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    BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    I will absolutely buy that

    It's also a smart call to have a BLACK PANTHER: ORIGINS series in time for the movie

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    KyouguKyougu Registered User regular
    Good for him.

    I have always enjoyed his writing.

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    FuruFuru Registered User regular
    edited October 2017
    Kyougu wrote: »
    I wish Rogue could get a new love interest

    I thought she and Deadpool were going to get together, which would have been interesting.

    They were together for a hot second but Secret Empire sank that (but given Duggan was writing the relationship I'm pretty sure that was the plan)

    Before Wade she was with Simon Williams in Remender's Uncanny Avengers and before that she was with Magneto

    Furu on
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    Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular
    I don't think Rogue ever was with Wonder Man?

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    ElderlycrawfishElderlycrawfish Registered User regular
    There's also that Rogue/Sentry wtf random reveal that one time. I'd go look it up but it's hard to see anything when my eyes have rolled outta my head.

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    Dizzy DDizzy D NetherlandsRegistered User regular
    She also had a very short fling with Colossus, which was WTF Claremont, and she was interested in Longshot when he was with Dazzler.

    Steam/Origin: davydizzy
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    FencingsaxFencingsax It is difficult to get a man to understand, when his salary depends upon his not understanding GNU Terry PratchettRegistered User regular
    There's also that Rogue/Sentry wtf random reveal that one time. I'd go look it up but it's hard to see anything when my eyes have rolled outta my head.

    I was hoping no one would mention this

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    Rorshach KringleRorshach Kringle that crustache life Registered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    Oh my god

    Venom got a new job this week and I am 95% sure it was just to make @Rorshach Kringle happy
    He now writes for a shitty National Inquirer/Weekly World News style tabloid, doing pieces on NYPD corruption in between the "Elvis is alive in Burbank" and "Bigfoot is on the moon" stories

    i love you, 2017


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    BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    GotG confirmed Talonar's identity
    He's Robbie, after being tortured and brainwashed by the Raptors.

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    Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular
    It occurs to me, with how Coates has been building Storm and T'Challa's relationship back up in his series, and how Narcisse is saying that his series connects with stuff in Coates', I wonder if Storm will show up in it.

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    ElderlycrawfishElderlycrawfish Registered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    GotG confirmed Talonar's identity
    He's Robbie, after being tortured and brainwashed by the Raptors.

    If there's any one Marvel book I'm going to keep picking up regularly, it's GotG. Duggan is picking up all sorts of abandoned cosmic plotlines and just bringing it all together and I love it.

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    Garlic BreadGarlic Bread i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a Registered User, Disagreeable regular
    edited October 2017
    Furu wrote: »
    Keith wrote: »
    I'm like...two thirds through Spider-Man Homecoming now? Over two watch sessions.

    You might as well be an alien to me, Keith. Unknowable as some kind of great old one.

    Okay, I wasn't anywhere near two thirds into the movie (I thought I watched more because of all my stopping and starting, plus drinking), but I just finished it and ended up really liking it

    Garlic Bread on
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    FuruFuru Registered User regular
    Keith wrote: »
    Furu wrote: »
    Keith wrote: »
    I'm like...two thirds through Spider-Man Homecoming now? Over two watch sessions.

    You might as well be an alien to me, Keith. Unknowable as some kind of great old one.

    Okay, I wasn't anywhere near two thirds into the movie (I thought I watched more because of all my stopping and starting, plus drinking), but I just finished it and ended up really liking it

    I take back my post. I shouldn't have called you a Cthulhu.

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    Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    edited October 2017
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    Oh my god

    Venom got a new job this week and I am 95% sure it was just to make "Rorshach Kringle" happy
    He now writes for a shitty National Inquirer/Weekly World News style tabloid, doing pieces on NYPD corruption in between the "Elvis is alive in Burbank" and "Bigfoot is on the moon" stories
    Why would such an magazine exist in the Marvel Universe? Real life is just as weird or weirder than the shit printed in there.
    Dedwrekka wrote: »
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    Oh cool Bendis dragged the whole Avengers #200 bullshit with Carol and her horrible rape son/father back up as a punchline explaining why she doesnt like kids

    Isn't that the second or third time he's brought it up?

    Jesus fucking christ. There's a reason they wiped her memory!


    Also suck my dick Bendis. Carol has had no less than TWO kids she's been super friendly with in her own series since she became Captain Marvel. (Kit Renner and a Kree child nicknamed "Bean") Three if you count Tic.

    Undead Scottsman on
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    DJ EebsDJ Eebs Moderator, Administrator admin
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    If you have real venom inside of you please go to a doctor

    but then who will break the batman

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    OmnipotentBagelOmnipotentBagel floof Registered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    Oh my god

    Venom got a new job this week and I am 95% sure it was just to make "Rorshach Kringle" happy
    He now writes for a shitty National Inquirer/Weekly World News style tabloid, doing pieces on NYPD corruption in between the "Elvis is alive in Burbank" and "Bigfoot is on the moon" stories
    Why would such an magazine exist in the Marvel Universe? Real life is just as weird or weirder than the shit printed in there.
    I would 100% buy both of those things being true on Earth-616


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    Garlic BreadGarlic Bread i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a Registered User, Disagreeable regular
    Furu wrote: »
    Keith wrote: »
    Furu wrote: »
    Keith wrote: »
    I'm like...two thirds through Spider-Man Homecoming now? Over two watch sessions.

    You might as well be an alien to me, Keith. Unknowable as some kind of great old one.

    Okay, I wasn't anywhere near two thirds into the movie (I thought I watched more because of all my stopping and starting, plus drinking), but I just finished it and ended up really liking it

    I take back my post. I shouldn't have called you a Cthulhu.

    I really liked the twist, and there was a lot of tension in the movie after it. I don't know if I was a fan of this Vulture or Tony Stark's inclusion (he didn't really make sense to me), but I did like Happy.

    The very last line was fantastic, though, and makes me want the sequel

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    honoverehonovere Registered User regular
    Yes, Carol is just horrible with kids

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    UnbrokenEvaUnbrokenEva HIGH ON THE WIRE BUT I WON'T TRIP ITRegistered User regular
    Furu wrote: »
    Keith wrote: »
    Furu wrote: »
    Keith wrote: »
    I'm like...two thirds through Spider-Man Homecoming now? Over two watch sessions.

    You might as well be an alien to me, Keith. Unknowable as some kind of great old one.

    Okay, I wasn't anywhere near two thirds into the movie (I thought I watched more because of all my stopping and starting, plus drinking), but I just finished it and ended up really liking it

    I take back my post. I shouldn't have called you a Keithulhu.

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    Garlic BreadGarlic Bread i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a bitch i'm a Registered User, Disagreeable regular
    Fearghaill wrote: »
    Furu wrote: »
    Keith wrote: »
    Furu wrote: »
    Keith wrote: »
    I'm like...two thirds through Spider-Man Homecoming now? Over two watch sessions.

    You might as well be an alien to me, Keith. Unknowable as some kind of great old one.

    Okay, I wasn't anywhere near two thirds into the movie (I thought I watched more because of all my stopping and starting, plus drinking), but I just finished it and ended up really liking it

    I take back my post. I shouldn't have called you a Keithulhu.

    Locke & Keith

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    BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    Adam's back

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    MaddocMaddoc I'm Bobbin Threadbare, are you my mother? Registered User regular
    Adam X is back?!

    Wait, no, damnit got my hopes up

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    Desert LeviathanDesert Leviathan Registered User regular
    Adam X can always be with you, in your heart.

    Setting your blood on fire.

    Realizing lately that I don't really trust or respect basically any of the moderators here. So, good luck with life, friends! Hit me up on Twitter @DesertLeviathan
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    BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    Maddoc wrote: »
    Adam X is back?!

    Wait, no, damnit got my hopes up
    Adam X never left, baby

    Just imagine he's slightly to the left of every X-Men panel

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    Rorshach KringleRorshach Kringle that crustache life Registered User regular
    an adam-x ongoing is one of the top three things i'd want to write for marvel


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    AtomicTofuAtomicTofu She's a straight-up supervillain, yo Registered User regular
    Whenever Adam X is not in a panel, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Adam X?"

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    FuruFuru Registered User regular
    I'm actually super mad about Bendis referencing Avengers #200 for a quick joke again. Like fuck straight off, dude.

This discussion has been closed.