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Tickets for sale PAX EAST 2018?

lrjunior03lrjunior03 Registered User regular
Did anybody knows when the tickets for PAX EAST 2018 are going for sale?



  • TubeTube Registered User admin

  • jdixon1972jdixon1972 Registered User regular
    Oh, man. The tradition continues, hehe. Every year we get a thread asking about that. Basically, the only way to now when the go on sale is to use twitter and stalk Official_PAX. Usually tickets don't go on sale in September, so your probably safe. You just need to have twitter on every device you have, set it for email and text alerts, and wait, wait, wait. And when you think you can't wait anymore, wait some more :) It wouldn't hurt to have friends looking out also.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited September 2017
    This is as much information as we have:

    zerzhul on
  • ltgruntltgrunt Registered User regular
    I am curious whether they will go on sale before or after Unplugged.

  • DrewsGFXDrewsGFX Registered User regular
    ltgrunt wrote: »
    I am curious whether they will go on sale before or after Unplugged.

    Unplugged? Very likely beforehand. However before or after Aus is the thing that’s questionable.

  • iltailta Registered User regular
    I would expect them before. Probably in October. But it can't hurt to turn on notifications now.

  • SepiothSepioth Boston, MARegistered User regular
    The site was updated today to show that tickets will be avail soon. As well as setting the price to $TBA so def start up those notifications :P

  • jdixon1972jdixon1972 Registered User regular
    Crap, since when has the website ever been updated a full 205 days before the start of PAX East? Love the new site design, BTW. Has anyone had any trouble setting Twitter for text notifications. I had it set last year and had no problems. I thought that would remain this year, but I didn't receive the latest tweet about the Australia Omeganauts. Now i'm starting to spaz!

  • SepiothSepioth Boston, MARegistered User regular
    i had it set last year to watch @official_pax and @paxcommunity .. well and any other related accounts to be honest.

    I got the notification but it sure wasn't instant ...

  • SepiothSepioth Boston, MARegistered User regular
    I noticed on PAX South the addition of a Kids only badge for Sunday (It may not be new just noticed it). PLEASE add this to PAX EAST. It's a great idea. Also I see there is the ability to pre-purchase some swag. GREAT IDEA... add scarfs and hoodies and stuff as well. I'd imagine you sell more and alleviate some pressure on morning lines at the shows if people get it with their badges.

  • RedK232RedK232 Registered User regular
    Its prob around late october/ early november. They never go on sale in september or at least since i started going.

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    Sepioth wrote: »
    I noticed on PAX South the addition of a Kids only badge for Sunday (It may not be new just noticed it). PLEASE add this to PAX EAST. It's a great idea. Also I see there is the ability to pre-purchase some swag. GREAT IDEA... add scarfs and hoodies and stuff as well. I'd imagine you sell more and alleviate some pressure on morning lines at the shows if people get it with their badges.

    Oh FYI, the pre-sale merch is all different from the merch sold at the show. We are still playing with the concept, and will continue to tweak it over the next years, but we would likely do it one way for a year, so each PAX gets pre-sale merch before we try it differently.

    The Kids only badge won't likely come to East anytime soon. Its an experiment at South because we have noticed a higher percentage of families coming to that show. I won't say it would never happen, but East is doing just fine without them, so we really don't have an incentive to do that there. And it adds another type of badge (or 4) that our badge security staff need to know and watch out for, which is a negative for us. We feel like PAX is still a heck of a bargain even if you have to buy a regular badge for your kids.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
  • RedK232RedK232 Registered User regular
    edited September 2017
    Since they made it 4 days now if i had to guess its prob late october/early november now. At least in the 4 years ive gone to east its never gone on sale in september. Are you guys sticking with single day passes or going back to like a 4/3 day pass?. Im hoping it is the late october/early nov so i can recover from NYCC which is less than 2 weeks away.

    RedK232 on
  • SepiothSepioth Boston, MARegistered User regular
    There is less than a .1% chance you will see multi day passes. I think it is safe to say they are gone forever.

    Prices will prob be the same as last year or maybe a dollar or two cheaper but I do not expect a price increase because of the extra day being added.

    If I had to guess tickets will go on sale this week. I'm gonna say by Wednesday the latest.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I am fairly certain there will not be multi-day badges available for sale for PAX East 2018

  • Streetlight345Streetlight345 Seekonk, MARegistered User regular
    Sepioth wrote: »
    There is less than a .1% chance you will see multi day passes. I think it is safe to say they are gone forever.

    Prices will prob be the same as last year or maybe a dollar or two cheaper but I do not expect a price increase because of the extra day being added.

    If I had to guess tickets will go on sale this week. I'm gonna say by Wednesday the latest.

    So you're saying there is a chance :P

    PAX East 2019!
    Badges [X] Hotel [X] Time off request [X]
  • gwnluv22gwnluv22 Registered User regular
    Their twitter account just posted that they do not plan to sell Pax East badges until Pax Aus had concluded.


  • TopherRocksTopherRocks Rockstar Beard Grower Kent, OH or Long Island, NYRegistered User regular
    Also, the site has changed to say each day pass will cost $53, no 4 day pass (no surprise) and BYOC will be $40.

  • SolanalesSolanales CMYKMatter Registered User regular
    Time to close my browser tabs and actually enjoy my vacation in mid october lol

  • TopherRocksTopherRocks Rockstar Beard Grower Kent, OH or Long Island, NYRegistered User regular
    Now my big fear is the passes going on sale during Unplugged.

  • SolanalesSolanales CMYKMatter Registered User regular
    Now my big fear is the passes going on sale during Unplugged.

    That would be a next level blunder as I imagine a lot of folks are like you and I who typically stick to the east coast. Lets hope that's not the case =)

  • LoonyEclipseLoonyEclipse WWHRD? Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    Solanales wrote: »
    Now my big fear is the passes going on sale during Unplugged.

    That would be a next level blunder as I imagine a lot of folks are like you and I who typically stick to the east coast. Lets hope that's not the case =)

    And of course, the fact that I'm sure a lot of the relevant staff needed for it will be busy running Unplugged.

    It might happen around that time, but not during.

    My gut tells me early November.

    My pin lanyard
    PSN: L00nyEclip
    Steam: Loony Eclipse
    Twitter: @Loonyeclipse

  • JohnBlazeNYCJohnBlazeNYC Registered User regular
    gwnluv22 wrote: »
    Their twitter account just posted that they do not plan to sell Pax East badges until Pax Aus had concluded.

    This is alway the case. Sit back and relax until the downunder finish having fun.

  • jdixon1972jdixon1972 Registered User regular
    Yes, i'm going to be the one to do it. Tomorrow is November 1st, as in it's now after PAX Aus, as in any day is now fair game for PAX East tickets to go on sale! Time to stalk twitter religiously!

  • VermillionDeVermillionDe Registered User regular
    jdixon1972 wrote: »
    Time to stalk twitter religiously!
    Been doing that since Monday. LET THE ANXIETY BEGIN!

  • ishtraishtra Long IslandRegistered User regular
    Haha it is nuts the closer it gets to Unplugged

    Attendee: PAX East 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, Unplugged 2017
  • jdixon1972jdixon1972 Registered User regular
    I know someone put together a spreadsheet of when tickets went on sale for all the PAX Easts a while back but I don't have it. Please correct me if i'm wrong, but East tickets have never went on sale after Thanksgiving have they? Anyway, one excruciating day down, many more to go! :)

  • jonathanflaviusjonathanflavius Registered User regular
    The last three were Oct 20th, 2016 (Thursday), Nov 18th 2015 (Wednesday), Nov 12th 2014 (Wednesday) if this is helpful. It's my guess it will either be tomorrow or next week sometime. After that they need to prep for Pax Unplugged, and the week following is Thanksgiving, so things would be complicated if this dragged into holiday season.

  • MarinoMarino Giant Bomb Moderator / League of Heels Webmaster Macon, GARegistered User regular
    jdixon1972 wrote: »
    I know someone put together a spreadsheet of when tickets went on sale for all the PAX Easts a while back but I don't have it. Please correct me if i'm wrong, but East tickets have never went on sale after Thanksgiving have they? Anyway, one excruciating day down, many more to go! :)

  • Titan222Titan222 Registered User regular
    Today is the day...I can feel it. I have a twitter alarm on for PAX_Badges the window up and my credit card in hand!

  • WuShockWuShock Lawful Good South BrownbackistanRegistered User regular
    Everybody stay frosty.....and plz leave me a room at the Westin (or Seaport ... or Renaissance ... or Aloft ... or Element)

    Twixxo wrote:
    WuShock is the best
    He is the very bestest
    I wish I was him


  • Titan222Titan222 Registered User regular
    Any idea what the hotel prices for the ones you just listed were in previous years? My group did airbnb last year. I am afraid of sticker shock.

  • WuShockWuShock Lawful Good South BrownbackistanRegistered User regular
    I don't have comprehensive data, but typically all of the hotels have had a rate in the low-mid $200+/night range in my experience.

    Twixxo wrote:
    WuShock is the best
    He is the very bestest
    I wish I was him


  • VermillionDeVermillionDe Registered User regular
    In the venn diagram of close and cheap, I would go for the Aloft or Element. They're new, next door and pretty reasonable. Though in my personal opinion, the skybridge is worth the extra money for the Westin. If you can get in.

  • Titan222Titan222 Registered User regular
    Thank you! I appreciate the expertise. Any clue if any of these hotels require full payment during booking or do you just pay when you get there? Only reason I ask is I am applying for Enforcer this year and if I get it I might try to do a room share, so this hotel would be a backup plan.

  • WuShockWuShock Lawful Good South BrownbackistanRegistered User regular
    Different hotels vary, but the usual protocol is that your credit card is charged for one night (for each room reserved) about two weeks before the event. Or maybe not even a full charge but a hold order, and then you pay in full on checkout (or you give them your card when you check in and the only charge you on checkout, but you pre-sign for it, which enables the fast-checkout service most hotels use now).

    Twixxo wrote:
    WuShock is the best
    He is the very bestest
    I wish I was him


  • Canderson1989Canderson1989 Registered User regular
    You all just got a heart attack from that tweet right? LMAO

  • Titan222Titan222 Registered User regular
    LOL...I did. All those official tweets. I nearly fell off my chair.

  • starNOstarstarNOstar Buffalo, NYRegistered User regular
    I'd say we're winding down on time for today, guys. 2010 passes went on sales on a Friday, so there's still hope for tomorrow!

This discussion has been closed.