The Game
In Mafia de Cuba, you all are a band of jewel thieves who have recently carried out a wonderful heist. The Don of the group hid the haul in his cigar box under a fake bottom, leaving it unguarded til the morning when he could move the gems to market. Naturally, since you're all
a bunch of thieves, the box was looted! Now it's time for everyone to sit down in front of the Don, explain themselves, and sweat. It plays in some ways similar to a Phalla, some ways very differently. There are no night phases and no player elimination.
Rules has a nice review of the board version.
This is a game for 6-12 players. One player will be the Don, with the goal of retrieving their stolen diamonds. The game begins with a box containing 15 diamonds, and several role tokens which decide what a player is going to be. Before play begins, the Don has the option of hiding between no and five diamonds away from the other players. Then the cigar box is passed around (via PM in this case) until it circles the group and returns to the Don.
As the box reaches each player, they remove one item from it. Either a role token, or
any number of diamonds. If you take a role token, you take that role. If you take diamonds, you become a thief. Once the box returns to the Don, play begins. All players may talk here, but it's the Don who's running the show. Their job is to interrogate the other players and figure out who took diamonds. Once you think you know, tell them in
bold red to
empty their pockets.. That player then reveals what they took from the box.
If it was diamonds, the Don collects the diamonds and play continues, with more questions and more accusations until either all diamonds have been recovered or the Don gets it wrong. What happens when the Don gets it wrong depends on the roles. Speaking of:
The roles are:
Loyal Henchmen- you win with the Don. Your job is to help the Don figure out who stole the diamonds.
CIA/FBI agents- you win if the Don accuses you of being a thief. Only the accused agent wins- the others lose.
The Driver- you win with the person before you in the play list.
Jewel thief- you win if the Don accuses a driver, Henchman, or Street Urchin. However, only
one thief wins- the one with the most diamonds! Keep that in mind when choosing how many to take.
Street Urchin- special role! You win with the jewel thief. If the box is empty when it gets to you, you get this role by default.
Two players have special options:
The last player may chose to be a Street Urchin even if the box isn't empty.
The first non-Don player
may remove a role token from the game. For example, you could take a henchman token and remove the CIA from play. Or take diamonds and remove a henchman. Or just take diamonds.
The number of roles will depend on the number of players. As the player count rises, so does the number of roles. To keep things balanced, when the player count rises enough the Don gets "do over" tokens. One with a medium number of players, two with more. These simply negate a henchmab, urchin or driver pick, letting play continue. They don't protect you from the CIA or FBI!
In the board game there's another role- the Cleaner- but we'll be leaving that one out.
No PM communication except with me. Everything in this game is very public. This game lives and dies on active players- please check the thread often. Players that fail to respond to a Don question within 24 hours will be replaced, as will inactive Dons.
If you are forced to reveal your pockets, you aren't out of the game! You can still say whatever you want. Of course if you were a thief the Don might not believe you..
The Don will be chosen by vote before play begins. Vote for yourself if you want! Ties are broken by GM whim.
Signup in
bold limegreen
Ask for clarifications in
Bold DarkOrange.
This tends to be a very quick game in person, so if everyone is interested we may do multiple rounds.
Player Order:
Sir fabulous
Zombie Hero
Starting box contents:
15 diamonds
4 loyal henchmen tokens
2 agents
2 drivers
Once play begins the don will have two Joker tokens (do overs).
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
Thread, you may begin voting for a don; signups will be open until that's done. (Vote as you join)
Don Sir Fabulous seems pretty reasonable to me.
Vote for Don please!
If I'm in my vote goes towards Sir Fab.
Nintendo ID: Pastalonius
Smite\LoL:Gremlidin \ WoW & Overwatch & Hots: Gremlidin#1734
3ds: 3282-2248-0453
Smalll rules note: officially diamond thieves that get caught are eliminated and can't talk; we aren't using that rule.
Island Name: Felinefine
sir fabulous
Island Name: Felinefine
Needs to vote too.
Island Name: Felinefine
jdark seemed like a trustworthy fellow last game.
I'm interested to see how this plays out as a PbP game.
Seems to me that there should be a lot of cross-table talk that may not happen if the Don is asleep when a player isn't and vice versa.
This is equally true of Mafia; remember that any player here can talk whenever they please! But it's definitely experimental.
I am humbled that even though I was imprisoned for the voting period, you have all put your trust in me. Trust goes both ways, of course, so now I put my trust in you.
You are all family to me. I love you as my family, and I will take care of you as any self-respecting adult would take care of their family.
It is very painful to me to hear rumours that there are thieves within my family. These rumours are terrible, terrible lies. I know there are no thieves here. When people insist on lying to my face, it makes me very angry.
You all know how unhealthy anger can be...
Now, I think that you all deserve a night of celebration. Please, enjoy yourselves. I will sell the diamonds in the morning.
You have all made me very proud.
Switch Friend Code: SW-1406-1275-7906
MrT has palmed all the diamonds and...
well, they're not shiny anymore.
Ringo took all the diamonds, you say?
Well wouldn't I know if Ringo took all the diamonds?
You'll have to get cleverer than that, Mumbles!
But importantly they are still there!
We probably shouldn't have stopped by that food truck on the way back from the heist!
Edit: two players left.
The box has returned to the Don and the investgation phase begins now. Remember only the Don may force someone to empty their pockets (Sir Fabulous please @me in those posts, and @thr target as well)
But otherwise- Anyone can offer whatever help, or lack thereof, to the Don they wish.
Wasn't sure what other punks would get their mitts on the case, so I got all your gems right here.