Old movies are better than new ones. Especially when they're black and white, obviously superior to new-fangled colorised moving pictures.
Look at these guys. In a new movie they'd probably blow up the ferris wheel halfway through to distract you or something. Old movies are great.
New movies are only good when they pretend to be old movies, like this one.
Here is another beautiful old movie about a lumberjack I guess and a man in a coat and hat.
Discuss movies. Old ones for preference, but new ones if you absolutely must.
Give me the frenetic pace of modern cinema every time.
Some people try to rob a bank but it turns out to be haunted!
It's not actually a comedy. It's not really a horror either. Or a clever heist film. It's a nothing
The best part is that they set up a plotline right at the start and then forget about it
But then the writers forgot they'd done that and sort of drop the detective character altogether and the police man ends up never acting on what appeared to be his own attempt at a bank robbery
A+ out of ten thumbs up
Michael Bay apologist located.
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I’ll see your Michael Bay and raise you a Jules White.
The Three Stooges guy? I will take an old Three Stooges movie over the recent, modern Three Stooges movie. Most of the old ones were only like 20 minutes long!
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Depends on the director. White was the one who tried to keep it cartoonish and relied heavily on violent slapstick. He’d later be known for just rehashing both plots and footage over and over. Bernds was known for their better material.
It was good.
There was a thing a few years ago where a live orchestra would tour the country doing a specially written score for old silent movies and play the movie while they played live. Stuff like City Lights, or The General. Some of the most enjoyable cinema experiences I've had.
We also saw a showing of Under the Skin with a live score as well, and THX with a new score by the Asian Dub Foundation, which was terrific.
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Guardians, Age of Ultron and TLJ were the worst for it I think.
Toshiro Mifune
I'm more aware now of magical realism and OMG Scott Pilgrim does it so well.
Kevin James
I think I would have trouble empathising with someone who gets bored during, say, Casablanca. I think I would just write them off as dumb. Or perhaps evil.
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I want to agree except I keep falling asleep halfway through the original Seven Samurai.
Steve Martin
I think of it as “babymouth for media”
And overtures. Cleopatra is another fine example of a movie with both.
Lawrence's intermission does come very late in the film, IIRC, but it's a suitable point in the story for it.
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One of my best theater experiences was seeing LoA in 70mm at the Ziegfeld in nyc. If you ever have a chance to see Lawrence in 70mm, do it.
I absolutely will, that'd be amazing.
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I know it must be inconvenient to be outed, but hello there actual Satan.
I was born in the 80s and mostly watched what was contemporary, beyond Godzilla movies and Looney Toons. I didn't start enjoying older movies until I was in my 20s (which is about when digital media started making a lot of those older films actually accessible), and there's plenty of older films I would much prefer watching over new ones mostly because they actually gave a shit about pacing and giving things the space to breath.
But it's hard to build a lot of quality into quiet frames, and easy to dump a lot of cheap action everywhere.
Probably why I enjoyed Bladerunner 2049 so much. It's a modern film but it's set up like an old one, with a huge amount of the story presented in ways besides extended action sequences and substituting excessive dialogue for actual content. There are a couple sequences in there which I find utterly spooky because they so convincingly look like they were shot in the style of a different decade.
it was p glorious
A lot of Tarantino films feel like this - sort of antoquated film techniques and pacing. I appreciate it a great deal
So that's pretty cool.
So the idea that looking back beyond your childhood is this weird alien thing is, itself, weird and alien to me. If I had to construct my identity out of only what was close to hand in the suburbs in 1994 I would be a crazy person.
It was awesome
Yeah, but old tv shows are more entertaining than old movies for some reason. Might be because the runtime is shorter.
That silent movie? You know that one was lost until a copy turned up in an insane asylum in Norway for some reason