Make the right choice? Dude compliments you while flanked by two bored and dead eyed models. Wrong choice? No models, just a disappointed pick up artist.
Make the right choice? Dude compliments you while flanked by two bored and dead eyed models. Wrong choice? No models, just a disappointed pick up artist.
My favorite part is the Commander Shepard dance at the end.
Make the right choice? Dude compliments you while flanked by two bored and dead eyed models. Wrong choice? No models, just a disappointed pick up artist.
I was unaware of the game, so thanks for posting this. Saved my search history.
lionheartssj on
H3KnucklesBut we decide which is rightand which is an illusion.Registered Userregular
You'd think someone with a last name that means "ruin it" (he's of italian descent, not hispanic) would pick a better stage name before starting a career in giving people advice on their love lives.
Now I'm having to de-contaminate my PC just for having the P**** M***** name showing up on it. Thanks a lot, Mike&Jerry. I'll send you the invoice for my exorcism.
Make the right choice? Dude compliments you while flanked by two bored and dead eyed models. Wrong choice? No models, just a disappointed pick up artist.
Wait, so DON'T rub my balls in public? Dammit, why isn't this stuff taught in sex ed?
Make the right choice? Dude compliments you while flanked by two bored and dead eyed models. Wrong choice? No models, just a disappointed pick up artist.
The dude has exactly the kind of ego you'd expect from someone who unironically makes a game called Super Seducer.
I've watched some streams of it, and although there are a number of occasionally funny meme responses that seem primarily to pander to Twitch stream chats, true to its name the "intended" path is about gaming women into further encounters primarily by choosing what responses they most want to hear, like a sleazy real life-focused version of a Bioware protagonist.
Yeah, no, "SJW" will not love a game in which you approach random people on the street, attempt to make them touch your butt, and then lure them back to your skeevy sex den where you systematically calculate the best false persona to allow you to have sad, unfulfilling sex with them and then dump them on the doorstep like a sack of potatoes. Whether you're doing this to women, men, children, or dogs, it's going to be fairly upsetting.
CambiataCommander ShepardThe likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered Userregular
As an SJW who loves gay romance video games: Ha ha, nah Skyscraper. Turns out being a creeper translates regardless of your sexuality or gender presentation.
"excuse my French
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
It looks like... live action Booty Call, but unfunny.
I can't believe I'm admitting to having played that; yes, it's an extremely misogynistic game that sends the wrong messages in case there's any doubt. However, it wears its intent on its sleeve: it's not intended to be taken seriously, I hope.
I am all for (bad) AMV but this looks looks not even bad in a fun away.
After playing Contradiction, I wished for some more movie-games with British people who are not conventional actors.
In hindsight, I should not have wished that on that monkey's paw.
Zilla36021st Century. |She/Her|Trans* Woman In Aviators Firing A Bazooka. ⚛️Registered Userregular
edited March 2018
Read a few articles about the author. The level of cognitive dissonance he conveys is kind of astounding. :bigfrown:
He's just completely unable to comprehend why his game is being accused of being 'skeevy' or 'rapey'. Yuck.
(edit) Also: 'Dick' 'The Ruiner'. At least he's living up to his name.
Steam had the gall to recommend this to me yesterday because I play indie games. I needed an "extra not interested" button in puke green.
Geez, I don't know. I feel like getting a recommendation is kind of like hitting rock bottom. I think it'd make me do some real reflecting on what I'm doing with my life.
Steam had the gall to recommend this to me yesterday because I play indie games. I needed an "extra not interested" button in puke green.
Geez, I don't know. I feel like getting a recommendation is kind of like hitting rock bottom. I think it'd make me do some real reflecting on what I'm doing with my life.
"A loli game? Ok steam ok I'll get into therapy you don't have to shame me like this."
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
Oh Christ I looked this up and whoooooo boy.
Make the right choice? Dude compliments you while flanked by two bored and dead eyed models. Wrong choice? No models, just a disappointed pick up artist.
My favorite part is the Commander Shepard dance at the end.
I was unaware of the game, so thanks for posting this. Saved my search history.
Wait, so DON'T rub my balls in public? Dammit, why isn't this stuff taught in sex ed?
I have long suspected, and am now quite sure, that Tycho is a confirmed and secret Bunburyist.
The dude has exactly the kind of ego you'd expect from someone who unironically makes a game called Super Seducer.
I've watched some streams of it, and although there are a number of occasionally funny meme responses that seem primarily to pander to Twitch stream chats, true to its name the "intended" path is about gaming women into further encounters primarily by choosing what responses they most want to hear, like a sleazy real life-focused version of a Bioware protagonist.
Still, it was way better than Sexual Predator 2.
And let's not even go into Sexual Predator vs. Neg Aliens.
Sexual Predator is already the name of my predator erotic fanfiction.
Teenagers, man.
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
''In sync with the current zeitgeist''
''Will challenge what you thought you knew about your own sexuality''
But I understand why they can't get behind a straight white guy picking up chicks for sex. Too vanilla.
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
This might come as a surprise to you, but gay guys dont like getting harassed by creeps any more than straight women do.
I can't believe I'm admitting to having played that; yes, it's an extremely misogynistic game that sends the wrong messages in case there's any doubt. However, it wears its intent on its sleeve: it's not intended to be taken seriously, I hope.
This one is just... wrong. Cringe level 9,000.
After playing Contradiction, I wished for some more movie-games with British people who are not conventional actors.
In hindsight, I should not have wished that on that monkey's paw.
He's just completely unable to comprehend why his game is being accused of being 'skeevy' or 'rapey'. Yuck.
(edit) Also: 'Dick' 'The Ruiner'. At least he's living up to his name.
Have you heard my new band name, Deterministic Sex Machinery?
Because if you're gonna be a dick, you may as well go big.
This is a nuclear take.
Steam: TimIsOnSteam TimIsOnBnet#1745
Switch: SW-7012-4788-7410
PSN: TimIsOnTheNet
Geez, I don't know. I feel like getting a recommendation is kind of like hitting rock bottom. I think it'd make me do some real reflecting on what I'm doing with my life.
"A loli game? Ok steam ok I'll get into therapy you don't have to shame me like this."
Sony refused to sell the game on PSN.
The quotation marks shouldn't be around "pick up", they should be around "game".
Womp womp! This is PSN, which will gladly have games so bad even Steam rejected them.