PAX West 2018 Forum Badge Thread

kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge CreatorLondon UKRegistered User regular
edited May 2018 in PAX West
10 years ago I ventured across a large ocean and a continent to attend my first ever PAX. It was called PAX 2008 back then as there was no other PAX. Now there are 5 of them and while a lot a changed some things remain the same and this includes the Forum Badge. Created as a means to recognise other forum members amongst the vast army of people who attend PAX, the Forum Badge has become quite the tradition for those who still post here. Over the last 10 years the importance of forums has dwindled thanks to the rise of social media sites and other community management portals like Discord, but that hasn't stopped us from continuing to fly the flag of the forums. Where else would the myth of the bobcat come about? How did the Cookie Brigade start and what about the Challenge Coin? Oh and let's not forget the Pre-PAX Board Game Night and the Tri Wizard bar crawl. All of these things come from the forums and this year we are going to celebrate that fact!

So here are the three choices for the theme for the 10 year anniversary of the PAX Forum Badge:

1) Arcade cabinet from early 1980's
2) A loot box
3) Self congratulatory 10 years of Forum Badge that celebrates its existence after all of these years.

Let me know which one grabs you the most by responding to this post with 1,2 or 3 and we shall put it to the vote on THURSDAY 5TH JULY At which point the top two will be selected and a prototype of each design developed. There will then be another round of voting and we shall select the final design. So what are you waiting for? Get voting!


kropotkin on


  • Nfan10039Nfan10039 Streamer/Gamer/Developer Montreal (Seattle eventually....)Registered User regular

    Thanks for doing this Kropotkin

    Just a nerd into anything Nintendo, anime, MCU, Star Wars, and board games/card games.
    Also a computer scientist and a streamer.
  • Croatian SensationCroatian Sensation Registered User regular
    3 for sure. I appreciate that you are doing this!

  • ctiwolfctiwolf Registered User regular
    1 and done

  • anettie76anettie76 OregonRegistered User regular
    3 as well
    Thank you for your efforts!


  • Aardvark VulgarAardvark Vulgar Registered User regular
    I think an open loot box (like Zelda or zombies mystery box) with a 10 year celebration item sticking out would be cool.

    Ultimately, 3 is my pick.

  • bacon_avengerbacon_avenger Defender of Pork Products Pacific NW, USARegistered User regular
    My initial response was 1, but 3 also has some draw... Can I vote with an OR? :P

    (Still supporting this endeavor :) )

  • DashDDashD Dread Pirate Chef Seattle, WARegistered User regular

    Thanks for doing this, kropotkin. I love my collection of forumer badges and an excited to add a new one.

    "Brilliant! Oh wait, if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with little bags of nuts."
  • The AviatrixThe Aviatrix Registered User regular

  • kropotkinkropotkin Forum Badge Creator London UKRegistered User regular
    Looks like 3 is garnering a lot of votes :) I'm going to have to get my thinking cap on for it.


  • Rhea_starstormRhea_starstorm Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    3. Thanks as always kropotkin :)

  • forbiddenvoidforbiddenvoid Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    3. Excited about wearing my badge again!


    PAX. PAX. PAX. Boom.
  • SutibunRiSutibunRi Montreal, Quebec, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Celebrate good times!

  • S2000GanS2000Gan Spartan-Rogue Class, Red Squad Bellevue, WARegistered User regular
    Having been around for all previous forum badges im going to have to say 3! <3

  • DracilDracil Registered User regular

    3DS: 2105-8644-6304
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  • SolelronSolelron Wandering Gamer Cornelius, ORRegistered User regular
    3. we've done a retro one before. 10 years of these is awesome. :)

  • f33rNapalmf33rNapalm Registered User regular

  • IncarnadineIncarnadine Registered User regular

  • vespachicavespachica SeattleRegistered User regular
    3!!!! 10 years - wow! I appreciate them every time I've gotten them (which is probably slightly less than half the time you've been doing them). Thank you, @kropotkin !


  • BluemeaneBluemeane Registered User regular
    YAY my poking and prodding did something!!! Thanks Kropotkin!!!

    I pick 1 all the way!


  • japerryjaperry Registered User regular
    Go 3 go!

  • GONG-00GONG-00 Registered User regular
    3 since Penny Arcade proper does not acknowledge our existence :P

    “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
    Law and Order ≠ Justice
  • hml151hml151 Registered User regular
    I appreciate all the hard work that you do and although I have been going for 10yrs now, I've missed most the badges except the last couple years. I would love to celebrate all your work and pick #3! Thank you.

    Max sig size: 500x80px OR 4 lines of text
    School Girl Goodness...Watch for us at future PAX Prime events. If want some of my geek chic collection, click on the etsy link.

  • RiDERiDE the WORST! Hotel CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    I got my first forum badge last year (I don't know why I didn't get them before) and it's hanging on my PAX wall, I love it!


    "Try, try again. Then quit. There's no use being a damned fool about it."
  • BluemeaneBluemeane Registered User regular
    edited May 2018
    I am sooo excited!!!! Another for the wall/shadow box.

    Bluemeane on

  • jamsyarbotsjamsyarbots Wilmington, DERegistered User regular
    My vote goes to #3

  • KopeAceticKopeAcetic Registered User regular
    I vote #1. Just an FYI last year was my first PAX and my badge has been on my wall all year reminding me of PAX, right next to my 4 actual day badges. This is an incredible thing so THANK YOU!

  • The AviatrixThe Aviatrix Registered User regular
    I need to set a reminder to get one this year. Initially I was like "oh that's awesome, but I dunno what I'd do with it." Last year was "I'd like one, I do believe" but never got around to seeking it out.
    THIS year though. This year I will find you.

  • nixternixter roughly Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    I say #1, but I can live with #3.

    aka Avidguru from Twitter and elsewhere

  • SinoSambaSinoSamba CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    #3, and a well deserved self congratulation :)

    3DS FC: 3239-2323-6239
  • ClannMorganClannMorgan Registered User regular

  • jukkakhanjukkakhan Registered User regular
    I approve of this endeavor. I also approve of option 3!

  • ElmoFuntzElmoFuntz Portland, ORRegistered User regular
    edited June 2018
    3 all the way dude! You deserve it!

    Oh and loot boxes are evil. Don't give them any extra air time :twisted:

    ElmoFuntz on
    Go for the eyes Boo, GO FOR THE EYES!

  • jumbotojumboto Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Wow, 10 years. How fast the time goes...

    Also, 3

  • gorgeousplanetgorgeousplanet Meat Popsicle OregonRegistered User regular
    While I love the first two ideas, 3 for sure!

  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular

  • Jenny_SpaghettiJenny_Spaghetti I am 3 ginger midgets in a trench coat. Calgary, CanadalandRegistered User regular
  • Ghostly ClockworkGhostly Clockwork Registered User regular

    FTC: honk.
    FTC: HONK.

    PAX Prime 2014 Resistance Tournament Winner
  • MightyMighty Omeganaut '15 '16 '17 NebraskaRegistered User regular
    Show me number 3!

  • GnomeTankGnomeTank What the what? Portland, OregonRegistered User regular

    Sagroth wrote: »
    Oh c'mon FyreWulff, no one's gonna pay to visit Uranus.
    Steam: Brainling, XBL / PSN: GnomeTank, NintendoID: Brainling, FF14: Zillius Rosh SFV: Brainling
  • TOGSolidTOGSolid Drunk sailor Seattle, WashingtonRegistered User regular
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