This maybe a pretty dumb question but do I have to register for PAX XP? I'm not interested in the scavenger hunt, free merch or grand prize. Would I be barred entry to the convention if I fail to register?
Pretty sure no. I'm almost positive it's just to gamify your experience.
This is 100% correct.
I will, however, add that if you do register your badge and you lose it, we'll be able to determine whose badge it is, which makes it easier for you to get it back.
Pretty sure no. I'm almost positive it's just to gamify your experience.
This is 100% correct.
I will, however, add that if you do register your badge and you lose it, we'll be able to determine whose badge it is, which makes it easier for you to get it back.
This is 100% correct.
I will, however, add that if you do register your badge and you lose it, we'll be able to determine whose badge it is, which makes it easier for you to get it back.
There is a button "click her to learn more about pax xp" but it just goes back to the regular pax site.
Ah, ty for the clarification.