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40+ somethings at PAX

KrathoonKrathoon Registered User regular
I was just wondering if there is going to be anyone in my age range at PAX South.

We seem to be less common, but that could be an illusion.

Allot of 40s pass for 30s.


  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    I think that there will be plenty of people in the 40+ range. PAX seems to attract all ages of gamer and I know that my friend group has a handful of people 40 and up in it. I'm sure it's not the only group with that makeup.

  • shdwcastershdwcaster South DakotaRegistered User regular
    A fair number of BYOC folks fall into that age range, from my observation. I’m not there for another year or so, but I’ve already got the gray hair. 😕

  • Psychotic OnePsychotic One The Lord of No Pants Parts UnknownRegistered User regular
    40+ But I'm getting darn close to that at 36. I'm going to be content by being the giant bastard walking around as Jason Voorhes.

  • Animal-_-Animal-_- Registered User regular
    edited November 2018
    Plenty of us old folks at PAX South for sure. I grew up in the golden age of the NES so video games have been at the center of my entertainment and social interaction for most of my life. I think the old idea of games just being for kids is pretty much done at this point, for anyone actually paying attention anyways.

    Animal-_- on
  • samguyjonessamguyjones Registered User regular
    It'll be my fifth PAX South. I see a fair amount of people our age in the boardgame end and at a lot of the events. I think any lack of people in their 40s and 50s has less to do with our age's enthusiasm for games and more to do with our enthusiasm for stand or walking all day.

    PAX Nut, author of Inhumane Resources webcomic (
  • LuisSLuisS Brownsville, TXRegistered User new member
    Definitely yes


  • chrispinachrispina Registered User new member
    I'm 42! Hubs is 44. :)

  • rickman33rickman33 Registered User regular
    My group of around 7 or more people are mostly 40+.

  • jjgeekjjgeek Registered User new member
    38, and an Enforcer to boot

  • KrathoonKrathoon Registered User regular
    I'll try that True Dungeon at PAX. I waited to long and missed it last time.

  • KrathoonKrathoon Registered User regular
    Krathoon wrote: »
    I'll try that True Dungeon at PAX. I waited to long and missed it last time.

    Bah. You have to pay for it. That sucks.

  • bryansaysbryansays Houston,TXRegistered User new member
    41 here and last year was my first PAX can't wait for January.

  • The PopeThe Pope Registered User regular
    47 here, January will be my 4th PAX and I can't wait!

    We demand rigidly defined areas of doubt and uncertainty!
    -- Vroomfondel
  • japesterjapester Registered User regular
    I started PAXing in my 30's and continued well into my late 40's. And I was often the spring chicken in the groups I spontaneously hung out with. The prior comment about tabletop being a good place was spot-on. I have a bad back, so just grabbing a seat anywhere often leads to conversation with other older gamers who are also taking a break. I don't recall the specifics, but I remember waiting in a big line for a company event at an off-site club, and somehow two guys in their late 50's and I got deep into reminiscing about "BattleTech: The Crescent Hawks Revenge". Totally rando, but that sort of thing happens all the time at PAX. PAX-goers of all ages tend to be friendly.

  • wickedtexanwickedtexan Belton, TXRegistered User regular
    41 here, wife is 40. we've gone to every Pax South since they started it and we went to a few East's back when we lived in Boston. We've been taking our son, he's turning 13 this year and I'll admit it's getting harder and harder to kind of follow him around the show floor. I definitely take as many chances as I can get to sit down. Table top, console free play, the concerts, and any is lounges on the second floor.

    I'm in relatively good shape but actually standing in line for longer than 20 minutes is really uncomfortable. I think my favorite part of PAX is sitting down for a beer in the afternoon.

  • dragnstephdragnsteph Roseville, MNRegistered User regular
    40-something Enforcer here :) We are legion!

  • RARuskRARusk Registered User regular
    51 and this will be my fifth PAX South. Have done two panels in the past but have been declined this year.

  • KrathoonKrathoon Registered User regular
    edited December 2018
    The PAX schedule is now live. They got two Zelda panels.

    Krathoon on
  • KrathoonKrathoon Registered User regular
    They need a retro gaming panel.

  • MasayukiMasayuki Registered User new member
    Hi Everyone, 40 plus here! This will be my 3rd PAX.

  • EchutaEchuta Registered User new member
    41 here and its my second PAX (Pax East 2010). This time around I'm bringing my 12yo son. The tabletop gaming sessions tend to have a great mix of seasoned and younger gamers. You'll probably find us there.

  • LitSupremeLitSupreme Registered User new member
    40, this will be my third Pax over the last 4 years.

  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User, Transition Team regular
    Ayyy @Krathoon Bel and I are both over 40 and will be there :)

  • MattauiMattaui Dallas, TXRegistered User regular
    Most certainly! More of us than you'd think, really. Been going to cons for decades.

  • spool32spool32 Contrary Library Registered User, Transition Team regular
    I can't resist promoting fancy dinner in the 40+ thread. Come join us for Super Srs Bsns Adult Times!

  • KrathoonKrathoon Registered User regular
    I am ready for PAX. I ate my complimentary breakfast and Texas shaped waffle.

  • bryansaysbryansays Houston,TXRegistered User new member
    42 and this is my third PAX South. Love going and always great new things to do each time.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    if anyone wants to make a new thread for this topic for south 2020, please feel free, but this one is from last year's pax :)

This discussion has been closed.