
[Kids] are the best of times, the worst of times



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    lonelyahavalonelyahava Call me Ahava ~~She/Her~~ Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    SharpyVII wrote: »
    Why do babies who are very tired, not just go to sleep? Instead our bean screams his head off for 20 minutes before finally falling asleep!


    Overtired. Hungry. Gassy. Lonely. Bored. FOMO. Asshole. Cold. Hot. Did I mention asshole?

    Sorry, and I think i"m probably in the minority on this, but sometimes babies just cry because they want to practice the sound of their voice. and it's not that you've done anything wrong or that there's anything you can do, sometiems they just cry. Usually though, they're probably overtired but don't want to sleep cause they'll miss something.

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    MulysaSemproniusMulysaSempronius but also susie nyRegistered User regular
    edited August 2019
    I had to potty train my kid quickly recently. We had been going slow since he's headstrong. But we got off a wait list for a 3k program for the fall, so we had the summer to get it done. It took only a week of serious trying (being naked at home helped a lot.. seems like he knew what to do, but had just been lazy )
    Glad he got into this program. It's one of the few in our district with after-school for Pre-K. The other is at the school my daughter goes to for after-school. So with priority for continuing students and priority for siblings, we have a good chance of getting a school next year with aftercare.

    MulysaSempronius on
    If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing
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    SmrtnikSmrtnik job boli zub Registered User regular
    schuss wrote: »
    Just got kindergarten teacher assignment.

    Wait what is this? You have to go teach?

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    KalnaurKalnaur I See Rain . . . Centralia, WARegistered User regular
    edited August 2019
    SharpyVII wrote: »
    Why do babies who are very tired, not just go to sleep? Instead our bean screams his head off for 20 minutes before finally falling asleep!


    Sometimes, tired sleepy Tobias goes to sleep right away, drifting off like a little angel resting gently into the arms of sweet Morpheus.

    Sometimes, tired sleepy Tobias gets pissed he's tired, throws the pacifier and the comfort snuggly, kicks off the covers, and when held, screams and cries and . . . fades and wants the pacifier and the snuggly back because he just blew the rest of his energy out.

    Both of these actions are totally valid. Just picture the former as you crashing into bed after a long day of work and falling right asleep, and the latter as you up scrolling through your phone for another hour because your brain won't stop asking if gerbils like to eat marmite or what the diameter of the moon is.

    Kalnaur on
    I make art things! deviantART: Kalnaur ::: Origin: Kalnaur ::: UPlay: Kalnaur
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    JansonJanson Registered User regular
    Anya literally does not stop until you physically stop her. When I traveled with her when she was 4 she remained awake for 32 hours and until she was 4/5 she only really fell asleep if she was being hugged. Even a weighted blanket was not enough.

    She still comes into the bed and shoved her legs between my legs to get herself to sleep.

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    MorivethMoriveth BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWN BREAKDOWNRegistered User regular
    Bedtime straightjacket time

    Excuse me, ‘sleeping jacket’

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    KalnaurKalnaur I See Rain . . . Centralia, WARegistered User regular
    I think the funniest part of all this is that he initiates the nap time or bed time that he then struggles against. Like, I got literally pulled by the hand upstairs to get him into naptime mode today, and yep, today was a "throw the bed time things and cry to get tired enough to sleep" day. Now, since I'm the main parent to get him to sleep and calm him down (even if he wants to snuggle with mom, I still have to be present for him to sleep), That means that the one that gets to hold him if he's going to wrench himself 16 ways from Tuesday before sleep is . . . also me.

    Which is unfun, but at the same time semi-comedic, considering the size difference and his dogged pursuit of escape for, sometimes up to 3-5 minutes before sleep catches up to him and you watch as the dawning comprehension of "oh shit, I'm so tire--{ZZZZZZZZZ}" wash over his face.

    I make art things! deviantART: Kalnaur ::: Origin: Kalnaur ::: UPlay: Kalnaur
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    schussschuss Registered User regular
    Smrtnik wrote: »
    schuss wrote: »
    Just got kindergarten teacher assignment.

    Wait what is this? You have to go teach?

    Nah, son is going.

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    FiggyFiggy Fighter of the night man Champion of the sunRegistered User regular
    schuss wrote: »
    Smrtnik wrote: »
    schuss wrote: »
    Just got kindergarten teacher assignment.

    Wait what is this? You have to go teach?

    Nah, son is going.

    That could have been interpreted as you living in a place where kindergarten teaching is handled like jury duty.

    Like God damnit, I just got a kindergarten assignment.

    Complete dystopia.

    XBL : Figment3 · SteamID : Figment
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    MNC DoverMNC Dover Full-time Voice Actor Kirkland, WARegistered User regular
    Three BM accidents yesterday. Two at school, one while I was picking the dog up from Petco.

    This potty training is stressing me out something fierce. I really wish it would finally click for her already.

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    schussschuss Registered User regular
    MNC Dover wrote: »
    Three BM accidents yesterday. Two at school, one while I was picking the dog up from Petco.

    This potty training is stressing me out something fierce. I really wish it would finally click for her already.

    Talk to her about it. Many kids are scared of pooping or ashamed of it, which leads to holding/emergencies

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    EntriechEntriech ? ? ? ? ? Ontario, CanadaRegistered User regular
    Also accept the fact that any amount of discussion, plans, carrots and sticks, nothin' is going to be the silver bullet. Sometimes you just need to potty-train your kid for like...8 months, before it starts to click.

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    AldoAldo Hippo Hooray Registered User regular
    edited August 2019
    We are just starting out here. Little king will pee on the toilet when we tell him to, but he seems to not give a damn about wetting himself.

    My partner isn't a very patient person, hopefully therapy or the social workers can teach her how to show some patience with little king.

    Aldo on
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    Banzai5150Banzai5150 Registered User regular
    Kate was awesome at potty training!!! Hah! Until last week when she started to poop in her panties. Then this week she’s peeking the as well. I try and be calm and talk to her. Ask what’s up? And can’t seem to get a reason from her. She’s going to be in a big kids classroom after the summer where their all trained. I explained this to her. Tried to explain she can’t go visit Mickey with her cousin if she doesn’t go potty like a big girl. Oh well. Trying to not lose my mind over it. Plus she’s being moody and a serious brat in general. I caught kicking our new puppy as well. She said cuz I wanted to! Yeah that was the wrong answer. And she constantly tells me how The puppy is her best friend. /shrug

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    lonelyahavalonelyahava Call me Ahava ~~She/Her~~ Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    My child has discovered through daycare that Elsa and Ana have videos. And they sing.

    I have made it to 3.5 years old before I had to have Let it Go on a loop.

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    schussschuss Registered User regular
    My child has discovered through daycare that Elsa and Ana have videos. And they sing.

    I have made it to 3.5 years old before I had to have Let it Go on a loop.

    You just couldn't hold it back any more?

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    lonelyahavalonelyahava Call me Ahava ~~She/Her~~ Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    schuss wrote: »
    My child has discovered through daycare that Elsa and Ana have videos. And they sing.

    I have made it to 3.5 years old before I had to have Let it Go on a loop.

    You just couldn't hold it back any more?

    Good news!

    She has gone back to watching octopuses.

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    kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    New Toddler Achievement Unlocked!
    Stung by a bee

    She took it great though, all things considered.

    Battle.net ID: kime#1822
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    lonelyahavalonelyahava Call me Ahava ~~She/Her~~ Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    When you ask your kid to identify a letter in a word

    and they instead sing the entire alphabet song

    Like, yes, technically you did identify the letter, somewhere in the song it was there. But that is not what mommy asked you to do.

    Smart ass kid.

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    knitdanknitdan In ur base Killin ur guysRegistered User regular
    I’ve spent the last few days visiting my 2 year old niece who I haven’t seen in about a year

    It’s amazing the changes she’s gone through in that time

    last year she couldn’t walk yet, so she’d crawl over and put her arms up to be picked up, then point where she wanted to go. Sometimes she’d say “woof” which meant she wanted to go see the doggies

    Now she runs around like a speed demon with her odd little uncoordinated might-fall-at-any-moment gait, giggling madly.

    The first time I saw her on this visit, she grabbed my hand and dragged me to her room to show off all her animals

    She has words now. Not sentences, but she’ll say Pappy (my dad), Sahny (her version of grandma’s name, which is easier to say than Grandma), Mama, Dada. She says UhOh a lot. Her favorite movie is Moana and she will ask for it. She very clearly says Shoes and Puppies and Table and Frog

    And when she’s not saying words, she’s constantly babbling to herself.

    She occasionally displays fine motor skills I wouldn’t expect from a 2 year old

    She’s an absolute joy to be around and I’m really going to miss her this next year

    “I was quick when I came in here, I’m twice as quick now”
    -Indiana Solo, runner of blades
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    lonelyahavalonelyahava Call me Ahava ~~She/Her~~ Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular

    We spend every weekend almost talking with my parents over Skype.

    They get to watch little miss grow, she gets to have them in her life.

    It's only been the last few months, after turning three, they she had really shown any interest in interacting with them, or telling them stories, but is still been invaluable time together.

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    KalnaurKalnaur I See Rain . . . Centralia, WARegistered User regular
    The speech therapist who helps out our kid suspects that he's a "chunker", i.e. that instead of figuring out singular words he says entire phrases, and then he later changes and appends to these phrases. Considering his habit of saying things like "Igodtit" (I got it), Igoaught (I go out), and the like, this makes sense.

    So last night after we got home from a shopping trip, the kiddo follows the wife into the kitchen and, while standing next to the dishwasher says "hey!" pauses for a moment, then all at once says, "Idotanidea!" (I got an idea), and proceeds to open the dishwasher, take out a plate and spoon, and set them on the counter. Now the latter part is something he's been more or less doing for a little bit now. The funny part, and the advancement as well, is that he stated at least part of his wishes.

    I make art things! deviantART: Kalnaur ::: Origin: Kalnaur ::: UPlay: Kalnaur
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    lwt1973lwt1973 King of Thieves SyndicationRegistered User regular
    Two hard conversations with my kids this weekend. The first was the 9 year old crying about how he was going to pay for college and the second was the 13 year old asking how a person could hate so much that they would go on a shooting rampage.

    I never thought I'd have these talks with my kids.

    "He's sulking in his tent like Achilles! It's the Iliad?...from Homer?! READ A BOOK!!" -Handy
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    FiggyFiggy Fighter of the night man Champion of the sunRegistered User regular
    So many things affect you so differently when you have kids.

    My wife and I were watching Avengers: End Game last night and at the end
    where Happy is talking to Tony's daughter, I started to tear up. Not because of the characters or anything, but my mind imagining that as one of my kids if his parents died.

    Normally I would have thought, "I can see how that's sad" and had very little reaction.

    XBL : Figment3 · SteamID : Figment
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    Devlin_DragonusDevlin_Dragonus Gorgeous Dallas, TXRegistered User regular
    When you ask your kid to identify a letter in a word

    and they instead sing the entire alphabet song

    Like, yes, technically you did identify the letter, somewhere in the song it was there. But that is not what mommy asked you to do.

    Smart ass kid.

    So along with development of speech in earlier posts, Peanut has been doing similar to what @knitdan 's niece has been doing.

    But we had a new development in the new non-bilingual/spanish speaking Daycare he has started going to.

    So context, when Peanut was 9 months into 16 months we were teaching him baby sign, and at a certain point Mamma Bear shifted her focus to his verbal skills.
    He did pick up lots of signs but had not used them in a long time, and she stopped reinforcing them for a while.

    So present time: she had just given Peanut some Flintstones vitamins and he wanted more, so he started saying "Mas!" (more in Spanish)

    She responds, in Spanish, that, "No, you only get one"

    Peanut continues to ask for "Mas!" "Mas!" and Mamma Bear continues to respond with "No, just the one"

    The little butt pauses, and starts to sign "more", "more" with this look on his face of "what we have here is a failure in communication"

    We found out later that the new DayCare uses baby sign on the regular and had be using it to better communicate with him at times, which he picked up quickly because he had learned several of those signs way back when (thank you baby sign time)

    I got nothing for you now. Try again later.

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    mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    I have *definitely* reached the "you know what, the school can have you and they can't have you fast enough" point here. Several times this week I've found myself losing it from the non-stop-ness of them all, and needing to put a locked door between me and them, or to run off to the car for a bit to recharge, because they just don't get it

    Best thing I can equate it to is that I used to be a checker in a grocery store a long time, and similarly to that it's like the kids collect their needs and get in line (lol), then I'll check out the first kid, then I check out the second kid, then I check out the third kid, and now the first two kids are back in line already waiting for me to come help them, and now the child I just finished with changed their order *completely* and expect to keep their place in line, and they all stare at me throughout like "where's his boss, this customer service *sucks*" "I know, I can't waste time on *this* jerk, I need to get back in line here in a minute!"

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    Banzai5150Banzai5150 Registered User regular
    My wife and I are at that point with Kate. She doesn't have school today so that's 4 straight days with her without a real break. She's just all Go gog og gogogogoogogogogoooooooooooooooooo. 119934% it's so taxing at times. I take her outside to play, nope I wanna go in the pool. I take her for a walk to the park to play, nope I wanna go do this. I just look at the clock more than at work. HOPING for bedtime!

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    mrpakumrpaku Registered User regular
    MG- Daaaa-dddy, I'm gonna be a puppy, I *like* to be a puuuu-ppy, puppies are cuuuute, very cute! Can I be a puppy, can I daaaa-dddy, caaaaaan I?"
    Me- Yup, sure kiddo, of course
    MG- Daaaa-dddy, daaaa-dddy I'm a puppy! Do you see! Do you see? I'm a puppy! Daaaa-dddy, I'm cute, am I very cute, am I daddy, aaaaam I? Daddy?
    Me - Absolutely, just gimme a minute (walking *directly* into the ocean)

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    KakodaimonosKakodaimonos Code fondler Helping the 1% get richerRegistered User regular
    James and Kat were playing a game with a large stuffed elephant. They were running around saying, "Oh no, the elephant ate all the chocolate and there's no more in the store."

    Couple of minutes later, I see James sitting on the elephant punching it and Kat is stomping on it's head, saying "Bad elephant, don't eat all the chocolate."

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    SharpyVIISharpyVII Registered User regular
    Our little bean slept for 8 hours last night without waking!

    He's had a few days of about 7 hours but then went back to his normal waking every two hours for a few days.

    First time we've had a full night's sleep in over 11 weeks yet I feel worse than when he was waking every two hours :P

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    FishmanFishman Put your goddamned hand in the goddamned Box of Pain. Registered User regular
    The 3yo has been off sick for 3-4 days and has been driving us all batty. He's a high-energy bundle of extroverted attention-seeking energy in a house full of quiet introverts. Usually we can burn off his exuberance by sending him on outings or taking him to the park, but after 3-4 days of being asked to do nothing his brain is completely bouncing off the walls even though his body is still coming down from the effects of a high fever. All in all priming him for a day of exhausting arguments about not harassing his brother, not hitting, not throwing, not watching YouTube junk, taking a nap ("No! I staying up!"), tears, emotions, more harassing attention-seeking, and just general frustrated/frustrating behaviour when what he really needs is just some quiet peaceful play and relaxation. He's a stubborn willful thing, though, so all suggestions of any activity which isn't *exactly* what he wants to do is met with a resounding "Noooooooo!" and he's fully capable of committing to following through on not doing anything he says 'no' to. Such as not taking a nap. Of course, he finishes off the day tired and cranky as he still sick, then concluding by tripping on his blanket getting into bed and taking a nasty header into the wooden frame of the bed.

    So at 1:30am when he's restless and hacking and there's a slight waft of vomit in the doorway when I check on him, all I get is a punch in the eye and a "Not you! Go away!". It didn't occur to me at the time to check the upper bunk of the 6yo, who was apparently sleeping in a small puddle of vomit for around 7 hours until he got up this morning.


    X-Com LP Thread I, II, III, IV, V
    That's unbelievably cool. Your new name is cool guy. Let's have sex.
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    DaMoonRulzDaMoonRulz Mare ImbriumRegistered User regular

    If she gets a tie and a mug she will be READY to hang out by the water cooler.


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    SharpyVIISharpyVII Registered User regular
    Mood: nervous


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    the wookthe wook Registered User regular
    My child has discovered through daycare that Elsa and Ana have videos. And they sing.

    I have made it to 3.5 years old before I had to have Let it Go on a loop.

    This happened to us in the last few weeks. Elsa came to visit daycare, which my daughter liked, and my wife LOVES Disney, so she decided to show her Frozen, and now it's Elsa every night before bed.

    The only plus is that she will sit in her chair and watch, so I can get work done around the house, only having to restart the song every few minutes.

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    schussschuss Registered User regular
    the wook wrote: »
    My child has discovered through daycare that Elsa and Ana have videos. And they sing.

    I have made it to 3.5 years old before I had to have Let it Go on a loop.

    This happened to us in the last few weeks. Elsa came to visit daycare, which my daughter liked, and my wife LOVES Disney, so she decided to show her Frozen, and now it's Elsa every night before bed.

    The only plus is that she will sit in her chair and watch, so I can get work done around the house, only having to restart the song every few minutes.

    So for the first time in forever, you have time for chores?

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    the wookthe wook Registered User regular
    schuss wrote: »
    the wook wrote: »
    My child has discovered through daycare that Elsa and Ana have videos. And they sing.

    I have made it to 3.5 years old before I had to have Let it Go on a loop.

    This happened to us in the last few weeks. Elsa came to visit daycare, which my daughter liked, and my wife LOVES Disney, so she decided to show her Frozen, and now it's Elsa every night before bed.

    The only plus is that she will sit in her chair and watch, so I can get work done around the house, only having to restart the song every few minutes.

    So for the first time in forever, you have time for chores?

    For the first time in forever, at least I have a chance

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    lonelyahavalonelyahava Call me Ahava ~~She/Her~~ Move to New ZealandRegistered User regular
    She won't sit for the whole movie.

    But "let it Go" oh yes.

    The problem is, I love Disney. and I love Musical theater and a I *LOVE* Singing along.

    but i'm not allowed to because I'm not the real elsa.

    It's very very very difficult.

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    MulysaSemproniusMulysaSempronius but also susie nyRegistered User regular
    Our 3-year-old is being difficult for the daycare. Just got an email that he let go of the walking rope and ran off several times when they were walking to the nearby park.
    Apparently, he'll not be going out again if he continues to do this. We're supposed to talk to him about the importance of safety.
    He's starting a new school in September, so I figured if he gets an outdoor ban for half a month, it's not the end of the world. My husband actually texted to me "Okay, we'll talk to M as if that will do anything :p"
    I suppose we're supposed to be taking this more seriously, but this kid is just a whirlwind. I'm hoping more structure in his new catholic school will work better for him. I feel for the teachers, I do, and we are trying very hard to get him to walk safely with us, as we walk everywhere and would love to ditch the stroller asap. But he is 3..

    If that's all there is my friends, then let's keep dancing
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    schussschuss Registered User regular
    She won't sit for the whole movie.

    But "let it Go" oh yes.

    The problem is, I love Disney. and I love Musical theater and a I *LOVE* Singing along.

    but i'm not allowed to because I'm not the real elsa.

    It's very very very difficult.

    I can lipsynch every song perfectly. Drives my kids nuts.

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    Donovan PuppyfuckerDonovan Puppyfucker A dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords in the morningRegistered User regular
    She won't sit for the whole movie.

    But "let it Go" oh yes.

    The problem is, I love Disney. and I love Musical theater and a I *LOVE* Singing along.

    but i'm not allowed to because I'm not the real elsa.

    It's very very very difficult.

    Pfft, get mean. You can sing along, or the movie gets turned off.

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