PAX West 2019 Prep Thread
PAX West is next month people! For whatever reason I just haven't been as hyped as years past (likely my newish job really taking up a majority of my time) but I'd like to know what everyone is doing to prepare!
This year I think I may finally switch from a messenger bag to a smaller backpack because my shoulders can't manage the strain. (Or I need a better strap)
Also doing my darndest to get some cardio in every day to bolster my stamina and checking to see if my shoes are going to go kaput anytime soon.
So what is everyone else doing to get ready for PAX?
Regarding bags, I switched a couple years ago to an 8 liter sling bag and it’s been great. Barely sticks off my back but can still hold a couple drinks, and most swag I get outside of maybe a poster.
Next month I'll be ordering a foldout chair for lines.
Looking to make some new friends this year, too, so I'll be looking for groups or individuals that want to play Pokemon or console/VR freeplay here and there over the weekend.
-I got a con bag that isn’t too heavy like Increaseblue mentioned- I had to take muscle relaxers for a week for my shoulder 😐, but can hold a refillable water bottle, snacks, hand sanitizer, and is easy for to get into without having to disrobe and take out 14 things and a small country to get to what I want
-I followed the social media and forums of my favorite companies and Pax Parties for clues to parties of interest to me, like the bioshock party and the first Bethesda game days at east
-I’m trying to make sure my cardio is up to’s summer, and I have an inflatable kiddie pool to sit in and drink so...
-I’m looking for the insoles I got last year cuz they literally make any pair of shoes an appropriate pair of shoes for being on your feet for your entire life for 4 days
-I’m looking at google maps a lot to plan food and walking routes from our hotel, and coffee, especially coffee, since we’re from the other side of the country and I’m also easily lost. I’m hoping I can smell coffee from the hotel and can follow that rather than my own sense of direction 😑
-I’m researching the occult to see if there’s any way I can use magic to bring me more money
And prepping my usual packing guide.
PSN: L00nyEclip
Steam: Loony Eclipse
Twitter: @Loonyeclipse
I think the majority bring either a 3DS, a Switch, or both. So I'd go with just about anything Mario or Pokemon related, especially if it has multiplayer. Personally, I'm bringing Pokemon games so I can trade and battle with people.
I carry a copy of Star Fluxx on me. It's small, light and simple.
PSN: L00nyEclip
Steam: Loony Eclipse
Twitter: @Loonyeclipse
Any of the Fluxx games are always a good choice. I also usually have We Didn't Play Test This at All in my bag as well. Dice of Crowns is a good one, too.
"Brilliant! Oh wait, if we were meant to fly, we would have been born with little bags of nuts."
I'm just waiting for Animal Crossing Expo 2020 (aka PAX East 2020).
Magic: The Gathering is still really popular. Any small card games you might have!
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Gotta bring your RISK travel edition.
In all serious I second what @midna said, Magic is a great game to play in line. In fact I was taught how to play while waiting in line for the expo hall by these two random people from Hawaii. Factor in that there are often free starter decks given out by WoC and other promotional goodies, it's a great place to start and addiction to images printed on cardboard.
This. My wife and I learned how to play Magic from a WOTC employee while waiting in for a panel in 2013.
PAX. PAX. PAX. Boom.
Maybe make one person hold your groups bags and get a spot in line for them....
I'm pretty much at this stage as well. When I first started going, I usually had a whole plan of attack of which panels I was going to, what things I was going to check out on the show floor, etc. Now, I literally just walk around and do whatever lol.
This will be my 8th year in a row at West/Prime. I'm the same now, honestly. There might be a few things I want to see specifically (that BAD GOOSE GAME FROM LAST YEAR), but it's almost more enjoyable to just walk around and randomly get in line for something that piques your interest.
That being said, I do have a four day pass, so I have that luxury of simply walking around and not feeling extreme FOMO. If you find yourself wishing you had more time for stuff in a single day, try getting two or three days (if you can, I know this isn't always possible).
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One way I’ve gotten around the bag line at East is to bring a Flip&Tumble or some other foldable pocket bag and keep it in your pocket until you get into the convention center. Then I’d carry a Switch in hand, and have a bag to put it and anything else I get inside.
3DS: 0817-4905-9201
XBL: Brandobaris
I'm hopeing Outer Worlds and Atomic Heart will be there, and of course my eternal optimism that Gearbox will announce a new Duke nukem game at Pax...
I have a suspicion that Death Stranding might be there too...
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Not gonna lie my wife would lose her mind if that's there.
just a small, 1-person riot, so really it would be more of a tantrum but the sentiment remains the same
also Borderlands 3 and maybe a release date for FF8?!