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Pinny Arcade Pin Pal Trading Post

AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
edited November 2013 in Pinny Arcade
zerzhul wrote:
A moderator note on pin trading via the forums:

Please see the forum rules for our policy on buy/sell of things. The Pin threads encourage trading, not a marketplace.

This thread gives no legitimacy to anyone attempting to trade with you. Any trades performed should always be assumed to be at one's own risk with no official avenue for retribution in the event of a fuckup or a scam.

We have decided to create a second thread specifically for Pin Pal community discussions. If youre looking to join a group and consider yourself an active member, head on over to:

This "Pin Pal Trading Post" thread will be kept open for any and all other trades.


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  • Arithon32Arithon32 Member of the Pinquisition Registered User regular
    I've got a set of East exclusive pins that I'd be happy to trade for a set of the PAX Australia pins


  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited April 2013
    bit of news from the PA email. 2 purchasable sets from AUS and PRIME, and all PA members will have their own unique pins to trade, not just Mike and Jerry.

    Ayefkay on
    My PinnyPals Digital Lanyard: Now Up to date!

  • Goblin ScrewdriverGoblin Screwdriver Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    Is there anyone who attended East who can talk about what it was like? Were you able to collect all the exclusive pins and how did you manage to do it? I've also been wondering how much the East exclusive pin set cost.

    I really like the idea of this whole Pinny Arcade thing but there are certain aspects about it that have me worried.

    PAX Prime attendee since 2006

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  • brettness37brettness37 Vancouver, BCRegistered User regular

    The East set was $30, same as the core set.

  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Same, im excited about them, they look like a great collection for PA fans and it will be fun to trade once more are floating around. But also kind of anxious to hear about how many will be available either to trade or for sale at each event.

    My PinnyPals Digital Lanyard: Now Up to date!

  • Arithon32Arithon32 Member of the Pinquisition Registered User regular
    Getting the exclusive trade pins wasn't that difficult for me. I had been planning on meeting Mike and Jerry at the signing they did on sunday already, so I was able to trade for their pins there. The enforcers were great about letting people know where to find the ones who had the enforcer pin for trade, as well. Chandra was being handed out to anyone who demoed the latest version of Duels of the Planeswalkers at the Wizards booth.


  • brettness37brettness37 Vancouver, BCRegistered User regular
    Ayefkay wrote: »
    bit of news from the PA email. 2 purchasable sets from AUS and PRIME, and all PA members will have their own unique pins to trade, not just Mike and Jerry.

    What is this email?

  • Goblin ScrewdriverGoblin Screwdriver Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited April 2013
    That's nice that that the exclusive pins seem easy enough to get if you're willing to try.

    What has me worried is the potential cost of participating. I've already decided to limit myself to PAX Prime pins but even that seems like it can get expensive fast. With the starter kit and the two exclusive purchasable sets that already adds up to $90 and that doesn't even factor in the sets you would have to buy in order to have pins to trade. On one hand I get that these are supposed to be "collectable" and with that comes a certain level of exclusivity but PAX also has a history of trying to make things accessible to a wide audience.

    @ brettness37: It's the Penny-Arcade "spam" newsletter that gets sent out every month or so. Usually it's related to the store and products they offer. There's a subscription thing on the sidebar of the Penny Arcade homepage.

    Goblin Screwdriver on
    PAX Prime attendee since 2006

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  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    yeap, monthly PA newsletter, its pretty much their merch catalogue, but sometimes has some tid-bits of their goings on like future of these pins

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  • brettness37brettness37 Vancouver, BCRegistered User regular

    I see. I'm already going mental for these damn pins. I expect it to be pricey.

  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    that is what im most worried about,

    My PinnyPals Digital Lanyard: Now Up to date!

  • vidvid Hot Dog Wizard PDXRegistered User regular
    I'm already sitting at a point where I feel like it's going to be nearly impossible to get the PAX East 2013 pin set. It's nice to imagine that maybe I could trade for them at Prime, but it seems like anyone at Prime who would have an East set would pretty easily be able to pick up a Prime set right there anyway.

  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    i have a feeling the difference between east prime and aus sets will be just one pin thats unique, in the east set it was the pax east '13 logo and the others will have their respective logo ones.

    also don't forget blind boxes

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  • brettness37brettness37 Vancouver, BCRegistered User regular

    Grab bags, and trades by mail. I'm hoping to find people willing to ninja for me at Aus and East, in exchange I'm happy to ninja for them.

    I don't expect a ton of crossover tbh, I think most trades at Con will be with staff and crew.

  • vidvid Hot Dog Wizard PDXRegistered User regular
    What about the Merch pin? Is there any news of that being available again, or was it only available during the holiday promotion in the Penny Arcade store?

  • brettness37brettness37 Vancouver, BCRegistered User regular
    vid wrote: »
    What about the Merch pin? Is there any news of that being available again, or was it only available during the holiday promotion in the Penny Arcade store?

    It's a bonus when you buy stuff at the PAX merch booth.

  • Goblin ScrewdriverGoblin Screwdriver Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    vid wrote: »
    What about the Merch pin? Is there any news of that being available again, or was it only available during the holiday promotion in the Penny Arcade store?

    It's a bonus when you buy stuff at the PAX merch booth.
    I believe it was said somewhere that it will be available at every PAX occurring this year.

    PAX Prime attendee since 2006

    Pointless signature checklist [x]
  • sirmrejsirmrej Seattle areaRegistered User regular
    I had no idea there was a merch newsletter. Wow. Thank you!

    Getting pins at East was not hard, if you made it a priority. Gabe was tweeting his whereabouts, so I just had to stalk his twitter and then drop what I was doing to find him. And as someone else said, they traded pins at their signing. The enforcer/staff pin was harder, but I ran around a lot and did get one. If each staff person has their own pin, that's gonna be a little bit crazy. Hm.

  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Going to try my best at getting as many as i can but since this is my first year attending a PAX, i only got tickets for one day instead of a 3 day pass...kind of kicking myself about it :( So i dont really want to spend the entire day hunting PA members to trade, ill definitely hit the merch booth for the sets ASAP, and pick up a few to trade with anyone interested.

    My PinnyPals Digital Lanyard: Now Up to date!

  • SerpicoBCSerpicoBC Registered User regular
    Hey folks! I'm new!

    Due to my addictive personality, I'm certain that Pinny Arcade is going to cost me a ton of money. Thankfully, it hasn't yet, but I know it will. Coming out of Pax East, I have all of the pins (including Chandra, the enforcers trade pin, and the Gabe and Tycho rares) and a few duplicates.

    I think these duplicates are going to be the key to success with pin trading, if my friends that trade Disney pins are any indication. They buy two or three of everything so that they can constantly trade. Hopefully I can turn my second Chandra into some Pax Aus pins when the time is right.

  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    It's pokemon cards all over again!!!!!

    What are people doing to store / display their pins? Casually went looking around for options a few days ago. An obvious option is a pin board, but i would like one with glass on the front. but i couldn't find any. Looked at a few photo frames instead but most of them have the glass touching the board, leaving no space for the pins themselves.

    My PinnyPals Digital Lanyard: Now Up to date!

  • KodiSirKodiSir SeattleRegistered User regular
    Ayefkay wrote: »
    It's pokemon cards all over again!!!!!

    What are people doing to store / display their pins? Casually went looking around for options a few days ago. An obvious option is a pin board, but i would like one with glass on the front. but i couldn't find any. Looked at a few photo frames instead but most of them have the glass touching the board, leaving no space for the pins themselves.

    I would get a small shadowbox and some cork-board. Paint the board black, cut it to size and glue it on in there.

  • SerpicoBCSerpicoBC Registered User regular
    I'm keeping mine in a 3-ring binder on 1/8th inch foam pages. There are felt pages in between the foam pages for sake of spacing/preventing damage to these addictive little monsters.

  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    KodiSir wrote: »
    Ayefkay wrote: »
    It's pokemon cards all over again!!!!!

    What are people doing to store / display their pins? Casually went looking around for options a few days ago. An obvious option is a pin board, but i would like one with glass on the front. but i couldn't find any. Looked at a few photo frames instead but most of them have the glass touching the board, leaving no space for the pins themselves.

    I would get a small shadowbox and some cork-board. Paint the board black, cut it to size and glue it on in there.

    Or just go to Michael's and get a shadowbox that already has a black background that you can pin it to.

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • KodiSirKodiSir SeattleRegistered User regular
    redfield85 wrote: »
    KodiSir wrote: »
    Ayefkay wrote: »
    It's pokemon cards all over again!!!!!

    What are people doing to store / display their pins? Casually went looking around for options a few days ago. An obvious option is a pin board, but i would like one with glass on the front. but i couldn't find any. Looked at a few photo frames instead but most of them have the glass touching the board, leaving no space for the pins themselves.

    I would get a small shadowbox and some cork-board. Paint the board black, cut it to size and glue it on in there.

    Or just go to Michael's and get a shadowbox that already has a black background that you can pin it to.

    Haha yeah. Do that. Don't listen to me making things harder than they need to be.

  • SerpicoBCSerpicoBC Registered User regular
    When I went to Michael's to get the foam that I put my pins on, I was the youngest person in there by 40 years.

  • KodiSirKodiSir SeattleRegistered User regular
    SerpicoBC wrote: »
    When I went to Michael's to get the foam that I put my pins on, I was the youngest person in there by 40 years.

    Oh I know the feeling haha. I go there for art supplies all the time so I can use those 50% off coupons. It's mostly elderly women buying fake birds for I don't even know what the hell for.

  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    Just to show off...I mean show you what the box I got from Michael's looks like...


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    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • SerpicoBCSerpicoBC Registered User regular
    Well that's just lovely, redfield. I decided that I didn't want to keep them in the cardboard - I wanted my originals in my foam-paged binder and my extras on a lanyard. But i fully admit your display is far more classy looking.

  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    The only extra I have are a Merch and Fleshripper or whatever his name is. They really need to sell blind box stuff so I can justify getting extras. As it stands, I just have to buy starter/con sets.

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • vidvid Hot Dog Wizard PDXRegistered User regular
    For what it's worth, I'm pretty sure the Merch pin will be highly sought after and coveted. I've been trying to get ahold of one myself, since I dunno how hard they'll be to come by at Prime. Hopefully I can trade some pins from the Prime set for it after that event comes and goes. I'm also curious as to how tough it's going to be to get pins from PAX AUS, since that time is coming up on us fast...

  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    Just gotta find an AUS buddy to get them for ya. Heh.

    Tumblr | Twitter | Twitch | Pinny Arcade Lanyard
    [3DS] 3394-3901-4002 | [Xbox/Steam] Redfield85
  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    less than 3 months to go :D ill definitely update with my experience once PAX Aus comes and goes. Ive already got enough people to trade for East pins, but im still looking for people to trade for Prime ones too. Ill be picking up as many sets as i can, as it seems like Aus pins will be heavily sought after.

    My PinnyPals Digital Lanyard: Now Up to date!

  • SerpicoBCSerpicoBC Registered User regular
    I've got the full set, plus an extra PAX East Set, two extra Chandras and one extra Cardboard Tube Samurai... and one extra base set.

    Hopefully some of that can net me PAX Aus pins.

  • vidvid Hot Dog Wizard PDXRegistered User regular
    Wow, so I received my Core Set today, along with the Chandra pin... I've been ogling the pictures since they Pinny Arcade site first went live, but I had no idea how nice they looked in person. I was also very surprised by the nice large size of them, I was expecting something maybe half this size. Now I'm even more excited to try and track down the rest of the pins, and I find myself hoping that they can work with Wizards to produce more Planeswalker pins in the future.

  • cabbie98cabbie98 Registered User regular
    edited May 2013
    The DLC podcast is now up for a Kickstarter.

    The $150 level pledge includes an exclusive DLC Pinny Arcade pin.

    I assume it will be the DLC logo but nothing is shown yet.

    zerzhul on
    WiiU: cabbie98
    3DS FC: 4382-1976-1645
    Pin Pals Digital Lanyard
  • vidvid Hot Dog Wizard PDXRegistered User regular
    Yikes. So much for pin collecting being a somewhat reasonably priced hobby, eh?, do you think we'll see a special edition pin go up for auction at the Child's Play dinner this year?

  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    edited May 2013
    heh, was just about to post about it.

    i am torn up inside...i want the pin so bad, but $150 is a little steep...

    i would be more inclined to pay that much for a childs play pin if the funds also go to the charity.

    Ayefkay on
    My PinnyPals Digital Lanyard: Now Up to date!

  • SerpicoBCSerpicoBC Registered User regular
    I hate myself for wanting this pin.

  • AyefkayAyefkay Queensland, AustraliaRegistered User regular
    Call me an enthusiast or a sucker.....i got it...not sure whether to be happy or ashamed...probably ashamed lol

    custom PA USB sounds cool too

    My PinnyPals Digital Lanyard: Now Up to date!

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