Yeah, a few years ago it was the same date but around 12 in the afternoon so this isn't TOO out of the ordinary. Glad I'm at work only because I'm in front of a computer all day.
Glad I decided to take a half day today - I'll be anxiously waiting. I'm not super concerned about badges (although, now that I said that... I am...), but I am worried about getting hotel rooms. That's always really stressful.
Good luck everyone. With the announcement of the actual time expect tickets to go faster earlier as well as site to possibly be overwhelmed...
As a die hard ticket buyer.. never missed a day.. so not a fan of this announcement thing.
No matter what systems or 3rd party companies they have in place to "prevent scalping" this will be a tough one with all the extra people flooding in to get tickets the second they go on sale and not minutes after..
I got in the queue and within seconds I was able to get my badges. So that's done --- but the hotel. I got in the hotel queue about the same time as the ticket queue and somehow there are 2k people ahead of me
Oh god damnit... I guess my fat thumb hit the wrong queue. I ended up getting pushed to the housing site. Now I have to jump into the ticket queue... 15 minutes after it opened up
While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
Somehow, got right in on both, although I think I clicked within 10 seconds of it going live. Badges and 4 days at the Aloft (for now at least) all set for me.
Westin didn't even look to be an option or was already sold out/blocked out, although maybe I missed something in my rush.
From what I'm seeing on the Twitter feed, someone screwed up and got the links in the wrong order. Some people jumped in the hotel queue only to find out it was the ticket queue.
While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
Westin didn't even look to be an option or was already sold out/blocked out, although maybe I missed something in my rush.
I believe last year they reserved the Westin for exhibitors. They may have done the same this year. Someone else would have to confirm, though
Yea Last year they started out with it for Exibitors, but I was surprised not to see Aloft or Element. I was in that line pretty fast and they were both not there. Just sad... gonna be coooooold
Westin didn't even look to be an option or was already sold out/blocked out, although maybe I missed something in my rush.
I believe last year they reserved the Westin for exhibitors. They may have done the same this year. Someone else would have to confirm, though
You are probably correct.
I've rarely been able to snag it in the initial hotel wave, the years I've gotten it it's been by switching to it later on, probably when they stopped blocking the rooms for exhibitors/people cancelled reservations.
Badge purchase at 3PM was super easy, albeit after like a 5 minute queue. Hotel, despite being in very early (I had less than 40 ahead of me in queue), still wasn't able to choose Westin/Seaport/Aloft/Element. I've got an okay reservation locked in, but looks like yet another year of trying to upgrade my room for a few months...
That was a big mess up. Still, I think it was better than last year when we all got a "hot tip" and then had our rooms canceled. Now the anticipation of the actual event begins!
That was a big mess up. Still, I think it was better than last year when we all got a "hot tip" and then had our rooms canceled. Now the anticipation of the actual event begins!
Last year, I was put in the right line, lol.
While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
Wasn't thrilled that I got caught up in that link mess but I did get what I wanted! So I am set! And I book a vacation rental for my stay so don't need to bother with the hotels.
That was a big mess up. Still, I think it was better than last year when we all got a "hot tip" and then had our rooms canceled. Now the anticipation of the actual event begins!
Last year, I was put in the right line, lol.
Haha fair. But what is a PAX without the anxiety and horror of getting tickets/hotels! Hope you were able to grab what you needed!
Badge purchase at 3PM was super easy, albeit after like a 5 minute queue. Hotel, despite being in very early (I had less than 40 ahead of me in queue), still wasn't able to choose Westin/Seaport/Aloft/Element. I've got an okay reservation locked in, but looks like yet another year of trying to upgrade my room for a few months...
damn really? I had about a 15 min wait and just thought it was me being slow and thus cannot see Westin/Aloft/Element.
I got Hyatt Regency because I hesitated and lost out on some closer hotels. I'm not really a fan of this "only pick the show dates and email for additional dates" -- because it's too many side bar instructions and too much uncertainty with that emailing crap. So I did that, booking only the show days I'm going (even though I'm arriving wednesday). I then realized I may not get the hotel I want anyway so I went ahead and modify my dates, and now the dates are all "waitlisted". I don't like this type of uncertainty whatsoever.
It's earlier because PAX itself is earlier. Also, this isn't the earliest it's happened anyway.
As a die hard ticket buyer.. never missed a day.. so not a fan of this announcement thing.
No matter what systems or 3rd party companies they have in place to "prevent scalping" this will be a tough one with all the extra people flooding in to get tickets the second they go on sale and not minutes after..
The real nightmare is going to be hotels.
Better than me, im like 1500th......
Westin didn't even look to be an option or was already sold out/blocked out, although maybe I missed something in my rush.
Im screwed....
You're in the wrong line! They sent out the wrong link the first time!!!
Yea Last year they started out with it for Exibitors, but I was surprised not to see Aloft or Element. I was in that line pretty fast and they were both not there. Just sad... gonna be coooooold
You are probably correct.
I've rarely been able to snag it in the initial hotel wave, the years I've gotten it it's been by switching to it later on, probably when they stopped blocking the rooms for exhibitors/people cancelled reservations.
A big screw up. And to boot the hotel line messed up and kicked me from 300 people to 6000 ...
Still though got in right line a secured a 4 day pass
PAX East Attendee since 2011
Haha fair. But what is a PAX without the anxiety and horror of getting tickets/hotels! Hope you were able to grab what you needed!
damn really? I had about a 15 min wait and just thought it was me being slow and thus cannot see Westin/Aloft/Element.
I got Hyatt Regency because I hesitated and lost out on some closer hotels. I'm not really a fan of this "only pick the show dates and email for additional dates" -- because it's too many side bar instructions and too much uncertainty with that emailing crap. So I did that, booking only the show days I'm going (even though I'm arriving wednesday). I then realized I may not get the hotel I want anyway so I went ahead and modify my dates, and now the dates are all "waitlisted". I don't like this type of uncertainty whatsoever.
Well I dont need a hotel.. live 30 min from convention center.. I didnt realize I was in the hotel line till I saw a new tweet...
All is good though.. i still got my tickets. Have yet to miss out on a PAX East so far... lol