So hey, let's talk about the Democratic primary! There are a bunch of people who would like to be your president, including Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker, and some other people too, but let's be honest, this list already includes more people than actually stand a chance of winning.
More importantly, though, let's discuss what not to talk about! Basically, anything that is NOT the democratic primary. Simple, right? HAHAHAHAHAHA oh you sweet summer child, if only! So let's spell out some particulars.
Do NOT segue into detailed discussions of general topics that are not related to the primary. It is okay to talk about Warren's wealth tax. It is possibly okay, in limited fashion, to talk about the effects of wealth taxes on the economy. It is NOT okay to talk about the morality of being a billionaire, because that is not discussion of the democratic primary.
It is also NOT okay to talk about what a douchy shitweasel some other poster is, unless for some reason Tulsi Gabbard joins the thread, in which case, have at it.
It is also - and curse your eyes that I even have to spell this out - NOT okay to discuss guillotining people, or urging death upon anyone in anyway, because seriously, what in the actual fuck. This one is an automatic temp ban, folks, please don't be fucking sociopaths.
There are probably other rules, but nothing you can't figure out by just being a decent member of polite society.
Thank you and goodnight.
I submitted an entry to Lego Ideas, and if 10,000 people support me, it'll be turned into an actual Lego set!If you'd like to see and support my submission,
follow this link.
The abusive boyfriend metaphor is actually kinda good, tbh.
the next debate is supposed to be November 20th
mark your calendars, i guess?
From an international perspective, it's a little strange seeing the BBC seem to tiptoe around the recent polls as this just gets covered in Trump Impeachment stuff as "Biden being the supposed front runner", guess nothing actually counts til the first primary.
Dude, talk like that is for when the stakes are less important. Healthcare is literally life or death, you can't just settle and expect people to take it with your little "aw shucks" speech.
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
He just doesn't know how to sell to the American People does he?
He's just marketing bland let's all calm down pablum and hoping it will work. That's not how you get elected to the Presidency in America Pete!
I also don't think it's a big enough market to win the Presidency. I think you can get 3-4 voters for wildly unrealistic for every one of "we can have this done 3 quarters from now."
The wildly unrealistics get you both the voters who think it will work and the ones like me who may have some concerns but are going "Fuck it, it's a step in the right direction. YEEHAH!"
Well that's pretty dirty. And it could get ugly.
But I think it was more a theft of opportunity on the part of the aide. Because why would Steyer want to shiv Harris's campaign? Wouldn't he want to steal information from someone with a chance?
If that were true then why aren’t moderate candidates like Biden and Pete less popular right now?
Biden's popular for "electability" and name recognition and probably on a path to flaming out. Which is kind of what happens every time he goes for the Democratic nod.
Pete is probably swelling from those dropping Harris and Biden, but won't make it past super Tuesday. And probably not past Iowa and NH.
Pete Buttigieg is the Sarah Palin of this election.
Mayor of a fairly insignificant town, hits one or two key party demographics, heavily boosted by the media, ultimately lacking in substance.
I just hope we’re not dumb enough to put him on the ticket. Palin was the factor that finally turned me from GOP to the DNC.
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
I believe that Sanders is not winning the primary and going to a general where half of your own party hates your guts is foolhardy to say the least. But I recognize that he's staying.
And given that we established that Major Pete is saying what is convenient at the moment, he's aiming to unseat Biden as The Moderate Candidate, since there's an opportunity there, given that Biden is having at least one embarrassing moment every two weeks or so.
I wonder why Warren pulls AZ but can't pull Michigan?
My guess is she polls better with retired professionals in Arizona and struggles with working class people who arent significantly Democratly inclined in Michigan.
The crosstabs are available. Really it is a mix of min and a constant string of "Women candidates are not likeable." A lot of the working class folks that you are describing are not pro-anyone but Trump and really outside the Warren one all in the margin of error but Arizona for Biden.
Also for Warren is African Americans.
Though at this point I am not sure how much I put into this poll. The specific question asked was:
"If the election was held today who would you vote for?" And there is a lot of time in a year and primary that hasn't even ended. Methodologically the polling is fine. But the period out is not going to give it much weight.
What it really should be saying everyone, "THERE IS A LOT OF WORK TO DO AND PEOPLE NEED TO GO OUT AND DO IT STARTING NOW!"
Edit to go with what I was talking about demographic breakdowns across the polls.
Maybe. Minorities can be racist against immigrants, too.
Or it could be that they don’t like any of the candidates, don’t feel they care about people like them and don’t plan to vote. Thanks, guys. Sure, Biden may be a bit racist but compared to Trump he’s Martin Luther King jr.
This is the big thing that annoyed me about the Pelosi quote about M4A the other day. Rather than bellyaching about how you think something won't play in a region, why not push to do the work to make it play?
Doing the work here means getting out the vote.
It is difficult if not impossible to change someone’s fundamental beliefs.
Or they’re largely supporting candidates who aren’t on the list...
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
― Marcus Aurelius
Path of Exile: themightypuck
Its not a primary matchup poll. Minority Harris supporters wouldnt explain it.
But yeah, most of the Sanders and Warren deficit in the midwest is based on Dems not winning the black vote by 80-90 which is... wildly unrealistic. GOP hasn't gotten more than 11% of the black vote since 1980
There are worries about enthusiasm in those numbers and we need to think about that. Warren's done a good job of reaching out to black activists, but isn't connecting with regular black voters as well yet. Hispanic polling for her has been all over the map.
And also the fact that general election polls this far out are garbage.
This is an excellent example of how to passive-aggressively start shit, so don't do it.
Choose Your Own Chat 1 Choose Your Own Chat 2 Choose Your Own Chat 3
Sanders seems to have a pretty hard floor and ceiling on his support, so unless Warren drops I don't think he has a chance of winning the primary. I do think him sticking around provides some value though, since he's been backing Warren in the debates and I suspect, though I'm not certain, that it might be easier to get any of his delegates to back Warren when/if he drops out, as opposed to regular supporters which might be like herding cats.
Warren responds with a very polite "fuck you":
Thread has a lot of witness accounts about becoming debt serfs thanks to Navient.
"Because, if I hold on to all this money, I start to look impolite."
EDIT: And just for the record and to not just drop a youtube link here - I compeletely agree with Warrens stance. Billionaires should do something with their money other than hoarding it.