Ghostbusters: LA declares June 7th "Ghostbusters Day"



  • CristovalCristoval Registered User regular
    I actually work for the Oilers and met him a few times. A real gentleman but I had no idea! I thought his helmet design was just a cool thing.

  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    I'm not a sports guy but I've seen the helmet designs! I know Zack Ryder the wrestler is a giant fan as well. There are a few celebrities that are super-fans and that's always entraining.

  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    edited May 2020
    One of the MLP/GB designs has leaked.
    They're using the 1980s-inspired pony designs instead of the Friendship is Magic design but the coloring and everything looks good.

    TankHammer on
  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    It feels weird every time I bump the thread, but this is pretty big. The documentary "Cleanin Up the Town" that's been slowly taking shape for over a decade now is finally legally viewable in the US, just a day before my birthday!


    It's home to wall-to-wall exclusive interviews, notably some of the last footage ever filmed of Harold Ramis before his passing, and was lovingly filmed and edited by Anthony and Claire Bueno, who are a couple of great super-fans.

    They gathered so many hours of interviews that the project was split, so a sequel "Too Hot to Handle" about the making of Ghostbusters 2 is also on the way sometime in the future.

  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    edited September 2020
    We're cruising into spooky season so I'm pouring some mood slime into this thread to reanimate it.

    We still gotta wait until March 5th 2021 for Ghostbusters: Afterlife so marketing is taking a break on that for now.
    Last month Jason Reitman and the original Ecto-1 did an introduction for the Original Ghostbusters at the Sony studio parking lot in Culver City, CA for their pop-up drive-in.

    I just saw this on Twitter and am confused and excited in equal measure.

    COVID times means little-to-no in-person Halloween events for my group so we spent yesterday filming (6 feet apart with masks) some clips to use in various virtual parades and other local collaborative projects.
    Here's a preview:

    Dragon Con/PKE Surge (the largest annual gathering of costumed Ghostbusters fans) had to miss the first year since it began so it was good to suit up.

    I also received my Hasbro Plasma-series "Spengler's Neutrona Wand" in the mail, part of their role-play/replica toy line for the new movie. It's got lights and sounds from the 2009 video game, has vibration feedback, and it looks amazing.

    Gonna need to splice it to my pack somehow, which means wiring up the controls in my current wand to this thing. I will need assistance to do that.

    Anyway, those are the updates I can think of.
    Happy fall-ish!

    TankHammer on
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    Oh crap, I forgot to preorder that

  • Librarian's ghostLibrarian's ghost Librarian, Ghostbuster, and TimSpork Registered User regular
    Any chance you can get some videos of it working? I'm trying to decide if I want one.

    (Switch Friend Code) SW-4910-9735-6014(PSN) timspork (Steam) timspork (XBox) Timspork

  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    I got mine from here:

    Most haven't received theirs yet due to delays from Hasbro, but it's extremely worth the $99 price tag IMO.

    I can try to film a video tonight to show off the effects. I tried to find a video with good production values for you instead but as it typically goes with YouTube, I mainly found videos that were going into the wiring and technical aspects of the toy or videos that seemed more interested in promoting whatever that particular YouTuber's brand is. I can't find the video that originally sold me on the thing.

  • CristovalCristoval Registered User regular
    Waiting on my wand too, but more importantly I've also been working on this!


    Finally been able to build my Benofkent pack after months of delays, and it's coming along swimmingly. I will probably end up just heavily modding the Spengler wand since it already contains all the crap I don't feel like fussing with, and will save me some time before spooky-eve.

  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    Not sure if this came out okay, but here's a demo of the Spengler wand:

  • Librarian's ghostLibrarian's ghost Librarian, Ghostbuster, and TimSpork Registered User regular
    Weird. It has the video game mode switching? Mine does that but obviously that was a custom sound and light board.

    (Switch Friend Code) SW-4910-9735-6014(PSN) timspork (Steam) timspork (XBox) Timspork

  • UrielUriel Registered User regular
    I want one

    And a proton pack to hook it too

  • WiseManTobesWiseManTobes Registered User regular
    This thread made me remember I missed out on the Lego Ecto 1 and Firehouse. then I went and peeked to see how the prices are on them now. And now I'm sad, cause I ain't ever getting those now unless they re-release. ( Firehouse almost to 5 digits)

    So I hope the new Ghostbusters is good almost solely so that another Lego Ecto is released !

    Steam! Battlenet:Wisemantobes#1508
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    I got Ecto-1 but skipped out on the firehouse due to space reasons.

    *orders a neutrona wand*

  • SyngyneSyngyne Registered User regular
    I went down a youtube rabbit hole and holy shit

  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    Oh yeah, the "Pheonix Pack" is legendary. Definitely a build many others have been compared against.

    Here's the build the Fincher family put together. They're the ones who originally modified my pack.

    Here they are last year showing it off to Jason Reitman.

  • CristovalCristoval Registered User regular
    edited September 2020
    Pack moving along, but waiting on a few resistors and replacement 3d printed parts that I destroyed the first time round.



    Mind the 80's camera filter.

    Cant wait to get the wand this week! (Hopefully)

    Military surplus parts on their way for my Ecto goggles (head strap and face cushion) build as well, then I think I'm done.


    Cristoval on
  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
  • CristovalCristoval Registered User regular
    I bought the wand. Then I destroyed the wand.



    Currently repainting it all up.


  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    The folks over in Spengler Wand Modders would love that.

  • LBD_NytetraynLBD_Nytetrayn TorontoRegistered User regular
    Oh man, how did I miss that this thread exists for so long.

    Guess I'll make this my first contribution:

    Also, I've always loved that there are these different "franchises" in different cities. I've seen the Toronto one at FanExpo a few times, I believe. It's something I'd love to get into someday, when I can afford to put something like that together.

    Reminds me of this tabletop Ghostbusters RPG I learned about some time back, where you kind of do that and go on jobs and stuff. I wanted to play it with some friends, but as usual for that kind of thing, it never quite came together.

    (I also wonder how my Jeep Cherokee would have looked in Ecto detailing...)

    Like Mega Man Legends? Then check out my story, Legends of the Halcyon Era - An Adventure in the World of Mega Man Legends on TMMN and AO3!
  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    I got my copy of the Neutrona Wand the other day and it is indeed fantastic. The only way it could have been better would be if it was actually made out of metal instead of plastic, but that would have cost a fortune and for $100, this version delivers.

    Really make me curious if we'll like a PKE meter or some goggles from them.

  • CristovalCristoval Registered User regular
    TankHammer wrote: »
    The folks over in Spengler Wand Modders would love that.

    I'm already part of that group and fielding a lot of questions, the answer to most of which is simply "Rip and tear!"

    But she has been reborn like the Phoenix! Replaced 90% of the molded screws with the real deal, and added others in areas where they were missing. Real Clippard valves added in, and the rubber wire which exited the gun barrel has been replaced and modded to enter the main body in the correct location. Orange hat light replaced with real "dummy" cap, and rear grip rubber padding cut off and replaced with a 3D printed part and soon to be covered in olive drab tape. Side knobs and gun rack were replaced with resin replicas from BenofKent, along with a 3D print wand tip as well. Banjo's cut off and replaced with screen accurate version too. Wield marks upgraded and added to places where they were missing, then repainted and re-stickered. Just have to find some tubing for the front and back and then give her some Afterlife quality weathering!




    (Bargraph bezel needs some work, but added in a side panel from a CD tray for the lenticular effect)



  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    edited October 2020
    Oh man, how did I miss that this thread exists for so long.

    Guess I'll make this my first contribution:


    Also, I've always loved that there are these different "franchises" in different cities. I've seen the Toronto one at FanExpo a few times, I believe. It's something I'd love to get into someday, when I can afford to put something like that together.

    Reminds me of this tabletop Ghostbusters RPG I learned about some time back, where you kind of do that and go on jobs and stuff. I wanted to play it with some friends, but as usual for that kind of thing, it never quite came together.

    (I also wonder how my Jeep Cherokee would have looked in Ecto detailing...)

    Both the New Jersey and Dallas-Ft. Worth Ghostbusters have fielded Cherokee ectomobiles and they have a good look to them.


    If you need pointers starting a suit, I'm happy to help. You definitely don't need a pack at first. I went years just in my flightsuit.

    TankHammer on
  • LBD_NytetraynLBD_Nytetrayn TorontoRegistered User regular
    I'll keep it in mind. =)

    I have a tendency to veer off the beaten path with my cosplay, but I'm not sure just what I want to do here yet (though I do have ideas for the pack...).

    Like Mega Man Legends? Then check out my story, Legends of the Halcyon Era - An Adventure in the World of Mega Man Legends on TMMN and AO3!
  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    I'm gonna take a minute, since the Ghostbusters RPG was recently mentioned, to plug my friends in the Central Florida Ghostbusters, who run the Ghostbusters Resurrection podcast on NerdyShow/Omniverse.
    They're about to release the final episodes for their third season.

    I highly recommend listening if you're a fan of the game system or Ghostbusters in general.


  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    I did a thing to my car.
    Happy Halloween!

  • MegaMan001MegaMan001 CRNA Rochester, MNRegistered User regular
    The Local Rochester, MN chapter of Ghostbusters are always at the area pumpkin patches decked out and it's a very cool thing and I really should get around to doing something like making my own costume.

    I am in the business of saving lives.
  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    If you're not going 100% screen accurate I recommend Tru-Spec flighsuits for the best color and zippers short of a custom order. Very comfortable too. Round up the size. That, a belt, boots, a shoulder/name patch and you're off to the races. Shouldn't set you back more than $100 total.

    From there you can add and tweak your accessories little by little. has the harder to find stuff like the tan belts, hazard gloves, and gray elbow pads. White volleyball knee pads coated with fabric spray paint will do if he's out again.

  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    There's a hack of Secret of Monkey Island featuring the Ghostbusters out for download. Haven't tried yet but looks like a hoot.

  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    edited October 2020
    This past weekend certain access channels around Ohio streamed 6 hours of Ghostbusters fan films (some of which I shared years ago in a pervious thread). Several franchises recorded greetings between the showings too. You can stream it here:
    Programming (fan films in bold):
    Open 00:00:00
    Freddy vs Ghostbusters 00:01:23 00:33:03
    Tim Johnson Interview PART 1 00:33:11
    SLC Intro 00:37:48
    Ghostbusters: SLC 00:38:15
    Ecto Crank 01:10:34
    Paul Rudd PSA 01:10:42
    SLC Interviews 01:11:41
    Spilled Milk Intro 01:20:52
    Ghostbusters: Spilled Milk 01:21:29
    Alberta Ghostbusters 01:37:57
    Kevin James Interview 01:38:14
    ROTGB Inro 01:44:45
    Return Of The Ghostbusters 01:45:07
    Columbus Ghostbusters 03:09:06
    Tim Johnson Interview PART 2 03:09:18
    Station 6 Intro 03:15:14
    Ghostbusters: Station 6 03:15:52
    Ghostbusters Cleveland 03:57:10
    Chris Tomlinson Interview 03:57:18
    Woofty's Revenge Intro 04:04:46
    Louisiana Ghostbusters: Woofty's Revenge 04:05:04
    Dayton Ghostbusters 04:25:59
    Answer The Call Intro 04:26:05
    Louisiana Ghostbusters: Answer The Call 04:26:21
    Calgary Ghostbusters 04:52:41
    Goodbye Stranger Intro 04:52:48
    Louisiana Ghostbusters: Goodbye Stranger 04:53:02
    Circle City Ghostbusters 05:31:58
    Franchising Italy Intro 05:32:06
    Ghostbusters: Franchise Italy 05:32:24
    Metro Detroit Ghostbusters 05:44:46
    Stranger Things Intro 05:44:57
    Stranger Things In The Neighborhood 05:45:38
    Close 05:58:21
    Credits 05:58:59

    TankHammer on
  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    edited October 2020
    Ghostbusters: Afterlife's release date has been moved again from March 5th 2020 to June 11th 2020 in order to take advantage of some recently-vacated summer premier space and so that theaters will more-likely be safely open.

    Notable that this puts the release 3 days after "Ghostbusters Day" on June 8th, on the 37th anniversary of the original film.
    It's also 5 days away from the Ghostbusters 2 32nd anniversary on June 16th.

    Additionally, it'll be an even week before my own birthday on the 19th so while it's frustrating the film's been delayed nearly a year now due to COVID, at least I can put a positive spin on things.

    In other news, there is currently Ghostbusters content in Rocket League (find me on there if you wanna play some Haunted Hallows)

    Fortnite will soon get Ghostbusters content as well, there's already a GB:Afterlife Easter-Egg on the map.

    TankHammer on
  • CristovalCristoval Registered User regular
    So mad about this news I took my Spengler wand and chucked it into a rusty old ass barn. Actually came out looking pretty good...


  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    The remastered Ghostbusters videogame will be free on the Epic Games Store from the 29th to the 4th.

  • CristovalCristoval Registered User regular
    I've just started replaying it on Switch but I guess I'll start replaying it again... Still never beat it. Always lose my save file about halfway through.

  • TankHammerTankHammer Atlanta Ghostbuster Atlanta, GARegistered User regular
    I've bought it for 360, about a dozen copies of the original Steam version, and the remaster for PC when it launched and Switch when it was $10. I've only beaten the original on 360 once and the remaster on PC once.
    I tried doing a 100% run as well as replaying on the hardest difficulty but some of the game is just way too cheap on harder difficulties. The possessor ghosts gave me more trouble than the infamous cherubs. Still get a little annoyed by Bill Murray's voice after hearing him call for "a little help" a few hundred times.

    I hope we get a spiritual sequel one day. That gameplay had room for refinement but it's still the best virtual ghostbusting experience I've had outside of the VOID VR stuff.

  • MegaMan001MegaMan001 CRNA Rochester, MNRegistered User regular
    TankHammer wrote: »
    I've bought it for 360, about a dozen copies of the original Steam version, and the remaster for PC when it launched and Switch when it was $10. I've only beaten the original on 360 once and the remaster on PC once.
    I tried doing a 100% run as well as replaying on the hardest difficulty but some of the game is just way too cheap on harder difficulties. The possessor ghosts gave me more trouble than the infamous cherubs. Still get a little annoyed by Bill Murray's voice after hearing him call for "a little help" a few hundred times.

    I hope we get a spiritual sequel one day. That gameplay had room for refinement but it's still the best virtual ghostbusting experience I've had outside of the VOID VR stuff.

    Why did you buy so many copies of the steam version?

    I am in the business of saving lives.
  • MatevMatev Cero Miedo Registered User regular
    MegaMan001 wrote: »
    TankHammer wrote: »
    I've bought it for 360, about a dozen copies of the original Steam version, and the remaster for PC when it launched and Switch when it was $10. I've only beaten the original on 360 once and the remaster on PC once.
    I tried doing a 100% run as well as replaying on the hardest difficulty but some of the game is just way too cheap on harder difficulties. The possessor ghosts gave me more trouble than the infamous cherubs. Still get a little annoyed by Bill Murray's voice after hearing him call for "a little help" a few hundred times.

    I hope we get a spiritual sequel one day. That gameplay had room for refinement but it's still the best virtual ghostbusting experience I've had outside of the VOID VR stuff.

    Why did you buy so many copies of the steam version?

    To give to friends to do the multiplayer with of course.

    "Go down, kick ass, and set yourselves up as gods, that's our Prime Directive!"
    Hail Hydra
  • Librarian's ghostLibrarian's ghost Librarian, Ghostbuster, and TimSpork Registered User regular
    So recently I’ve been buying current Transformers because they have a very original cartoon/toy look and they make me nostalgic. This made me remember that there is an official Ecto-1 Transformer so I ordered it and received it today.

    He is pretty large. Megaton/Optimus sized when transformed. His roof rack turns into his own proton back and he comes with a little movie style Slimer.

    (Switch Friend Code) SW-4910-9735-6014(PSN) timspork (Steam) timspork (XBox) Timspork

  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Registered User regular
    edited October 2020
    So recently I’ve been buying current Transformers because they have a very original cartoon/toy look and they make me nostalgic. This made me remember that there is an official Ecto-1 Transformer so I ordered it and received it today.

    He is pretty large. Megaton/Optimus sized when transformed. His roof rack turns into his own proton back and he comes with a little movie style Slimer.

    The miniseries he has with the IDW Ghostbusters is pretty good.

    They also have Top Gun and Back to the Future crossover figures coming as well. I can't wait to see how Ecotron looks next to Gigawatt.

    Undead Scottsman on
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