everyone's back at their [job] and it's THE WORST



  • TheStigTheStig Registered User regular
    Get on shift, back in the psych area. A dude who was my patient a few days ago is still there. He's a hoarder and will swipe shit and stores it in his pants and under his mattress. I ask the night nurse if he searched his room last night. He's like "no, why?" There is an FYI that pops up every time you open the chart warning about his behavior and to search the room every shift. The note on the tracking board I put there 3 days ago warning the same thing is still there, as are the various notes in the chart saying the same thing. Like, wtf was this nurse even doing? Anyway we toss the room and find 2 medication scanners, a phone, and a tons of random trash. Like $1000 of missing equipment easily. At least he wasn't wearing a thong he found in the trash anymore.

    bnet: TheStig#1787 Steam: TheStig
  • BucketmanBucketman Call me SkraggRegistered User regular
    They had a big manager meeting we had to sit through minutes of. The big takeaway? They have a new system to recolonize peers and departments that do well. They have an acronym, now if you get a recolonized for doing an excellent job your a CLIFF STAR (I did not pay attention to what this actually stands for).

    So if you do good you go off the cliff and become a star.

    Guys...guys....thats not a great way to put it, at all.

  • ThegreatcowThegreatcow Lord of All Bacons Washington State - It's Wet up here innit? Registered User regular
    Bucketman wrote: »
    They had a big manager meeting we had to sit through minutes of. The big takeaway? They have a new system to recolonize peers and departments that do well. They have an acronym, now if you get a recolonized for doing an excellent job your a CLIFF STAR (I did not pay attention to what this actually stands for).

    So if you do good you go off the cliff and become a star.

    Guys...guys....thats not a great way to put it, at all.

    You will ASCEND

  • ShadowfireShadowfire Vermont, in the middle of nowhereRegistered User regular
    Tox wrote: »
    Speaking of horrible retail stories, is it still a policy that you can return a TV bought within two weeks prior to the Day of the Superb Owl?

    Yes, but you're a bad person if you do it.

  • CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    edited January 2020
    Good news for me: I talked to my current manager about me getting placed back in the department I was in originally (Compute was my old department), and he said he would look into it. I would so much prefer that department, as I feel I'm way over my head in the current one.

    Cambiata on
    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
  • JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    expendable wrote: »
    The social aspects of online FPS games can be amazing

    Playing Black Ops 1 and Destiny 1 with some forumers and friends got me through the some dark days

    Some friends from college (graduated 12 years ago!? oof) and I have started up a weekly L4D/L4D2 game again lately. It is largely just us shooting the shit on voice, making fun of each other, and laughing hysterically as we sabotage one another or the Director hilariously fucks us.

    For literally YEARS, a group of friends and I basically had a nighly L4D2 VS game where one person would boot the game and everyone else would race to try to get a lobby spot.

    ...this just reminded me one of them uploaded some video clips from it on youtube. Man, this is bringing back memories.

  • DrezDrez Registered User regular

    Agree, but shooters are also less combative than most of the conference calls I've been on.

    Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar
  • expendableexpendable Silly Goose Registered User regular
    Jragghen wrote: »
    expendable wrote: »
    The social aspects of online FPS games can be amazing

    Playing Black Ops 1 and Destiny 1 with some forumers and friends got me through the some dark days

    Some friends from college (graduated 12 years ago!? oof) and I have started up a weekly L4D/L4D2 game again lately. It is largely just us shooting the shit on voice, making fun of each other, and laughing hysterically as we sabotage one another or the Director hilariously fucks us.

    For literally YEARS, a group of friends and I basically had a nighly L4D2 VS game where one person would boot the game and everyone else would race to try to get a lobby spot.

    ...this just reminded me one of them uploaded some video clips from it on youtube. Man, this is bringing back memories.

    I didn't play much L4D2, and no VS for it. I'd moved to a place and didn't have very good internet for a while right before that launched. Lots of single player just to go through the campaigns and such.

    But we preordered L4D and played the shit out of it. Completed all the campaigns on Expert, played almost exclusively at that level, etc. All the VS play I got in L4D was with the PA L4D group though.

    Now though? We occasionally lose somebody on Normal. Granted, sometimes that's due to shenanigans but there've been a few times when we're like "Damn, we suck"

    Djiem wrote: »
    Lokiamis wrote: »
    So the servers suddenly decide to cramp up during the last six percent.
    Man, the Director will really go out of his way to be a dick to L4D players.
  • Mc zanyMc zany Registered User regular
    Cambiata wrote: »
    Good news for me: I talked to my current manager about me getting placed back in the department I was in originally (Compute was my old department), and he said he would look into it. I would so much prefer that department, as I feel I'm way over my head in the current one.

    Sorry to say that "i'll look into it" is normally management speak for "this will be the last you hear of this". But I could be wriong in this case.

  • TheStigTheStig Registered User regular
    Drez wrote: »

    Agree, but shooters are also less combative than most of the conference calls I've been on.

    Every time someone disagrees with me on conference call I ask them what their K:D is and tell them to shut their scrub ass up and let me carry.

    bnet: TheStig#1787 Steam: TheStig
  • CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    Mc zany wrote: »
    Cambiata wrote: »
    Good news for me: I talked to my current manager about me getting placed back in the department I was in originally (Compute was my old department), and he said he would look into it. I would so much prefer that department, as I feel I'm way over my head in the current one.

    Sorry to say that "i'll look into it" is normally management speak for "this will be the last you hear of this". But I could be wriong in this case.

    It's possible. But the reason this came up at all is because of what he wrote on my yearly review - that he was concerned that my skills were not those of a "Senior SRE" which is what is required of someone in my position (first I'm hearing of this, but he did take over from another manager and the job shifted somewhat when he was brought on board), and even after I got the engineering degree I'm pursuing I'd still be a "junior engineer." I said this also concerned me and I felt I'd be a better fit back in Compute where I could learn more and continue pursing my degree, and he said he'd look into it.

    So maybe he's just saying that, but the preceding convo makes me think he could be serious. Also, my previous manager in Compute told me when I left for this new department that I didn't have to worry about my job if the new department fell through, because I could just come back to Compute, so I know my old manager would be cool with it.

    Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
    On my sleeve, let the runway start
  • MrMonroeMrMonroe passed out on the floor nowRegistered User regular
    Bucketman wrote: »
    They had a big manager meeting we had to sit through minutes of. The big takeaway? They have a new system to recolonize peers and departments that do well. They have an acronym, now if you get a recolonized for doing an excellent job your a CLIFF STAR (I did not pay attention to what this actually stands for).

    So if you do good you go off the cliff and become a star.

    Guys...guys....thats not a great way to put it, at all.

    Is this a goof or just two extremely fortuitous autocorrects?

  • BucketmanBucketman Call me SkraggRegistered User regular
    MrMonroe wrote: »
    Bucketman wrote: »
    They had a big manager meeting we had to sit through minutes of. The big takeaway? They have a new system to recolonize peers and departments that do well. They have an acronym, now if you get a recolonized for doing an excellent job your a CLIFF STAR (I did not pay attention to what this actually stands for).

    So if you do good you go off the cliff and become a star.

    Guys...guys....thats not a great way to put it, at all.

    Is this a goof or just two extremely fortuitous autocorrects?

    Auto correct. I guess I use the work recolonize more then recognize

  • MadpoetMadpoet Registered User regular
    Bucketman wrote: »
    They had a big manager meeting we had to sit through minutes of. The big takeaway? They have a new system to recolonize peers and departments that do well. They have an acronym, now if you get a recolonized for doing an excellent job your a CLIFF STAR (I did not pay attention to what this actually stands for).

    So if you do good you go off the cliff and become a star.

    Guys...guys....thats not a great way to put it, at all.
    That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about stars to dispute it.

  • JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    expendable wrote: »
    Jragghen wrote: »
    expendable wrote: »
    The social aspects of online FPS games can be amazing

    Playing Black Ops 1 and Destiny 1 with some forumers and friends got me through the some dark days

    Some friends from college (graduated 12 years ago!? oof) and I have started up a weekly L4D/L4D2 game again lately. It is largely just us shooting the shit on voice, making fun of each other, and laughing hysterically as we sabotage one another or the Director hilariously fucks us.

    For literally YEARS, a group of friends and I basically had a nighly L4D2 VS game where one person would boot the game and everyone else would race to try to get a lobby spot.

    ...this just reminded me one of them uploaded some video clips from it on youtube. Man, this is bringing back memories.

    I didn't play much L4D2, and no VS for it. I'd moved to a place and didn't have very good internet for a while right before that launched. Lots of single player just to go through the campaigns and such.

    But we preordered L4D and played the shit out of it. Completed all the campaigns on Expert, played almost exclusively at that level, etc. All the VS play I got in L4D was with the PA L4D group though.

    Now though? We occasionally lose somebody on Normal. Granted, sometimes that's due to shenanigans but there've been a few times when we're like "Damn, we suck"

    Yeah, I played some original L4D on xbox, but L4D2 was when we went all-in, and since they ported all the old maps, that was kinda our "standard." We preferred the original maps, but the new game.

    By the end, we were playing on...whatever the hardest realism one, if we could get a full team (not getting randos filling in slots) because everyone enjoyed playing as the zombies more, but with full voice chat so both teams were talking with one another. We mostly just enjoyed tearing one anothers' teams to pieces.

    I'm sure if we went back to it, we'd such so much. I keep hoping for L4D3 to come out so we could do a revival.

  • JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    ....and this conversation made me mention it among that group, and apparently 5 or 6 people have been getting the itch lately, so we may start playing again this weekend or something.


  • BrainleechBrainleech 機知に富んだコメントはここにあります Registered User regular
    edited January 2020
    Weaver wrote: »
    Sweet, my tax refund came in this morning!

    I still have not gotten my W2 or my 3 years of back taxes from the state. It's a joke of which will come first my state id, I find my military id, my state returns the w2 or I get a job

    Brainleech on
  • JragghenJragghen Registered User regular
    Well, plugged in our W2s.

    Almost certainly going to owe again, but thankfully less than last year.

    Fucking IRS tables.

  • Local H JayLocal H Jay Registered User regular

    I got called in early to work, so I went in at open (10am) rather than 12. It was to be a 9 hour shift either way, so I was gonna leave at 7. It was dead all day, we work with a customer for a while to make a deal, they leave in the afternoon on the fence wether to buy anything.

    6 rolls around and the family comes back in, they need 4 cell phones all transferred to different carrier and with data transfers. I realize quickly I am not leaving at 7. I finish up the majority of it around 8 and head home, 10 hour shift. My boss, who asked me personally to stay and make sure the transaction goes smooth, leaves promptly at 7 despite being there helping me make the sale...

    I find out later there's an issue with that same customer, two phones didn't finish activating properly (probably because they didn't do their pincode correctly when asked). So I came in early, stayed late, and then still got chewed out by my boss for messing up two phones. I'm just exhausted...

  • Commander ZoomCommander Zoom Registered User regular

    I got called in early to work, so I went in at open (10am) rather than 12. It was to be a 9 hour shift either way, so I was gonna leave at 7. It was dead all day, we work with a customer for a while to make a deal, they leave in the afternoon on the fence wether to buy anything.

    6 rolls around and the family comes back in, they need 4 cell phones all transferred to different carrier and with data transfers. I realize quickly I am not leaving at 7. I finish up the majority of it around 8 and head home, 10 hour shift. My boss, who asked me personally to stay and make sure the transaction goes smooth, leaves promptly at 7 despite being there helping me make the sale...

    I find out later there's an issue with that same customer, two phones didn't finish activating properly (probably because they didn't do their pincode correctly when asked). So I came in early, stayed late, and then still got chewed out by my boss for messing up two phones. I'm just exhausted...

    Your boss, who...
    yeah, fuck that.

  • Goose!Goose! That's me, honey Show me the way home, honeyRegistered User regular
    I'm getting a decent return, but I have to wait until Friday to file my state return because of dumb thing VA does

  • MrMonroeMrMonroe passed out on the floor nowRegistered User regular
    Bucketman wrote: »
    MrMonroe wrote: »
    Bucketman wrote: »
    They had a big manager meeting we had to sit through minutes of. The big takeaway? They have a new system to recolonize peers and departments that do well. They have an acronym, now if you get a recolonized for doing an excellent job your a CLIFF STAR (I did not pay attention to what this actually stands for).

    So if you do good you go off the cliff and become a star.

    Guys...guys....thats not a great way to put it, at all.

    Is this a goof or just two extremely fortuitous autocorrects?

    Auto correct. I guess I use the work recolonize more then recognize

    Freud is nutting in his grave I'm pretty sure

  • WeaverWeaver Who are you? What do you want?Registered User regular
    Somebody pulled a fire alarm in my building.

  • WeaverWeaver Who are you? What do you want?Registered User regular
    I was asleep because I'm getting up for work at 0330. Fire department came out, fire panel has a fault. They disarm it, leave me the notice of violation to pass on to the property manager who doesn't currently live on-site, and they leave. Five minutes later, alarm goes off again, I have to call them back out. I'm gonna be a salty boy in the morning.

  • SkeithSkeith Registered User regular
    Jragghen wrote: »
    ....and this conversation made me mention it among that group, and apparently 5 or 6 people have been getting the itch lately, so we may start playing again this weekend or something.


    Fuck, now I'm jonesing. Realism versus was such good fun, especially with alltalk enabled.

  • BrainleechBrainleech 機知に富んだコメントはここにあります Registered User regular
    It's not doing to be fun when I get a job because eating once a day or twice {small meals} really did a thing to my body
    I know I was impressed that back on the horrible day of nov 20 I was able to run 5 miles and do the obstacle course after just eating a peanut butter sandwich and some tea and other dumb things like my crappy ride I did twice on my bike trying to get my ID
    Basically my summer on has been some perseverance porn

  • SorceSorce Not ThereRegistered User regular
    Got a free hot dog and soda at my job because I work safe or something. Yay.

    Someone post that drowning high-five meme.

  • JedocJedoc In the scuppers with the staggers and jagsRegistered User regular
    You accidentally drop the bottle cap, and someone slips on it.

    The safety manager sternly slaps the hot dog out of your hand.

  • WeaverWeaver Who are you? What do you want?Registered User regular
    Got into work and one of our vendors refers me to a rep from the Seattle Sounders for a nice deal on season tickets. This may just end up making up for dealing with that fire alarm crap in the middle of the night.

  • RoyceSraphimRoyceSraphim Registered User regular
    Straight dumbass dropped supervisor phone in the toilet. Shallow bowl and it was empty/unused but scrubbing with bleach as deep as I can.

  • DisruptedCapitalistDisruptedCapitalist I swear! Registered User regular
    eh, toilets are usually cleaner than people's desks or so I've been told.

    "Simple, real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time." -Mustrum Ridcully in Terry Pratchett's Hogfather p. 142 (HarperPrism 1996)
  • BucketmanBucketman Call me SkraggRegistered User regular
    edited January 2020
    eh, toilets are usually cleaner than people's desks or so I've been told.

    sort of. Back in bio lab we did culture swabs. I did one in a bathroom (not in the toilet but around the bottom of the rim) and a phone. The phone had way more bacteria but it was harmless stuff, the toilet had less growth but it was gross smelling pitch black bacteria that ate through the blood culture at a crazy rate.

    Bucketman on
  • 3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    It really depends on how you define "clean." If you mean sheer amount of bacterial biomass present, your skin is disgusting as fuck, far grosser than any toilet or door handle.

    If you mean potentially pathologic (a far more useful definition IMO), the toilet's pretty damn bad - the bacteria in feces can make you sick if you ingest them accidentally. If there's any leftover urine in the toilet that's also full of stuff that you don't really want on your skin or in your mouth.

  • BucketmanBucketman Call me SkraggRegistered User regular
    3clipse wrote: »
    It really depends on how you define "clean." If you mean sheer amount of bacterial biomass present, your skin is disgusting as fuck, far grosser than any toilet or door handle.

    If you mean potentially pathologic (a far more useful definition IMO), the toilet's pretty damn bad - the bacteria in feces can make you sick if you ingest them accidentally. If there's any leftover urine in the toilet that's also full of stuff that you don't really want on your skin or in your mouth.

    Unless thats your thing and hey, thats totally ok! Just be safe and maybe eat a lot of yogurt to keep your internal biome healthy.

  • 3cl1ps33cl1ps3 I will build a labyrinth to house the cheese Registered User regular
    I cannot recommend strongly enough that no matter your kinks, you do not actually ingest urine. Despite what Bear Grylls says it is not fine and it will make you sick.

  • DidgeridooDidgeridoo Flighty Dame Registered User regular
    Interview in a few hours. Getting jittery, urgh

  • MrGrimoireMrGrimoire Pixflare Registered User regular
    Didgeridoo wrote: »
    Interview in a few hours. Getting jittery, urgh

    Good luck, you'll nail it!

  • Desert LeviathanDesert Leviathan Registered User regular
    Six months or so ago, I was filling out the internal wiki for one of our major products, and when it came time to make the overall home page, at the very top of it I put the inscription from the gates to Hell from Dante's Inferno, which was also a link to the music video for R.E.M.'s "Everybody Hurts", because, you know, I fucking hated the product and working with it made want to die. That part of the wiki was 99% for my personal use, and anyone else who dipped into it knew that it would be full of my bullshit, which people tolerate because of the Irreplaceable Weirdo Principle (IWP), which states that the amount of eccentricity an employee can get away with is directly proportionate to how much difficult-to-transmit knowledge they possess.

    So today I learned two things. First, the kid who's been creating the new customer-facing wiki for the same product has just been copy/pasting all of my internal pages. Second, our VP of Marketing speaks Italian.

    Realizing lately that I don't really trust or respect basically any of the moderators here. So, good luck with life, friends! Hit me up on Twitter @DesertLeviathan
  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    God I hate when someone asks me a question about something in an email as I reply like "blah blah it's screwed up shit because people area stupid blah blah" and then they copy paste that in an email reply to someone.

  • Donovan PuppyfuckerDonovan Puppyfucker A dagger in the dark is worth a thousand swords in the morningRegistered User regular
    Didgeridoo wrote: »
    Interview in a few hours. Getting jittery, urgh

    You're gonna crush it!

This discussion has been closed.