After three hard days of gaming, partying and drinking you deserve a break! Time to sleep, pack your bags and prepare for the long (or short) journey home. However, if you find that you still have some party left in you then come over and wreck yourself!
WARNING: This is not for the faint of heart! In honor of ripping off popular titles from adult swim we have decided to name our humble gathering the
Robot Chicken Final Farewell Party! Why? Because we lack originality and have a yearning desire to get sued. Commemorate all the parties by having another party in honor of the parties previously celebrated before this party!
We have two rooms reserved at The Sheraton Hotel. Don't know where that is? Consult the PAX map thread!
Sunday night (after the expo) is the plan. The party starts promptly at 9:00pm!
Because you are a hardcore party person and lack the common sense to listen to your body and get some rest. Despite the sleep deprivation, dehydration, hangover and obscure rash you decided to push your limits and go for broke! Or you just feel like chilling, playing some games and saying goodbye to new or old friends.
.....To find us? The Pre-PAX dinner on Thursday! No Luck? Try the Pre-PAX movie raid! Don't think we exist? Then try to catch us at the Sealab Party. When you find us we will provide you with the time and room numbers. As always, bringing alcohol and food is encouraged...but not required. We will be passing out tickets throughout the weekend as it will be your only method of entry. Flash it to our door man and you're gold! No ticket, no party.
YAY to Parties!
Oh...and if I'm still awake enough after sunday I'll definitely show up!
I also have no breasts for him to use for his own evil purposes.
Well I am trying to write some rules to make Mario Party 2 into a drinking game. The main point is everyone starts with 1 can of beer. The winner is whoever has the most empty cans at the end of the game. Depending on what happens you get to take an appropriate sized drink from your can. For example landing on a Blue Space is a drink, landing on a red space you are penalized and don't get a drink, buying a star from Toad let's you finish your current drink and get the next, and stealing a star from another player let's you steal his current drink and finish it.
I have never played a drinking game so I'm down for my first experience to be some type of alcohol/video game hybrid.
This sounds like a great Idea. I'm definately Bringing Mario Kart Double Dash for some DUI Mario Kart action. I will think of more games we can play at the party as the days pass by.
The point of the game is to get flat out drunk. Depending on what happens in the game players will take a drink from one of their open cans. The winner of the game is whoever has the most empty beer cans at the end. Due to the fact players will be swapping drinks it is advised that players each "play" a different type of beer, but also standardized the beer to be the same size. Also it is advised all players are in good health and doesn't happen to have any illnesses that might be spread through sharing drinks. Players are allowed to take drinks from other sources whenever they as long as it is not beer being played in the game
What players should bring
About 20 cans or bottles of beer all standardized to the same amount of ounces.
A plastic bag or something to hold your empty cans.
A hip flask or something to drink from just in case you have bad luck and need to have a drink.
Opening a new can of beer
Players may open a new can of beer when only when they don't have any open cans to play the game with.
Players are granted a chance to go to the restroom for whatever they need after the mini-game at the end of the round is over and the beer is drank.
Passing out, vomiting, and pissing your pants
A player performing any of the above should be kicked out of the game and an audience member can take over for him/her. Also if you can't hold it to the restroom break just go anyway.
How to win
At the end of the game players count their empty can and whoever has the most wins
Tie Breaker
If 2 or more players have the same amount of empty cans then they shall take one of the cans they couldn't finish during the game or open a new one if they don't have one and the winner will be decided by whoever can empty their drink the fastest. If a winner can't be declared by the first drinking contest then the players in question shall continue having drinking contests till a winner is decied. There will be no restroom breaks during this period for the players in the drinking contest.
Bonus Stars
Bonus Stars should be turned off.
Blue Spaces
Take a drink.
Red Spaces
Don't take a drink.
! Space
Give Coins: Player on receiving end takes the other players beer and takes a drink.
Give Star: Player on receiving end takes the other players beer and drinks the whole can.
Trade Coins: Players swap drinks.
Trade Stars: Swap drinks player that benifits from this empties his new drink.
? Space
To be added with board events...
Treasure Chest Space
Take a big drink before the mini-game starts.
Lightning Space
Everyone puts their beer cans side by side. Winner of mini-game get's to take 3 of his/her choice. Player in second place get's the last one. Player that landed on the space takes a drink after the beer is divided.
Bowser Spaces
Star Steal: Give your beer to someone in the audience.
Stars Packed to Go: Give your beer to someone in the audience.
10,000 Coin Present: Give your beer to someone in the audience.
100 Star Present: Give your beer to someone in the audience.
## Coins for Bowser: Give your beer to someone in the audience, Also you don't get to take a drink the next time your are supposed to.
Bowser's Coin Potluck: Player that lands on the spaces gives his/her beer to someone in the audience.
Bowser's Chance Time: Player chosen gives his/her beer to someone in the audience, Also you don't get to take a drink the next time your are supposed to.
Bowser's Appearing Act: Give your beer to someone in the audience. Any player Bowser runs into gives his/her drink to someone in the audience.
Bowser's Multiplying Toads: Don't take a a drink. Person that buys the fake star gives his/her beer to someone in the audience.
Bowser Revolution: Players that benefit take a drink. Player that landed on the space doesn't take a drink the next time he/she is supposed to.
Bank Space
Player that lands on the space empties his drink if he/she gains coins.
Bowser Land Bank Space
Players take a drink everytime they gain coins from this space. Player lands on space and loses coins gives his/her beer to someone in the audience.
Finish your beer.
Steal Coins: Take the chosen players beer.
Steal Star: Take the chosen players beer and drink all of it.
Baby Bowser
Don't take a drink at the end of your turn regardless of what space you land on.
Take a drink when you use it
Golden Mushroom
Take 2 drinks when you use it.
Skeleton Key
Take a drink when you use it.
Plunder Chest
Steal the chosen player's beer.
Warp Block
Swap beers with the chosen player.
Dueling Glove
Winner takes the losers beer and drinks all of it.
Magic Lamp
Bowser Bomb
Any player Bowser runs into gives his/her drink to someone in the audience.
Boo Bell
Steal Coins: Take the chosen players beer.
Steal Star: Take the chosen players beer and drink all of it.
Bowser Suit
Steal the beer of any player you encounter. Take a drink for any other good event that might happen.
Coming soon...
4 Player
Winner takes a big drink.
The winning team should clank their cans together and take a big drink from their respective can.
The winning team should clank their cans together(unless it was the one man team) and take a big drink from their respective can.
Mini-games where players do nothing but collect coins
The winner is decided by whoever collected the most coins and may take a big drink. Everyone else that collected coins may have a small sip.
Feel free to give any comments or suggestions or if you happen to have a N64 with Mario Party 2 and 4 controllers feedback from playtesting would be even better.
btw, i propose a goldeneye 007 drinking game, every time someone gets capped with the golden gun, shot!
Yeah, and I normally get up for work @ around 5 the a.m.
Not that I haven't shown up still tipsy, but one likes to try and break those habits whenever possible :shock:
dyaballikl- Oh hell yes...007 it shall be! Love that idea.
I'm going to bring track meet as well with the power pad on the old NES. I think we will have enough systems and games to have some pretty healthy drunken fun.
The Drinking game line-up thus far:
Mario Kart DD - Cube
Goldeneye 007 - N64
Track Meet- NES
Mario Party- Cube
Wii Sports- Wii
You can add guitar hero 1 and 2 and DDR to that list if you wish since I will be bringing my PS2
*Proud member of the Photoshop Heroes*
Yay! Love you Accalon! GO OREGON OMEGANAUT!
The person not steering takes all the drinks (the guy on the back).
Drink for the following:
Completing a lap
Getting hit
Depending on the track that's enough, but feel free to add your own rules! Unfortunately I probably won't be able to make it because I will be flying back to Jersey as of 9 PM.
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Mario Kart DD - Cube
Goldeneye 007 - N64
Track Meet- NES
Mario Party- Cube
Guitar Hero 1 & 2- PS2
Wii Sports- Wii
Mario Party 8- Wii
Drinking rules for the games will be up and posted by tomorrow...assuming I finish the rules for the unofficial DOTA tournament by today. Which just might happen...
Our group has decided that the person with the most creative looking PJ's will win a prize and Trophy. A pretty decent prize from what I have gathered. The trophy however, will look shitty and cheap so don't go placing it on your mantle. I need three judges who are willing to make this crucial and life changing decision. Any volunteers? E-mail me so I can keep you secret! "Keep it secret...keep it safe...."
Naked+Bewbs or Wee Wee= Not creative!
Showing up naked will NOT help you. Male or Female. You will be kicked out. As pleasing (or unpleasing) as it might be to look at...I cannot guarantee your safety once you leave the room...so all gang rapes fall on YOU! I know there is a slim chance of this actually happening...but lets face it...it's PAX. And this is hard for me to say...because I like bewbs.
Damn, does this mean I have to take on tailoring or something?
laff. Yeah I would set tailoring as one of your skills for this event. Ya know, so you can impress us with all your sexy dressings.
I got another guitar.
Also karaoke revolution 1 & 3 which are pretty much drinking games.