This stream was hilarious. Mike was precariously mining out around lava near bedrock, and his son was busy summoning a wither. Then they tried to fight it and got obliterated.
I think it's just regular Minecraft in this comic.
Probably. There's no survival mode in Minecraft Dungeons, and you don't mine for coal. Also, there's a mechanic that adjusts levels so people play together anyway.
Hahaha, seriously though, art critique: Gabe should consider occasionally just letting the panels bleed together. The split in this one is not just unnecessary, but maybe distracting. If word bubbles are gonna float between panels, why not just merge some?
MichaelLCIn what furnace was thy brain?ChicagoRegistered Userregular
I think it's just regular Minecraft in this comic.
Probably. There's no survival mode in Minecraft Dungeons, and you don't mine for coal. Also, there's a mechanic that adjusts levels so people play together anyway.
Ah, thanks. Just figured it was the new one.
Kwisatz HaderachThe power to destroy a thing is the absolute control over it.Registered Userregular
Hahaha, seriously though, art critique: Gabe should consider occasionally just letting the panels bleed together. The split in this one is not just unnecessary, but maybe distracting. If word bubbles are gonna float between panels, why not just merge some?
It's a stylistic choice. There's no right or wrong. I for one really enjoy seeing all three comic panels even if a picture spans across several.
Hahaha, seriously though, art critique: Gabe should consider occasionally just letting the panels bleed together. The split in this one is not just unnecessary, but maybe distracting. If word bubbles are gonna float between panels, why not just merge some?
I don't know if I'd go that far, but I do wish Noah's wrist broke through the gutter to actually meet up with his hand in panel 3. EDIT: Nah, you're right. I think one long panel would've been more effective.
Spawning the Wither in the Nether is plenty more dangerous. Then again, he must've not wanted to potentially harm their base and decided to take the risk.
-Tycho Brahe
Minecraft Dungeons
I think it's just regular Minecraft in this comic.
-Tycho Brahe
Probably. There's no survival mode in Minecraft Dungeons, and you don't mine for coal. Also, there's a mechanic that adjusts levels so people play together anyway.
-Tycho Brahe
Edit: It sounds like the PC version.
Ah, thanks. Just figured it was the new one.
It's a stylistic choice. There's no right or wrong. I for one really enjoy seeing all three comic panels even if a picture spans across several.
EDIT: Nah, you're right. I think one long panel would've been more effective.