While not about video games, I've had this type of conversation with my dad. Bought a PS3 and a PC he hooked to the TV, for the sole purpose of playing Blu-rays.
H3KnucklesBut we decide which is rightand which is an illusion.Registered Userregular
edited August 2020
To be honest, my PS3 probably got more use as a blu-ray player than it did as a game console.
While I get Tycho's point, I'm so happy I discovered Steam link, so sometimes I can just play a relaxing game comfortably laying in bed, so I can't really judge
I 100% identify with Gabe here, and it applies equally to Switch, Vita, hell even GBA. There's something irrationally exciting about TV/monitor games moved to a tiny screen in your hands.
Tycho's logic is inescapable but somehow irrelevant.
While not about video games, I've had this type of conversation with my dad. Bought a PS3 and a PC he hooked to the TV, for the sole purpose of playing Blu-rays.
In fairness, I don't know if it's still the case, but for a while the PS3 basically as good and reliable as a dedicated Blu-Ray device and comparably priced.
While not about video games, I've had this type of conversation with my dad. Bought a PS3 and a PC he hooked to the TV, for the sole purpose of playing Blu-rays.
In fairness, I don't know if it's still the case, but for a while the PS3 basically as good and reliable as a dedicated Blu-Ray device and comparably priced.
Once upon a time, but no more. Blu ray players have gotten cheap now, I have one on the bedroom TV that cost less than $50 (ostensibly a smart player but doesn't support current versions of any service I know of except Pluto TV). Even a used PS3 is more than that.
Scolding the purchase of a PS3 and a PC to play Blu-rays, wasn't meant to say those things can't serve that function. My point was he bought multiple expensive electronics to serve the same purpose.
OctoberRavenPlays fighting games for the storySkyeline Hotel Apartment 4ARegistered Userregular
Scolding the purchase of a PS3 and a PC to play Blu-rays, wasn't meant to say those things can't serve that function. My point was he bought multiple expensive electronics to serve the same purpose.
To wit: A major reason that the PS2 was the best-selling console of all time was that it also functioned as a DVD player.
Currently Most Hype For: VTMB2, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Alan Wake 2 (Wake Harder)Currently Playin: Guilty Gear XX AC+R, Gat Out Of Hell
What does Halo 5 look like on a phone? Has it been downrezed to the point of being stick figures? Does it look like a Nintendo 64 game?
Some games work better than others. Forza and Ace Combat were too laggy. Ori was fine.
Tycho's logic is inescapable but somehow irrelevant.
In fairness, I don't know if it's still the case, but for a while the PS3 basically as good and reliable as a dedicated Blu-Ray device and comparably priced.
Once upon a time, but no more. Blu ray players have gotten cheap now, I have one on the bedroom TV that cost less than $50 (ostensibly a smart player but doesn't support current versions of any service I know of except Pluto TV). Even a used PS3 is more than that.
To wit: A major reason that the PS2 was the best-selling console of all time was that it also functioned as a DVD player.
also Gabe : uses an iPhone.