Don't get me started on words for scoring. Tennis gets me all riled up. I've ranted at my friend who is a tennis coach about it before, and he could offer no real defense.
Don't get me started on words for scoring. Tennis gets me all riled up. I've ranted at my friend who is a tennis coach about it before, and he could offer no real defense.
What's wrong with the words for scoring in tennis? The word love?
The Oxford English Dictionary suggests that the term might be rooted in the colloquial phrase “for love,” meaning “without stakes being wagered.” This theory reflects the sport’s long history of etiquette and sportsmanship. Others theorize that love arose from the French word for “egg,” l’oeuf, because a zero on a scoreboard resembles an egg. This is a clever claim, but it remains unsubstantiated.
Don't get me started on words for scoring. Tennis gets me all riled up. I've ranted at my friend who is a tennis coach about it before, and he could offer no real defense.
What's wrong with the words for scoring in tennis? The word love?
The Oxford English Dictionary suggests that the term might be rooted in the colloquial phrase “for love,” meaning “without stakes being wagered.” This theory reflects the sport’s long history of etiquette and sportsmanship. Others theorize that love arose from the French word for “egg,” l’oeuf, because a zero on a scoreboard resembles an egg. This is a clever claim, but it remains unsubstantiated.
Love, deuce, advantage/ad (though at least that one makes intuitive sense). I even got curious and checked wikipedia as to why those terms, and there's a lot of "the origins are believed to be" and "another theory is" and "the most likely explanation is" and "is also disputed." They don't even know why they use those crazy terms.
Though some of that is also talking about the actual scoring system (love, 15, 30, 40), which is also banana bread.
Anything not in an arithmetic sequence drives me mad (i.e. Tennis should be 15, 30, 45; or even just 1, 2, 3). Even worse is the parable of the sower (see Matt 13:8) which goes 100, 60, 30, so it’s also in descending order for some reason
smashing balls over a net with some kind of utensil is very old, it's been a sport played by the elites for ages before we've come to know it as tennis. A lot of the weird terms can be explained away by the fact that some British bloke learned it from a French guy and subsequently forgot how to pronounce half the terms used. Kinda like me and learning French in high school. I'm sure I forgot more words than I memorized over the course of 4 years of French.
Anyway, the scoring as 4 quarters of 60 used to be the French scoring (and was used in other sports as well), but apparently the English elites shortened it to more easily pronounced fifteen, thirty, forty, game. It is kind of a testament to the popularity of the game: they just wanted to holler the score across the court and get back to slamming that ball back and forth.
Don't get me started on words for scoring. Tennis gets me all riled up. I've ranted at my friend who is a tennis coach about it before, and he could offer no real defense.
What's wrong with the words for scoring in tennis? The word love?
The Oxford English Dictionary suggests that the term might be rooted in the colloquial phrase “for love,” meaning “without stakes being wagered.” This theory reflects the sport’s long history of etiquette and sportsmanship. Others theorize that love arose from the French word for “egg,” l’oeuf, because a zero on a scoreboard resembles an egg. This is a clever claim, but it remains unsubstantiated.
Love, deuce, advantage/ad (though at least that one makes intuitive sense). I even got curious and checked wikipedia as to why those terms, and there's a lot of "the origins are believed to be" and "another theory is" and "the most likely explanation is" and "is also disputed." They don't even know why they use those crazy terms.
Though some of that is also talking about the actual scoring system (love, 15, 30, 40), which is also banana bread.
Yeah, it's actually the numbers that bother me since they're always in sequence and always the same numbers. It's not possible to combine different score types like in football or basketball. It should just be 1,2,3
And don't get him started on the José Canseco bat.
If you're going to be all continuity, that Tycho and Gabe have probably died, as have their successors.
At least, I think... They really don't die nearly as often as in the old days.
Tycho was pretty drunk, he probably blacked out and forgot.
Or time has no meaning and this strip could be set before Gabe even got changed in that series.
As Jerry notes in his post.
What's wrong with the words for scoring in tennis? The word love?
Love, deuce, advantage/ad (though at least that one makes intuitive sense). I even got curious and checked wikipedia as to why those terms, and there's a lot of "the origins are believed to be" and "another theory is" and "the most likely explanation is" and "is also disputed." They don't even know why they use those crazy terms.
Though some of that is also talking about the actual scoring system (love, 15, 30, 40), which is also banana bread.
Anyway, the scoring as 4 quarters of 60 used to be the French scoring (and was used in other sports as well), but apparently the English elites shortened it to more easily pronounced fifteen, thirty, forty, game. It is kind of a testament to the popularity of the game: they just wanted to holler the score across the court and get back to slamming that ball back and forth.
Yeah, it's actually the numbers that bother me since they're always in sequence and always the same numbers. It's not possible to combine different score types like in football or basketball. It should just be 1,2,3