
Let's Talk About [2020 Elections] Like Grownups!



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    DisrupterDisrupter Registered User regular
    Yeah the comey email bombshell point is good

    You can’t keep saying nothing matters and also think comey has an impact last time

    Either there are voters who can be swayed or there aren’t

    It may not dent Trump much but it’ll lock in Biden support more. And Biden is up 10... so we just need to lock that in

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    AthenorAthenor Battle Hardened Optimist The Skies of HiigaraRegistered User regular
    I’m really beginning to wonder how many people don’t follow politics now

    I think it’s true a lot of people don’t see reality

    The vast majority don't, because it is depressing, usually boring, and time consuming. It becomes banal. So most people watch news snippets of hear from people they trust who do follow politics.

    And thus, here we are.

    He/Him | "A boat is always safest in the harbor, but that’s not why we build boats." | "If you run, you gain one. If you move forward, you gain two." - Suletta Mercury, G-Witch
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    RedTideRedTide Registered User regular
    The big news of the day, if nothing else, did not make it less likely that Biden will win.

    Even if it doesn't move the needle in the right direction in any measurable way, I'll take it.

    RedTide#1907 on Battle.net
    Come Overwatch with meeeee
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    CouscousCouscous Registered User regular
    "lol nothing matters" has never really been true

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    ChanusChanus Harbinger of the Spicy Rooster Apocalypse The Flames of a Thousand Collapsed StarsRegistered User regular
    in 2016 i personally knew two people who were undecided on election day and still went to vote

    these people do exist, i just don't know what you do about someone who knows they should care but doesn't actually care enough to exert a minimal amount of effort to make up their mind

    Allegedly a voice of reason.
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    monikermoniker Registered User regular
    zagdrob wrote: »
    Fencingsax wrote: »
    6 weeks to the election. Every day media is is talking about this, they aren't talking about something else.

    Five weeks, actually.

    The election is going on now. We filled out and I dropped off our ballots yesterday.

    In a lot of states, people will be getting their absentee ballots this or next week. And this is the top story (everywhere but Fox News) they will see when they sit down to complete them.

    And this is not a one and done story. They are going to keep dripping out details for weeks as people vote. With luck the main stories for October will basically be this and SCOTUS nominee with various one off daily stories like the debates.

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    Viktor WaltersViktor Walters Registered User regular
    I don't get ostensibly left leaning people downplaying the bad stories about Trump, like this tax return thing. I get the justified cynicism about him doing bad stuff not mattering. I get that they think he literally could shoot someone and get praise. That doesn't mean we should tell everyone to shut up about him shooting someone. Even if they think it's a waste of time to discuss it- just don't discuss it! What they're doing instead is playing defense for Trump, which is just bewildering.

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    Santa ClaustrophobiaSanta Claustrophobia Ho Ho Ho Disconnecting from Xbox LIVERegistered User regular
    A big question is how many will pick up in the fact that his financial situation makes him a prime target for foreign governments to exploit?

    Paying a mere $750 in taxes is annoying, but is only the easiest, lowest hanging fruit in the whole thing.

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    JeedanJeedan Registered User regular
    A big question is how many will pick up in the fact that his financial situation makes him a prime target for foreign governments to exploit?

    Paying a mere $750 in taxes is annoying, but is only the easiest, lowest hanging fruit in the whole thing.

    Yeah the not paying much taxes thing is bad, but its been done "I dont pay taxes that makes me smart" etc

    The president being 400 million in debt is completely fucking insane
    One fact stands out far above all the others in its staggering implications: Donald Trump is personally responsible for $421 million worth of loans coming due in the next few years. Not his business. Him. Personally. He has no means of repaying them. He already refinanced his few profitable properties, and sold off most of his stocks to stay afloat. He appears short on liquidity. And we still don’t know to whom he owes the money.

    This fact has frightening implications for public policy and national security. Even minor debts are a frequent reason for the government to deny a security clearance, for the obvious reason that indebted and financially desperate public servants make easy marks for bribery, blackmail and potential treason. The potentially destructive power of that sort of hold on a President of the United States is beyond comprehension. It is the stuff of nightmares, bad spy movie plots and otherwise outlandish conspiracy theory. Imagine if a president owed millions to the mob or to those with close ties to a foreign government, and those individuals both controlled the president’s financial future and knew of corrupt criminal activity. The president might act with otherwise strange deference to said mobsters and those connected to them, and bend public policy on their behalf. If they were tied to fossil fuel interests, the president might set the globe on fire rather than cross them. If his creditors were simply a wealthy set of Wall Street tycoons, he might rig all financial policy on their direct behalf.

    What we do know is that beginning in the late 2000s, no one would lend to Donald Trump. His history of bankruptcies, combined with whatever horrors were on his personal and organizational financial statements, clearly made every bank run the other direction. Every bank but one, that is: Deutsche Bank. Donald Trump’s history with Deutsche Bank has always merited special scrutiny, but never more than now. The head honchos at Deutsche would have known just how desperate Trump’s financial position was. But they lent to him anyway. Why? It certainly looks even more ominous that Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy’s son was managing the real estate division at Deutsche that lent to Trump, and that Justice Kennedy unexpectedly retired to ensure Trump could seat his replacement. And it looks triply suspicious that Deutsche Bank has been fined and sanctioned over multiple money laundering scandals, including $20 billion from Russian kleptocrats.

    It could all be a coincidence. But it probably isn’t.

    Still, even if the darkest fears turn out to be unfounded, some group of individuals still owns Trump’s nearly half-billion dollar debts. They likely also know where many of his financial and legal skeletons are buried. Whoever they are, they have the capacity to be directly dictating to Donald Trump and he would be in no position to say no. That is an untenable place for the country to be in.


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    zagdrobzagdrob Registered User regular
    A big question is how many will pick up in the fact that his financial situation makes him a prime target for foreign governments to exploit?

    Paying a mere $750 in taxes is annoying, but is only the easiest, lowest hanging fruit in the whole thing.

    One of the things that sanstodo caught in their summary yesterday was:
    11. Trump actually paid more in taxes overseas than in the US, like $15,598 in Panama, $145,400 in India, and $156,824 in the Philippines.

    That's a really good angle of attack right there - he's paying more to those other countries than he's paying here in America, why is he putting them first and only paying $750 to America?

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    Martini_PhilosopherMartini_Philosopher Registered User regular
    I’m really beginning to wonder how many people don’t follow politics now

    I think it’s true a lot of people don’t see reality

    There's a lot to be said for the GOP keeping real wages depressed for the past 40-something years. It keep people busy with work and trying to find work and not able to engage in everyday things such as politics, society, and fun. I don't know if it's by design or by luck that it has happened this way for them and the low information voters but the net result has been keeping them in power despite becoming a minority party.

    All opinions are my own and in no way reflect that of my employer.
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    Captain InertiaCaptain Inertia Registered User regular
    Seriously, is it possible anymore to use social media regularly and not have strong political convictions?

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    monikermoniker Registered User regular
    A big question is how many will pick up in the fact that his financial situation makes him a prime target for foreign governments to exploit?

    Paying a mere $750 in taxes is annoying, but is only the easiest, lowest hanging fruit in the whole thing.

    He is the poorest President in history.

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    Santa ClaustrophobiaSanta Claustrophobia Ho Ho Ho Disconnecting from Xbox LIVERegistered User regular
    moniker wrote: »
    A big question is how many will pick up in the fact that his financial situation makes him a prime target for foreign governments to exploit?

    Paying a mere $750 in taxes is annoying, but is only the easiest, lowest hanging fruit in the whole thing.

    He is the poorest President in history.

    Well, yeah.

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    enlightenedbumenlightenedbum Registered User regular
    Who the president owes money to is now an enormous question. And who forgave various debts and for what reasons.

    Like, say, literally any policy position with respect to Russia.

    Self-righteousness is incompatible with coalition building.
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    KamarKamar Registered User regular
    Seriously, is it possible anymore to use social media regularly and not have strong political convictions?

    I dunno, do weird anti-political convictions count as strong political convictions? You know, muddled anti-establishment views with a dose of conspiracy about it.

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    Santa ClaustrophobiaSanta Claustrophobia Ho Ho Ho Disconnecting from Xbox LIVERegistered User regular
    Somebody needs to put Trump claiming during a 2016 (primary?) debate that he couldn't be bribed because he was so wealthy in an ad tout de suite.

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    Captain InertiaCaptain Inertia Registered User regular
    Kamar wrote: »
    Seriously, is it possible anymore to use social media regularly and not have strong political convictions?

    I dunno, do weird anti-political convictions count as strong political convictions? You know, muddled anti-establishment views with a dose of conspiracy about it.


    I think they do but I don’t think that helps my theory at all

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    milskimilski Poyo! Registered User regular
    I don't get ostensibly left leaning people downplaying the bad stories about Trump, like this tax return thing. I get the justified cynicism about him doing bad stuff not mattering. I get that they think he literally could shoot someone and get praise. That doesn't mean we should tell everyone to shut up about him shooting someone. Even if they think it's a waste of time to discuss it- just don't discuss it! What they're doing instead is playing defense for Trump, which is just bewildering.

    There is a justifiable degree to which people are annoyed with moderate commenters going “this is where Trump truly gets shamed and people see the light!” or whatever, mixed with a less-justifiable-but-understandable belief that people are generally informed and set strongly in their convictions, mixed with a pragmatic/self-justifying view that the best way for the Democrats to win is to push more left-wing policy rather than appeal to the theoretical center.

    I ate an engineer
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    SleepSleep Registered User regular
    edited September 2020
    Ive been told by a lot of people that instead of it being a history of drug use that I admitted to and said was behind me during the clearance process it is most likely I couldn't get clearance cause I had just short of 300k in student debt when I tried to get clearance a decade ago. That being that far in an inescapable debt hole was likely too much of a security risk because I'd be easy to ply for espionage of some kind, and honestly that seems a fair assessment. The president being 1000 times that far in debt is just fuckin mind boggling.

    Sleep on
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    Captain InertiaCaptain Inertia Registered User regular
    Sleep wrote: »
    Ive been told by a lot of people that instead of it being a history of drug use that I admitted to and said was behind me during the clearance process it is most likely I couldn't get clearance cause I had just short of 300k in student debt when I tried to get clearance a decade ago. That being that far in an inescapable debt hole was likely too much of a security risk because I'd be easy to ply for espionage of some kind, and honestly that seems a fair assessment. The president being 1000 times that far in debt is just fuckin mind boggling.

    It tracks with those doofuses getting the twitter admin access for a much smaller amount than might be exoected

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    SmurphSmurph Registered User regular
    The great thing about this news is that is makes the Democrat's job of making anti-Trump ads very easy, just point out that he's paying less taxes than teachers and nurses and that he's proud of that fact.

    And the Trump response to that, based on what we know about Trump, can only be one thing: Yes he barely pays taxes, and that's awesome. And that will land with the population that worships rich people and already supports Trump, but it'll hurt him with everyone else. There's nothing about your kid's preschool teacher paying more taxes than Trump that feels good unless you're already a money worshiping ghoul like Trump.

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    autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    A president more than 400 mil in debt to someone should be the end for any "strong man Trump" narrative if the cards are played right

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    SyphonBlueSyphonBlue The studying beaver That beaver sure loves studying!Registered User regular
    Bogart wrote: »
    SyphonBlue wrote: »
    Bogart wrote: »
    It might be that the majority of his shithead dumb as rocks racist garbage people supporters think it's a good thing, but every bit of ammunition Biden has to throw at him in debates is a positive.

    "Donald thinks the troops are suckers and you're even bigger suckers for paying their wages!"

    The thing is, for his base nothing matters. Unless he stops being Racist Out Loud, their support for him is going nowhere.

    His 35% is baked in.

    The only thing we can do with stuff like this is drive out democratic turnout, turn centrist turnout against him, and depress his 5-10% of soft "well I like his economic policies but not his racist policies" support.

    Sure, but even more things to say in the debate about what a piece of shit he is can only ever be a plus. On a purely shit-throwing level, this is a plus, because it gives Biden another stone to toss at Trump's stupid $70,000 coiffured head. As long as the headlines continue to be about what a piece of garbage Trump is in new and interesting ways that's a plus for the Democrats. No space is left for "oh it's a last minute wobble for Biden" bullshit stories if it's wall to wall TRUMP SUCKS DONKEY DICK from now until election day.

    Oh BELIEVE ME, I'm not saying don't keep punching him in the dick

    PSN/Steam/NNID: SyphonBlue | BNet: SyphonBlue#1126
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    shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    A president more than 400 mil in debt to someone should be the end for any "strong man Trump" narrative if the cards are played right

    That's not what strongman narratives are built on.

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    zepherinzepherin Russian warship, go fuck yourself Registered User regular
    Sleep wrote: »
    Ive been told by a lot of people that instead of it being a history of drug use that I admitted to and said was behind me during the clearance process it is most likely I couldn't get clearance cause I had just short of 300k in student debt when I tried to get clearance a decade ago. That being that far in an inescapable debt hole was likely too much of a security risk because I'd be easy to ply for espionage of some kind, and honestly that seems a fair assessment. The president being 1000 times that far in debt is just fuckin mind boggling.
    It's a combination of things, but with student loans, they look at if they are private or federal, because with federal ones you can go on income based repayment and not be considered a risk because you aren't paying more than 10% of your income out...which is a shitty system, but it's not a huge risk factor, as opposed to private loans which can hit you with the full banana, and fuck you if you want out of it.

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    tbloxhamtbloxham Registered User regular
    edited September 2020
    I think there's also a lot of clear, "this is ridiculous" examples of costs in there, like the $70,000 dollars on trumps haircuts. Donald trump paid $750 in taxes, so he was at least in the lowest tax bracket (12% on each additional dollar of income). That ridiculous rate for haircutscost the US taxpayer $10000 in tax.

    Donald trump decided that false declarations of hair styling rates to save on taxes was more important than paying an elementary school teachers salary for 2 months.

    tbloxham on
    "That is cool" - Abraham Lincoln
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    SyphonBlueSyphonBlue The studying beaver That beaver sure loves studying!Registered User regular
    Imagine paying $70,000 on haircuts and that's what you get

    PSN/Steam/NNID: SyphonBlue | BNet: SyphonBlue#1126
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    shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    edited September 2020
    The haircare thing just makes a nice simple attack. Biden can be all "I can tell you, I didn't pay seventy thousand dollars for a haircut."

    Plus it's sure to make Trump either angry or he'll try and defend it and look even shittier.

    shryke on
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    shrykeshryke Member of the Beast Registered User regular
    SyphonBlue wrote: »
    Imagine paying $70,000 on haircuts and that's what you get

    Well, that's what happens when you are desperately trying to disguise your hairloss and are willing to pay any price to do that.

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    zagdrobzagdrob Registered User regular
    SyphonBlue wrote: »
    Imagine paying $70,000 on haircuts and that's what you get

    Ironically the argument that his shitty hair is part of his character / costume and is a legitimate business expense might have some legs. The hair has been a running joke as long as I remember knowing who Donald Trump is.

    I assume a professional clown gets to write off their red nose and giant shoes.

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    autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    shryke wrote: »
    A president more than 400 mil in debt to someone should be the end for any "strong man Trump" narrative if the cards are played right

    That's not what strongman narratives are built on.

    They're built on a few things, but one of them is the "claim to fame", something the strongman is supposedly exceptionally good at

    And the "good businessman" narrative, while ridiculous even after a cursory glance, is one of the pillars of Trump's constructed persona. You might not break it by destroying it, but it will take damage.

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    PiotyrPiotyr Power-Crazed Wizard SilmariaRegistered User regular
    SyphonBlue wrote: »
    Imagine paying $70,000 on haircuts and that's what you get

    I see that the same way I see every mention of money attached to Trump...it's some kind of grift.

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    milskimilski Poyo! Registered User regular
    His hair is a legitimate tax write off but spending $200/day on it seems pretty insane given it isn’t, y’know, styled particularly well.

    I ate an engineer
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    GyralGyral Registered User regular
    SyphonBlue wrote: »
    Imagine paying $70,000 on haircuts and that's what you get

    Apparently, he's party in the back, swept over the top to hide botched hair plugs. If Cohen's book can be believed.

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    autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    It's no use attacking his hair. It's a known thing. And 200$ a day for hairstyling wouldn't actually be that crazy for rich person..

    But $400 million in debt to someone else? What?

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    milskimilski Poyo! Registered User regular
    It's no use attacking his hair. It's a known thing. And 200$ a day for hairstyling wouldn't actually be that crazy for rich person..

    But $400 million in debt to someone else? What?

    $200/day in styling is pretty insane for a dude with shitty hair that never changes. It’s not like he’s getting a new custom style for 24” of hair every week

    I ate an engineer
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    monikermoniker Registered User regular
    It's no use attacking his hair. It's a known thing. And 200$ a day for hairstyling wouldn't actually be that crazy for rich person..

    But $400 million in debt to someone else? What?

    It was used against John Edwards in 2004


    But the blatant homophobia of that would backfire for Democrats because, again, they are actually held to standards.

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    MarathonMarathon Registered User regular
    It's no use attacking his hair. It's a known thing. And 200$ a day for hairstyling wouldn't actually be that crazy for rich person..

    But $400 million in debt to someone else? What?

    Someone did a deep dive on the tax info and his debt when you include mortgages and things like that against his properties is closer to a billion than it is to 400 million.

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    autono-wally, erotibot300autono-wally, erotibot300 love machine Registered User regular
    Marathon wrote: »
    It's no use attacking his hair. It's a known thing. And 200$ a day for hairstyling wouldn't actually be that crazy for rich person..

    But $400 million in debt to someone else? What?

    Someone did a deep dive on the tax info and his debt when you include mortgages and things like that against his properties is closer to a billion than it is to 400 million.

    Damn. I really hope this will be used in the debate

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