A word of advice, from someone who has attempted to live off of Snickers before:
Drink plenty of fluids, not just coffee. Snickers are sticky, and remain sticky throughout your digestive tract and beyond. I will say no more.
A word of advice, from someone who has attempted to live off of Snickers before:
Drink plenty of fluids, not just coffee. Snickers are sticky, and remain sticky throughout your digestive tract and beyond. I will say no more.
So you're saying he needs to up his Sprite intake.
oh man thats the argument candymakers put out when they invented those nut candybars...."its like a meal replacement...cause it has nuts in it!" there was a lot of shit arguments in the past...and today now that i think about it
oh man thats the argument candymakers put out when they invented those nut candybars...."its like a meal replacement...cause it has nuts in it!" there was a lot of shit arguments in the past...and today now that i think about it
It was very recently that they ran a pretty successful ad campaign implying a Snickers was an acceptable on-the-go meal replacement choice and not, like, a nutrition-less bar of sugar foam cloaked in caramel and chocolate.
Drink plenty of fluids, not just coffee. Snickers are sticky, and remain sticky throughout your digestive tract and beyond. I will say no more.
So you're saying he needs to up his Sprite intake.
And now Gabe is, too.
It was very recently that they ran a pretty successful ad campaign implying a Snickers was an acceptable on-the-go meal replacement choice and not, like, a nutrition-less bar of sugar foam cloaked in caramel and chocolate.
The times, they ain't a changin
It makes you feel like you ate something, at least.
You can't give someone a pirate ship in one game, and then take it back in the next game. It's rude.
This is the dark path of nutrition, since you burn through it, crash, and then need to fuel in more sugar much sooner than you should need to.