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I Really Hope the [Kids] are alright
I am gonna spoil the hell out of that kid, and turn them into a li'l scamp
Brought her to the doctor. She has pneumonia. Hopefully some antibiotics will help clear it up.
So by day three we had a solid breakfast, cartoons, work out, park, errands, lunch, napping, snack, cartoons, arts and crafts, and then Mom should be home thank God.
It's now 11am and I haven't given her anything since breakfast since like 730.
and that was when I realized that we did not have anywhere near enough food in the house....
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
Parents are parents
The Monster Baru Cormorant - Seth Dickinson
Steam: Korvalain
I see your kid takes shots about as well as I do.
Verbal communication continues apace with our kid. He has this app that provides a simple "fill in the squares to recreate the image shown" and the image was a cat, so instead of making the cat, my wife spelled out cat. He furrowed his brow, selected white (the default background color) and proceeded to start erasing the letters, and he'd erased them in such a way that for a moment it read "hi" and so my wife pointed this out and he somewhat angrily scribbled out the rest of the color, and then said "Nonmum! We-uh makin' a CAT."
No, mom. We're making a cat. Implied was the "Geez. The program's not that hard, mom."
So his tendency to get more verbal when excited or angry or annoyed continues . . .
Bad thing: she apparently wrapped nearly an entire roll of toilet paper around her arm to "be a mummy" and then tried to flush the evidence down the toilet causing a massive clog that I couldn't plunge or snake out.
She knows 2-3 squares of TP is all that's needed to wipe (we repeat that mantra every time I help her go to the bathroom) and she's normally such a good and bright kid that normal toddler behavior like this just throws me for a loop. I'm hoping the toilet paper will disintegrate enough that it'll clear on its own, otherwise it'll be a trip to the hardware store to get a dedicated toilet auger. Luckily we have another toilet in the house.
They can't make up for your inability to use them though, not that I've ever had that problem.
Are you a bad enough dude to pee so hard it obliterates the toilet paper?
Uh. Don't pour boiling water into a sink or toilet. It can melt seals or even crack the porcelain
Your new augur has already paid for itself and will continue to do so
Yes... three squares. Only three. Yep, definitely.
that certainly augurs well for the future
This was a really unexpected way to find out the m!ttens is married to Sheryl Crow.
As someone with average vision stories like these always SEEM fake (it's not, this is from my wife). I have a respect for the human ability to adapt and also eyes are just magic, I'm pretty sure.
I have wanted to be a father since I was like 13 years old.
I am 41. I cannot believe this is finally happening. I am so fuckin' psyched for this, I cannot wait for poopy diapers.
Democrats Abroad! || Vote From Abroad
Good news is, he's going to a charter school that has a program and supports for autistic kids.
Bad news is, he's going to a charter school and the nonsense around that.
The uniform is... like, it's OK enough. But I need to find navy pants with a button or zip fly-
difficulty level is that I need pants with no belt loops. I mean, belt loops are allowed, but then he would be required to wear a belt, and I don't really see that happening without some issues. But every pant I see with a fly also has belt loops. Anybody have any suggestions? Bonus points for if the fly isn't strictly necessary, but you can pull pants on and off without undoing the fly...
I mean, theoretically, I should be able to. Would I be able to without ripping them, or otherwise messing them up? maybe...
But yes, that is my back-up plan.
Go to any fabric/craft store and buy yourself a seam ripper. It's super useful for slicing through threads without ripping the fabric. I use it all the time for cutting out scratchy shirt tags as well. Also you know when you buy pants that have the cardboard tag showing the size and it's sewn with thread onto the waistband? Great for picking those annoying little threads out.
My three year old is doing this now.
Says his toes get too hot under the blankets....
Like three months ago she declared that her blankets must be completely smooth on her bed and placed in such a way that the underlying sheet cannot be seen. That evolved into the current situation of no blankets at all.
Our 2 year old now doesn't want any blankets ("no blanket me") and will get upset and kick them off if you try to put them on. That is, until we leave the room and she shouts/cries "blanket me!" until we put them on.
My friend I have GOT you.
Old Navy have Chino style pants with an elastic waist band and a hidden drawstring. From the outside they look like regular chinos with a button and zip fly, but they're nice and comfy elastic and a drawstring to keep them in place. The fly and button are functional, but you don't need to use them.
I have two pairs and as a guy who hates wearing belts, they're GREAT.
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
I was really proud of how he did considering the amount of strangers and new things.
He got a bit grumpy towards the end as he wanted sweets but bedtime was fast approaching so we had to leave.
Only problem is that he kept farting.... Especially when bending down to pick up toys etc
- Middle Guy's momma and brothers are out of town this weekend, and he insists he literally can't sleep in his own room because he watched too many "Colossal Mysteries" at the beginning of the summer during the move and is now utterly terrified of Max Headroom/what happened to Agatha Christie/what happened to Amelia Earhart etc etc, something else bizarre any given night
- On a king-sized Bed, he spends all night kicking me in the back, rolling over on top of me, and somehow windmilling himself a full ninety degrees so he almost fully takes up the bed sideways while I get pushed off/wake up throughout. He sleeps like a rock and has to be physically moved if I want that space back (temporarily)
- If I leave to go sleep/just be elsewhere, he somehow senses it immediately and wakes up to shove inside bathrooms/force himself onto the couch besides me/find me in the garage because "he's just so scared dad, there was this nightmare just now with" etc etc etc, "definitely not just making this up as I go to elicit sympathy", etc
- He's 100% extrovert and I'm 100% introvert, and the harder I feel like "If I don't get thirty minutes that's just my own not filled with talking, my head is going to explode like the guy from Scanners", the harder he decides he needs to tell me a thirty minute long explanation of a DinoCore episode, that doesn't involve any periods or stopping, while he explodes around the living room like a rocket, and peppers so many "and" "also"s and "anyways" that I start taking palpable psychic damage