So this came out just a few weeks ago and nobody has made a thread on it (that I could find)
Its a left4dead style survival shooter in 3rd person perspective set in the Aliens universe. You are a colonial marine who sets out with 2 other squad members to explode xenomorphs with a barrage of fire from Pulse Rifles, Smartguns and other delightful death throwing devices.
Unlike left4dead you have teams of 3 instead of 4 and it is a class based game with skill you can slot into to alter aspects of your class. Weapons can be levelled up and modified with attachments. As well there is an ok character customization aspect to change the usual things (face, hair, skin color, voice) and you can change up your outfits and customize your weapons with colors and decals (sadly the outfits lack color/decal customizations)
Classes are
Gunner - Uses Rifles (pulse rifles, sniper rifles etc) and CQC weapons (shotguns, flamers, SMGs) , has a grenade ability and a reload/RoF buff for when things get hairy and they get a damage buff that scales up when you are damaging enemies
Demolisher - Uses Rifles and Heavy Weapons (Smartguns, heavy flamers, rocket and grenade launchers) - has a shoulder mounted rocket ability and a PBAOE grenade ability.
Doc - Uses Rifles and Handguns (auto pistols, handguns etc) - has a combat stim ability that does.. something I cant remember and a placeable AOE heal station.
Technician - Uses Handguns and CQC Weapons - has a deployable turret and a throwable electric shock thingy that slows enemies.
Recon (unlocks when you finish campaign) - Uses Rifles and CQC Weapons - has a deployable ammo station and a little scanning drone thingy that highlights enemies
Phalanx (just came out 9/8/2021) - Uses CQC Weapons and Handguns - has a deployable shield that protect them from the front from ranged and melee attacks, has a shock grenade PBAOE and ... something else that I dont remember as it just came out.
Currently there is 4 environments with 3 missions in each one, as well as a horde shooter mode.
As well the game doesn't do the AI director thing like left4dead. Missions usually will play out very similar, a special xenomorph in specific spots , horde waves at areas etc. There is some variation but usually you will know what to expect during each segment. Its not as boring as it sounds though surprisingly. You can also change aspects of runs by using challenge cards. These cards can change how much xp/credits you get at the end and alter things like enemy health, which enemies spawn in, if your abilities work or sidearms. Some cards are pretty unforgiving others like the one that deals 2% of your total health damage every second unless you kill an enemy.
There is also multiple levels of difficulty to try that really throw things for a loop and demand some solid teamwork when you ratchet up the slider. Friendly fire, instant kill grabs etc turn it into a recreation of the first scene when the marines meet the xenomorphs in Aliens.
The sounds design is spot on, with the iconic sound of the M-41A Pulse Rifle to the motion tracker pulses to the cries and shrieks of the Aliens. Being someone who was a little kid when the film came out the game really resonated with me. Who didn't want to be Hicks after they saw that film (though we all secretly wanted to be Vasquez )
There is a few hiccups with the game, matchmaking kinda sucks as there isn't a general quick play option. You queue up for one of 12 missions and if nobody is looking to play that specific mission you will end up playing with bots that are pretty useless past standard difficulty.
Some bugs here and there (haha) and if you get dropped from a session you get nothing and cant rejoin which hopefully they will get some more patches out and maybe allow for rejoining or joining missions in progress.
Anyways... check it out I think it is pretty fun.
They need way more rewards, since even leveling the classes doesn’t provide that many new abilities, just a handful per class. Also it’s buggy a lot, right now weapon leveling isn’t working cos everything’s stuck at max
Also the secret chests you find eventually stop giving out cosmetic loot, or at least they have for me, unless it requires you to play on higher difficulty levels for it, in which case nuts to that since friendly fire is a nightmare and all the higher difficulty does is make the special enemies bullet sponges and you spend forever rezzing team mates.
Speaking of which early levels give out less Xp so if you’re playing to level up classes you don’t revisit them much, luckily the last chapter is the best in the game, but it’s still not a great situation since it discourages playing early levels if you’re looking to grind xp
I’d say it’s a good first effort if very unambitious. But from a small company’s first time effort it looks and feels good to play, there’s just unfortunately not much to it. The lack of variety for replaying missions, since they play out identically every time, and the lack of stuff to unlock, really make this game something I enjoyed playing through once, but don’t really feel the need to grind in
The horde mode is also undercooked, it’s one level with no variety in how it plays out.
The visuals and sound are great, but I can only recommend it to alien fans who would appreciate going through the levels once just for that experience, because if you’re looking for a left 4 dead style game it simply doesn’t have the depth or variety to compete on that level. It needs a lot more content, rewards and some form of randomisation.
However having said that it’s definitely a good start for the studio and it’s the kind of situation where I want them to add more precisely because I think they have a decent base here
Thats what I thought too and then it turned out that before the patch yesterday all the guns were giving all their bonuses right out of the gate even though visually the weapon had not been levelled. They said in the patch notes that it is now fixed and they reduced the amount of xp to level a gun to 4 stars but since they didnt want to make things harder on folks since the guns had all their perks unlocked before they just max ranked all the guns you had unlocked.
I bought the new laser pistol and I got one of the new rifles and those were not levelled.
I do agree though needs more unlocks and fluff, I am more impressed with this than I was with Back4Blood.
Since it requires medkits to replenish itself instead of recharging, currently you can't refill the Trauma Station without picking up a medkit. But you can't pick up a medkit if you already have one. And you can't use up your medkit unless you or another teammate are injured. So I've often found myself in situations where my trauma center is completely bone dry, I'm staring at a pile of medkits on the ground, my team and I have maybe been damaged 5 hp, and there's no way to refill the trauma station without going through an elaborate ring-around-the-rosey dance of 'use medkit', 'pick up medkit', 'use medkit on teammate', 'pick up medkit' etc. that's infuriating. We need to be able to just apply a medkit to a trauma station straight from the ground super badly.
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I don't know about chests giving new stuff on harder difficulties but you do get new weapons as end mission rewards on intense difficulty and up.
Yeah the shotguns if anything are almost too strong.
Y'know what's fun? Having a tactical shotgun on a Gunner (and a friend using a DMR) and pop Overclock as a Warrior approaches.
I think a big part of it is everything is multiplicative in game bonuswise which heavily favors the slower single shot weapons, but shotguns get extra pellets from leveling which is pretty much the only additive bonus they have in game.
Either way they need to bring the automatic weapons up a little bit. They are fine on standard but I expect ammo to be a real issue on higher difficulties.
Yeah max ammo really shouldn't decrease with difficulty. The enemies already have scaling, which makes them take more ammo, so I'm not sure why they approached it that way.
It can be pretty ridiculous too; the Smart Gun, on the hardest difficulty with base max ammo, does not have enough spare ammo for a single full reload.
It feels like having one Recon is basically required if you don't want to have issues.
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seriously the most useful ability in the game.... Free Ammo, damage reduction and health on kill. And that's just the base version without modifiers.
Bravely Default / 3DS Friend Code = 3394-3571-1609
Also this is one of, like, two games that trigger a motion sickness reaction in Mrs. Sloth who is a huge Aliens fan and my usual co-op partner, which is a bummer. Folks on the steam forum seem to think it might have something to do with the narrow FOV? So I hope they make it possible to alter that so we can at least give that fix a shot.
Honestly I feel like the laser pistol needs a massive buff. I think that simply mag dumping your unlimited ammo sidearm has a higher DPS output that pacing your shots with the laser pistol. I feel like a lot of weapons need a good balance pass. For example the pump shotgun is arguably overtuned, and the double-barrel DEFINITELY shouldn't be weaker on a shot per shot basis than the pump. Flamethrower friendly fire damage should be toned down, or at least the damage over time component of it.
So far I think that the kramer is better if you're looking for a "heavy assault rifle", but the kramer is an RNG drop and this one can be bought from the store.
As for ammo conservation problems, another option is bringing along the incendiary/electroshock bullet consumables. It doesn't just load your gun with one magazine of special ammo. It gives you a bonus pool of specialty rounds that's equivalent to 25% of your ammo capacity. You can bring three activation of specialty ammo with you, so that's 75% of an ammo pool added to your kit. 150% if you opt to bring both types of ammo. That goes a long way towards limping to the next resupply box.
Another thing to consider is that some weapon attachments cause an AOE explosion on weakpoint hit. I question if the explosion is enough to really do significant damage to most anythings on anything less than a big sniper rifle landing the blow, however a very key exception is on handful of the "Gift of Fire" maps (chapter 3). Those maps features SWARMS of head-crab enemies that have almost no health. Those maps have been the ones that most stretched my ammo pool. Targeting a "headcrab" within the center of the blob with such a weakpoint explosion goes a long way towards conserving ammo. Deploying a basic sentry gun for the sole purpose of engaging those "crabs" is kind of useful too.
edit: Doc needs a rework/buff. That's for sure. A few points at a minimum:
1: He needs an alternative means to regenerate healing energy. This "regenerate when you pick up a medkit" is silly goose tier and is anti-synergistic with topping the team up to full with the medstation. I'm in favor of it simply regenerating over time or perhaps in relation to damage/kills inflicted by your team while under the effects of your combat stim buff.
2: The medstation needs to stay deployed when the healing charge reaches zero. The slow field is potent but gets removed when the charge hits zero and the station unsummons itself.
3: You need to be able to deploy the station even if you are at zero charge. Again to allow utilization of the slow field.
These are the bare minimum changes that I would make before assessing if Doc requires further buffs or not.
In doc's current state, the medstation is NOT FOR HEALING. It is for slowing aliens. That's the best way to use it. It's dumb. It's really dumb. But that's just the way that it is right now until they fix Doc's kit.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Yea i'm levelling up the doc atm and it took me a run to figure out the medstation stuff. Makes sense for the doc to heal the other players instead of them burning their own kits just so the doc can grab the medkits to refill the support station. Should be able to use the medkit from your inventory to fuel the station at the bare min.
The presentation is really excellent, from the aesthetics to the sounds to the art design and the voice acting. I even really like the writing! It’s a bit rote sometimes and Herrera is a bit too quippy but they actually have a handle on each of the characters as like… characters! The synthetic, the scientist, the grizzled veteran, the jock-ass pilot who knows she’s hot shit. I’m even fascinated by the weird world building in the background! The various factions and politics happening between mega corps and governments are actually pretty neat. There’s a lot more interesting stuff going on with the Aliens universe than you’d ever know, and I wonder how much of their flavor text is taken from comics and tie in novels and other such nonsense and how much is their own invention
And the thing I maybe appreciate the most is that they’re supporting the free gameplay updates with cosmetic DLC, but there’s no in-game store, so you just purchase it from the Steam store if you wanna. No big blinking “BEST VALUE” micro transaction nonsense, no loot boxes of any kind. It sucks that that’s something I feel like I have to praise at all, but it’s 2021 and that’s where we are right now I guess
I hope they put out some quality of life stuff soon, and more missions and content.
It's just such a stupid system. For the doc to have any hope of keeping his energy topped off, then he needs to consume all of the medkits. While there is a very minor flavor boon for the idea of the team medic doing all of the healing, that doesn't hold up in serious combat where teammates need to quickly heal themselves during a quiet moment of combat while the others are holding the line. The "doc does the healing" bit only happens when you're smooth sailing and everyone can orderly heal up at the end of a hold-out segment before they move on and otherwise would have abandoned the medkits. Further the flavor is blown completely out of the water since you can easily be in a situation where the doc's use of medkits has kept the whole team topped up on HP and nobody is able to pick up the medkit. In that situation the objectively optimal play is for the team to shoot each other to incur friendly fire so that the medkits can be consumed for the purpose of allowing doc to pick a new one up to refresh the medkit. That's an utter flavor fail.
I can see that they obviously wanted to prevent infinite healing, but I don't see what's wrong with just letting medic have that considering that you're giving up a lot of firepower and crowd control to bring a medic in the first place. Honestly I think tying energy regeneration to damage/kills while under the effects of combat stims is a good way to avoid the anti-synergy between medstation/medkit usage, while also limiting the potential for doc to continuously heal to some value much less than infinite.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
When you get a good player it shows..and when you get a shit player it really really shows...
had another one with two demolishers, and the one guy was just terrible. Before we even got to the end battle the guy had died completely. So it was just me (Doc) and him for the last fight which ends with two beefy warriors at once (once again playing on intense) we tried.. we burned all our consumables and were just kiting the warriors around until I fell.. and then he tried to get me up and of course that wasnt going to happen.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Another tip is that teammates tend to catastrophically tunnel vision on elites. As much as you're probably smarter and better able to DPS down the elite, often it's best to prioritize clearing out the trash and just kiting the elite. As for kiting them, in a pinch repeatedly vaulting over chest high walls is surprisingly effective.
For example, if I'm playing demolisher, my rifle will be a general purpose weapon and my secondary an anti-horde heavy weapon. I've got my micro-rockets talented into the concussive rockets for more CC, lots of radius on my shockwave skill to help synergize with the cooldown reduction for each target that the shockwave hits. When an elite shows up I focus on knocking it down so that my teammates can safely engage it while I focus on mopping up the adds. If I am forced to engage the elite myself, I'm probably going to do so via a mix of knocking it down and planting mines underneath it while it's disabled.
When playing as gunner though, the class is more of an elite assassin. I use my rifle as my general purpose fighting weapon and I run a shotgun as my elite killing weapon. I like speccing the remote detonated grenade and the knockdown effect. As a gunner I can probably delete and elite in a few moments by opening up with the shotgun, proccing overclock for the free reload, and then DPSing the hell out of the elite's weakspot. The grenade skill can buy time if overclock is on cooldown thanks to the talent for the knockdown, but it is also great against clumps of trash or taking some chunks out of specials.
Technician's gameplan against elites is mostly to stick them with a charge coil to snare them and focus on making sure that the trash stays clear so that the real DPS classes can take down the elite. However I'll have a stack of landmines to kite the thing over incase I really need to fight the thing myself.
Weak point wise, I've observed the following about some of the elites:
Xenomorph warrior: It's easy. Just shoot the head.
Xenomorph Praetorian: The weak point is a pale green spot on his ribcage. Additionally there is a greeen spot from behind up on on his crest. The front of his face might be resistant to damage? I need to turn damage numbers on and check.
Xenomorph Crusher: Again I need to check with damage numbers turned on, but I'm moderately sure that his face is resistant to damage and that you want to flank and hit his body. I'm not sure where or if he has a weakspot. The fights have been hecktic.
I haven't fought the cloaking cat or the synth flamethrower dudes enough to positively ID weakpoints on them. I assume that the cat's weakpoint is its face, but it just looks like an amorphous mass of tentacled flesh whenever I fight it.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Fuel tanks on their back.
Video game logic weak point complete with leaking fuel effect graphic to let you know you’re damaging the tanks and it’s going to violently explode soon.
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That would explain why I haven't been able to notice. Normally they manage to get bursted down at long range from the front before anyone can get a good hit at tanks. The technician's charge coils are very effective against them since they walk really slow and are easy to directly hit with the things.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Finally the daily missions are fixed
I played around a bit with the Phalanx, it didn't quite jive with me but I want to try it out in multiplayer and see how that goes. The shield doesn't protect you from spitters, acid splashes, or getting jumped by warriors, so it just felt like I was losing more speed than I was gaining in defense. I haven't played that class in a synth mission though, so against bullets it might be a lot better. Unloading a shotgun into enemies while slowly moving forward behind a shield feels very Team Rainbow, I'll give it that.
I did buy the new weapons, and they felt really underwhelming. The laser pistol is very powerful, but the delay between pulling the trigger and the weapon actually firing means its very easy to miss all of the fast moving enemies. This plus the extremely slow rate of fire means that missing a shot can be very punishing. I guess it could be useful if you're playing higher difficulties or using cards that restrict the amount of ammo you have, but even then its cons seem to outweigh its pros for me (amusingly enough it can use elemental ammo consumables though). The Sniper Rifle seems like a sniper rifle, I'll need to goof around with it. The HMG is super inaccurate, fires slower, has a smaller default magazine size, and barely does any more damage than the standard Pulse Rifle. The minigun just feels like a worse Smartgun (although it might do better in higher difficulties where the Smartgun starts to suffer a bit due to its relatively low damage per bullet).
I think the problem is the devs made the default weapons so useful and fun to use (especially the Pulse Rifle) that they simply outclass any of the added/unlockable weapons.
Not much of a sniper rifle user so ill likely hold off on buying that, my demolisher is at max rank so will likely wait on the minigun as well. Havent heard great things about the new rifle but that is what I am saving my credits to buy just cause I have Recon left to level (and Phalanx)
They definitely need to do some type of balance tuning patch at some point. Several of the SMGs arguably could use some buffs, and some of the rifles need love too. For example I don't believe that there is any reason to use the "Gruppa" burst fire rifle over the Twilight DMR. The attachments need a balance patch too. Some of them are so bad that you would almost never use them, and some are so good that there is almost no reason to ever use anything else. One example is a small magazine by the name of a "quickloader" magazine. It refills 10% of your magazine upon killing an opponent. This MASSIVELY increases the effective size of the magazine during shootout situations and in some situations actually lets you go infinite by refilling the magazine at a rate equal to or greater than the rate that you send lead down range.
While I acknowledge that different staff work on different tasks, a balance pass is a much lower priority for this game than implementing quickplay so that matchmaking queues no longer fragment the playerbase to such an extreme degree.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
A lot of his core mechanics key off of blocking attacks. However that directly plays against the goals of the other careers to prevent enemies from ever getting within range to attack via a combination of overwhelming firepower or crowd control effects. He's supposed to be the team tank, but he has no means to control aggro? He's supposed to be a tank, but most of the elite targets that you'd want to tank attack via grapples that your defenses don't block? The whole concept just wasn't thought out very well.
I suppose shooting from behind the shield would make the synth fights a bit easier, but he's still way weaker in that regard than a good Recon with "Got your back" and a sniper rifle just going to town with headshots.
I think that phalanx needs some pretty significant buffs and perhaps a rework of most of his talents.
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
Meanwhile I think in a coordinated team the phalanx is basically invincible
He draws aggro up front while his teammates keep his sides clear and he can block melee hits to charge up his damage and be basically invincible while he shoots with impunity. His shield doesn't even affect his accuracy or rate of fire! It just slows him down! And on the synth heavy missions, especially that last one in the second level? Absolutely indispensable in terms of drawing fire
His second skill could use some work, I agree, his concussion modifier for it is okay but the other one seems completely useless, and I think it could stand to do more damage or synchronize better with his shield
Armchair: 4098-3704-2012
What gets me is anything you really would like to block with the shield it is useless against....
Spitters and Bursters especially will still damage you and force you to drop the shield.
Warriors and Prowlers can still grapple you through it.
Synths are pretty much the ideal enemy for a Phalanx, but a decent Recon will have removed their heads before many of them even get in range to shoot at your shield.
I need to try the Phalanx against the not-flood so no comment there.
largely as a class it feels like a solution in search of a problem.
Bravely Default / 3DS Friend Code = 3394-3571-1609
Obviously if you listen for the audio cue you'll know one is nearby (although I think only a single player in each group gets the cue, so you have to communicate), but knowing exactly where it is is great.
I started leveling the demolisher after maxing out the medic and tried several missions on intense difficulty and I basically just kept coming back to the smartgun as the "safest" reliable weapon, despite it being weak.
-The bouncy grenade launcher just is too big of a pain to use unless you're aiming on a flat surface with hordes of xenos
- The rocket launcher, while fun, just has too big of a splash damage radius to be safely used, which means you're constantly relying on your 2ndary rifle weapon is not ideal. At least I had the Type 88 fully kitted out so that hits decently hard.
- The impact grenade launcher from the armory is nice, but again, suffers from the splash issue as the rocket launcher and you pretty much can't be anywhere near your teammates or you'll turning your teammates into meat. Good luck fighting praetorians with that thing
- Flamethrower does do great long as you're in front, and always in front. Did I mention you must always be the front person in your squad?
- The Armory Minigun. Goddamit I wanted to like this thing, but it frankly it's pretty terrible imo. Has a windup delay, fires slower than the type 88, and while it hits decently hard, the spread is so bad you pretty much can only use it at medium/close range which, given its slow fire rate, is not something you want to be relying on for clearing xenos. Can't believe I wasted 4800 credits on this damn thing. The muzzle flash is also incredibly bright for some reason. It has this white magnesium flicker that overpowers the entire screen and is not pleasant to look at.
I definitely echo the importance of having a recon class in the group. The ability for their drone to regenerate ammo becomes absolutely critical on these higher difficulties as you struggle to make it to another ammo box. And that highlighting scanner is a godsend for detecting those prowlers and making waves easier to spot.
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Sniper Synths on intense can fuck right off a cliff though.
Yeah outside of explosive weapons, the forgiveness on friendly fire is definitely more manageable than higher difficulties. I can't see how anyone can do higher difficulties on this game without voice chat though. Man, especially the later missions with how frantic they get, you need to be able to shout out incomings way faster than any pings can manage.
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