Penny Arcade - Comic

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin
edited October 2021 in The Penny Arcade Hub
imagePenny Arcade - Comic

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here

Unknown User on


  • Anon von ZilchAnon von Zilch Registered User regular
    The reason the dude in the middle panel has that expression is not actually because he's angry, it's because he took some horse dewormer and is currently shitting himself uncontrollably.

  • DirtyDirty Registered User regular
    My only note would be that the stereotypical antivax guy is fat rather than ripped, and has a shitty little goatee rather than a full beard.

  • doompookydoompooky Wild (Let's Draw A) Horses Couldn't Drag Me AwayRegistered User regular
    Those tubular Macho Manesque shades ornament an unworthy face.

  • DjiemDjiem Registered User regular
    That guy was probably patient zero for all previous years' PAX Poxes.

  • DirtyDirty Registered User regular
    doompooky wrote: »
    Those tubular Macho Manesque shades ornament an unworthy face.

    Maybe it's a meta thing. Macho Man's character in Spider-Man didn't take the little "bug" seriously either. And we know who won that fight.

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    Dirty wrote: »
    My only note would be that the stereotypical antivax guy is fat rather than ripped, and has a shitty little goatee rather than a full beard.

    Being fat or being able to grow a beard isn't part of an argument against them.

  • OctoberRavenOctoberRaven Plays fighting games for the story Skyeline Hotel Apartment 4ARegistered User regular
    He's just mad because your average needle is thicker than his baby fingers.

    Currently Most Hype For: VTMB2, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Alan Wake 2 (Wake Harder)Currently Playin: Guilty Gear XX AC+R, Gat Out Of Hell
  • palidine40palidine40 Registered User regular
    Hey! Gd gabe/tycho, whats there left to comment on here now after all thats said in the comic?

  • KaitensatsumaKaitensatsuma Registered User regular
    edited October 2021
    Reminds me of that last time you banned a guy from PAX and he pretended to be on the floor before he got publicly shamed for lying about even that. Paul Christoforo, the Ocean Marketing guy.

    Considering the current climate and the sheer nerve of people like this: I suppose we will be seeing a *round two* of said incident.

    Kaitensatsuma on
  • DirtyDirty Registered User regular
    dennis wrote: »
    Dirty wrote: »
    My only note would be that the stereotypical antivax guy is fat rather than ripped, and has a shitty little goatee rather than a full beard.

    Being fat or being able to grow a beard isn't part of an argument against them.

    I ... never said it was.

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    edited October 2021
    Dirty wrote: »
    dennis wrote: »
    Dirty wrote: »
    My only note would be that the stereotypical antivax guy is fat rather than ripped, and has a shitty little goatee rather than a full beard.

    Being fat or being able to grow a beard isn't part of an argument against them.

    I ... never said it was.

    It was pretty clear from your post that you considered these derogatory characteristics that were important to point out to belittle a person. Now you're backpedalling. You can own up and try to do better in the future, ignore this and move on, or just continue to dig deeper. Your choice.

    (We all say some things that are dumb, myself included. I try to do better when I screw up, though.)

    dennis on
  • PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    I enjoy how much the anti vax side is upset everyone else is moving on without them and their insane arguments. You can read it in their comments, its the "I'm not mad you're mad I'M NOT MADDDDDD" Like I read that all over the comments about Washington's Governor mandating vaccines for events.

    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
  • DirtyDirty Registered User regular
    dennis wrote: »
    You can own up and try to do better in the future

    :D Nah, I'm good.

  • RatherDashingRatherDashing Registered User regular
    This reminds me of my workplace, where noncustomers are trying to do things we can't do for noncustomers and they storm out saying, "You, sir, have lost yourself a noncustomer!"

  • oldtakuoldtaku Registered User regular
    The nice side effect of this is that the rabid anti-vaxxers (as opposed to the ones who just can't be bothered) aren't just crazy about vaccines. They have a whole laundry list of crazy-ass. And they're not the fun type of crazy.

    So by having a vaccination requirement on your con, you've effectively added a strong filter to keep a lot of whackjobs away, and that seems like a great thing.

  • PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    oldtaku wrote: »
    The nice side effect of this is that the rabid anti-vaxxers (as opposed to the ones who just can't be bothered) aren't just crazy about vaccines. They have a whole laundry list of crazy-ass. And they're not the fun type of crazy.

    So by having a vaccination requirement on your con, you've effectively added a strong filter to keep a lot of whackjobs away, and that seems like a great thing.

    Yeah its really self selecting really toxic elements not to invite.

    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
  • V1mV1m Registered User regular
    I guess Joe Rogan ain't coming then

  • GrisloGrislo Registered User regular
    The fuck is wrong with you?

    This post was sponsored by Tom Cruise.
  • graylshapedgraylshaped Registered User new member
    Regarding your effort to keep PAX participants safe: Thank you.

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    I miss Tube.

  • JacobkoshJacobkosh Gamble a stamp. I can show you how to be a real man!Moderator mod
    Translucia wrote: »
    6 friends in one week. geezo. you should really figure something out.

    Speaking of people who should really figure something out,

  • PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    edited October 2021
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Translucia wrote: »
    6 friends in one week. geezo. you should really figure something out.

    Speaking of people who should really figure something out,

    Reading comprehension would probably help since Tycho said his mother, who's older and thus the 6 friends would also be older.

    "Oh man old people know old people lol don't tell me about vaccines." That's certainly a take.

    Preacher on
    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
  • TransluciaTranslucia Registered User regular
    edited October 2021
    Translucia was warned for this.
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Translucia wrote: »
    6 friends in one week. geezo. you should really figure something out.

    Speaking of people who should really figure something out,

    you ended that with a comma. were you planning to say somethign else?

    what should i figure out exactly? that online gaming comic creators aren't health experts? It's fun this echo chamber you've all setup here, arrogantly, snidely judging others for their personal health decisions, meanwhile your bodies are bulbous, decaying, human stress balls.

    Translucia on
  • H3KnucklesH3Knuckles But we decide which is right and which is an illusion.Registered User regular
    edited October 2021
    Translucia wrote: »
    Jacobkosh wrote: »
    Translucia wrote: »
    6 friends in one week. geezo. you should really figure something out.

    Speaking of people who should really figure something out,

    you ended that with a comma. were you planning to say somethign else?

    what should i figure out exactly? that online gaming comic creators aren't health experts? It's fun this echo chamber you've all setup here, arrogantly, snidely judging others for their personal health decisions, meanwhile your bodies are bulbous, decaying, human stress balls.

    Well, for one thing, making light of a senior citizen losing a bunch of friends in a very short span of time is pretty terrible, Translucia.

    For another thing, someone being out of shape doesn't put other peoples' health at risk. Someone refusing to get vaccinated and wanting to attend large gatherings does put other peoples' health at risk. Based on vaccination rates and general support for mandates I feel confident that most people would agree that "You can do what you want with your own health, up until it puts other people in danger" is a pretty good place to draw a line. I'd say Jerry's got a solid position to cast aspersions from on this.

    H3Knuckles on
    If you're curious about my icon; it's an update of the early Lego Castle theme's "Black Falcons" faction.
  • TransluciaTranslucia Registered User regular
    H3Knuckles wrote: »
    Well, for one thing, making light of a senior citizen losing a bunch of friends in a very short span of time is pretty terrible, Translucia.

    For another thing, someone being out of shape doesn't put other peoples' health at risk. Someone refusing to get vaxxed and wanting to attend large gatherings does put other peoples' health at risk. Based on vaccination rates and general support for mandates I feel confident that most people would agree that "You can do what you want with your own health, up until it puts other people in danger" is a pretty good place to draw a line. I'd say Jerry's got a solid position to cast aspersions from on this.

    I'm not making light of it. I'm saying someone clearly doesn't have a good plan for dealing with this stuff if people close to them are dropping like flies. Were the people who died all vaxxed? Btw, are you an expert yourself? Doubt it.

  • H3KnucklesH3Knuckles But we decide which is right and which is an illusion.Registered User regular
    edited October 2021
    Translucia wrote: »
    H3Knuckles wrote: »
    Well, for one thing, making light of a senior citizen losing a bunch of friends in a very short span of time is pretty terrible, Translucia.

    For another thing, someone being out of shape doesn't put other peoples' health at risk. Someone refusing to get vaxxed and wanting to attend large gatherings does put other peoples' health at risk. Based on vaccination rates and general support for mandates I feel confident that most people would agree that "You can do what you want with your own health, up until it puts other people in danger" is a pretty good place to draw a line. I'd say Jerry's got a solid position to cast aspersions from on this.

    I'm not making light of it. I'm saying someone clearly doesn't have a good plan for dealing with this stuff if people close to them are dropping like flies.

    Oh cut the crap, you absolutely were making light of it with these remarks (or you have no concept of how to write tone):
    Translucia wrote: »
    So Tycho, whose mom just lost 6 friends to COVID, and who has the physique of a pale, hairless grub, lecturing people about their health. BTW, I am vaxxed. I just think it's cute. No, Tycho, "Thank you."
    Translucia wrote: »
    6 friends in one week. geezo. you should really figure something out.

    As for the rest:
    Translucia wrote: »
    Were the people who died all vaxxed? Btw, are you an expert yourself? Doubt it.

    They probably weren't since Jerry's mother is or was an active member of a fairly conservative Christian religious group.

    My lack of medical expertise has nothing to do with whether or not your remarks were in poor form. Nor does it have bearing on whether there's a consensus that supports Jerry and Mike's position with regards to PAX. Maybe you could try arguing with some substance before dismissing other people for lack of credentials? Because so far all you've provided is 'your position on vaccination didn't save your mother's friends, and you are out of shape', which is a pretty sad argument.

    Lastly, resorting to accusing people of being overweight as a response to them calling you out for tasteless statements is just proving them right. It's an ad hominem logical fallacy, it's not really relevant to the subject of whether convention organizers have a right to enforce a vaccine mandate to protect attendees and exhibitors, and frankly it's downright childish. No matter how fancy the words you use, it's pathetic when your best response to people saying you've been a jerk is equivalent to "Oh yeah? Well you're fat!". This isn't a schoolyard, and you obviously think you are smarter than the average elementary student, so act like it.

    H3Knuckles on
    If you're curious about my icon; it's an update of the early Lego Castle theme's "Black Falcons" faction.
  • TransluciaTranslucia Registered User regular
    I'm sorry if I offended anyone but it just gets to me. For some people, like the aforementioned Joe Rogan, natural immunities might be best. If you don't want these people at your show or whatever it's your choice but don't characterize them like they're idiots when they're out there taking walks everyday and exercising and you're curled up in your hole with needles in your arm.

  • TransluciaTranslucia Registered User regular
    dennis wrote: »
    I miss Tube.

    how will we endure without all his dbz trivia to guide us

  • H3KnucklesH3Knuckles But we decide which is right and which is an illusion.Registered User regular
    edited October 2021
    It's like the smoking in public thing. Even as people were becoming increasingly aware of how dangerous smoking was, and the lengths to which the tobacco companies had worked to suppress that knowledge, the general public was fine with smokers being free to make poor life choices. It was the growing awareness of the dangers posed by secondhand smoke that caused smoking to be banned in many public venues (even to the point of bars & restaurants in many places).

    Or to use another analogy, it's the difference between drinking until you make yourself sick (a stupid but common choice) and being a drunk driver (a crime in most jurisdictions). The distinction is made when your life choices start to jeopardize others.

    Not being vaccinated means you are at greater risk of getting the disease, making you a part of a reservoir of population among which the disease can become endemic. The bigger the reservoir, the more chances the disease has to produce new strains that might be able to bypass vaccine-based resistance, putting those who did get vaccinated at greater risk. Also, the more people there are who aren't vaccinated by choice, the more potential vectors for contagion there are for people who can't be vaccinated due to other health issues. Third, people who aren't vaccinated are much more likely to experience severe symptoms if they get Covid, to the point of needing an Intensive Care Unit bed and a respirator. Throughout the pandemic there have been multiple instances of entire regions having to turn people away due to a shortage of resources in ICU wards. So unvaccinated Covid sufferers can result in people with other health emergencies not being able to get care. The ridicule and hostility towards anti-vaxxers is based on their choices putting others at risk. That's why it is not hypocritical for nerds whose poor life choices only endanger themselves to be critical of the anti-vaccination crowd.

    H3Knuckles on
    If you're curious about my icon; it's an update of the early Lego Castle theme's "Black Falcons" faction.
  • JacobkoshJacobkosh Gamble a stamp. I can show you how to be a real man!Moderator mod
    Geth, kick @Translucia from the thread.

  • GethGeth Legion Perseus VeilRegistered User, Moderator, Penny Arcade Staff, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    Affirmative Jacobkosh. @Translucia banned from this thread.

  • PALaxxPALaxx Registered User regular
    Imagine believing that someone else not being vax'd will somehow mean you, a presumably vax'd individual, is now at risk.

    If your precious vax worked, you would have nothing to worry about. Why do you care if Joe Shmoe over there didn't get the poke if you did? Isn't the point of a vaccine to prevent contraction of the disease? Hell, you're probably still wearing that mask too despite getting poked. That's supposed to be yet another layer of protection, according to Saint Fauci right? Well, I mean, now it is according to him -- when this all started, he said masks didn't do anything but you know, whatever.

    I know you guys are a hugbox echo-chamber and logic has no bearing on anything, but this is pretty simple stuff to figure out. If you're vax'd and mask'd, you should have nothing to fear from Joe Shmoe. But sure, pretend him being "vulnerable" somehow means you are, too. It's fun to watch.

  • H3KnucklesH3Knuckles But we decide which is right and which is an illusion.Registered User regular
    edited October 2021
    Because viruses can mutate into new strains, and your immune system may be adapted to fight one strain, but that doesn't necessarily extend to other strains. Each time a virus passes through a host, it replicates, and each round of replication is a chance for mutation. The more hosts a virus can be passed between, the more likely it is for a new strain to emerge. Hence why people never become immune to the common cold. This is also why there are yearly influenza shots; because it develops new strains so frequently.

    Maybe try to learn high school biology before denouncing others' logic on the subject?

    H3Knuckles on
    If you're curious about my icon; it's an update of the early Lego Castle theme's "Black Falcons" faction.
  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    Man, this thread's really bringing out the silly geese. Shoo. Shoo!

  • oldtakuoldtaku Registered User regular
    edited October 2021
    Ugh, that was concern trolling to a completely sick level. So f#!$ing insincere, grinning while crapping down your throat. Thank you @Jakobkosh and @Keth.

    oldtaku on
  • TristramBeestingerTristramBeestinger Registered User new member
    PALaxx wrote: »
    If your precious vax worked, you would have nothing to worry about. Why do you care if Joe Shmoe over there didn't get the poke if you did?

    In brief, breakthrough infections, mutations, and also any sort of empathic concern for broader society when it is unable to reach herd immunity.
    That's supposed to be yet another layer of protection, according to Saint Fauci right? Well, I mean, now it is according to him -- when this all started, he said masks didn't do anything but you know, whatever.

    You mean in the interview where he said 'masks are important for someone who is infected to stop them from infecting someone else'?
    If you're vax'd and mask'd, you should have nothing to fear from Joe Shmoe. But sure, pretend him being "vulnerable" somehow means you are, too. It's fun to watch.

    Nobody in this thread I can see is expressing fear for their own wellbeing, nor in Jerry's post. I know a lot of people like to persoanlize every aspect of these things, but honestly a lot of people think thousands of preventible deaths isn't a good thing and it's worth making the small effort to help prevent that.

  • DjiemDjiem Registered User regular
    V1m wrote: »
    I guess Joe Rogan ain't coming then

    Honestly I wouldn't want him there, or anywhere, even without Covid going on.

  • DirtyDirty Registered User regular
    Nobody in this thread I can see is expressing fear for their own wellbeing, nor in Jerry's post. I know a lot of people like to persoanlize every aspect of these things, but honestly a lot of people think thousands of preventible deaths isn't a good thing and it's worth making the small effort to help prevent that.

    I've never really seen any antivaxx arguments made in good faith. They're always intentional misunderstanding the most basic shit and building gigantic strawmen to argue against.

  • PreacherPreacher Registered User regular
    Right now children under 12 can't be vaccinated, and its a common vector for kids to spread illnesses at schools. A place that a lot of "free thinkers" keep attacking for wanting to socially distance, have people wear masks and require the adult employees be vaccinated.

    Also almost every adult in america has dealt with vaccine mandates if they went to a public school in america.

    I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
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