Penny Arcade - Comic



  • OctoberRavenOctoberRaven Plays fighting games for the story Skyeline Hotel Apartment 4ARegistered User regular
    edited October 2021
    Also, cancer and diabetes both run in my family. Both of the other people in my immediate household have suffered cancer. My grandmother is diabetic. As for me, I'm at risk of diabetes, suffered athsma during my early years, and spent most of 2019 battling bronchitis from a workplace infested with black mold.

    All vaccinated, but if there is a vaccine-resistant strain that evolves from it still spreading, and yes it IS still spreading in the vaccinated as well (they are just largely asymptomatic or suffer mild symptoms... remember folks, 95 is not 100), and if anyone in my household catches it (most likely me, as I work indoors in a place where social distancing isn't often possible), we will all get it. My dad will likely die, my aunt may too. I might survive but suffer long-terms.

    So yeah, get vaccinated, stop eating horse paste, and F your "natural immunity" eugenics-adjacent BS because children are dying. Have you, at long last, no sense of decency?

    OctoberRaven on
    Currently Most Hype For: VTMB2, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Alan Wake 2 (Wake Harder)Currently Playin: Guilty Gear XX AC+R, Gat Out Of Hell
  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    zepherin wrote: »
    I saw the comic, and opened up the thread to see 3 pages of new comments. And I just knew some geese got on the thread and I should get my popcorn.

    Yeah, they really flocked up the whole thread.

  • Rhesus PositiveRhesus Positive GNU Terry Pratchett Registered User regular
    But thanks to mods, the vaccines of the internet, the symptoms weren't as bad as in an unvaccinated site like Twitter

    Unless the mods are the site's immune system and the vaccine is a willingness to do something about geese, which is what helps the immune system work well..?

    [Muffled sounds of gorilla violence]
  • zepherinzepherin Russian warship, go fuck yourself Registered User regular
    But thanks to mods, the vaccines of the internet, the symptoms weren't as bad as in an unvaccinated site like Twitter

    Unless the mods are the site's immune system and the vaccine is a willingness to do something about geese, which is what helps the immune system work well..?
    Is the cells the users and flag post is the antibodies. The immune system (mods) decide if the antibodies are reacting to a false threat or a real threat to the host.

  • RatherDashingRatherDashing Registered User regular
    edited October 2021
    H3Knuckles wrote: »

    I mean, even Arin once said on GG (back in 2015) that 'we'd all have to leave the country' if Trump won the election. So it's not like they don't occasionally get political as well. There's also one of the Wind Waker episodes where Arin and Dan express support for kids being able to get puberty-blocker treatment if they are diagnosed as having gender dysphoria. Those are just off the top of my head (and betray how long it's been since I watched regularly), but they are definitely a left-leaning crowd.

    I actually quite like GG (though I haven't watched it in a while). Arin and Dan and the gang all seem like genuinely great people, especially when they talk off-the-cuff about their beliefs. But Arin in particular strikes me as someone who was thrust in front of a massive platform very, very quickly and has had some growing pains doing so. Nothing like the genuinely bad people like PewDiePie or Ninja. But things definitely improved when Dan came along, partly because Dan already knew how to be a public personality, (and was older and more experienced in general) and because of the, erm, baggage that Dan replaced.

    RatherDashing on
  • OctoberRavenOctoberRaven Plays fighting games for the story Skyeline Hotel Apartment 4ARegistered User regular
    edited October 2021
    Pretty much all the gaming people I follow seem left or left leaning to me, with the exception of the apolitical GamingBolt. I'd hazard that the closest-to-center folks would be Mike and Jerry themselves. That also happens to be with my non-gaming YouTube as well, with the most right-wing people (by the international spectrum, that is, not the US) being Shadiversity and Simon Whistler, both of whom would fit in well with the American Democratic party to me.

    What I don't think that a lot of people in the anti-caring-about-COVID demographic understand, is that if we all had just stayed home when we didn't need to go out, and got the vaccines when we could... this would effectively be over by now. I think it's safe to say that everyone is sick of it, even the super introverted like myself. The problem is it's not over, and the sooner everyone stops pretending that it is, the sooner it'll actually be over.

    OctoberRaven on
    Currently Most Hype For: VTMB2, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Alan Wake 2 (Wake Harder)Currently Playin: Guilty Gear XX AC+R, Gat Out Of Hell
  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    But thanks to mods, the vaccines of the internet, the symptoms weren't as bad as in an unvaccinated site like Twitter

    Unless the mods are the site's immune system and the vaccine is a willingness to do something about geese, which is what helps the immune system work well..?
    I could swear one of the mods used to have an avatar of one of the immune cells from Cells At Work but I might be making that up.

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    What I don't think that a lot of people in the anti-caring-about-COVID demographic understand, is that if we all had just stayed home when we didn't need to go out, and got the vaccines when we could... this would effectively be over by now. I think it's safe to say that everyone is sick of it, even the super introverted like myself. The problem is it's not over, and the sooner everyone stops pretending that it is, the sooner it'll actually be over.

    I think we'd be in a lot better position, sure. The main issue being that we need to get vaccines available to the rest of the world, because otherwise they just keep cooking up new mutations.

  • DjiemDjiem Registered User regular
    edited October 2021
    dennis wrote: »
    What I don't think that a lot of people in the anti-caring-about-COVID demographic understand, is that if we all had just stayed home when we didn't need to go out, and got the vaccines when we could... this would effectively be over by now. I think it's safe to say that everyone is sick of it, even the super introverted like myself. The problem is it's not over, and the sooner everyone stops pretending that it is, the sooner it'll actually be over.

    I think we'd be in a lot better position, sure. The main issue being that we need to get vaccines available to the rest of the world, because otherwise they just keep cooking up new mutations.

    Well, I did my part and donated the $ equivalent of 10 full vaccinations to UNICEF (+10 more since the Canadian government equaled the donation). I encourage every one of us who managed to stay financially healthy during this crisis to donate to orgs who'll help vaccinate poorer areas of the world.

    Djiem on
  • LttlefootLttlefoot Registered User regular
    Other vaccines have passed the test of time. This one was only made a year ago and lots of people have been having adverse reactions. Most medical treatments these days require years of animal testing before any clinical trials

    I’m not sure if vax is required for public school in Australia

    In March last year we believed the virus would spread very fast so we isolated and built pop up hospitals that never got used. If the isolation worked, the virus should’ve died out by now. If it didn’t work, we should’ve all had covid by now. So maybe it doesn’t spread as fast as we thought. I don’t know much about delta. Is it a natural mutation or was it made in a lab like the original corona? If it’s deadlier, it should spread less, and vice versa, as in Plague Inc.

    Until recently, rights/privileges hadn’t been restored even to vaccinated people here. It seemed like a teacher keeping the whole class in at recess, in hope that the kids would peer pressure each other. If we give in to the pressure, people will keep doing it because they know it works. But the more people who say hey I don’t need the vax, the harder this group is to ignore

  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    edited October 2021
    Lttlefoot wrote: »
    Other vaccines have passed the test of time. This one was only made a year ago and lots of people have been having adverse reactions. Most medical treatments these days require years of animal testing before any clinical trials

    I’m not sure if vax is required for public school in Australia

    In March last year we believed the virus would spread very fast so we isolated and built pop up hospitals that never got used. If the isolation worked, the virus should’ve died out by now. If it didn’t work, we should’ve all had covid by now. So maybe it doesn’t spread as fast as we thought. I don’t know much about delta. Is it a natural mutation or was it made in a lab like the original corona? If it’s deadlier, it should spread less, and vice versa, as in Plague Inc.

    Until recently, rights/privileges hadn’t been restored even to vaccinated people here. It seemed like a teacher keeping the whole class in at recess, in hope that the kids would peer pressure each other. If we give in to the pressure, people will keep doing it because they know it works. But the more people who say hey I don’t need the vax, the harder this group is to ignore

    No vaccine has ever had significant side effects appear after more than 6 weeks. These vaccines have been in use for 10 months and have literally billions of doses administered. There have been some adverse reactions but a vanishingly small fraction compared to the number of total doses. And most of them, not very severe and easily treatable. Compare to literally millions of deaths from COVID-19, orders of magnitude more cases with long term health issues, and weeks of expensive hospital care.

    The pop up hospitals definitely did get used, the isolation didn't fully stop the virus, due in large part to how many people half-assed or outright ignored it.

    And lastly, real life epidemiology is not a video game.

    Tofystedeth on
  • McFodderMcFodder Registered User regular
    edited October 2021
    Lttlefoot wrote: »
    Other vaccines have passed the test of time. This one was only made a year ago and lots of people have been having adverse reactions. Most medical treatments these days require years of animal testing before any clinical trials

    It's amazing how motivated people are when the whole world is being impacted, not just poor people in far away countries. There were thousands of times as many people volunteering to test these vaccines as there normally are for these kinds of trials.
    Lttlefoot wrote: »
    I’m not sure if vax is required for public school in Australia
    It is.
    Lttlefoot wrote: »
    In March last year we believed the virus would spread very fast so we isolated and built pop up hospitals that never got used. If the isolation worked, the virus should’ve died out by now. If it didn’t work, we should’ve all had covid by now. So maybe it doesn’t spread as fast as we thought. I don’t know much about delta. Is it a natural mutation or was it made in a lab like the original corona? If it’s deadlier, it should spread less, and vice versa, as in Plague Inc.

    Until recently, rights/privileges hadn’t been restored even to vaccinated people here. It seemed like a teacher keeping the whole class in at recess, in hope that the kids would peer pressure each other. If we give in to the pressure, people will keep doing it because they know it works. But the more people who say hey I don’t need the vax, the harder this group is to ignore

    Meanwhile, I'm in Western Australia, and other than a couple of weeks of lockdown it has been very much business as usual within the state. I *do* wish the vaccination rate here was higher, but we've been lucky and so far it hasn't hurt us which won't last forever. I'm just glad we've got South Australia and the Northern Territory as a bit of a buffer from the eastern states.

    McFodder on
    Switch Friend Code: SW-3944-9431-0318
    PSN / Xbox / NNID: Fodder185
  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    Lttlefoot wrote: »
    I don’t know much


  • DjiemDjiem Registered User regular
    edited October 2021
    Lttlefoot wrote:
    This thread looks like it needs a new unvaxxed person

    It really doesn't.

    Djiem on
  • ZomroZomro Registered User regular
    I want unvaccinated people to get vaccinated because I don't want people, including them, to get sick and die. And the fact is, unvaccinated people are not just at risk themselves, they put other unvaccinated people at risk, and can potentially put the vaccinated at risk if the virus is able to mutate more by continuing to spread. And since there are people who are unvaccinated because of real medical conditions, it's even more imperative that those who can be vaccinated should get vaccinated ASAP.

    And to that end, vaccine mandates are necessary, with only medical exceptions granted. There's been a slew of carrots used to incentivize getting the vaccine, but they haven't worked. So now it's time for the stick. If you want to participate in society, then be a responsible member of society and get vaccinated. No one is obligated to deal with someone who won't do a simple, safe thing to help curb the spread of a highly contagious and deadly virus.

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    Ignorance can be fixed. Willful, aggressive, belligerent ignorance cannot. Especially when you've already decided that the vast majority of people with actual expertise in the field are all lying/wrong. There's nothing a forum on a webcomic's site is going to do to change that. All you're doing is shit-stirring.

  • OctoberRavenOctoberRaven Plays fighting games for the story Skyeline Hotel Apartment 4ARegistered User regular
    If "why isn't it like Plague Inc" is part of your argument... you need to rethink your argument.

    Most viruses, to my knowledge, can't spread to billions without detectable symptoms and with a click of a mouse cause millions to drop dead in seconds.

    Currently Most Hype For: VTMB2, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Alan Wake 2 (Wake Harder)Currently Playin: Guilty Gear XX AC+R, Gat Out Of Hell
  • ArchArch Neat-o, mosquito! Registered User regular
    Lttlefoot wrote: »
    Is it a natural mutation or was it made in a lab like the original corona?

    Neither the delta variant, nor the original SARS-COV-2 virus that started the pandemic were made in a laboratory. There is no scientific evidence to support the idea that the original coronavirus was made in a laboratory, the mutations it acquired to both jump to humans and become more virulent can easily be explained through simple selection processes, and none of the genomes of any coronavirus contain the signature markers typical of artificial gene splicing in viruses.

  • seanscytheseanscythe Registered User regular
    Wow, can't go to your event without getting something you don't need. Do you make pregnant women have abortions or make sure everyone has a aids test before going? Oh apples and oranges you say? My body my choice only applies when it's convenient and for something you agree with? what if I already had covid and natural antibodies which doctors say is better than the shot? Oh they don't matter because it's not what you support...smh this is shit stirring the pot full of shit.

  • OctoberRavenOctoberRaven Plays fighting games for the story Skyeline Hotel Apartment 4ARegistered User regular
    edited October 2021
    Because it's not about your body, it's about your body and everyone else around you.

    Also, the "natural antibodies" do not last forever:

    Also also having Covid has already shown long-term effects, including permanent lung damage

    Also also also, you don't "need" shoes or a shirt, but try going to any store without those and see how your nonsense goes.

    So yes, you do need it. Especially when going to a crowded place where the people within may carry the virus while being asymptomatic.

    Welcome to adulthood. Buckle up, because it's a long ride and you're probably going to need to take pain pills every eight hours soon.

    OctoberRaven on
    Currently Most Hype For: VTMB2, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Alan Wake 2 (Wake Harder)Currently Playin: Guilty Gear XX AC+R, Gat Out Of Hell
  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    edited October 2021
    So called "natural immunity*" is not flatly better than vaccine acquired immunity. If your doctor is telling you that is the case, they are a bad doctor. It can be better. It can also be worse.
    Due to the way the immune system works, by randomly generating differently shaped antibodies until it finds something that sticks, the immune response to a COVID infection can end up targeting parts of the virus that are good enough to fight off the current infection, but might not be strong enough to fight it off before it takes hold the next time, or might miss it entirely if the component in question mutated. The mRNA vaccines target the Spike protein specifically, which in addition to being the most notable feature of a coronavirus (being the corona part of the name) is also less likely to mutate without rendering the virus unable to infect cells.
    Finally people who have had a past infection are generally even better protected if they also get the vaccine, since it potentially gives the immune system more different ways to target the virus.

    I work for a healthcare company with dozens of hospitals and dozens more ambulatory clinics across several states. Our infectious disease response and research teams actually studied the data and mandated vaccination for all employees including those with a previous infection.

    Other than the very very small percentage of people with legitimate medical reasons that none of the different vaccines can be safely taken, there is literally no reason not to get vaccinated. It is safe, effective, and free.

    *Vaccine acquired immunity is also natural. It just uses things other than the actual real virus to trigger the immune response and train the immune system.

    Tofystedeth on
  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    seanscythe wrote: »
    Wow, can't go to your event without getting something you don't need.

    We're all extremely happy that you won't be at the event. The silver lining of the pandemic is that this requirement has helped weed out people like you. After the pandemic is over, it's the one thing I'll miss from it.

  • GrisloGrislo Registered User regular
    seanscythe wrote: »
    Wow, can't go to your event without getting something you don't need. Do you make pregnant women have abortions or make sure everyone has a aids test before going? Oh apples and oranges you say? My body my choice only applies when it's convenient and for something you agree with? what if I already had covid and natural antibodies which doctors say is better than the shot? Oh they don't matter because it's not what you support...smh this is shit stirring the pot full of shit.

    You attempt to make a post on the Penny Arcade forum.

    Roll a D20.

    You roll a 1

    Oh no.

    This post was sponsored by Tom Cruise.
  • seanscytheseanscythe Registered User regular
    Grislo wrote: »
    seanscythe wrote: »
    Wow, can't go to your event without getting something you don't need. Do you make pregnant women have abortions or make sure everyone has a aids test before going? Oh apples and oranges you say? My body my choice only applies when it's convenient and for something you agree with? what if I already had covid and natural antibodies which doctors say is better than the shot? Oh they don't matter because it's not what you support...smh this is shit stirring the pot full of shit.

    You attempt to make a post on the Penny Arcade forum.

    Roll a D20.

    You roll a 1

    Oh no.

    you attempt to be funny.... it's not effective.

  • seanscytheseanscythe Registered User regular
    dennis wrote: »
    seanscythe wrote: »
    Wow, can't go to your event without getting something you don't need.

    We're all extremely happy that you won't be at the event. The silver lining of the pandemic is that this requirement has helped weed out people like you. After the pandemic is over, it's the one thing I'll miss from it.

    I don't go to these anyway, so no skin off my back. Make sure you keep getting those boosters. lol

  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    Apropos of nothing, I am reminded of this comic:

  • seanscytheseanscythe Registered User regular
    So called "natural immunity*" is not flatly better than vaccine acquired immunity. If your doctor is telling you that is the case, they are a bad doctor. It can be better. It can also be worse.
    Due to the way the immune system works, by randomly generating differently shaped antibodies until it finds something that sticks, the immune response to a COVID infection can end up targeting parts of the virus that are good enough to fight off the current infection, but might not be strong enough to fight it off before it takes hold the next time, or might miss it entirely if the component in question mutated. The mRNA vaccines target the Spike protein specifically, which in addition to being the most notable feature of a coronavirus (being the corona part of the name) is also less likely to mutate without rendering the virus unable to infect cells.
    Finally people who have had a past infection are generally even better protected if they also get the vaccine, since it potentially gives the immune system more different ways to target the virus.

    I work for a healthcare company with dozens of hospitals and dozens more ambulatory clinics across several states. Our infectious disease response and research teams actually studied the data and mandated vaccination for all employees including those with a previous infection.

    Other than the very very small percentage of people with legitimate medical reasons that none of the different vaccines can be safely taken, there is literally no reason not to get vaccinated. It is safe, effective, and free.

    *Vaccine acquired immunity is also natural. It just uses things other than the actual real virus to trigger the immune response and train the immune system.

    Sure you do bruh, also the vax doesn't stop you from getting the virus. Plenty of people fully vaxed are dying look at Powell and others. Also there are plenty of reasons to not get it and the lie that it's safe for everyone is hurting more people. Guess what just because it's free doesn't mean you should take it. I'll take my chances with a virus I already had and got over like a normal cold than a rushed to market drug that was barely tested for 2 months. Keep getting those boosters. lol

  • OctoberRavenOctoberRaven Plays fighting games for the story Skyeline Hotel Apartment 4ARegistered User regular
    seanscythe wrote: »
    dennis wrote: »
    seanscythe wrote: »
    Wow, can't go to your event without getting something you don't need.

    We're all extremely happy that you won't be at the event. The silver lining of the pandemic is that this requirement has helped weed out people like you. After the pandemic is over, it's the one thing I'll miss from it.

    I don't go to these anyway, so no skin off my back.

    So why do you care?
    Make sure you keep getting those boosters. lol

    That's the plan. And with luck, my job will pay me for them after the fact like with the vaccines!

    Currently Most Hype For: VTMB2, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Alan Wake 2 (Wake Harder)Currently Playin: Guilty Gear XX AC+R, Gat Out Of Hell
  • seanscytheseanscythe Registered User regular
    Because it's not about your body, it's about your body and everyone else around you.

    Also, the "natural antibodies" do not last forever:

    Also also having Covid has already shown long-term effects, including permanent lung damage

    Also also also, you don't "need" shoes or a shirt, but try going to any store without those and see how your nonsense goes.

    So yes, you do need it. Especially when going to a crowded place where the people within may carry the virus while being asymptomatic.

    Welcome to adulthood. Buckle up, because it's a long ride and you're probably going to need to take pain pills every eight hours soon.

    Welcome to Adulthood where you make your own decisions for your personal health not what someone who's afraid of getting sick themselves want. Time for that 6 month booster shot yet? lol

  • seanscytheseanscythe Registered User regular
    Zomro wrote: »
    I want unvaccinated people to get vaccinated because I don't want people, including them, to get sick and die. And the fact is, unvaccinated people are not just at risk themselves, they put other unvaccinated people at risk, and can potentially put the vaccinated at risk if the virus is able to mutate more by continuing to spread. And since there are people who are unvaccinated because of real medical conditions, it's even more imperative that those who can be vaccinated should get vaccinated ASAP.

    And to that end, vaccine mandates are necessary, with only medical exceptions granted. There's been a slew of carrots used to incentivize getting the vaccine, but they haven't worked. So now it's time for the stick. If you want to participate in society, then be a responsible member of society and get vaccinated. No one is obligated to deal with someone who won't do a simple, safe thing to help curb the spread of a highly contagious and deadly virus.

    How about you do you and let us worry about ourselves? You like being told what to do with your body then go do it. Leave those of us who don't like it alone.

  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    seanscythe wrote: »
    So called "natural immunity*" is not flatly better than vaccine acquired immunity. If your doctor is telling you that is the case, they are a bad doctor. It can be better. It can also be worse.
    Due to the way the immune system works, by randomly generating differently shaped antibodies until it finds something that sticks, the immune response to a COVID infection can end up targeting parts of the virus that are good enough to fight off the current infection, but might not be strong enough to fight it off before it takes hold the next time, or might miss it entirely if the component in question mutated. The mRNA vaccines target the Spike protein specifically, which in addition to being the most notable feature of a coronavirus (being the corona part of the name) is also less likely to mutate without rendering the virus unable to infect cells.
    Finally people who have had a past infection are generally even better protected if they also get the vaccine, since it potentially gives the immune system more different ways to target the virus.

    I work for a healthcare company with dozens of hospitals and dozens more ambulatory clinics across several states. Our infectious disease response and research teams actually studied the data and mandated vaccination for all employees including those with a previous infection.

    Other than the very very small percentage of people with legitimate medical reasons that none of the different vaccines can be safely taken, there is literally no reason not to get vaccinated. It is safe, effective, and free.

    *Vaccine acquired immunity is also natural. It just uses things other than the actual real virus to trigger the immune response and train the immune system.

    Sure you do bruh, also the vax doesn't stop you from getting the virus. Plenty of people fully vaxed are dying look at Powell and others. Also there are plenty of reasons to not get it and the lie that it's safe for everyone is hurting more people. Guess what just because it's free doesn't mean you should take it. I'll take my chances with a virus I already had and got over like a normal cold than a rushed to market drug that was barely tested for 2 months. Keep getting those boosters. lol

    More than 90% of the people in ICUs dying of COVID are not vaccinated.

  • OctoberRavenOctoberRaven Plays fighting games for the story Skyeline Hotel Apartment 4ARegistered User regular
    seanscythe wrote: »
    Welcome to Adulthood where you make your own decisions for your personal health not what someone who's afraid of getting sick themselves want.

    It's not like this has happened before... OH WAIT IT HAS A LOT ACTUALLY

    Also, yes, you can make many decision for your own health, but less so when those decisions affect other people's health. For example, you can get drunk at home as much as you want, but you can't drive afterward.

    So again, welcome to adulthood. Buckle up because if you think getting a shot is an arduous thing you just can't handle, just wait until you find out about this thing called rent.

    Currently Most Hype For: VTMB2, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Alan Wake 2 (Wake Harder)Currently Playin: Guilty Gear XX AC+R, Gat Out Of Hell
  • OctoberRavenOctoberRaven Plays fighting games for the story Skyeline Hotel Apartment 4ARegistered User regular
    seanscythe wrote: »
    Leave those of us who don't like it alone.

    When your decisions can potentially kill others, then no, we won't.

    Currently Most Hype For: VTMB2, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Alan Wake 2 (Wake Harder)Currently Playin: Guilty Gear XX AC+R, Gat Out Of Hell
  • DJ EebsDJ Eebs Moderator, Administrator admin
    Geth, kick @seanscythe from the thread

  • GethGeth Legion Perseus VeilRegistered User, Moderator, Penny Arcade Staff, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    Affirmative DJ Eebs. @seanscythe banned from this thread.

  • V1mV1m Registered User regular
    seanscythe wrote: »
    dennis wrote: »
    seanscythe wrote: »
    Wow, can't go to your event without getting something you don't need.

    We're all extremely happy that you won't be at the event. The silver lining of the pandemic is that this requirement has helped weed out people like you. After the pandemic is over, it's the one thing I'll miss from it.

    I don't go to these anyway, so no skin off my back. Make sure you keep getting those boosters. lol

    I will, thanks!

  • ZomroZomro Registered User regular
    edited October 2021
    seanscythe wrote: »
    Zomro wrote: »
    I want unvaccinated people to get vaccinated because I don't want people, including them, to get sick and die. And the fact is, unvaccinated people are not just at risk themselves, they put other unvaccinated people at risk, and can potentially put the vaccinated at risk if the virus is able to mutate more by continuing to spread. And since there are people who are unvaccinated because of real medical conditions, it's even more imperative that those who can be vaccinated should get vaccinated ASAP.

    And to that end, vaccine mandates are necessary, with only medical exceptions granted. There's been a slew of carrots used to incentivize getting the vaccine, but they haven't worked. So now it's time for the stick. If you want to participate in society, then be a responsible member of society and get vaccinated. No one is obligated to deal with someone who won't do a simple, safe thing to help curb the spread of a highly contagious and deadly virus.

    How about you do you and let us worry about ourselves? You like being told what to do with your body then go do it. Leave those of us who don't like it alone.

    Except you're endangering others. You do not have the absolute right to harm others.

    Edit: Saw they're kicked from the thread after posting.

    Zomro on
  • Moridin889Moridin889 Registered User regular
    seanscythe wrote: »
    So called "natural immunity*" is not flatly better than vaccine acquired immunity. If your doctor is telling you that is the case, they are a bad doctor. It can be better. It can also be worse.
    Due to the way the immune system works, by randomly generating differently shaped antibodies until it finds something that sticks, the immune response to a COVID infection can end up targeting parts of the virus that are good enough to fight off the current infection, but might not be strong enough to fight it off before it takes hold the next time, or might miss it entirely if the component in question mutated. The mRNA vaccines target the Spike protein specifically, which in addition to being the most notable feature of a coronavirus (being the corona part of the name) is also less likely to mutate without rendering the virus unable to infect cells.
    Finally people who have had a past infection are generally even better protected if they also get the vaccine, since it potentially gives the immune system more different ways to target the virus.

    I work for a healthcare company with dozens of hospitals and dozens more ambulatory clinics across several states. Our infectious disease response and research teams actually studied the data and mandated vaccination for all employees including those with a previous infection.

    Other than the very very small percentage of people with legitimate medical reasons that none of the different vaccines can be safely taken, there is literally no reason not to get vaccinated. It is safe, effective, and free.

    *Vaccine acquired immunity is also natural. It just uses things other than the actual real virus to trigger the immune response and train the immune system.

    Plenty of people fully vaxed are dying look at Powell and others.

    Didn't Colin Powell have cancer and Parkinsons? I don't know if it matters that you are vaccinated if your immune system is DOA anyways

  • OctoberRavenOctoberRaven Plays fighting games for the story Skyeline Hotel Apartment 4ARegistered User regular
    Also, it really says a lot that anti-vaxxers are talking about how "iTs My ChOiCe" when complaining about the fact that people like Jerry and Mike are making the choice to not be around them.

    Currently Most Hype For: VTMB2, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, Alan Wake 2 (Wake Harder)Currently Playin: Guilty Gear XX AC+R, Gat Out Of Hell
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