H3KnucklesBut we decide which is rightand which is an illusion.Registered Userregular
edited March 2022
I know nothing of the Gran Turismo series since GT2 on the first Playstation. Would someone mind going into a little detail about the scenario with this Luca figure?
I sometimes just read the comic and run, but today's text section genuinely made me laugh in that wheezy "I can't get the air I need for this" way, super glad I clicked through.
I know nothing of the Gran Turismo series since GT2 on the first Playstation. Would someone mind going into a little detail about the scenario with this Luca figure?
You spend more time clicking through textboxes with luca's floating clipart head telling you the history of cars than racing. It's uh...an interesting design choice.
H3KnucklesBut we decide which is rightand which is an illusion.Registered Userregular
edited March 2022
What I'm wondering is what is the narrative reason for it? Is he supposed to be the owner of a racing team you've joined? Is he the host of a show and you play as a guest/contestant?
Jesus Christ that news post is hilarious. I had to read half of it out loud to my partner because I was laughing so hard and she wanted to know what was going on.
I know nothing of the Gran Turismo series since GT2 on the first Playstation. Would someone mind going into a little detail about the scenario with this Luca figure?
You spend more time clicking through textboxes with luca's floating clipart head telling you the history of cars than racing. It's uh...an interesting design choice.
I presume that assumption is that people who care more about racing cars than car history would have already chosen one of the many, many other alternatives.
Jesus Christ that news post is hilarious. I had to read half of it out loud to my partner because I was laughing so hard and she wanted to know what was going on.
I could *hear* his parent's social standing dying...hilariously.
These random comics are amusing and all, but right now I'm mostly wondering how new threads will be created when we get a new comic. I don't see any link or button to comment on the comic page anymore?
"It's just as I've always said. We are being digested by an amoral universe."
These random comics are amusing and all, but right now I'm mostly wondering how new threads will be created when we get a new comic. I don't see any link or button to comment on the comic page anymore?
I would like to second this motion. Also, it kinda sucks having to login everytime I go to a new page, and not staying logged in while looking at the comics.
These random comics are amusing and all, but right now I'm mostly wondering how new threads will be created when we get a new comic. I don't see any link or button to comment on the comic page anymore?
I would like to second this motion. Also, it kinda sucks having to login everytime I go to a new page, and not staying logged in while looking at the comics.
I have no had that issue. Log in to clubPA/patreon or to the forums? Neither have been a problem for me.
You spend more time clicking through textboxes with luca's floating clipart head telling you the history of cars than racing. It's uh...an interesting design choice.
I presume that assumption is that people who care more about racing cars than car history would have already chosen one of the many, many other alternatives.
I could *hear* his parent's social standing dying...hilariously.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
This one flows pretty well though.
-Tycho Brahe
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
I would like to second this motion. Also, it kinda sucks having to login everytime I go to a new page, and not staying logged in while looking at the comics.
I have no had that issue. Log in to clubPA/patreon or to the forums? Neither have been a problem for me.
Also: Perhaps a more appropriate place to talk about the lack of comic commenting:
Well, heck. The remixes can't be shared straight to a forum post!
PSN: Wstfgl | GamerTag: An Evil Plan | Battle.net: FallenIdle#1970
Hit me up on BoardGameArena! User: Loaded D1
Does it work if we link to each panel seaparately?