Comic comments gone for good?
I'm wondering if the user comments view in the comic page (built on top of this forum, I believe) is gone for good (or am I just missing something?) I used to find that useful and it seems like an easy thing to have at the bottom of the current hybrid view with the comic+post+tycho/gabe comments (which I love by the way).
-Tycho Brahe
I wonder if they could just set up the Dog account to create a thread for each comic when it's published rather than when someone comments.
Or just give us one ongoing thread to use in the interim.
-Tycho Brahe
tee hee
Personally, I don't really much care if the comments don't show up on the page. If anything, I'd lean towards them not showing up, as posters there tend to be the more drive-by type who don't read the other comments.
I'd just like to have a thread created automatically for each comic.
That's my memory as well.
Edit: And I also really like how the link now it takes you to a page with the comic AND the newspost (if it exists). This is an incredibly handy improvement.