Notifications indicated, but no actual notifications
This started happening maybe within the past week or 2. It happens on mobile and desktop both - there will be a flag indicating unread notifications, but when I click on the icon, there's a popup saying there aren't any.

3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
i also don't have any email notifications enabled
(on mobile, up to date Safari)
up until now i haven't seen that happen when the true notification is from an @
e: i am mistaken. apparently another unhinged PM was sent out this morning and has been removed by a mod. i still got the notification even though i no longer have the PM in my inbox
my guess would be you were probably included in the PM that got deleted
Oh no, for you actually you're being banned. Sorry.
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
Steam profile
we're just going to live with phantom notifications forever
Shit, this worked. I'd tried going into my dms but I guess I never actually opened a message. Much appreciated
Tagging @Lucedes in case they're still having the issue