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Bookmarks now sorted oldest *created* thread first?

OrcaOrca Registered User regular
This wasn't hitting earlier this morning. As of 11:10am PST on the desktop site, with Firefox, I'm seeing my bookmarks sorted seemingly oldest first, by date the thread was created.


On the other hand, maybe this is a deliberate action to make it so we clean up our bookmarks. :P



  • GoumindongGoumindong Registered User regular
    This also happened to me as of like ~11:10 AM pst on mobile (safari)

  • mittensmittens he/himRegistered User regular
    Same for me as well, also within the last 5-10 minutes

  • DouglasDouglas PennsylvaniaRegistered User regular
    Same, chrome, mobile, pixel 6

  • skeldareskeldare Gresham, ORRegistered User regular
    Happening for me too in both mobile and non-mobile site

    Nintendo Console Codes
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  • CambiataCambiata Commander Shepard The likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered User regular
    Just noticed this as of 1:20PM CST. On Chrome, Windows 11 Home.

    "excuse my French
    But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
    - Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
  • ReynoldsReynolds Gone Fishin'Registered User regular
    Yeah I have Bookmarks as my default page and I was very confused when I just checked in.

  • PeewiPeewi Registered User regular
    Same here. I opened my bookmarks and was quite confused.

  • bloodatonementbloodatonement Registered User regular
    Peewi wrote: »
    Same here. I opened my bookmarks and was quite confused.

    "Why is someone necroposting on How I Met Your Mother?"

    Steam ID: Good Life
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  • DrovekDrovek Registered User regular
    Android in Firefox, same issue

    steam_sig.png( < . . .
  • OneAngryPossumOneAngryPossum Registered User regular
    As a tip, the recent discussions page helps navigate around this (same issue on most recent iOS, Safari).

  • ExpendableExpendable Silly Goose Registered User regular
    It also shows considerably more bookmarks in the dropdown when I click the star icon.

    Djiem wrote: »
    Lokiamis wrote: »
    So the servers suddenly decide to cramp up during the last six percent.
    Man, the Director will really go out of his way to be a dick to L4D players.
  • wunderbarwunderbar What Have I Done? Registered User regular
    I'm glad I'm not the only one.

    XBL: thewunderbar PSN: thewunderbar NNID: thewunderbar Steam: wunderbar87 Twitter: wunderbar
  • initiatefailureinitiatefailure Registered User regular
    i very briefly thought there was news on alpha protocol and was kinda excited

  • localhjaylocalhjay Registered User regular
    Even worse I went through and unsubbed a lot of those old threads and it didn't save my progress at all lmao

  • BroloBrolo Broseidon Lord of the BroceanRegistered User regular

    it also seems to have marked a ton of threads as "read" erven though I've never clicked on half of these

  • NaphtaliNaphtali Hazy + Flow SeaRegistered User regular
    Brolo wrote: »
    it also seems to have marked a ton of threads as "read" erven though I've never clicked on half of these

    if you have no bookmarks, it marks the entire subforum as read.

    as you can imagine it's basically made the forums for me at least very unusable

    Steam | Nintendo ID: Naphtali | Wish List
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  • Undead ScottsmanUndead Scottsman Cybertronian Paranormal Eliminator Registered User regular
    Chrome on android, same issue.

  • knitdanknitdan Registered User regular
    This made me realize i had a lot of old defunct threads still bookmarked

    “I was quick when I came in here, I’m twice as quick now”
    -Indiana Solo, runner of blades
  • ThawmusThawmus +Jackface Registered User regular
    I suddenly wish there was a way to unmark 9 pages worth of bookmarks.

    Twitch: Thawmus83
  • RoyceSraphimRoyceSraphim Registered User regular
    Same with Chrome as of 1327 pacific time

  • minor incidentminor incident publicly subsidized! privately profitable!Registered User, Transition Team regular
    Checked my bookmarks. Eyes widened.

    “What year is it?!”

    Hell, New Jersey, it said on the letter. Delivered without comment. So be it!
  • kimekime Queen of Blades Registered User regular
    knitdan wrote: »
    This made me realize i had a lot of old defunct threads still bookmarked

    There's generally no point in removing them, I've never bothered ID: kime#1822
    3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
    Steam profile
  • ThawmusThawmus +Jackface Registered User regular
    edited April 2023
    I think one of the biggest realizations I've had is just how old some of the threads that are still alive and kickin' are. Just getting like one post a week, been here for 10 fuckin years.

    EDIT: Oldest I have is the Computer Security Thread, which was born in 2009.

    Thawmus on
    Twitch: Thawmus83
  • NitsuaNitsua South CarolinaRegistered User regular
    edited April 2023
    My bookmarks are likewise affected, however they are in no apparent order. Tons of threads I don’t even recall bookmarking all the way back, at least, to 2013. But the first is a thread about Ecco the Dolphin from 2014 and the next is a thread from 2022. Also, if I press the bookmark star on mobile a second time it locks the page and I have to refresh the page to allow any action to take place, including scrolling.

    I’m on Chrome on iOS 16, if that matters.

    Nitsua on
  • Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    The biggest issue here is that "all bookmarks" doesn't float any more, so I need to scroll all the way down.

  • ReynoldsReynolds Gone Fishin'Registered User regular
    Thawmus wrote: »
    I suddenly wish there was a way to unmark 9 pages worth of bookmarks.



  • XeddicusXeddicus Registered User regular
    Clearly they did something.

  • Anon the FelonAnon the Felon In bat country.Registered User regular
    edited April 2023
    For folks who use Stylish, you can add this to your style for the forums to pop the "All Bookmarks" to the top:

    Bit dirty I suppose, but it works for me. Not noticing any other formatting issues.

    Position: Absolute;
    Top: 0px;
    Right: 5%;

    Anon the Felon on
  • OneAngryPossumOneAngryPossum Registered User regular
    Seems like this just got fixed, thankee!

  • FishmanFishman Put your goddamned hand in the goddamned Box of Pain. Registered User regular
    Oh, thank heavens.

    Although I did enjoy re-discovering old threads. Oh, embarrassing sexual experiences thread, how we all laughed.

    X-Com LP Thread I, II, III, IV, V
    That's unbelievably cool. Your new name is cool guy. Let's have sex.
  • NitsuaNitsua South CarolinaRegistered User regular
    Fixed on my end too. Thank you!

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  • ExpendableExpendable Silly Goose Registered User regular
    It was fixed for me last night and just came back for me right now.

    Djiem wrote: »
    Lokiamis wrote: »
    So the servers suddenly decide to cramp up during the last six percent.
    Man, the Director will really go out of his way to be a dick to L4D players.
  • Grey GhostGrey Ghost Registered User regular
    Can confirm

  • PeewiPeewi Registered User regular
    It broke again.

  • DesyDesy She/Her YeenRegistered User regular
    It's Back

  • minor incidentminor incident publicly subsidized! privately profitable!Registered User, Transition Team regular
    Back for round two!

    Hell, New Jersey, it said on the letter. Delivered without comment. So be it!
  • ThawmusThawmus +Jackface Registered User regular
    I'm both sad that it's back and glad that all that effort of unsubscribing to closed threads has paid off today.

    Twitch: Thawmus83
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