Bookmarks now sorted oldest *created* thread first?
This wasn't hitting earlier this morning. As of 11:10am PST on the desktop site, with Firefox, I'm seeing my bookmarks sorted seemingly oldest first, by date the thread was created.

On the other hand, maybe this is a deliberate action to make it so we clean up our bookmarks. :P
Switch (JeffConser): SW-3353-5433-5137 Wii U: Skeldare - 3DS: 1848-1663-9345
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But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
"Why is someone necroposting on How I Met Your Mother?"
Steam ID: Good Life
it also seems to have marked a ton of threads as "read" erven though I've never clicked on half of these
if you have no bookmarks, it marks the entire subforum as read.
as you can imagine it's basically made the forums for me at least very unusable
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
“What year is it?!”
There's generally no point in removing them, I've never bothered
3DS Friend Code: 3110-5393-4113
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EDIT: Oldest I have is the Computer Security Thread, which was born in 2009.
I’m on Chrome on iOS 16, if that matters.
Position: Absolute;
Top: 0px;
Right: 5%;
Although I did enjoy re-discovering old threads. Oh, embarrassing sexual experiences thread, how we all laughed.