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Penny Arcade - Comic - Ultratheft

DogDog Registered User, Administrator, Vanilla Staff admin


Penny Arcade - Comic - Ultratheft

Videogaming-related online strip by Mike Krahulik and Jerry Holkins. Includes news and commentary.

Read the full story here


  • LttlefootLttlefoot Registered User regular
    edited August 2024
    Sequel to lair of the semicolon is going to look much better

    (How come Mike's name is crossed out in this one but Jerry's isn't crossed out in the comic after it?)

    Lttlefoot on
  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    Lttlefoot wrote: »
    Sequel to lair of the semicolon is going to look much better

    (How come Mike's name is crossed out in this one but Jerry's isn't crossed out in the comic after it?)

    Mike doesn't understand sideways text.

  • v2miccav2micca Registered User regular
    edited August 2024
    Okay, the final panel of this comic is incredibly disingenuous. Its like a lottery winner saying, there is nothing holding you back from winning, look at me. There were so many factors that contributed to Penny-Arcade become financially viable that were completely beyond the control of Gabe and Tycho, not the least of which was having the massive fortune to know some really savvy business people.

    So, to claim there are no barriers to comics, just because they have had the fortune to have most of them bulldozed out of their path, is really condescending.

    v2micca on
  • twmjrtwmjr Registered User regular
    v2micca wrote: »
    Okay, the final panel of this comic is incredibly disingenuous. Its like a lottery winner saying, there is nothing holding you back from winning, look at me. There were so many factors that contributed to Penny-Arcade become financially viable that were completely beyond the control of Gabe and Tycho, not the least of which was having the massive fortune to know some really savvy business people.

    So, to claim there are no barriers to comics, just because they have had the fortune to have most of them bulldozed out of their path, is really condescending.

    To be fair, they didn't know some "really savvy business people" in the beginning which resulted in them almost completely losing PA back in the day--because they had no idea what they were doing (by their own admission). The savvy business people was a thing that happened later, and sure it's a good reason why PA continues to be an established company...but they didn't start out there.

  • RatherDashingRatherDashing Registered User regular
    v2micca wrote: »
    Okay, the final panel of this comic is incredibly disingenuous. Its like a lottery winner saying, there is nothing holding you back from winning, look at me. There were so many factors that contributed to Penny-Arcade become financially viable that were completely beyond the control of Gabe and Tycho, not the least of which was having the massive fortune to know some really savvy business people.

    So, to claim there are no barriers to comics, just because they have had the fortune to have most of them bulldozed out of their path, is really condescending.

    Even in the wildest dreams of AI, the intention with an AI tool to "break down barriers to make your own comics", the AI wouldn't help you be a financial successful webcomic celebrity. It would just help you make comics.

    So it's fair to say when they say there are no barriers, they mean there's no barriers to making comics. Not to making money off comics.

    The point is "if you had to have some innate talent to make comics, we wouldn't be here." The joke being them saying they don't have talent, they just make comics anyway.

  • dennisdennis aka bingley Registered User regular
    v2micca wrote: »
    Okay, the final panel of this comic is incredibly disingenuous. Its like a lottery winner saying, there is nothing holding you back from winning, look at me. There were so many factors that contributed to Penny-Arcade become financially viable that were completely beyond the control of Gabe and Tycho, not the least of which was having the massive fortune to know some really savvy business people.

    So, to claim there are no barriers to comics, just because they have had the fortune to have most of them bulldozed out of their path, is really condescending.

    I don't think you understand what a "barrier" is. A barrier isn't whether or not you will hit it big. A barrier is someone/something actively standing in your way and blocking you. Like how in the 50s, the color line (aka the color barrier) excluded black players from playing in the MLB.

    The color line was broken and decades later any black person can compete in the MLB. There is no color barrier there.

    Now, do they have to have talent? Yep! Do they have to get the eye of a scout? Yep! And even before that, do they need to have enough money to be able to practice baseball to become good at it, have enough money to eat, live in a neighborhood where they will survive to adulthood? Not get screwed over by a ridiculous contract? Yep on all those things.

    But those barriers are barriers to success in just about any field, and aren't somehow unique baseball. Nor are they unique to comics. So they're already baked into success in life in general.

    Hence, comics have no special barriers that aren't just part of life. That doesn't mean you're guaranteed to superstardom, just like being a really good actor doesn't guarantee you to become an A-list celebrity with a string of hit movies.

  • Steel AngelSteel Angel Registered User regular
    edited August 2024
    v2micca wrote: »
    Okay, the final panel of this comic is incredibly disingenuous. Its like a lottery winner saying, there is nothing holding you back from winning, look at me. There were so many factors that contributed to Penny-Arcade become financially viable that were completely beyond the control of Gabe and Tycho, not the least of which was having the massive fortune to know some really savvy business people.

    So, to claim there are no barriers to comics, just because they have had the fortune to have most of them bulldozed out of their path, is really condescending.

    Even in the wildest dreams of AI, the intention with an AI tool to "break down barriers to make your own comics", the AI wouldn't help you be a financial successful webcomic celebrity. It would just help you make comics.

    So it's fair to say when they say there are no barriers, they mean there's no barriers to making comics. Not to making money off comics.

    The point is "if you had to have some innate talent to make comics, we wouldn't be here." The joke being them saying they don't have talent, they just make comics anyway.

    I'm getting flashbacks to when there were so many webcomics out there. I used to have around a dozen I followed regularly. Then people discovered actually being able to do it for a living was really, really tough and the glut didn't help.

    Even being an artist wasn't an impediment. Once the creator of Bob and George showed the world that you could take video game sprites and add writing to them, we were deluged with Megaman sprite comics to the point where said creator once begged people not to make more during a panel. (Bob and George was a Megaman sprite comic the creator even hosted fan made series that did similar so he didn't mind competition. Just drowning the internet in them). Hell, XKCD still going strong shows that you can make a great comic just with stick figures. So ironically, the idea of creating comics without drawing them yourself is hardly new, we're just talking about scraping all of existing art instead of 16 bit sprite sheets.

    Admittedly, this does depend on target audience. XKCD specifically targeting math and science nerds means stick figure art probably works better than if Randall was targeting the erotic furry community.

    Steel Angel on
    Big Dookie wrote: »
    I found that tilting it doesn't work very well, and once I started jerking it, I got much better results.

    Steam Profile
    3DS: 3454-0268-5595 SteelAngel#1772
  • RatherDashingRatherDashing Registered User regular
    Order of the Stick is a pretty decent example of someone who probably would have admitted when he started that he wasn't much of a writer or artist at all; he just wanted to tell some D&D jokes and a comic was the best way to do it. So instead of bemoaning the fact that he wasn't born an artist, he just...did it anyway. And after doing it for...many years...he's become a pretty dang good writer and artist just by virtue of giving it a go (and of course the luck of actually getting a fanbase and income that enables someone to put more time into the endeavor).

  • PyrianPyrian Registered User regular
    Questionable Content is like that, too; the early art is, um, not good.

  • DelzhandDelzhand Agrias Fucking Oaks Registered User, Transition Team regular
    This is a grift top to bottom. I went through a phase of being fascinated by generative AI, and as someone who used it extensively for maybe a month or so, the idea that you could make comics from it is laughable. Do you want any amount of control over character design? Tough shit. There's no way to enforce consistency. It barely works for established characters with a wealth of existing art. You can maybe give a prompt of "draw Tifa punching a robot", but if you then say "draw Tifa suplexing that robot", you're not gonna get the same robot. I don't care how granular you get with the prompt describing the robot.

    And for your OCs? Fucking forget about it. Doesn't matter what model or LORA you use.

  • DjiemDjiem Registered User regular
    I remember the early 2000s, everyone had their own webcomic, and their front page contained 20 links to other webcomics. You could spend your entire day reading webcomics if you wanted to.

    There are no barriers to making comics.

    And besides, if your aim is to steal other people's work, you don't even need AI; just steal people's pictures or drawings, add some text, and call it a meme.

  • RatherDashingRatherDashing Registered User regular
    AI probably can't even get Loss right.

  • LttlefootLttlefoot Registered User regular
    bing createt8v5ulyauotv.png

  • DjiemDjiem Registered User regular
    "Anend tit all gos gos south"

  • LttlefootLttlefoot Registered User regular
    is This loss is THis loss
    is THis loss is this Loss

  • SneaksSneaks Registered User regular
    edited August 2024
    v2micca wrote: »
    Okay, the final panel of this comic is incredibly disingenuous. Its like a lottery winner saying, there is nothing holding you back from winning, look at me. There were so many factors that contributed to Penny-Arcade become financially viable that were completely beyond the control of Gabe and Tycho, not the least of which was having the massive fortune to know some really savvy business people.

    So, to claim there are no barriers to comics, just because they have had the fortune to have most of them bulldozed out of their path, is really condescending.

    The comic isn’t using the phrase “making comics” as shorthand for “making comics for a living.” The strip is about making comics as a creative endeavor. The “barriers” Kaepernick is talking about taking out of the loop (and therefore the barriers Gabe refers to) are creative ones, not financial ones. I promise you that money isn’t what Lumi wants to take out of the loop. They want you to pay for their service, which is designed to take creativity and craft out of the loop.

    Sneaks on
  • RatherDashingRatherDashing Registered User regular
    Lttlefoot wrote: »
    bing createt8v5ulyauotv.png

    I expected them to at least get 2 or three panels right. That's only one correct panel, and even that is a stretch.

  • GrendusGrendus Registered User regular
    Delzhand wrote: »
    This is a grift top to bottom. I went through a phase of being fascinated by generative AI, and as someone who used it extensively for maybe a month or so, the idea that you could make comics from it is laughable. Do you want any amount of control over character design? Tough shit. There's no way to enforce consistency. It barely works for established characters with a wealth of existing art. You can maybe give a prompt of "draw Tifa punching a robot", but if you then say "draw Tifa suplexing that robot", you're not gonna get the same robot. I don't care how granular you get with the prompt describing the robot.

    And for your OCs? Fucking forget about it. Doesn't matter what model or LORA you use.

    There's actually a comic artist who posts over on Reddit who uses AI for the comics.

    But the trick is they aren't entirely AI generated. He basically does a wireframe sketch, describes what he wants the scene to look like, and then has the AI do the detail work like a junior artist before doing the final touches himself. That actually works surprisingly well. But it's not a case of putting "brilliant webcomic!" in the input bar, he's using AI as a tool. Which is what I've always expected AI to boil down to - it doesn't replace artists or writers, but it massively increases their work output to the point where one creator can pump out way more content. Ultimately still bad for creatives, but not as catastrophic as people were predicting.

  • Steel AngelSteel Angel Registered User regular
    Lttlefoot wrote: »
    bing createt8v5ulyauotv.png

    I expected them to at least get 2 or three panels right. That's only one correct panel, and even that is a stretch.

    Back when neural networks were still the big innovation, Google let loose one they were working on upon Youtube to see what it would learn left to its own devices. It ended up watching a lot of cat videos. The experimental network got really good at recognizing when it was viewing people and cats. I'm not surprised there's still a predilection for cats if you ask an AI to create a meme without further parameters. More so given that "Loss" is kind of old by now and has pretty generic name.

    Big Dookie wrote: »
    I found that tilting it doesn't work very well, and once I started jerking it, I got much better results.

    Steam Profile
    3DS: 3454-0268-5595 SteelAngel#1772
  • RatherDashingRatherDashing Registered User regular
    Lttlefoot wrote: »
    bing createt8v5ulyauotv.png

    I expected them to at least get 2 or three panels right. That's only one correct panel, and even that is a stretch.

    Back when neural networks were still the big innovation, Google let loose one they were working on upon Youtube to see what it would learn left to its own devices. It ended up watching a lot of cat videos. The experimental network got really good at recognizing when it was viewing people and cats. I'm not surprised there's still a predilection for cats if you ask an AI to create a meme without further parameters. More so given that "Loss" is kind of old by now and has pretty generic name.

    I definitely think it's got some reference to the meme going, if only because it landed on the four panel format. The fact that it's got a prominent vertical figure offcenter in each panel could be deriving from loss memes, or it could just be a coincidence.

    Loss is just the sort of thing that I'd expect even AI to be able to stumble into getting correctly, since the main thing it does is discern "should these pixels be arranged in this way" which is essentially what the meme is. I'm a bit surprised it got as far as the four-panel format but didn't get the line orientations right.

  • LttlefootLttlefoot Registered User regular
    I think bing generates four options for you to choose from. It's not a single four panel image

    I probably should've made the prompt "loss meme"

  • RatherDashingRatherDashing Registered User regular
    Well now I'm even more disappointed.

    Almost like I burst frantically into a room only to be met with tragedy.

  • DjiemDjiem Registered User regular
    Disappointing is what AI does best.

  • ShowsniShowsni Registered User regular
    Probably just a coincidence, but the result it gave me:


    Actually isn't too far off.

  • TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    It's 100% a coincidence because the loss meme is vague enough that any 4 panel image containing 1-2 personlike figures can be conceivably called loss. It's pareidolia in meme form.

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