When I did my few downtown workarounds while recording parking stuff for pax I didn't pay attention if there were any bike lock racks around... There might be one in the convention center parking garage though. If theres a general info number on their site give it a call and ask.
BigRed on
<MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
TonkkaSome one in the club tonightHas stolen my ideas.Registered Userregular
edited June 2007
Thanks for the response
Okay, apparently they have racks in the parking garage which is a bonus. I was worried about having to resort to driving (boo parking), taking the bus (boo bus stops running), or chaining my bike up out on the street (boo people).
So, if anyone else was wondering about this here's the info:
Enter at the 8th Ave. garage entrance, and ask the cashier where the bike racks are (I am almost positive they do not charge for this, at least that's what they told me on the phone). You can lock up all day and all night. After midnight when the garage is closed ,you can get out but they won't let you back in until the garage re-opens the next morning.
Another question about Bikes but of a different nature. Does anyone know if There are any parking garages around the Convention Center that have Discounted rates for Motorcycles. I know of two in Pioneer square that have 1 per hour rates for motorcycles. just wondering about closer to the Convention center though.
Lazyboy013086 on
I'm watching you like Celery, yeah i'm stalking...lol.
TonkkaSome one in the club tonightHas stolen my ideas.Registered Userregular
After midnight when the garage is closed ,you can get out but they won't let you back in until the garage re-opens the next morning.
Are we sure this is just for bikes??
From what I could tell from the conversation it was basic policy for the parking garage there. They close for entry at midnight, but if you've already paid (or parked a bicycle for nada) you can leave whenever you want.
Another question about Bikes but of a different nature. Does anyone know if There are any parking garages around the Convention Center that have Discounted rates for Motorcycles. I know of two in Pioneer square that have 1 per hour rates for motorcycles. just wondering about closer to the Convention center though.
There is actually a 24h parking garage right across from gameworks (across the street from the convention center) that does $5 or $8 parking (all day) for motorcycles.
If you look at the pax map, parking infos would be on there.
BigRed on
<MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
dyaballiklPAX Main Theatre House & Security Manager • PAX Community CartographerGold Coast QLD AustraliaRegistered Userregular
edited June 2007
yeah, there's tons of bike racks all around. i'd definitely lock both wheels and the frame, though, as well as removing all valuables/removeables from it before leaving it.
dyaballikl on
a.k.a. dya
"Riding a mongoose reminds me of having sex with a man, which is something I do frequently because I am gay!" -Gabe
If I remember right, there's a bike rack just outside of one of the garage entrances at the convention center as well. I've seen a few around on the sidewalk, you can just ride around a bit until you find one.
Dreamwriter on
TonkkaSome one in the club tonightHas stolen my ideas.Registered Userregular
edited June 2007
Yeah, there are plenty of bike racks out on the street, but I was looking for something a little more secure. Like the convention center having a rack in thier garage or having bike lockers available. I just really feel uncomfortable leaving my bike sitting around for 12+ hours or so at a timr on the mean streets of Seattle
Is it, like, some uber-awesome super bike? PeeWee Herman's, perhaps? :P I've seen a bike chained to a sign just half a block away from the convention center for a couple weeks. Of course, I have no idea if it was eventually stolen, or taken by the police, or the owner unlocked it and rode away...
Capitol Hill, which PAX is at the base of, has one of the highest rates of property crime in Seattle.
I wouldn't leave a bike on the street there. I wouldn't even leave my bike in a garage.
Oh yeah I lived on Capitol Hill for years, and wouldn't trust leaving it up there for any amount of time that I couldn't directly monitor the status of my bicycle through a window, etc. It should be okay in the convention center's garage (I'm guessing from the Bike To Work Challenge page that employees used that rack), but I'm still going to check it out before I commit to using their facilities.
Is it, like, some uber-awesome super bike? PeeWee Herman's, perhaps? I've seen a bike chained to a sign just half a block away from the convention center for a couple weeks. Of course, I have no idea if it was eventually stolen, or taken by the police, or the owner unlocked it and rode away...
It's not anything sooper special, but it's mine and I do love it and would very sad if it went away...
Not to cast doubt on your character or anything, but I thought this article was rather pertinent to the situation. Hopefully an embarrassing situation like this can be avoided.
TheSnowiestWhale on
Gay N00b Laggers
Look for us in the pink at PAX '08!
TonkkaSome one in the club tonightHas stolen my ideas.Registered Userregular
Not to cast doubt on your character or anything, but I thought this article was rather pertinent to the situation. Hopefully an embarrassing situation like this can be avoided.
Hehe, that's good.
But no, my bike is an all Cromoly Steel frame, and I wouldn't want to rub the anti-corrosion treatmeant off the inside.
When I did my few downtown workarounds while recording parking stuff for pax I didn't pay attention if there were any bike lock racks around... There might be one in the convention center parking garage though. If theres a general info number on their site give it a call and ask.
Okay, apparently they have racks in the parking garage which is a bonus. I was worried about having to resort to driving (boo parking), taking the bus (boo bus stops running), or chaining my bike up out on the street (boo people).
So, if anyone else was wondering about this here's the info:
Enter at the 8th Ave. garage entrance, and ask the cashier where the bike racks are (I am almost positive they do not charge for this, at least that's what they told me on the phone). You can lock up all day and all night. After midnight when the garage is closed ,you can get out but they won't let you back in until the garage re-opens the next morning.
Glad that they have it though.
Are we sure this is just for bikes??
From what I could tell from the conversation it was basic policy for the parking garage there. They close for entry at midnight, but if you've already paid (or parked a bicycle for nada) you can leave whenever you want.
There is actually a 24h parking garage right across from gameworks (across the street from the convention center) that does $5 or $8 parking (all day) for motorcycles.
If you look at the pax map, parking infos would be on there.
Wowee! That's sooper nice of ya mister- WAITAMINUTE!
Almost had me...
I wouldn't leave a bike on the street there. I wouldn't even leave my bike in a garage.
Oh yeah I lived on Capitol Hill for years, and wouldn't trust leaving it up there for any amount of time that I couldn't directly monitor the status of my bicycle through a window, etc. It should be okay in the convention center's garage (I'm guessing from the Bike To Work Challenge page that employees used that rack), but I'm still going to check it out before I commit to using their facilities.
It's not anything sooper special, but it's mine and I do love it and would very sad if it went away...
Look for us in the pink at PAX '08!
Hehe, that's good.
But no, my bike is an all Cromoly Steel frame, and I wouldn't want to rub the anti-corrosion treatmeant off the inside.